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Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur or Civil and Architectural Journal (e-ISSN 2988-5973) is an open access journal (e-journal) focused on scientific work in the field of Civil Engineering and Applied Architecture which can be the product of research, design, literature review, or case study.
Articles 7 Documents
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Inovasi Pembuatan Plafon Ramah Lingkungan dengan Substitusi Serat Daun Nanas dan Serbuk Daun Tembakau Olivia Desriyatna Az-zahra; Laras Rafita Siwi; Hartono H; Riza Susanti
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 1, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pilars.1.2.2023.1-6


Ceiling with a mixture of pineapple leaf fibers and tobacco powder as a substitute for gypsum flour is a new innovation that has physical and mechanical properties of ceilings that are better than conventional ceilings. The materials used in making this ceiling are gypsum flour, pineapple leaf fiber, tobacco leaf powder, epoxy resin, and distilled water. The types of tests carried out on this gypsum ceiling are flexural strength tests, density tests, thickness swelling tests, and water absorption tests. To compare between conventional ceilings and ceilings with added materials such as pineapple leaf fiber and tobacco leaf powder. The test was carried out after the gypsum ceiling reached the age of 7 days which was placed at room temperature. The flexural strength test was carried out with 5 specimens, while the thickness swelling test and water absorption test were carried out with 2 specimens. In the manufacture of this test object, there are as many as 3 variations, where variation A is a conventional ceiling which means 0% mixture. Then variation B with a mixture of 2% for pineapple leaf fiber and 1% for shot leaf powder. Furthermore, the last variation is variation C with a mixture of 5% pineapple leaf fiber and 1% tobacco leaf powder. The result of the test is that the optimal test object is produced with characteristics according to SNI 01-4449-2006, namely in variation B where variation B has a flexural strength value of 71.66% better than conventional ceilings, 0.79% better in density testing compared to conventional ceilings, and 4.7% better than the water absorption value of conventional ceilings.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Tulang Sapi dan Kaca Sebagai Substitusi Parsial Semen terhadap Bata Beton Pejal Hardinant Akesi Suratman; Hardika Putro Wijaksono; Hartono H; Shifa Fauziyah
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 1, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pilars.1.2.2023.46-54


Cement is a non-renewable natural resource, this natural resource will run out over time. In this research, waste cow bone and glass were used as a partial substitute for cement for solid concrete bricks. This study used a quantitative method in the form of an experimental method referring to the General Requirements for Building Materials in Indonesia (PUBI – 1982) and the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 03-0349-1989, with a total of 24 test objects measuring 15 x 15 x 15 cm consisting of 4 variations of composition which were tested at the age of 7 days. The content of calcium oxide (CaO) in beef bones and silica (SiO2) contained in glass can be used to increase the hardening of concrete. Based on the test results, it was found that a mixture of solid concrete bricks with 4.5% beef bone powder and 3% glass powder (BSK I), produced an optimum average compressive strength of 290.56 Kg/cm² with a water absorption value of 2.445%, declared to be entering quality I solid concrete brick. This proves that the innovation of solid concrete bricks with the addition of bovine bone and glass waste can be stated to be better than conventional solid concrete bricks, resulting in solid concrete bricks that have high compressive strength, economical price and are environmentally friendly.Keywords : solid concrete brick, glass waste, cow bone waste
Inovasi Pemanfaatan Serat Polypropylene dan Limbah Abu Cangkang Sawit sebagai Bahan Subtitusi Beton Rizal Andika Saputra; Luthfi Helmi Pratama; Puji Widodo; Riza Susanti
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 1, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pilars.1.2.2023.7-15


The existence of infrastructure development has increased rapidly in encouraging global competitiveness, including infrastructure development in Indonesia. In infrastructure development, there are many aspects that must be considered. The planning stage is the most important stage in infrastructure development, because it will determine the quality of the building to be produced. Therefore, infrastructure development in Indonesia must use good construction material design to improve the quality of buildings and minimize the impact of damage to buildings. One of the alternative efforts made is to improve the quality of building quality by utilizing materials that can reduce expensive development costs and are more environmentally friendly. The use of palm kernel shell ash and polypropylene fiber  waste can be an alternative solution to this problem.  The research method carried out is quantitative experimental conducted in the laboratory with variations in test objects in the form of (0% ACS; 0% PP); (6 % ACS;0% PP); (0 % ACS;6% PP); (3% ACS;3% PP) tested for compressive strength and flexural strength at 28 days concrete life. Palm kernel shell ash waste was chosen as an added material for concrete mixture because it has the same properties as cement, namely silica (SiO4), while polypropylene fiber  was chosen because it can function as  a filler that binds hollow concrete. From the research that has been done, several variations of test objects that have been made have been made then have gone through a testing process and compared to normal concrete K-300, modified  concrete (3% ACS; 3% PP) is concrete with optimum variations that are more efficient and have high quality in compressive and flexural strength test results, which are 31,174  MPa and 30 MPa from normal concrete quality results.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Onggok Aren dan Ampas Tebu sebagai Inovasi Batako Ramah Lingkungan Aisyah Rindi Antika; Hilda Ari Ashara; Bambang Setiabudi; Hartono H
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 1, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pilars.1.2.2023.16-22


