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Jurnal Penelitian
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JURNAL PENELITIAN is a peer-reviewed journal published by LP2M UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan with print-ISSN: 1829-9903 and online-ISSN: 2541-6944 Focus and Scope Jurnal Penelitian provides the materials for the readers to understand more about Islamic studies and their correlation to Indonesians. Islam is a religion that came from outside of Indonesia but is professed by the majority of Indonesian. On the other hand, Indonesia has a variety of local cultures. The dynamic between Islam and Indonesians is the focus of Jurnal Penelitian. The dynamic between Islam and Indonesians might produce a variety of writing. Therefore, the scope of Jurnal Penelitian is to see the dynamics between Islam and Indonesians. Including Islamism in Indonesia, the Relation between Islam and culture, Local wisdom, Indonesian History, Islamic education in Indonesia, and Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) studies.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018" : 8 Documents clear
Maslahah Mursalah As The Istinbath of The Law of Ibn Taimiyah in Conditional Waqf Darlius Darlius
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (692.378 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1029


Many cases of waqf occur in the community, where waqif provides conditions that are not in accordance with the object of the waqf object. If someone wants to donate enough with the intention of endowments only. The research method that I use is library research, which is the object of research regarding Ibn Taimiyah's opinion in conditional waqf. In the research method, the author uses analytical content. in this case Ibn Taimiyah's opinion about the conditional and istinbath of Ibn Taimiyah's law will be explained about reservations and its participation in waqf contracts. The author conducts research on conditional waqf in Ibn Taimiyah's perspective, finally, the author concludes that Ibn Taimiyah's opinion on conditional waqf is the inclusion of conditions on waqf must realize the meaning of taqarrub (self approach to God). if waqif requires for certain fields that have no merit, then the effort is a futile both in the world and the hereafter. In short, such conditions are deemed null and void, but the endowments remain valid. in applying the istinbath of law, Ibn Taimiyah applied maslahah mursalah as his legal approach. Maslahah mursalah is a benefit that is considered to bring benefits to humans and is not found basically in syara '. Many cases of waqf occur in the community, where waqif provides conditions that are not in accordance with the object of the waqf object. If someone wants to donate enough with the intention of endowments only. The research method that I use is library research, which is the object of research regarding Ibn Taimiyah's opinion in conditional waqf. In the research method, the author uses analytical content. in this case Ibn Taimiyah's opinion about the conditional and istinbath of Ibn Taimiyah's law will be explained about reservations and its participation in waqf contracts. The author conducts research on conditional waqf in Ibn Taimiyah's perspective, finally, the author concludes that Ibn Taimiyah's opinion on conditional waqf is the inclusion of conditions on waqf must realize the meaning of taqarrub (self approach to God). if waqif requires for certain fields that have no merit, then the effort is a futile both in the world and the hereafter. In short, such conditions are deemed null and void, but the endowments remain valid. in applying the istinbath of law, Ibn Taimiyah applied maslahah mursalah as his legal approach. Maslahah mursalah is a benefit that is considered to bring benefits to humans and is not found basically in syara'.
Contradiction of The Social and Political Classes at The Beginning of Islamic Emergence Muhammad Rikza Muqtada
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.887 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1045


This study analyzes the opposition of the social, political and religious classes in Arab society at the beginning of the period of Islamic presence. This study is qualitative research whose data is obtained through books, journals and other documents and is discussed with content analysis. The result of this study proved that the early Arab society in the presence of Islam valued wealth as a measure of social strata. Hierarchically, the bourgeoisie was the Arab ruler, while the proletariat and slaves became the second class of society which for many years was always under the pressure of the employer / ruler. The presence of Muhammad Saw (d. 632 AD) by calling for the establishment of social and legal justice was able to attract the proletariat and slaves to convert to Islam and jointly carry out social status resistance. The narrations of the Qur'an also support the existence of class equality between the rich and the poor, the ruler and the people, which distinguishes them only the level of faith. This kind of millenarian movement makes Islam stronger with the spirit of humanism.
Leadership Character According To Imam Al-Mawardi And Its Relevance In Indonesia: The Study Of The Book Of Al-Ahkam As-Sulthaniyyah Ahmad fauzan
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (563.078 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1221


This research is studying the character of leaders according to Imam Al-Mawardi in the Al-Ahkam As-Sulthaniyyah book and the relevance of al-Mawardi's thinking in the current Indonesian political context. The author focuses more on the concept of the appointment of a leader. This study uses a qualitative method with a Historical-Normative approach. The results of this study show that Al-Mawardi argued that enforcing government is a religious obligation. In the case of electing a leader, al-Mawardi provides specific criteria namely; (1) Fair; (2) Intellect; (3) Sensory health; (4) Healthy organs or not defective; (5) visionary or broad insight; (6) Brave, and (7) The Nasab comes from Quraysh. Most of the criteria qualified by al-Mawardi are still relevant if applied in Indonesia, especially in terms of the appointment of leaders. The concept of governance will be drawn in the legal framework (Islamic constitution) concerning the realization of public benefit in political decision making, so that answers will be obtained regarding the validity of the leadership character in the Islamic government system in the eyes of religious law and its relevance to the concept of leadership in Indonesia. Thus, the upright and prosperity of a region / country is very much determined by the quality of a leader. If a leader is someone who truly has leadership and has the criteria needed for a leader, it can be used as a measure and guarantee of the advancement of a country.
Arabian Humorous Story in The Book of Nawādir Juhā Li Al-Atfāl: A Linguistic Analysis Asyifa Ulam; Emzir Emzir; Nuruddin Nuruddin
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.791 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1255


