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Search results for , issue "Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies" : 50 Documents clear
Orientalism: Edward Said's Postcolonial Thoughts and Theories Against the Eastern World and Islam Yunika Sari; Pujawati Pujawati; Miftahul Ulum Bahtiar
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Orientalism is a form of colonialism carried out by Western oriental intellectuals, with the mission to dominate the Eastern world, especially Islam. However, not all oriental people are subjective with a negative view of the East and Islam, but there are also groups of oriental people who are objective and have a positive influence on the Eastern world and Islam. One of them is Edward W. Said, an American Palestinian intellectual. Edward was the first person to bring up the name orientalism in his work. In his work, Edward describes orientalism and postcolonial theory. The work also succeeded in dismantling the perspectives of Western orientalists who tried to hegemony and dominate the East and Islam in the realm of science. This is what researchers feel is necessary to understand how an orientalist figure made a big contribution to help the East world fight against Western world colonialism. This research is based on a qualitative descriptive method, accompanied by a literature review method, with the main source being Edward's books. This study discusses the thoughts of Edward W. Said, postcolonial theory and his criticisms. The purpose of studying Edward's thought is to know and describe ideas and understand Edward's thoughts on orientalism, then to understand Edward's views on postcolonial theory and his criticisms. In conclusion, with the existence of orientalism and Edward W. Said's postcolonial theory, it can provide an opportunity for the world community to voice justice for the occurrence of Western colonialism which in fact is still a social fact for Western atrocities in Eastern countries, especially Islam.
Analisis Bibliometrik pada Database Dimensions dari Penelitian Moderasi Beragama di Era Digital Riri Raudhotul Jannah; Busro Busro
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Many researchers have researched using bibliometric analysis. Biblometric analysis is a study or data to be analyzed. And Bibliometrics is also a study of bibliographic analysis of scientific activities, especially what will be studied and discussed now regarding religious moderation in the digital era. This researcher aims to examine religious moderation in the digital era in the database dimension. This research method uses qualitative methods and bibliometric analysis on dimension databases and there are several stages carried out in the research, the first is determining keywords, the second is data search, the third is selecting articles with restrictions and publication trends in dimensions, the fourth data validation, and finally data analysis with visualization carried out by researchers on the database dimension. The results of this study show that the highest data research category is philosophy and religious studies with a total of 129 publications. And for the 2022 data search the highest is 96. And the trend of publications is the same in value and the name of the publication journal is fikrah with a total of 6. This research concluded that researchers must discuss religious moderation in the digital era which is examined using bibliometric analysis on the database dimension. This research is also very useful for the community, especially in this digital era. This research can and can be examined again to make it better.
Psikologi Agama: Analisis Bibliometrik pada Database Dimensions Annissa Rachma Gustiyanti; Busro Busro
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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In the way of thinking, reacting to a problem, how to socialize, or behaving in society, everything is inseparable from the psychological role and one's beliefs. This study aims to map Bibliometric data in the Dimensions database. This study uses a quantitative method which identifies the development of articles with the theme of the psychology of religion by analyzing the Dimension database. The results of the study show that the psychology of religion is in great demand, especially in the field of educational research. Developments regarding religious psychology articles have also increased quite significantly from year to year. Advances in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities Research are seen in the most published articles on the psychology of religion. The benefit of this research is to find out mapping data on religious psychology research.
Analisis Bibliometrik pada Database Dimensions dalam Penelitian Radikalisme Islam di Indonesia Diana Artika; Busro Busro
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Radicalism is a response to the conditions that are happening, the response is then manifested in the form of evaluation, rejection, and even violent resistance. The phenomenon that is common in Indonesia in terms of radicalism is related to religion. This research uses qualitative methods to identify research trends in the theme of Islamic Radicalism. As well as using bibliometric analysis by using the Dimensions database. There are five stages carried out in this study, namely keyword determination, data search, article selection, data validation, and data analysis. In writing a data analysis report on the key word taken, namely "Islamic Radicalism in Indonesia". Namely by collecting data on research categories, trends or developments per year, researchers or authors, affiliations, and the location of article publications or journal names. That the results of this study show that the issue of Islamic radicalism in Indonesia has the attraction of researchers rapidly until now.
