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Komplek Bhakti Praja Pangkalan kerinci,
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Media Informasi Penelitian Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah media informasi penelitian Kabupaten Pelalawan yang bertujuan membangun sinergitas kelitbangan dalam mendorong dan meningkatkan inovasi, kemajuan pembangunan dan daya saing daerah. Media ini menerima naskah berbasis kajian atau penelitian ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, fokus penelitian di lakukan di Kabupaten Pelalawan yang berasal dari Mahasiswa, Dosen, Praktisi, ilmuan, Lembaga pemerintahan dan Masyrakat umum. Fokus Jurnal Rivda terkait Kebijakan Publik Daerah Kabupaten Pelalawan Ruang lingkup: - Otonomi Daerah dan Birokrasi- Politik dan Administrasi Publik- Administrasi Daerah Teritorial dan Pemerintahan Daerah Terpencil- Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil- Kebijakan Fiskal Daerah- Inovasi Daerah- Kesehatan- Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan- Pengembangan Wilayah- Ekonomi
Articles 5 Documents
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JURNAL RISET INOVASI DAERAH (RIVDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kab. Pelalawan

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This paper examines the implementation of the divorce administration system and procedures in Pelalawan Regency, with a focus on civil servants. The research is based on government regulations that require permission from authorized officials for civil servants to obtain a divorce. The study finds that there are still some shortcomings in the current administrative procedures for divorce, which are carried out manually. The research suggests that there is a need for better education and understanding of the procedures for divorce among civil servants. The study also highlights the importance of preventive measures and guidance for civil servants who are considering divorce, as it can affect their work performance and responsibilities. Overall, the implementation of the divorce administration system and procedures in Pelalawan Regency is adequate, but there is room for improvement.
COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE DALAM INOVASI DAERAH: (Studi Kasus : Pembangunan Taman Median Jalur Hijau Km.55 – Simpang Kualo Pangkalan Kerinci) Nasruddin
JURNAL RISET INOVASI DAERAH (RIVDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kab. Pelalawan

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The construction of the Km. 55 Green Lane Median Park- Simpang Kualo Pangkalan Kerinci, is a program/ activity that is motivated by the lack of green open space (RTH) and the inability of the regional budget (APBD) while development must be always taken placed. So that, the Regional Government of Pelalawan Regency needs to enforce development efforts that are innovative, creative and adaptive. For this reason, collaboration with the company as the main actor in financing is required. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze how the pattern of collaborative governance implementation in regional innovation in the construction of the Km. 55 Green Lane Median Park- Simpang Kualo Pangkalan Kerinci. This research uses qualitative analysis using descriptive research. The result of this research is collaborative action in regional innovation in the construction of the Km. 55 Green Lane Median Park- Simpang Kualo Pangkalan Kerinci which is carried out by 5 actors based on the Penta Helix (PH) concept, namely the Pelalawan Regency Government, third parties (companies), academics, media center and society. Analysis of the collaboration process is carried out in 4 (four) stages, namely: 1) initial conditions, 2) Institutionalization, 3) facilitative leadership, and 4) collaboration processes. At this stage of the collaboration process is carried out by face-to-face dialogue, field observations, construction and transfer of assets. The result of this research will contribute to improve development financing and the quality of the environment and society.
JURNAL RISET INOVASI DAERAH (RIVDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kab. Pelalawan

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This research aims to determine the influence of the work environment on employee performance at the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency during the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of samples in this study were 26 respondents. The respondents in this study were employees who worked at BKPSDM. The method of this research is quantitative research. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by giving questionnaires to respondents. In proving and analyzing this, validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression tests and f (simultaneous) and t (partial) tests are used. The test results show that: The results of testing the model simultaneously (simultaneously) on each variable, namely work environment factors on individuals, psychology, organization, and performance show that the calculated F value is greater in the F table with a small significance than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the work environment simultaneously influences the work environment. Furthermore, the partial T test shows that each variable obtains a significance of 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there is an influence of the work environment on individual, psychological, organizational and work environment factors. Therefore, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis on each variable is accepted.
JURNAL RISET INOVASI DAERAH (RIVDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kab. Pelalawan

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Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by a lack of nutrition in the long term, resulting in impaired growth in children. Stunting is also one of the causes of stunted children's height, so that it is lower than children of their age. Based on the explanation above, the formulation of the problem for this research study is how to carry out nutritional interventions for toddlers who are likely to experience stunting and what things can be done to prevent stunting in toddlers. The research study carried out in this study is a literature study or the materials needed in this study come from data that has reliable sources and can be proven valid. The findings of this study are that the way to carry out nutrition interventions for toddlers who are likely to experience stunting is to carry out nutritional assessments, nutritional diagnoses, nutritional interventions and nutritional monitoring and evaluation. Things that can be done to prevent stunting in toddlers are to pay attention to the condition and adequacy of nutrition that enters the mother's body during pregnancy and breastfeeding, provide exclusive breastfeeding until the baby enters the age of 6 months, accompany breastfeeding with healthy complementary foods and carry out health monitoring of the baby newborn to enter the age of 1,000 days of life in the world.
POTENSI KETERSEDIAAN LANAN PERTANIAN DI SEPANJANG SUNGAI KAMPAR KABUPATEN PELALAWAN: (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Langgam, Kecamatan Teluk Meranti dan Kecamatan Kuala Kampar) Nur Febrianti; MUHAMMAD FREDESMAN Fredesman; ESI Witria
JURNAL RISET INOVASI DAERAH (RIVDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kab. Pelalawan

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Pelalawan Regency has great potential for agricultural land because the land is still large and has not been utilized properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent and location of agricultural land availability in Langgam, Teluk Meranti, and Kuala Kampar sub-districts. This research used survey, descriptive, weighting, and overlay as a qualitative approach. Data used included soil type, rainfall, land morphology and slope, peat distribution, and flood risk. Data on land use rights, land cover and use, and forest cover were also required in addition to these five parameters. The results of this study show that almost all villages in Langgam Sub-district are suitable for agriculture. Langgam Village, Padang Luas Village, Pangkalan Gondai Village, Penarikan Village, Segati Village and Tambak Village have the most suitable land. In Teluk Meranti sub-district, Gambut Mutiara village, Kuala Panduk village, Labuhan Bilik village and Pangkalan Terap village have the most suitable land. In Kuala Kampar sub-district, Teluk Village, Teluk Bakau Village and Sungai Mas Village are highly suitable. The calculation of the appropriate land area for agriculture varies widely. As a result, Labuhan Bilik village, which is located in Teluk Meranti sub-district and has an area of 10.3 km2, is one of the three areas with the largest land area.

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