The purpose of this study is to describe (1) The compliances and deviationsof the principle of cooperation in the speech of Arabian humorous story “Nawādir Juhā Li Al-Atfāl”, (2) The speech context that happened in that story. This research uses descriptive methods with qualitative approach. The focus of this study is the speech ofcompliances and deviations of cooperation principle which is used in Arabian humorous story by uses methods and techniques to collect the data. In the provision of engineering log data is also used, namely selecting the text and record data that contain speech of compliance and deviation toward the principles of cooperation. The result of this research are the speech of Arabian humorous story “Nawādir Juhā Li Al-Atfāl” contain elements of compliance and deviation toward the principles of cooperation which is all of four maxims, are: maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner.
The Politicization of Religion, Ironi of Ideology and Clash of Discourse Approaching 2019 General Election Redi Panuju
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.496 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1357


Artikel ini mengkaji penggunaan wacana komunisme yang kerapkali dijadikan issu untuk merepresentasikan keberadaan individu, kelompok maupun institusi tertentu di Indonesia. Wacana digunakan oleh pihak pihak tertentu sebagai cara mengkomunikasi maksud untuk menarik perhatian, membentuk pencitraan, membelah opini publik, dan pada akhirnya sebagai saluran membangun letimasi politik. Pada akhir bulan September 2017 wacana komunisme sebagai bahaya laten bagi Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) merebak kembali melalui instruksi Panglima TNI Jendral Gatot Nurmantyo kepada jajaran TNI untuk memutar kembali film “G.30 S/PKI”. Instruksi Panglima TNI tersebut menimbulkan pro-kontra di masyarakat di luar internal TNI. Melalui analisis wacana model Althusser dan Faucoult akan dapat dikontruksi komunikasi politik yang terjadi di level individu maupun institusi berkaitan dengan ajang pemilu tahun 2019. Kajian ini dapat memberikan gambaran awal dan umum tentang issu issu yang digunakan sebagai instrument politik dalam kontestasi politik tahun 2019. Issu bahaya laten komunisme akan merecovery kelompok masa lalu yang dilabeling pada masa Orde Baru dan sebaliknya mereposisi kelompok Orde Baru yang dituduh mengaburkan sejarah dan akan muncul kelompok baru sebagai pendulum issu terdebut. Kata Kunci : Komunisme, Legitimasi, produksi wacana, reproduksi wacana, Pilpres 2019
Biblical Versus Hadith - Questioning Interpretation Authority in The Quran: A Reformist Translation Helmi Yudha
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.163 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1632


This paper explains Edip Yüksel's view of the Qur'an, the Bible and the Hadith. He set(s) up a hierarchy of authority of the holy scriptures as a land point. The Qur'an stands at the highest level of the hierarchy because it is the most authentic word of God; there is no contradiction within; it is revealed for all humanity; and is the Final Testament. The second rank is the Bible which is still be considered as God's authority over mankind, however with some contradictory messages. There is the Hadith in the last place, a level of manmade works, because it does not have Gods authority. Moreover, it is very contradictory. In an attempt to interpret the Quran, he propose(s) the realization of justice, unity and peace over mankind. For the sake of achieving those goals, the Christian scriptures are cross-referenced with the Qur'an either using direct, indirect, and referral method. The selected topics can be grouped into four kinds; theology, law, social issues, and stories. The functions of Biblical use in tafsir were to complement, to compare, and even to criticize the Bible itself. 'Critical,' is the right word to describe Edip's attitude toward the Bible.
Marking Sacred Time and Sacred Place in The Grave of Sunan Pandan Aran Abraham Usman
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.177 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1633


This study analyzes Islamic relations and traditions in the Pilgrimage ritual debate. The subject matter of the study emphasizes the aspects of timing and place of pilgrimage as important in the zairah procession. Through qualitative research, with the setting of the Tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran, data was obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. This study succeeded in revealing the grave pilgrimage debate in the contestation of traditional and modernist Islam. On the other hand, the community believes that the right time and day are important elements in the success of the pilgrimage. Making a pilgrimage in the middle of the night, especially on Tuesday and Friday nights becomes a determinant in the pilgrimage ritual. They feel fear, admiration, love, joy. These religious feelings are important things that make them miss, so they always want to come back again and again. The tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran is believed to be a holy place, the place of prayer for pilgrims is granted, and is considered sacred and mystical as a religious narrative of the community.
Tiban Market and Utilization of Public Areas in the Maqasid Syari'ah Perspective: Perception of Islamic Scholars and Traders Alfi Hidayah
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 15 Nomor 1 2018
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (703.166 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v15i1.1634


The utilization of state-owned public areas is widespread in various places, not only locally but also nationally. This research examines critically the use of public areas by tiban market traders for the purpose of trading in Warungasem District, Batang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. In addition, this study explores the perceptions of Islamic scholars (ulama), traders and the government on the use of public areas as trade locations. Public land use is examined through qualitative research, with data collection techniques: interviews, observation and documentation, and analyzed with interactive models. This study finds that trading on the highway is actually not permitted by regulation. Both traders and the government have the same point of understanding. Traders continue to use highways as stalls solely to fulfill clothing, shelter and food needs, because they do not own land. Meanwhile, the scholar's perception of the use of the public arena is polarized into two, which is permissible and not. For those who allow it, the existence of the tiban market is considered to have more benefits than dangers. On the contrary, by referring to the maqasid syari'ah, the scholars allow on the grounds of the tiban market have fundamental benefits both economically, socially and can prosper the people, in the midst of the country which is less concerned with the growth of economic populism.

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