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Asti Febrina
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Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan
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Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan (ISSN 2964-8343) merupakan publikasi ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Agroindustri Pangan, Jurusan Agribisnis, Politeknik Negeri Sambas. Ruang lingkup jurnal berkaitan dengan Teknologi Pangan, Pangan Fungsional, Gizi Pangan, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Rekayasa Sistem Agroindustri, Teknologi Proses Agroindustri, Manajemen Agroindustri dan penelitian lainnya yang berkaitan dengan industri pangan. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi penyebaran hasil penelitian oleh peneliti, dosen, mahasiswa, praktisi industri, dan pihak umum lainnya. Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan terbit sebanyak 3 kali dalam satu tahun yaitu Bulan Maret, Juli dan November.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
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Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan
Publisher : PPPM POLTESA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.76 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/agroindustri.v1i1.435


Indonesia currently has four well-known coffee centers such as Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi and East Java, especially in Ponorogo district. Ponorogo regency coffee production currently has a decline from 2012, this is because many damaged crops are attacked by pests. Until now, coffee farmers still treat coffee beans in moderation and their sales are still low, because they are still sold to traditional markets and coffee shops around Ponorogo. So that it allows the value chain that occurs in the production process to sales to consumers. The value chain will later break down the activities into Primary Activities and Support Activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the value cain activity of the value chain Activity which converts input into value added output for consumers. The results of the research on the Ponorogo coffee value chain are that the Ponorogo coffee value chain structure consists of farmers as suppliers, Reog Coffee as manufacturers, and buyers or visitors as consumers, while those who support the Plantation Office and Reog Coffee as post-harvest coffee supervisors. Primary activities include, harvesting fruit and procurement of raw materials as inbound logistics. Red sorting, mininghulling, washing mucus, drying, storing, pulping, roasting, resting, storing and packaging asstages operation.
Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan
Publisher : PPPM POLTESA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.828 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/agroindustri.v1i1.436


The quality of the amping of rice is still low, has a dull color, not thin enough so that the texture is hard, and there is still a lot of mixture of husks and black rice. In addition, to be able to enjoy rice amping, consumers must prepare other additional ingredients such as grated coconut with brown sugar, so the practical level of the product it still needs to be improved and consumers can immediately enjoy rice amping products easily and practically. Improvements in the quality of Amping Sambas products need to be carried out through improving processing processes and diversifying rice amping products in accordance with current trends in the market. Improvements to the process of making Amping Sambas can refer to existing processes, among others, by paying attention to the raw materials for manufacture, using rice from varieties that have moderate amylose content (20-25%), soaking at room temperature for 7-8 hours, doing roasting is carried out at a temperature of 302 oC for 41 seconds, and the flattening is carried out in 2 stages, stage 1 at 45 oC, stage 2 at roller pressure of 145 ± 5 kg/cm2 and a temperature of 75 ± 5 oC. to increase consumer acceptance of Amping Sambas products, diversify products, including in the form of Iron Fortified Chocolate Flavored Rice Flakes, Roasted Rice Flakes in Cereal Bars, and Cereal Bars Made from Glutinous Rice Flakes and Sunnah Foods.
Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan
Publisher : PPPM POLTESA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.746 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/agroindustri.v1i1.437


Fresh Cow Milk UKM Wijaya is one of the SMEs which is engaged in cattle farming as well as running UHT milk processing. One of the problems faced by Wijaya's Fresh Cows Milk UKM is the inadequate marketing activities, because the Wijaya Fresh Cow Milk UKM has various limitations, including business capital, market information, and supporting technology. This study aims to determine the marketing mix, internal and external influencing factors of SMEs, and the formulation of alternative marketing strategies using the IFE / EFE matrix method and the SWOT matrix. The results of this study are the internal strength factors that have the most influence is having as many as 15 dairy cows, and product prices that are affordable by school children and the general public, a score of 0.45. The most influential internal factor of weakness does not have adequate technology, a score of 0.3. The external factor, the most influential opportunity, is that there are no competitors who can produce pure cow's milk in the city area, with a score of 0.65. The most influential external threat factor is rupiah exchange rate inflation, a score of 0.42. The total IFE score is 2.59 and EFE 2.48, the strategy with IE matrix is market penetration and product development. The proposed strategy with a SWOT matrix based on the IE strategy is to improve product quality to retain old consumers and to attract new customers (S-O and W-T Strategies), and to make improvements to products by adding flavors and adding important information to product packaging.
Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan
Publisher : PPPM POLTESA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.459 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/agroindustri.v1i1.438


Cocoghurt is a fermented drink made from coconut milk sediment. This study aims to analyze the microbial test on cocogurt drink. In this study the tests carried out were salmonella, coliform, escherichia coli, and bacillus tests using the Most Likely Number (APM) method in accordance with SNI 01-2897-1992, in addition to this test using a presumptive test approach or estimation and confirmation or confirmation with using liquid media in test tubes and carried out based on the number of positive tubes. Samples that were confirmed positive could be seen by the appearance of gas in the Durham tube and the bacillus test was carried out by observing using a binocular microscope with two temperature treatments, namely 400 C and 40 C. The Coliform and E. coli tests that had been carried out showed that the cocoghurt contained coliform bacteria contamination. of <3 APM/g and Escherichia coli of <3 APM/g. The amount of contaminants from the microbial test results is within the safe limit of the Indonesian National Standard for fermented beverages.
Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Agroindustri Pangan
Publisher : PPPM POLTESA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.282 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/agroindustri.v1i1.439


Cream of coconut milk is a thicker viscous substance produced from coconut milk which can be utilized as oil from coconut cream. Processing of coconut cream into oil is a processed oil product that has a clear color and has a distinctive coconut odor and has a long shelf life. The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic test (taste, color, texture, and aroma) of coconut cream oil according to SNI. This study used an experimental design study method, which consisted of 3 treatments used, namely the addition of Fe tablets with a ratio of F1 (1 Fe capsule : 1 Vitamin A capsule), F2 (1 ½ Fe capsule : 1 ½ vitamin A), F3 (2 Fe capsule: 2 vitamin A), then the Fe content was analyzed. The data obtained using ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) was then identified by organoleptic tests and the content of iron (Fe) was tabulated in tabular form. The results of the organoleptic test on coconut cream oil were more dominant in the F3 treatment (2 Fe capsules: 2 vitamin A), and less favored in the F1 treatment. The results of testing the content of iron (Fe) in treatment 1 was 0.0107 and in treatment 2 was 0.0543 while in treatment 3 it was 0.0133. The results of the data showed that there was an increase in iron (Fe) content in treatment 2 of 0.0543. The use of heat in the process of cooking food greatly affects the nutritional value of food. The frying process is food processing using high temperatures above 160⁰C which can reduce the fat content and destroy vitamins and minerals, one of which is iron.

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