Gerakan Feminisme Islam di Era Digital: Analisis Bibliometrik pada Database Demensions Erusmiati Erusmiati; Busro Busro
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Feminism is a social, political and ideological movement with the same goal, and in the digital era this movement is very important in people's lives to achieve common goals, the object of this research is feminism in the digital era such as the feminist movement in social media which easily spread outside by using this social media. The research method uses quantitative research methods to identify Islamic feminist movements in the digital era. Bibliometric analysis was used to review publications related to the research scope to identify research trends, concepts, and required keywords. This bibliometric study explores scientific literature, analyzes methodology and the Islamic feminist movement in the digital age. Experts use bibliometric maps to have a better understanding of a subject which in this case is femism.
Moderasi Beragama: Analisis Bibliometrik pada Database Dimensions Arifah Nur Istiqomah; Busro Busro
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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In this study, researchers will analyze articles with the keyword Religious Moderation based on research categories based on the objectives of the research field and goals for sustainable development, Trends/developments per year, Researchers/ Authors, and Place of publication/Journal Name. This is a quantitative method, where a literature study based on selected keywords of Religious Moderation is used to analyze past articles by collecting objective data or information for research. Research for this article the author conducted a bibliometric analysis on Dimensions with the year of publication being limited to 2003-2022. This bibliometric analysis was carried out with the help of the database site in finding the various data needed. One of the reasons the author uses the Dimensions site is the site's ability to accommodate thousands of articles on the required themes. This research seeks to find data so that research can be more in-depth, so this research aims to be able to find out about the cultural diversity of the Indonesian nation, religious moderation in diversity and the role of religious instructors in realizing the peace of the Indonesian people. To realize the objectives of this study, the authors formulate a research problem with bibliometric dimensions data analysis.
Analisis Publikasi Artikel Jurnal tentang Fenomena Fanatisme Agama di Indonesia dengan menggunakan Bibliometrik Lintang Lituhayu
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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The purpose of this study is to examine the development of data from religious fanaticism starting from the number of publications, categories, authors and publishers. This study uses quantitative methods to identify the phenomenon of religious fanaticism in Indonesia with a bibliometric approach. This can provide progress and development in knowledge related to certain topics which in this case is religious fanaticism. The most active writer in researching religious fanaticism is Ahmad Zainal Abidin with the publication of five journals. The category that is often chosen in the research of religious fanaticism is philosophy and religious studies which has reached 912 journals. While the journal that publishes the most research on religious fanaticism is Islamica, a journal of Islamic studies with 36 journals. And a total of 1,833 journal publications on religious fanaticism from 2013-2022. The purpose of this paper is to find out the development of data regarding research on religious fanaticism which is expected to have an impact on religious scientific discussions and the media as well as become a reference for related policies.
Islam dan lingkungan Hidup Kajian Bibiliometrik Yusuf Wahyudin
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Analisis Bibliometrik terhadap Penggunaan Kata Kunci Santri dan Nasionalisme pada Database Dimensions Agniya Rihadatul Aisy
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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The rise of Islamophobia makes students and clerics seen as radical groups or circles and are often mistaken for terrorists. Because of that, the study of Santri and Nationalism is an interesting topic to study for various circles. The purpose of this research is to map an overview of Santri and Nationalism using bibliometric analysis to assess the performance of scientific articles while at the same time explaining research themes related to Santri and nationalism, research trends, publication locations, and researcher productivity. This research data was obtained from the Dimensions website for the 2013-2022 period which was then exported to 2021 excel format. The results of this analysis show a very striking development trend in 2017 in the philosophy research and religious studies categories and the most productive researcher is Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Putro and the most published journal is Studia Islamika. With the rise of the phenomenon of Islamophobia, the study of students and nationalism is an interesting topic to study more deeply.
Kata Kunci “Halal dan Haram dalam Islam” pada Dimensions Khalishah Sajidah
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to analyze the dimensions with the keyword religious moderation. This study uses a bibliometric dimensions technique. The formal object of this study is dimensions, while the material object is dimensions analysis with the keyword halal and haram in Islam. The results and discussion of this study indicate that there are four categories in the mapping research of halal and haram in Islam. First, the research category in the publication of articles on halal and haram in Islam. Second, the development of publications (overview) regarding halal and haram in Islam. Third, researchers who play an active role in halal and haram in Islam. And fourth, the publication places that dominate publications regarding halal and haram in Islam.

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