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Rehabilitasi Terhadap Terhadap Anak Korban Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Dina Novitasari
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 14, No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v14i4.2567


AbstrakPeredaran narkotika telah merebak disegala lapisan masyarakat, termasuk dikalangan anak-anak. Banyak anak yang menjadi korban penyalahgunaan Narkoba. Peran rehabilitasi dalam penyembuhan ketergantungan bagi pecandu narkoba sangat penting, mengingat sulitnya korban atau pengguna narkoba untuk dapat terlepas dari ketergantungan narkoba secara individu. Pengguna atau pecandu narkoba disatu sisi merupakan pelaku tindak pidana, namun disisi lain merupakan korban(crime without victim). Rehabilitasi terhadap pecandu narkoba merupakan suatu bentuk perlindungan sosial yang mengintegrasikan pecandu narkoba ke dalam tertib sosial agar tidak lagi melakukan penyalagunaan narkoba. Terhadap anak korban penyalahgunaan narkoba dapat dilakukan rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial.Kata Kunci: Rehabilitasi, Anak, Penyalahgunaan Narkoba.AbstractThe drug circulation has been spreaded into all of the society’s layers, including children. Many children becoming a drug’s abuse victims. The rehabilitation’s role in the healing dependence for drug addicts is highly important, considering how difficult the victim or the drug user for being free from the drug dependence individually. The drug dependence or drug addicts on the other hand is a perpetrator, but on the other side is also a victim (crime without victim) Rehabilitation for a drug addicts is a form of social protection that integrating the drug addicts into a social order, so they will no longer doing a drug abuse. For the children’s of the drug abuse victims medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation is also available.Keywords: Rehabilitation, Children, Drug Abuse.
Fungsi Sidik Jari Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan (Studi Kasus Di Polres Tegal) Anton Rudiyanto
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 14, No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v14i4.2568


AbstrakSidik jari sebagai alat bukti dalam proses penanganan sebuah tindak pidana khususnya pembunuhan bukan menjadi hal yang baru karena termasuk dalam alat bukti yang sah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait. Dalam penanganan tindak pidana pembunuhan, proses identifikasi pelaku menjadi sangat penting untuk mengetahui pelaku kejahatan dan dikaitkan dengan sebuah sidik jari dan dalam hal ini perlunya pemahaman analisa hukum terhadap fungsi sidik jari pelaku dalam penanganan tindak pidana pembunuhan. Terkait peran sidik jari sebagai alat bukti dalam mencari kebenaran pada sebuah tindak pidana, memiliki dasar hukum dimana bahwa dasar bagi kepolisian dalam melaksanakan penindakan sebuah tindak pidana dengan menggunakan alat bukti berupa sidik jari dalam hal ini bahwa wujud konkret dari keterangan atas suatu sidik jari dalam suatu perkara pidana dapat berbentuk surat keterangan yang dibuat oleh seorang ahli yang dapat dikualifisir sebagai alat bukti surat. Dalam hal ini Polres Tegal berupaya mengatasi hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi baik hambatan eksternal maupun internal dengan berbagai solusi dalam kasus pembunuhan yang dimana tidak mudah dalam melaksanakan identifikasi pengambilan sidik jari karena berhasil atau tidaknya perolehan sidik jari dipengaruhi oleh keadaan sekelilingnya.Keywords: Sidik Jari, Pelaku Tindak Pidana, Pembunuhan. AbstractFingerprints as evidence in the process of handling a criminal act especially murder is not a new thing because it is included in legal evidence in accordance with the relevant legislation. In the handling of criminal acts of murder, the process of identifying the perpetrator becomes very important to know the offender and associated with a fingerprint and in this case the need for an understanding of legal analysis of the fingerprint function of the offender in handling murder offenses. In relation to the role of fingerprints as evidence in seeking the truth of a crime, it has a legal basis that the basis for the police in carrying out a criminal act by using evidence in the form of fingerprints in this case that concrete form of information on a fingerprint in a a criminal case may take the form of a certificate made by an expert who can be qualified as a proof of mail. In this case the Tegal Police is trying to overcome the obstacles that occur both external and internal barriers with various solutions in cases of murder which is not easy in implementing fingerprint identification because the success or failure of fingerprint acquisition is influenced by the circumstances surrounding it.Keywords: Fingerprint, Criminal Act, Murder.
Penegakan Hukum Secara Terpadu Terhadap Tindak Pidana Peredaran Minuman Keras Khairu Nasrudin
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 14, No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v14i4.2569


