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Jurnal Informatika dan Perancangan Sistem (JIPS)
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Articles 9 Documents
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Rancang Bangun Antena Mikrostrip Patch Segi Empat Multiband Pada Frekuensi 2,1 , 2,6 , 2,8 dan 3,3 GHz Sri Indah Rezkika
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Multiband antenna is a type of antenna that can work simultaneously at four different frequency ranges without the need for four physically different antennas. This paper describes the design of multiband rectangular patch microstrip antennas for various applications, namely 3G, LTE, RFID and WIMAX. The antenna measurement results show that at a frequency of 1.945 GHz - 2.394 GHz, a bandwidth of 449 MHz is obtained. The second frequency works from 2.635 GHz – 2.706 GHz to obtain a wide bandwidth of 71 MHz. The third frequency works from 2.768 GHz – 2.862 GHz to obtain a wide bandwidth of 94 MHz. The fourth frequency works from 3.249 GHz – 3.480 GHz to obtain a wide bandwidth of 231 MHz with each frequency obtaining a VSWR value ≤ 2.
Perancangan Sistem Otomatisasi Peternakan Ayam Broiler Berbasis Internet Of Things Hendra; Maya Indriana; Nurul Tri Artika; Ricca Ismayani; David Jumpa Malem Sembiring; Melvarina Tamba
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Livestock is an activity to breed and cultivate livestock to get the benefits and results of these activities. Therefore we need a system that is able to help control feeding and drinking and regulate temperature humidity . The technology that can be used is internet of things technology which is a technology that allows physical objects to communicate with each other via the internet. This farm system uses 4 sensors that function to detect temperature, light, feed availability, and drinking availability. and using Arduino 328 as a microcontroller which functions to control an input output from a system designed to process input data from sensors. the test results show that the system is able to provide information through the android application if a vacancy is detected in the feed and drink place as well as temperature humidity control.
Pengembangan Jaringan Internet Antardesa di Kecamatan Gebang dengan Konektifitas Radio Ubiquite M5 Wireless Broadband
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Gebang district is govemment under the auspices of the district. Gebang sub-district consists of 240 villages and 37 sub-districts, the capital of this sub-districtis located in the gebang sub-district. In the gebang sub-district, it handles the affairs of population data for inter-village civil records, BLT, and social assistance. Homever, the obstacle in gebang sub-district lies in the internet network where the internet connetion speed is still slow so that performance is hampered. To optimize internet network from sub-district to inter-village, then an internet connection is needed that can be used in all villages in the gebang sub district using an Access Point and Mikrotik Router Board.
Sistem Pengendalian Kamera Jarak Jauh Terintegrasi Internet Of Things Ahzarina Safura; Andri Jabal Nur; Devi Ayu Lestari; Siti Khairiyah; David Jumpa Malem Sembiring; Meiliyani Br. Ginting
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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The camera is a set of tools that aim to help human needs in the field of photo and video, today's photographers and videographers need sophisticated equipment and can help make taking pictures easier One of the benefits of this remote camera motion control system is that it functions to move the camera using a smartphone without having to be controlled manually by holding it. Based on this, an Internet of Things Integrated Remote Camera Control System will be built. This camera control system uses sensors that function to detect proximity to objects, and uses Arduino 328 as a microcontroller which functions to process input data from sensors. The test results show that the system is able to control the camera via Android at the time of retrieval of documentation as we want.
Teknik Maksimalisasi Keamanan Jaringan Hotspot Link dengan Metode Filtering IP Address dan MAC Address Pada SMA 1 Stabat Vidya Fitrah Aura; Surya Ananda; Reni Aulia; Reni Safitri; Sumarlin; Devita Permata Sari
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Use of Hotspot services in daily life every year in increasing, because the Hotspot network makes it easy for its users. But besides the convenience, the Hotspot network also has weaknesses. Each user has the right to enter and exit easily into the network. This cause security holes to become vulnerable to access rights being breached. One way to secure the Hotspot Link network is by using the IP Address And MAC Address filtering method, it is able to drop the IP Address And MAC Address of each connected client. This research was conducted using Mikrotik, Radio HS AirPo and the Winbox Application. The result of this study are able to maintain and overcome security problems in the Hotspot network.
Sistem Papan Monitoring Penggunaan Kelas dan Peralatan Elektronik Terintegrasi Internet of Things
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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One of the most influential uses of technology today is the use of the Internet of Things (IoT). In this development, it has a special impact on the field of monitoring system, one of which is to monitor classrooms. Generally, the problem that often occurs in the use of classrooms as a means of learning is due to the negligence of users who forget to turn off electronic equipment that has been used when teaching learning activities are completed. For this reason, a system can control or control electronic equipment contained in the classroom remotely, and can monitor or monitor the activity in the classroom.
Sistem Tempat Sampah Pintar dengan Notifikasi dan Visualisasi Tingkat Kepenuhan Sampah Berbasis Internet of Things Akmal Ahmadi Muslih; Desi Rahmawati Lubis; Devia Dwi Anggi; Nurlaila Fatra; Nirwan Sinuhaji; Abdullah
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Lifting from the problem of garbage scattered around the trash can area, this problem can now be handled with a study on smart trash bins. The method used is design where the test is carried out on the proximity sensor, the height of the garbage and the data response to the Telegram application. This trash can uses Arduino Atmega328 technology and the internet of things (IoT). The system will be made of a supporting circuit, namely, the HC-SR04 sensor as object detector and garbage data. In the next section there is also an output in the form of an LED as an immediate notification of the state when the trash is full or empty. If the garbage reaches LED 1 then the trash is at level 1 and vice versa if the trash can is full then LED 5 will light up which means the trash can is full.
Instalasi Automatic Valve Drain Sand Trap Tank Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Dona Tiara Lubis
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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In the collecting oil process at the clarification station the sand trap tank process is first, the trapped sand will be blown down or drained by the operator to reduce NOS (Non Oil Soiled) levels. With the installation of an automatic drain valve, this will further increase the performance of quality control at the clarification station and also minimize maintenance costs for the clarification machines. Another goal is regularity of the drain sand trap tank, affecting the stages of the refining and collecting oil process. Oil separation in the VCT (Vertical Clarifier Tank) with a norm of 40% oil, 40% water and 20% NOS will be maximally achieved, due to the NOS in the sand trap tank improving the blow down results.
Konfigurasi Voucer Internet dengan Mikhmon Server dan Mikrotik Routerboard Pada Jaringan Komputer Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Volume 5, No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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MikroTik Hotspot Monitor, or abbreviated as Mikhmon, is a Routerboard device management application, such as MikroTik, that it can be controlled from the same network or from a different internet connection. Mikhmon can be accessed via Personal Computer, Hangphone, or website applications, making it easier for admins to manage MikroTik hotspots from various devices as long as they are connected to the internet. Mikhmon is an alternative to RouterOS, or WinBox, which has several features and functions that are considered simpler, and the appearance can be customized using the template provided. Based on this research several conclusions can be using the Mikhmon server can save the load on the routerboard, the use of wireless networks is very useful in terms of convenience in configuring each user manager on the routerboard and easy and stable management.

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