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Journal Hukum Khaira Ummah
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Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah terbit setiap 3 bulan. Diterbitkan oleh Program Magister (S2) Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum UNISSULA Semarang, sebagai media publikasi karya ilmiah mahasiswa, dosen dan masyakat luas dalam pengembangan ilmu hukum yang progresif, responsif dan sarat nilai. Terbit perdana Maret 2006. Redaksi menerima tulisan ilmiah konseptual dan hasil penelitian, maksimal 20 halaman kuarto spasi satu. Redaksi berhak mengedit naskah sepanjang tidak mengubah substansi.
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 15, No 2 (2020): June 2020" : 5 Documents clear
Kebijakan Formulasi Tindak Pidana Penodaan Agama Dari Perspektif Hukum Pidana Di Indonesia Demi Hadiantoro; Gunarto Gunarto; Lathifah Hanim
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 15, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v15i2.2298


Indonesia is a God-given country and has a philosophy of the Godhead, therefore realizing the peace of religious life is a legal interest as well as public interest that is duly protected. Thus the legal protection of the existence of legal interest for every citizen, then the provisions on blasphemy of religion should be regulated and protected in criminal law. Based on the above ideas then it can be formulated some problems that is how the current criminal law formulation policy in an effort to overcome religious blasphemy. And what is the future criminal law formulation policy towards the prevention of religious blasphemy in the framework of reform of criminal law in Indonesia. This research is analytical descriptive research with normative juridical approach. The data used are secondary data in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary law materials hence data collection techniques used are literature study and documentary of secondary data that has been analyzed. From the result of the research, it can be concluded that the current criminal law used in the effort to overcome the blasphemy is the Criminal Code (KUHP) but contains some weaknesses in the substance of the regulation ie blasphemy is categorized as a crime against public order and there is disharmony between status and explanation staining with text or staining formulation. The effort to overcome the blasphemy of religion in the concept of KUHP 2005 is formulated as a crime against religion and related to religion or to religious life. The upcoming criminal law formulation which specifically regulates the blasphemy of religion should be formulated by considering the integration of religious blasphemy in the concept of the Indonesian Criminal Code 2005 by considering the following matters: 1) the harmonization of material / substance of crime, 2) formulation policy of criminal responsibility, and 3) formulation policy of criminal system and punishment. Keywords: Formulation Policy, Desecration Of Religion, Legal Perspective
Kebijakan Publik Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Di Kabupaten Batang :Analisis Teori David Easton Ihsan Wira Senjaya
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 15, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v15i2.2299


Agricultural land has a role and function as a basic resource in land-based agriculture. The erosion of agricultural lands by human activities causes the conversion of agricultural land into non-farms is increasing. The Birth of Batang Regency Regulation Number 7 Year 2011 About Spatial Planning of Batang Regency Year 2011-2031 has led to the potential of land conversion to non-agriculture. finally the Office of Agriculture Crops and Animal Husbandry draft proposes and develops a policy of Regent Regulation to prevent the transfer of land functions. Through the analysis of David Easton System Theory obtained a scheme of policy models that occurred in Batang District related to the protection of agricultural land. The Regent's Regulation has produced feedback and new inputs to give birth to the revision of Regional Regulation of Spatial Plan of Batang Regency. Keywords: Agricultural Land, David Easton Theory
Perlindungan Hukum Tenaga Kerja Kontrak Dalam Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan Muhammad Wildan
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 15, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v15i2.2300


One form of employment agreement in Indonesia is a time-specific employment agreement, or we usually hear with contract work agreement. Later the more rampant business actors or companies using the system of work contracts against workers. It is assumed that in the execution of contractual agreements it is more profitable for the employer or company to override the rights of workers who should be in can. This research uses the normative juridical method. This study discusses how exactly the implementation of legal protection of contact agreement by law and how the implementation of which in the field. The result of the research concludes that the implementation of legal protection of contract labor in PKWT is not yet fully in accordance with the Law and sense of justice, it is encouraging the workers to hold a demonstration in every commemoration of labor day which essentially demands workers' welfare.Keyword: Law Protection, Temporary Work Agreement
Proses Pelaksanaan Penyelidikan Dan Penyidikan Terhadap Tindak Pidana Fidusia Di Polres Demak Ahmad Iksan; Amin Purnawan; Lathifah Hanim
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 15, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v15i2.2301


In this research author wants make scientific work on fiduciary crimes, If the debitor which transfers goods or mortgaging goods which is a fiduciary guarantee without permission kreditor then the debitor may be subject to fiduciary crime, this research aims to determine: 1).How the role of investigator at the Demak Police station in cracking down on fiduciary crimes in the jurisdiction of demak2).what are the obstacles of an investigator at the Demak Police station in the investigation of fiduciary crime 3).overcoming obstacles in the investigation of fiduciary crime conducted by the investigator at the Demak Police station in the conduct of fiduciary investigation. Research methodology in scientific writing is with approach sosial legal research and the specifications in the study used are deskriftif research. Is intended to provide a detailed picture of the object that became the subject matter, at the Demak Police station handling of fiduciary crime investigation namely in criminal detective Unit tipidter Demak Police station.Keywords: investigations, crimes, Fiduciary
Urgensi Undang-Undang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak Suhadi Suhadi
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 15, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v15i2.2302


There are some basic things in the child criminal justice system as stipulated by Law Number 11 Year 2012 on Child Criminal Justice System (hereinafter referred to as SPPA Law), among others are age limit of detention for children above 14 years, age limit of criminal responsibility of child of 14 years - 18 years and the adoption of a diversionary effort, namely the settlement of a Child case, especially a child in conflict with the law of the settlement through a criminal court, is diverted beyond the criminal court. Diversi is carried out at all levels of criminal justice at the stage of investigation, prosecution and examination in court.The Criminal Justice System of the Child is the whole process of settling the Child's case against the law, from the investigation stage to the guidance stage after the crime. The Criminal Justice System is specifically implemented under the SPPA Act. The Urgency Act of SPPA is mandated restorative justice (restorative justice) and the settlement of cases outside the court or called diversiatkan.The SPPA Act in its implementation in the field is still not supported by adequate infrastructure facilities and infrastructures as mentioned therein, such as the Provisional Child Care Institution (LPAS), Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA), Penitentiary (BAPAS), Social Welfare Implementing Agency (LPKS) ). Ideally a legislation should be issued with adequate facilities and infrastructure, so the government should immediately improve the necessary facilities and infrastructure.Keywords: Urgency, Child Criminal Justice System

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