Abstrak Minuman keras adalah tema klasik, masyarakat mengetahui, mengkonsumsi miras merupakan konsumsi yang berakibat negatif. Berdasarkan medis juga demikian, bahkan konsumsi miras berlebih dapat menyebabkan kematian. Pemerintah telah menerbitkan peraturan mengenai peredaran minuman keras. Dalam pasal 204 ayat 2 KUHP disebutkan seseorang yang menjual sesuatu yang sifatnya berbahaya dan menyebabkan kematian akan dihukum penjara hingga 20 tahun. Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Nomor 04/PDN/PER/4/2015, yaitu pengendalian, peredaran, dan penjualan minuman beralkohol golongan A. Beberapa Perda yang dicabut memang memiliki kata larangan, yang mencakupi penjualan, distribusi, hingga produksi minuman beralkohol di daerah tersebut. Sementara, pemerintah tidak ingin alkohol benar-benar ditutup aksesnya. Hanya perlu diatur penjualannya. Adanya payung hukum terhadap produksi dan peredaran miras di Indonesia, ternyata sulit untuk memberantas tindak pidana peredaran minuman keras. Terbukti peraturan daerah ini memang tidak efektif, terlihat masih tingginya angka kematian akibat konsumsi minuman keras.Upaya penegakan hukum peredaran miras dilakukan secara terpadu oleh Kepolisian, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja dan Departemen Perdagangan. Mereka menjalankan tugas sesuai koridornya. Departemen Perdagangan terkait ijin penjualan minuman keras, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja berpedoman pada peraturan daerah yang mengatur. Sedangkan Kepolisian berpedoman pada KUH Pidana dan Keputusan Menteri.Kata Kunci: peredaran minuman keras, penegakan hukum Abstract Alcoholic drinks are a classic theme, people know, consuming alcoholic beverages is a negative consumption. Based on the medical also so, even excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause death. The government has issued regulations on the distribution of alcoholic beverages. In article 204 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code mentioned someone who sells something that is dangerous and cause death will be sentenced to imprisonment up to 20 years. Director General of Domestic Trade No. 04 / PDN / PER / 4/2015, namely controlling, distributing and selling alcoholic drinks of class A. Some of the revoked Regional Regulations do have a prohibition word, which covers sales, distribution, to alcoholic beverages production in the region the. Meanwhile, the government does not want alcohol completely closed access. Just need to set the sale. The existence of legal umbrella on the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages in Indonesia, it is difficult to eradicate the criminal trafficking of liquor. Proven regulation of this area is not effective, looks still high mortality rate due to consumption of alcoholic drinks.The effort to enforce the law of alcoholic circulation is done in an integrated manner by the Police, the Civil Service Police Unit and the Ministry of Trade. They perform the task according to the corridor. Ministry of Commerce related liquor sales license, Civil Service Police Unit is guided by regulating local regulations. While the Police is guided by the Criminal Code and the Ministerial Decree.Keywords: alcoholic drink distribution, law enforcement
Implementasi Pp No : 53 Tahun 2010 Tentang Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Remunerasi Sesuai Dengan Permenkumham Nomor 33 Tahun 2017 (Study Kasus Di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Tengah) Pudyastuti Kusuma Wardhani
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 14, No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v14i4.2570


ABSTRAKPegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) mempunyai peranan amat sangat penting sebab Pegawai Negeri Sipil merupakan unsur aparatur negara untuk menyelenggarakan pemerintahan dan pembangunan dalam rangka mencapai tujuan Negara Indonesia. Seperti tertuang dalam pembukaan Undang – Undang Dasar 1945, tujuan Negara Indonesia untuk melindungi segenap bangsa dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia, memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan melaksanakan ketertiban dunia. Pada masa Orde Baru banyak PNS yang mencari sambilan pekerjaan untuk menambah penghasilan dikarenakan pendapatan PNS pada saat itu masih minim serta tingkat kedisiplinan PNS masih sangat rendah. Tahun 2017 Pemerintah mengeluarkan Permenkumham Nomor 33 Tahun 2017 tentang Tunjangan Kinerja atau remunerasi yang diharapkan dapat mensejahterakan PNS serta dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan PNS yang tertuang dalam PP No : 53 Tahun 2010 tentang Disiplin PNS. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa implementasi atau penerapan Disiplin PNS yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Tengah antara lain menetapkan jam kerja dinas serta sanksi yang diperoleh, Pelaksanaan Apel Pagi dan Apel Sore, Penertiban Dalam Berpakaian, Target Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Hambatan dan upayanya antara lain penentuan kelas jabatan dalam pemberian tunjangan kinerja sering tidak sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang dilakukan pegawai, penetapan keterlambatan jam kerja dan pulang kantor yang belum terukur dengan jelas. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan hasrat yang kuat dalam pegawai untuk menjalankan tugas sesuai norma, etika dan kaidah yang berlaku.Kata kunci : Remunerasi , Disiplin, PNS ABSTRACTCivil Servants (PNS) has a very very important role because Civil Servants are elements of the state apparatus to organize the government and development in order to achieve the goals of the State of Indonesia. As stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, the objective of the State of Indonesia to protect the entire nation and the whole of Indonesia's blood sphere, to promote the common good, to educate the nation and to execute the order of the world. In the New Order era many civil servants are looking for a sideline work to supplement income due to civil servants income at the time is still minimal and the level of discipline of civil servants is still very low. In 2017 the Government issued Permenkumham Number 33 Year 2017 on Performance Allowance or remuneration that is expected to prosper civil servants and can improve the discipline of civil servants as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 on Civil Government Discipline. The approach method used in this research is empirical juridical. From the results of the research is known that the implementation or implementation of civil servant discipline conducted by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Central Java, among others set the working hours of the service and sanctions obtained, Implementation of Apple Morning and Apples Evening, Order In Dressing, Target Performance Civil. Obstacles and efforts include the determination of the class position in the provision of performance allowances are often not in accordance with the work performed by employees, the determination of delay in working hours and home office that has not been measured clearly. Efforts are made by increasing the strong desire in the employee to perform tasks according to norms, ethics and rules that apply.Keywords: Remuneration, Discipline, civil servants
Penyidikan Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Dengan Pemberatan Di Polda Jateng Budi Setiawan; Anis Mashdurohatun; Munsyarif Abdul Chalim
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 14, No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v14i4.2308


This study entitled Investigation Against Actors Criminal Murder With Mensing At Central Java Police. The purpose of this study: 1) To analyze the implementation of the investigation of the perpetrators of murder offenses accompanied by the weighting. 2) To analyze the inhibiting factors in an effort to uncover cases of murder accompanied by a weighting. 3) To analyze the solution and explain the accountability of murder offenses accompanied by a weighting.Result of Research: a) Effort of investigator in determining place of case happening on murder crime that is through processing to case happening case. b) Constraints that occur in the efforts of the duty in determining the crime scene in murder. 1) Damage of crime scene caused by human factor, natural factor, and animal factor. 2) Lack of experience and knowledge of investigators, meaning that investigators who are in doing their duties have not been supported by knowledge of investigations and investigations such as newly appointed investigators as investigators. 3) Unavailability of facilities and infrastructure at the time of processing the crime scene, such as must advance first tool to perform fingerprints that must be brought from the Regional Police first so that such things are considered inefficient and a constraint in conducting an investigation. d). Unavailability of Data Base, meaning that when the investigator finds fingerprints at crime scene the investigator can not find the comparative fingerprint due to the absence of Data Base about the fingerprint, thus slowing the course of the investigation c) Efforts by the investigator in overcoming the constraints when determining Place Genesis Cases of murder.Keywords: Investigation, Criminal Acts, Murder With Obstacles

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