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Articles 13 Documents
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Relevansi Tasawuf dalam Mengurangi Kecemasan Remaja pada Saat Menghadapi Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Karimatus Sa’diyah; Robingatun Robingatun; Yuli Darwati; Ach. Shodiqil Hafil
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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The purpose of this study was to find out: 1) descriptions and factors that influence adolescents' anxiety during college entrance tests: 2) the relevance of Sufism in reducing adolescents' anxiety in facing college entrance tests. This research is a literature review. The data in this study were extracted from various sources that discuss anxiety in facing college entrance tests and Sufism. The data collected was then analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate: 1) the fact that adolescents experience anxiety when facing college entrance tests. Technology-based college entrance tests and high societal standards as a measure of success in learning, create excessive anxiety and have an impact on exam results: 2) Anxiety that affects all elements of humanity can be overcome with tasawuf therapy. Sufism therapy is also easy to do and relevant for all ages.
Metode Tafsir Hamka dalam Tafsir Al-Azhar Ananda Rizki Prianka Putri; A. Halil Thahir; Robingatun Robingatun; Khaerul Umam
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss the interpretation method used by Hamka in Tafsir Al-Azhar. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying descriptive analytical methods. The formal object of this research is the method of exegesis used by Hamka in his commentary book, while the material object is Tafsir Al-Azhar which is studied using the method of exegesis. The results of the research and discussion show that the method of interpretation used by Hamka in Tafsir Al-Azhar is based on the source, namely a combination of the bil ma'tsur method and the bil ra'yi method, while based on the target verse Hamka uses the tahlili method and the tafshili method in terms of explaining the interpretation.
Perbedaan Sakramen dalam Agama Kristen Katolik dan Kristen Protestan Nur Maria Setyorini; M. Qomarul Huda; Mohammad Arif; M. Thoriqul Huda
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss the differences in the sacraments in Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of library research (library research). The objects studied in this study are the sacraments in Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity. The results of the research and discussion show that the differences in the sacraments in the two religions lie in the sacraments of confirmation, reconciliation, holy oil, priesthood and marriage. And both have similarities in the sacrament of baptism and the sacrament of the Eucharist (God's Supper). This study concludes that each religion, both Catholic and Protestant, has the same religious doctrine, but differs in its sacred ceremonies (sacraments).
Hubungan antara Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Psikologis dengan Perilaku Agresi pada Anak Jalanan Sandy Nurhuda; Nur Aziz Affandi; Tatik Imadatus Sa’adati; Imron Muzakki
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Nowadays, street children are found everywhere, especially in public places. These street children often perform behavior that disturbs the community. One of the behaviors that is often carried out is aggressive behavior, both physical and verbal aggression. The purpose of this study was to determine aggressive behavior on street children in Bandung. The method used is descriptive method with the characteristics of the respondents, namely male street children aged 13-18 years and included in the classification of "Children of the street" and "Children on the street". Data collection was carried out using a measuring instrument for aggressive behavior based on Buss' theory of aggression. The result is that street children show a high frequency of aggressive behavior, both physical aggression and verbal aggression.
Was Was dalam Shalat Perspektif Psikologi Ziadatulilmi Zainuddin Putri; Robingatun Robingatun; Nur Aziz Affandi; Novi Wahyu Winastuti
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss the problem of anxious from the perspective of religion and psychology, as well as how to overcome it. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying descriptive analytical methods. The results of this study indicate that anxious behavior or OCD occurs when there is a push from outside human control, which when it is not carried out will cause anxiety, although it cannot be completely cured, it turns out that anxious or OCD can be minimized in various ways.
Tempat Pengendalian Emosi Negatif Abdul Aziz Ali Rosyiddin; Nur Aziz Affandi; Rini Risnawita; Yuli Darwati
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss various places that are often used to control negative emotions. This study uses a quantitative approach by applying descriptive methods. The results of the research and discussion show that there are places to control negative emotions that are mostly chosen by the subjects, namely, home, place of girlfriends, and places of friends from 3 subject categories namely, early adulthood, single, and dating. This study concluded that the place chosen by most of the subjects was a place where they felt comfortable and safe to control their negative emotions. Especially for the house it is possible for other people not to know what negative emotions are being controlled by the subject.
Strategi Pembelajaran Studi Hadis bagi Generasi Remaja Anadila Afifah; Qoidatul Marhumah; Zuhri Humaidi; Moh. Misbakhul Khoir
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss learning strategies for the study of hadith for the youth generation. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying a descriptive-analytical method. The results of the study state that it is important to shape change, innovation, and strategies to prepare oneself as an educator who understands the backgrounds and abilities of each student or youth. According to Muzakkir's view, the learning strategy for the study of hadith for youth emphasizes innovative efforts and is in line with the times. This becomes half in the success of the learning achievement process. Educators must be actively involved in the learning process, one of which is being able to apply strategies that are both innovative and fun so that students can understand learning and their psychological aspects also develop well.
Perkembangan Kajian Hadis dalam Ranah Digital Karima Nurul Huda; Akhmad Hasan Saleh; Kholila Mukaromah; Ibnu Hajar Ansori
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss the development of hadith studies in the digital realm. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying descriptive analytical methods. The results of the research and discussion show that as time has progressed into the digital era, hadiths have begun to be packaged in it to display hadith studies more easily. This study concludes that with the development of hadith studies in this digital era, many hadith books have been digitized, namely a form of transfer of hadith books packaged in software which brings benefits and challenges to hadith scholars in particular and the whole community in general.
Kesenjangan Sosial antara Masyarakat Kelas Buruh dengan Masyarakat Elit Mochammad Mansur; M. Qomarul Huda; Taufik Alamin; Trimurti Ningtyas; Asy’ari Asy’ari
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss the shape of the gap between the working class society and the elite society. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, which studies visible symptoms that arise from humans that depart from human experience itself. The results and discussion of this study show that the social class that distinguishes between workers and people who have power over them becomes a space for class struggle expressed by Karl Marx where workers try to fight against exploitation by capitalists, in this case the gap Social development is very visible when education is supposed to be able to reconstruct the thinking of the workers to fight against the elite class of capital owners who have been exploiting themselves. This study concludes that the power of the owners of capital in controlling the tools at work causes the working class to have dependence on the elite class.
Tradisi Tahlilan sebagai Akulturasi Budaya dan Agama Naili Sahila Rohmah; A. Halil Thahir; Moh. Muwaffiqillah; Zainal Muttaqin
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 29 (2023): Conference on Islamic Civilization (CIC)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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There are various kinds of culture in Indonesia related to Islam, one of which is tahlilan. Before the existence of Islam in Indonesia, society was very much bound by traditions passed down from generation to generation, and was a religion taught by Hindu-Buddhist religions. Until Islam spread widely, which was spread by Wali Songo. They spread Islam by inserting the teachings of Islam in traditions that are already attached to society. Until now, we still often encounter tahlilan in Indonesia, but there are some people who are starting to leave tahlilan. They think that tahlilan is a bid`ah tradition, because it was not taught at the time of the Prophet. But there are also those who think that the tahlilan tradition already has its foundation from the Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet. In conclusion, tahlilan is one of the acculturation of Islamic culture and religion, which aims to convey sympathy and empathy for families who have been stricken by death. Tahlilan is a syar`i tradition or in other words, it is a traditional shari`at.

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