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Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies (JIOS)
ISSN : 2988568X     EISSN : 29884802     DOI :
Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies (JIOS) is published by Centre for Islamic and Occidental Studies, University of Darussalam Gontor twice a year in June and December on the development of Islamic and Occidental Studies. Editors accept scientific articles (especially qualitative study) in accordance with its nature as a journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies, such as: Orientalism and Quranic Studies, Orientalism and Hadits Studies, Orientalism and Contemporary Issues, Orientalism and Economics,Orientalism and Education, Orientalism and Ethics, Orientalism and Sufism.
Articles 6 Documents
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Demokrasi Indonesia: Antara Barat dan Islam: Karakteristik Demokrasi Indonesia: Kajian Perbandingan antara Nilai-Nilai Barat dan Islam Fachri Khoerudin
Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
Publisher : Center of Islamic and Occidental Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jios.v1i1.2


This article began with the question of whether Indonesian democracy is based on religious values (Islam) or whether it purely adopts Western values. This was because debates regarding this question continue to be echoed in the history of the Indonesian nation’s journey. As a result, there were groups that accepted and fought secular Western democracy to be implemented in Indonesia, there were also those who rejected it blindly, and there were those who thought democracy was not all against Islam, but it did not fully represent Islamic politics absolutely. This article examines the technical and philosophical characteristics of Indonesian democracies. This article is qualitative used library research for data collection from books, journal articles, and documents related to the Indonesian democracy. The collected data were then processed using descriptive analysis methods. This study found that Indonesia adopts a unique democratic system in which Islamic values are embedded and in harmony with it.
Pembebasan Perempuan Qasim Amin: Telaah Kritis Pemikirannya Terhadap Hijab: Pembebasan Perempuan menurut Qasim Amin: Telaah Kritis Pemikirannya terhadap Hijab Royyan Bachtiar
Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
Publisher : Center of Islamic and Occidental Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jios.v1i1.3


This article discusses Qosim Amin's thoughts on the hijab within the context of Islamic Sharia. Qosim Amin was a Muslim thinker who actively advocated for the liberation of women in the Islamic world. One of his main ideas pertains to the Sharia requirement of the hijab, which he believed needed to be reconsidered. According to him, the hijab is not a religious obligation but merely a matter of tradition or culture. Furthermore, he viewed the obligation of the hijab as restricting women's freedom, thereby hindering societal progress. Using a critical analysis method, this research shows that Qosim Amin's perspective on the hijab contradicts the understanding of Islamic Sharia by scholars. The majority of scholars agree that the hijab is a religious obligation stated in the Qur'an and Sunnah, rather than a mere cultural tradition. Additionally, his notion that the hijab symbolizes the restriction of women is also incorrect. A devout Muslim woman who adheres to Islamic Sharia will wear the hijab to uphold her honor and sense of modesty. The implication of this research is the importance of understanding the hijab as an integral part of Islamic Sharia and not merely a symbol of women's restrictions.
Dimensi Sosial dalam Hudud: Analisis Dimensi Sosial dalam Penerapan Hudud Nur Fauzi Fatah; Ulfatun Wahidatun Nisa
Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
Publisher : Center of Islamic and Occidental Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jios.v1i1.4


This article discusses the social aspects of ḥudūd within the context of Islamic society. Ḥudūd is a part of the Islamic legal system that functions to maintain social cohesion and uphold social values and norms. The descriptive-analytical method is employed with the aim of providing a clear and systematic overview of the phenomenon under investigation and conducting an in-depth analysis of the collected data. In this research, the researcher will identify and describe the key characteristics of the topic under study based on available literature, and subsequently conduct a comprehensive analysis of the qualitative data obtained from the research. The conclusion drawn is that the enforcement of ḥudūd has a positive influence in maintaining the stability of the Islamic society in several aspects. The punitive provisions within ḥudūd have the power to protect the social conditions of the Islamic community. This assessment is examined from the social aspects of ḥudūd, namely the restoration of social conditions following the occurrence of crimes, individual reform resulting in community rehabilitation, prevention of recurrence of crimes by other offenders, and fostering societal awareness of responsibility in safeguarding the public interest. Through this, ḥudūd provides social protection and ensures the realization of fundamental human rights within the society.
PENERAPAN KONSEP MAQASHID ASY-SYARI’AH MENURUT IMAM AL-GHAZALI DAN IMAM ASY-SYATHIBI DALAM INFERENSI HUKUM ISLAM KONTEMPORER: Penerapan Konsep Maqāshid al-Syarī’ah menurut Imam al-Ghazali dan Imam al-Syathibi dalam Inferensi Hukum Islam Kontemporer Muhammad Faishal Fadhli
Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
Publisher : Center of Islamic and Occidental Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jios.v1i1.5


This article aims to apply the concept of maqāsid syarī'ah in contemporary Islamic legal inference. The current problem faced by Muslim is that maqāshid is used to liberalize Islamic law, such as abolishing the obligation to wear the headscarf (hijab), praying in two languages, distribution of inheritance rights for women is greater than for men, and so on, as long as the goals of the law can be achieved. This article is qualitative used library research for data collection from books, journal articles, and documents related to the application of the concept of maqāshid al-syarī'ah according to Imam al-Ghazali and Imam al-Syathibi in contemporary Islamic legal inferences. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. This study found that the application of maqāshid al-syarī'ah besides having to look at the benefits must also protect the shari'a itself, not violating or deconstructing it.
Problem Komersialisasi dalam Pendidikan Islam: Problem Komersialisasi dalam Pendidikan Islam Mahfida Ustdzatul Ummah
Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
Publisher : Center of Islamic and Occidental Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jios.v1i1.7


This article examines the problem of commercialization in Islamic education which leads to an overemphasis on financial aspects rather than the main objectives of Islamic education. This study used a critical analysis method with a literature review model based on books, scientific journals, and other documents related to the topic. The study found that the commercialization of Islamic education can cause several problems, including a decrease in religious values and principles, a decrease in the quality of education, and an increase in social inequality. Therefore, it is necessary to reorient Islamic education to overcome this problem and build the financial independence of Islamic educational institutions. Thus, Islamic education can again play an important role in forming a generation that has morals, knowledge, and a positive contribution to society and Muslims as a whole.
Bahasa Indonesia: Between Freedom of Religion and Apostasy in Islam: Analysis of Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 256 Harda Armayanto; Qosim Nurseha Dzulhadi; Maria Ulfa
Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic and Occidental Studies
Publisher : Center of Islamic and Occidental Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jios.v1i1.9


This article aims to explain the concept of religious freedom in Islam. This concept is revealed in the Qur'an surah al-Baqarah verse 256, which states that religion has no compulsion. This verse is an affirmation that Islam upholds the values of tolerance and humanity, as well as an answer to the accusation that Islam is spread by the sword (violence). However, in practice, some people interpret this verse differently, that Islam allows its adherents to apostate. With the argument that apostasy is part of religious freedom. Based on that reason, this article analyzes sura al-Baqarah verse 256 based on the interpretations of classical and contemporary commentators, as well as analyzes the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad concerning apostasy and religious freedom. This article is qualitative in nature used library research for data collection from books, journals, and other documents related to the topic of discussion. The collected data were then analyzed using the critical-analysis method. The study found that religious freedom in Islam is related to the relationship between the servant and God. Muslims are not free to do something because they are bound by their obligations as servants. That is, Islam does not allow its adherents to apostatize because it violates God's teachings and also Islam does not force other people to embrace this religion.

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