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Dian Wijaya
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Majapahit Policy
ISSN : 27755541     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Majapahait policy :Journal Ilmu Pemerintahan diterbitkan oleh Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Islam Majapahit (UNIM) Mojokerto. Terbit setiap Desember dan Juni setiap tahun. Jurnal ini bisa diakses secara terbuka yang berarti bahwa semua konten yang tersedia bebas diakses tanpa biaya, baik kepada pengguna atau pada lembaganya. Penggunan yang diizinkan untuk membaca, mendownload,menyalin, mendistribusikan, mencetak, mencari, atau mensitasi ke teks lengkap dari artikel tidak harus meminta izin terlebih dahulu dari penerbit atau penulis. Template bisa diunduh disini.(*) Alamat Redaksi : Jl. Raya Jabon Km 0, 7 Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp/Fax (+62 321) 399474 Email: E-Journal ini merupakan Versi Online
Articles 1 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023" : 1 Documents clear
MORAL PEMERINTAH MORAL PEMERINTAH DALAM MEWUJUDKAN BIROKRASI YANG BAIK (GOOD GAVERNANCE) : (Studi Kasus Di Desa Japan Kecamatan Sooko Kabupaten Mojokerto) Admin Majapahit Policy
MAJAPAHIT POLICY Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Government Studies Departement of Universitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

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In providing services to the public, the government is expected to carry out its duties and authorities properly and not to abuse its position and is expected to uphold the values and norms that exist in society, which are commonly referred to as Morale. Apparatus/employee discipline is a benchmark in the realization of good bureaucracy (Good Governance), because the main function of the apparatus/employee is to serve the public and is also more concerned with the public interest than his own interests. With the Civil Servant's morals and code of ethics, it can make apparatus/employees more efficient and responsible for the tasks and authority given to them, the government administration process will also be able to run smoothly if the behavior of the apparatus follows moral values.Based on the results of research that have been obtained through several informants that government morale can be seen in the implementation of the Civil Servants (PNS) code of ethics with program efforts that can create good conditions. The results of the study prove that the quality and quantity of human resources for apparatus/employees is still low and is also hampered by several other factors. With the programs implemented, it is hoped that they will be able to improve the quality of human resources in the future so that the services provided will run well and the public can be satisfied with the services provided.

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