Brick is a wall building material that is currently widely chosen because it is considered more efficient in terms of installation. This research utilizes solid waste in the form of sugar palm husks and sugar cane bagasse as an environmentally friendly brick innovation. The method used in this research is the experimental method. The parameters to be achieved in this research are the compressive strength and water absorption values regulated in SNI 03-0349-1989. The percentage of bagasse ash that will be added is 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% of the weight of cement and palm sugar palm fruit is 1% of the weight of sand using FAS (Cement Water Factor) of 0.35 . The average compressive strength and water absorption values produced were 10.52 Mpa and 5.4%, 15.76 Mpa and 4.9%, 17.62 Mpa and 4.6%, 23.65 Mpa and 4.5 %, and 5.14 Mpa and 7.9%. The use of these two materials can increase the compressive strength of bricks optimally at a percentage of bagasse ash of 7.5% and palm sugar palm 1%. This innovation can reduce waste and become a brick business opportunity for local communities at lower costs.
Penerapan Software SAP2000 pada Re-Design Struktur Gedung Terpadu Psikologi Olahraga Universitas Negeri Surabaya Fajar Muhamad Nabil; Muhammad Ramadhan Tegar Bagaskoro; Asri Nurdiana; Bambang Setiabudi
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 1, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pilars.1.2.2023.23-35


Building structure planning has an important role for further consideration before the implementation of construction in the field to anticipate construction failure, so it requires knowledge based on applicable rules and strengthened with software to support construction success. The structural planning research on the re-design of the UNESA Sports Psychology Integrated Building project using SAP2000, aims to provide knowledge in applying the concept of building structure design and has an output in the form of structural dimensions and reinforcement in accordance with the rules of PPIUG 1983, SNI 1726-2019, SNI 1727-2020, SNI 2847-2019, and RSA Ciptakarya. The method used is planning the dimensions of the upper structure, analyzing the working load, analyzing the structure using SAP2000, and planning the lower structure with a strong bearing capacity to accept the vertical load of the structure from the SAP2000 analysis results. Based on the final results obtained for the floor slab has two types S1 (12 cm thick, Ø10- 150), S2 (10 cm thick, Ø10-150), Tiebeam and beams with types TB1 (40/75 cm 6D22), B1 (50/70 cm 13D22), B1a (50/70 cm 11D22), B2 (40/60 cm 9D19), B3 (30/50 cm 9D19), B4 (30/40 cm 8D19), Columns of type K1 (80/80 cm 22D22), K1a (80/80 cm 24D22), K1b (80/80 cm 20D22), K1c (80/80 cm 18D22), K2 (70/70 cm 18D22), K3 (68/68 cm 16D22), K4 (60/60 cm 16D19), KL (43/43 cm 10D19), and foundations with a spoonpile diameter of 60 cm number 4 with pilecap dimensions (350/350 cm D16-150).
Penggunaan Serat Pandan Duri (Pandanus tectorius) Sebagai Pengganti Fiber Glass pada List Profil Gypsum Assyifa Rahmadanisa; Puji Dewi Lestari; Shifa Fauziyah; H Hartono
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 1, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pilars.1.2.2023.36-45


The gypsum profile list is a material made from gypsum flour which in its manufacture uses fiberglass as reinforcement to strengthen the gypsum profile list. Currently, natural fibers are being developed so that they can be alternative materials to replace fiberglass or synthetic fibers which are difficult to decompose. One of the natural fibers is pandan leaf fiber which is included in the Pandanaceae family such as pandanus thorns. Thorn pandanus are known to have long, strong, and flexible leaves. The purpose of this study was to determine whether thorn pandanus fiber with certain variations can be used as a substitute for fiberglass in the manufacture of gypsum profile lists. In addition to knowing the composition of the mixture between thorn pandanus fiber and gypsum flour in order to obtain the optimum composition. This research refers to SNI 01-4449-2006 regarding fiberboard for testing density, thickness expansions, and flexural strength while testing water absorption using FAO standards. Based on the test results, it was found that the most optimum composition of the gypsum profile list mixture was found in sample B with 99% gypsum flour: 1% thorn pandanus fiber which had a density value of 0.805 g/cm3, a water absorption value of 27.87%, a thickness expansion of 1.92 %, and flexural strength 10410.7 kgf/cm2 due to the results of density, thickness expansion, and flexural strength complies with SNI 01-4449-2006 standards regarding fiberboard while the water absorption test complies with FAO standards.  Keywords: gypsum profile list, thorn pandanus fiber, gypsum flour
Perencanaan Ulang Struktur Portal Utama Gedung PT. Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals Cikarang Integrasi BIM (Building Information Modelling) Nabila Alsa Fernanda; Rendi Dwi Pratama; Asri Nurdiana; Bambang Setiabudi
Jurnal Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 1, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/pilars.1.2.2023.55-72


In development construction projects, the digitalization of excellent and mature construction planning is needed to obtain efficient and effective construction results and through the implementation of BIM integrated Structural Planning and Analysis(Building Information Modelling) expected in building planning PT. Ferron Pharmaceuticals Cikarang can minimize the occurrence of errors. The purpose of this final project is to re-design the building of PT. Ferron Pharmaceuticals Cikarang by integrating conventional planning methods into a based planning method BIM (Building Information Modelling) for efficiency structure and project visualitation on the project. The process used is quantitative descriptive by conducting a literature study to understand the basics of planning a high-rise building structure, then proceeding with integration based on SAP2000. The result of this paper is an earthquake-resistant structural design with the Sway Frame with modelling 3D that can be applied to tall buildings with high levels of security, reliability and earthquake resistance. The Finding of this re-design is the high efficiency of this structure in reducing earthquake resistance and can be used as a reference for planning earthquake resisitant buildings in the future.

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