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FELICITAS adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikembangkan oleh mahasiswa IMAVI sebagai wadah ekspresi intelektual mahasiswa IMAVI serta menjadi sarana pengembangan studi teologi berbasis penelitian, baik studi pustaka maupun penelitian lapangan dengan orientasi pada Pastoral, Katekese, dan Liturgi. Felicitas sendiri diambil dari bahasa Latin yang berarti ‘kebahagiaan.’ Kebahagiaan yang dimaksud di sini tidak serta merta dipahami sebagai beatitude atau kebahagiaan surgawi. FELICITAS menimba refleksi dengan belajar dari Simon Petrus, "Tuhan, betapa bahagianya kami berada di tempat ini. Jika Engkau mau, biarlah kudirikan di sini tiga kemah, satu untuk Engkau, satu untuk Musa dan satu untuk Elia” (Matius 17:4). Segala yang dialami oleh Simon Petrus adalah proses untuk mencapai kebahagiaan sejati melalui usaha manusiawi. FELICITAS juga belajar dari Santo Thomas Aquinas, “Nihil intellectu nisi prius in sensu”, yakni “Tidak mungkin ada di intelek, jika tak melalui pencerapan inderawi”. Maka, FELICITAS mengajak orang untuk berproses dengan akal budi yang telah dikaruniakan Tuhan sebagai upaya mengenal dan mendalami ajaran Yesus yang diwariskan kepada Gereja-Nya demi mencapai kebahagiaan yang sejati. Melalui serangkaian wacana teologi dan kajian ilmu interdisipliner, FELICITAS berusaha menjadi sarana ekspresi intelektual yang membuat banyak orang semakin mengenal dan mencintai ajaran Gereja demi keselamatan jiwa-jiwa.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Teologi Allah Tritunggal dan Antropologi Kristiani" : 5 Documents clear
Hans Urs Von Balthasar tentang Trinitas Gunawan, Theodorus Christian
Felicitas Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Teologi Allah Tritunggal dan Antropologi Kristiani
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/feli.v3i1.101


Theological reflection on the Triune God is one of the branches of Dogmatic Theology. Historically, there have been many reflections from theologians on the mystery of the Trinity. One of these theologians is Hans Urs von Balthasar. Balthasar is one of the most influential contemporary theologians of our time. His thoughts on the Triune God are contained in his various theological works. This paper centers on Hans Urs von Balthasar's reflections on the Trinity. His reflections on the Triune God are centered on the work of salvation, especially in the mystery of the Incarnation and the total self-giving of the Son of God in the passion, death, and resurrection, which is then believed by Christians as the Feast of Easter.
Kesehakikatan Bapa, Putra, dan Roh Kudus dalam Perspektif St. Athanasius dan Relevansinya dalam Dei Verbum Art. 2-4 Hermawan, Peter
Felicitas Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Teologi Allah Tritunggal dan Antropologi Kristiani
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/feli.v3i1.102


The early church believed that Jesus Christ is the resurrected Son of God and the Savior who is inseparably and incomparably united with the Father. However, faith in the Trinity became problematic when Christianity entered the realm of ancient Greek thought. In the 4th century AD, there were heretics called Arianism and semi-Arianism, Pneumatomachoi. The followers of Arianism did not recognize the Son's relationship with God the Father. The Pneumatomachoi, on the other hand, did not believe in the attribution of the Holy Spirit to God the Father and the Son. St. Athanasius, a member of the Council of Nicene I, sought to defend the inerrancy of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit from the dangers of the heretics of Arianism and semi- Arianism. St. Athanasius in the face of Arianism asserted that the Son was not created, but born. Thus, God the Father and the Son are one. Then, confronting Semi-Arianism, St. Athanasius said the Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the Son and is not created. The Holy Spirit comes from the Son. Dei Verbum art.2-4 also states that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one as taught by St. Athansius.
Pembaptisan Yesus: Peristiwa Trinitaris Budiarjo, Mikhael Wicaksono
Felicitas Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Teologi Allah Tritunggal dan Antropologi Kristiani
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/feli.v3i1.103


The one God is the triune God. This revelation was received with deep faith by Catholics. Historically, this revelation has been a great mystery of faith. Even though it is a mystery, people can still recognize it gradually because God Himself has shown His revelation to witnesses. That testimony was received by the writers of the new covenant scriptures and they have written it down as a historical account of salvation. One of the events of faith that shows the presence of the three divine persons is the story of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River. The three Synoptic Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, tell the story of Jesus' baptism with different perspectives according to their characteristics but still have similarities in seeing the presence of the Triune God. So, in this work, the author wants to show the trinitarian event or the presence of the three divine persons in the story of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River as told in the Synoptic Gospels and provide a statement from Church teaching about this baptism of Jesus.
Perempuan dalam Kehidupan Gereja: Suatu Refleksi Antropologis tentang Manusia Diciptakan menurut Gambar Allah sebagai Makhluk Seksual Maretio, Yehezkiel Divo
Felicitas Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Teologi Allah Tritunggal dan Antropologi Kristiani
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/feli.v3i1.104


One of the most interesting discussions related to Christian Anthropology is human sexuality, especially the relationship between men and women. The Church also concerns about the relationship between men and women. This is inseparable from the Church's reflection on the dignity, rights and obligations of women in various fields of society and the Church. Through this paper, the author would like to focus on the role of women in the Church, especially the Church's attitude towards the role of women. The author will look at the main basis in Christian Anthropology, namely the story of the creation of men and women.
Gender Fluidity: Sebuah Tinjauan Antropologi Kristiani Derian, Mikhael Varian Toar
Felicitas Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Teologi Allah Tritunggal dan Antropologi Kristiani
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/feli.v3i1.105


The discussion around gender is one of the most lively, complex and sensitive topics of the 21th century. Recently, for example, a term called: ‘gender fluidity’ has emerged. Gender fluidity is a new variation of the idea of gender that rejects a definitive gender categorization. What is the fundamental idea of ‘gender fluidity’? Is it true that gender is not definive? What is the true definition of gender? What is its difference to sex? With this paper, the author wants to study the phenomenon of ‘gender fluidity’ in the light of Christian anthropology based on the story of the creation and the redemption of man.

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