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Mochamad Hasyim
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Impressive: Journal of Education
Published by CV. Satria Jaya
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30259169     DOI : 10.61502/ijoe
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Impressive: Journal of Education accepts unpublished, high quality, and original research manuscripts, resulting primarily from quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research methodology related to or associated with education. These issues include, but are not limited to, practices, policies, and research in education from early childhood education to higher education which cover the areas of: instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, educational policy, language education and policy, bilingual education, multicultural education, art education, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments, educational psychology, and international education in Indonesia and other parts of the world.
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 No 4 (2023)" : 5 Documents clear
Peran Komunitas Gusdurian Dalam Menerapkansikap Religius Dan Toleransi Melalui Strategi Komunikasi Persuasif Di Universitas Nadhatul Ulama Sidoarjo Sofia Imro'atus Solikha; Munif Munif; M. Jamhuri
Impressive: Journal of Education Vol 1 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : CV. Satria Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61502/ijoe.v1i4.26


The purpose of the research is to find out how the role of the Gusdurian community in implementing religious attitudes and tolerance and to find out how the application of religious attitudes and tolerance through persuasive communication strategies at Unusida. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study type. The data sources required are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. And the data analysis used is data reduction and data presentation. The results showed that the role of the Gusdurian community in implementing religious attitudes was that students became active in attending prayer congregations, not a few students also wore kopyahs as a symbol to emulate the figure of Gusdur, became more active in lectures and had quality public speaking. Meanwhile, in the attitude of tolerance, students do not differentiate between the castes of other students, mingle with all groups, and are able to become mediators in the event of conflict problems around them. If the application of religious attitudes, through psychodynamic strategies, namely religious and interfaith knowledge discussion activities, sociocultural strategies through banjari activities, nadhatul syubban. Whereas in the attitude of tolerance through psychodynamic strategies, namely Gusdurian care, regular discussions discussing Gus Dur's exemplary example, sociocultural strategies, namely ngobar activities, visits to celebrations of religious holidays, and construction strategies, namely socialization of social media.
Implementasi Pendidikan Tasawuf Dalam Membentuk Toleransi Di Pondok Pesantren Sunan Kalijogo Jabung Malang Akhmad Rifqi
Impressive: Journal of Education Vol 1 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : CV. Satria Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61502/ijoe.v1i4.48


Islamic boarding schools are educational institutions with a mission to eradicate ignorance and build character. The focus of this research is how the implementation process of sufism education in shaping tolerance in Sunan Kalijogo Jabung Malang boarding school. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with phenomenological approach. The implementation process of sufism education at the Sunan Kalijogo Jabung Malang boarding school in fostering and shaping the morals of the students through two stages, namely (1). Tasawuf Akhlaki (instilling the value of sufism in fostering character or morals) through several activities, including learning madrasah diniyah, learning the books of sufism, and tariqah. And (2). Tasawuf Amali (actualization of Sufism education), namely through spiritual activities (thariqah, tawajjuhan, khususiyah, and manjing suluk), and social activities (shaking hands culture, culture of using manners language, and community service. So that it will bring up several forms of tolerance attitudes towards oneself and others.
Konsep Pendidikan Multikultural Penanggulangan Terorisme Dalam Buku Pendidikan Agama Islam Dan Budi Pekerti Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Jenjang SMA Muslikha Indah Utari
Impressive: Journal of Education Vol 1 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : CV. Satria Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61502/ijoe.v1i4.49


The rise of acts of terrorism in the name of Islam in Indonesia and in the world, has drawn a lot of criticism and scrutiny and has placed Muslims as the party to blame. The method in this study uses a type of library research (library research). The research data consists of primary data and secondary data. Data was collected using documentary techniques, which were collected from books, papers or articles, magazines, scientific journals and newspapers. Data analysis techniques include deductive and inductive. The results of this study found: 1) The concept of Counter-Terrorism Education as an effort to prevent terrorism through education is the basis of philosophy in education, moral and religious values. 2) The concept of Islamic Religious Education and Moral Character in the Free Curriculum Islamic Religious Education and Moral Education taught in schools are subjects that aim to produce students who have a religious spirit and obey their religious orders. direct students to become people of faith and carry out good deeds according to their respective abilities.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Improve Pada Materi Nahwu Dalam Meningkatkan Maharoh Qiro’ah Santri PP Darul Lughah Wal Karomah Mualim Wijaya
Impressive: Journal of Education Vol 1 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : CV. Satria Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61502/ijoe.v1i4.55


Learning in class is often considered a boring and boring experience by students or students. The learning model that is generally used by teachers is the classical and monotonous model, and this often results in difficulties for students in understanding the material presented. This study aims to explain the application of the "Improve" learning model to Nahwu material and evaluate its impact on increasing the qiro'ah spirit in PP Darul Lughah Wal Karomah. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach focused on PP Darul Lughah Wal Karomah in Sidomukti Kraksaan Probolinggo and involves the participation of 20 students as respondents. Data collection methods used include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis process we apply is descriptive analysis, which involves the steps of data collection, data condensation, and drawing conclusions. The interim results of this study show that the application of the "Improve" learning model in learning Nahwu Science has had a positive impact. The learning atmosphere in the classroom has changed to be more enthusiastic, and the students find it easier to apply Nahwu's rules in the practice of reading the turast. This research tries to overcome the problem of boring and monotonous learning and offers an effective alternative in increasing the understanding and motivation of learning students in the pesantren environment.
Pengembangan Pembelajaran Melalui Media Ajilatu Dawwarah Al-Mufradat untuk Meningkatkan Hafalan Mufradat Siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mambaus Sholihin Gresik Siti Anifah; Hasan Syaiful Rizal; Mochamad Hasyim
Impressive: Journal of Education Vol 1 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : CV. Satria Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61502/ijoe.v1i4.56


This research is based on the needs of MTs. Mambaus Sholihin students to interactive learning media for more effective learning activities in memorizing mufradat and as an effort to increase the spirit of learning students. The objectives of this development study are: (1.) to know the influence of the use of AJIDAH learning media on the effectiveness of Mufradat memorization for students of grade VII-O MTs. Mambaus Sholihin Gresik, (2) knowing the significance of the impact of the development of AJIDAH learning media on the effectiveness of memorization of Mufradat students MTs. Mambaus Solihin Suci, Manyar, Gresik. This research is R and D research using quantitative approach, this type of research is Pre-Experimental Design with the form of One Group Pretest-Postest Design. The steps in this research method are: Needs Analysis, Data Collection, Product Design, Expert Review, Design Revision, Product Trial, Product Revision, Usage Trial, Product Revision, and Finished Product. Data obtained from observations, tests, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques use the "t" test. The results of this study are as follows: test results "t" against posttest learning results obtained thitung = 14.64 while ttabel with df 39 (40-1) at the level of significance 5% is 1.98. Thus 14.64 is greater than 1.98 which means the working hypothesis (Ha) in this study is accepted, namely the influence of the use of AJIDAH media on the effectiveness of memorization of Arabic vocabulary students MTs. Mambaus Sholihin, Gresik.

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