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Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology
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Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) (E-ISSN: 3026-1856) is the latest name for the JTE UNTAN, which underwent a name change. This journal has been in circulation within UNTAN since 2013 under its previous name. The name change reflects an evolution in the topics covered by the journal, encompassing the fields of electrical engineering, energy, and information technology. With the establishment of J3EIT, it is expected to become a significant resource for the academic and research community in this discipline, fostering the exchange of knowledge and innovation among professionals in the field of electrical engineering and related areas. By consistently publishing high-quality scientific papers, this journal is expected to play a vital role in advancing knowledge in its field. J3EIT is published three times a year, April, August and December.
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Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.13127


Determining IKE (intensity of energy consumption) as well as the cost of payment according to usage based on historical data Matahari Department Store Mega Mall Pontianak using one of the methods currently used for the efficient use of electric energy is the electrical energy audit. Electric energy audit is to increase the efficiency of energy used or the energy savings. The goal of the energy audit is to look for ways to reduce energy consumption unity output and reduce operating costs. IKE electricity in electricity consumption in the Sun A. Yani Mega Mall widely conditioned Pontianak year a detailed audit results (measurement results) obtained a value of 331.48 kWh / m2, is still far from the value of the existing standard is for the shopping center is 330 kWh / m2 year. From the data analysis of electrical energy consumption in shopping centers A. Yani Mega Mall Pontianak during the day obtained electricity consumption for air conditioning at 5844.04 kWh, for the lamp at 927.45 kWh, for other devices for 165 kWh. Enterprises consumption savings directed towards businesses replacement refrigerant, it is taken because they amount of operating the air conditioner in the room more than one AC that operates so as to do the replacement refrigerant in rotation, but the first observation and checking carefully to the various aspects of the machine aspect of the machine AC.Replacement of refrigerant by using Musicool, which Musicool refrigerant is a natural refrigerant materials that are environmentally friendly type of hydrocarbon that is a substitute refrigerant sintetic halocarbons group CFC R-12, HCFCR HFC-22 and R-134a which still has the potential to destroy nature. From the results of the implementation of energy-saving opportunities (PHE), the analysis of the savings obtained from sintetic types HCFC refrigerant replacement for R-22 using the brand Musicool in every air conditioner installed in the shopping center Mega Mall Sun A. Yani Pontianak, obtained results that the a decrease in the total energy consumption of electricity per day, which before the replacement of freon Musicool obtained total electrical energy consumption amounting to 5844.04 kWh, but after replacement of total electricity to be obtained 5089.76 kWh, and the results of calculations and analysis for the replacement of general lighting lamps with energy saving lamps LEDs installed in A. Yani Mega Mall Pontianak obtained a reduction in total energy consumption of electricity per day, Diman before replacement LED energy saving lamp gained 927.25 kWh total energy consumption, but after a replacement is obtained 729.84 kWh. To target IKE per unit area are conditioned to shopping centers amounted to 330 kWh / m2 a year.It turns before performs IKE implementation IKE value PHE A. Yani Mega Mall Pontianak amounted to 331.48 kWh / m2 and after and PHE IKE value of 296.68 kWh / m2. in the shopping center Mega Mall Sun A. Yani Pontianak seen already in accordance with the standards or target of electricity IKE. The amount of costs incurred after the implementation of the PHE for air conditioning Rp. 18.75 million, - and the total cost for LED replacement lamp Rp. 539 700 000, - the durability of 5 years. The cost savings for a year after implementing PHE is Rp. 463,226,388.5, - Keywords: IKE (Intensity of Energy Consumption), Energy Audit, PHE (Energy Saving Opportunity)
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.15715


Perkembangan teknologi WCDMA diharapkan mampu mengakomodasi berbagai macam layanan paket data berkecepatan tinggi pada jaringan dan alokasi frekuensi yang telah ada. Untuk itu pada penerapan jaringan WCDMA diperlukan perancangan yang sangat matang dan optimasi jaringan sehingga dapat menghasilkan jaringan yang optimal dan menguntungkan. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan pengukuran dan perawatan jaringan 3G dengan metode idle mode dan data mobile. Proses pengerjaan difokuskan pada rute cap go meh di Kota Pontianak. Untuk mengetahui masalah yang ada, diperlukan data mini cluster dari semua Node B berupa Packet Data Statistic dan Data Performa node B yang mengcover daerah pengukuran. Dari Hasil analisis didapatkan performansi jaringan 3G yang diteliti berdasarkan parameter KPI berdasarkan metode idle mode dan data mobile yaitu RSCP, Ec/No, dan Troughput diperoleh menggunakan software Nemo Analyzer, sedangkan untuk persentase RSCP, Ec/No, Troughput diperoleh dengan menggunakan Nemo Handy, RSCP before Idle sebanyak 512 titik 77.55% menjadi RSCP after Idle sebanyak 458 titik 84.27 % bermakna bahwa yang dilakukan ini adalah improvement berupa physical tuning karena hasil before belum memenuhi standart dari Telkomsel yaitu RSCP 80 % untuk rute CGM , Ec/No before Idle sebanyak 232 titik 35.26 % menjadi Ec/No after Idle sebanyak 253 titik 46.31 % bermakna bahwa yang dilakukan ini adalah improvement berupa physical tuning karena hasil before belum memenuhi standart dari Telkomsel yaitu Ecno Idle 90 % untuk rute CGM, RSCP before Data 645 titik 83.94 % menjadi after 540 titik 93.88 % bermakna bahwa yang dilakukan ini adalah improvement berupa physical tuning karena hasil before belum memenuhi standart dari Telkomsel yaitu RSCP 80 % untuk rute CGM, Ec/No before data 527 titik 35.83 % menjadi after 221 38.62 % bermakna bawah yang dilakukan ini adalah improvement berupa physical tuning karena hasil before belum memenuhi standart dari Telkomsel yaitu Ecno Idle 90 % untuk rute CGM dan Troughput before 554 titik 73.81 % menjadi after 447 titik 84.26 % bermakna bawah yang dilakukan ini adalah improvement berupa physical tuning karena hasil before belum memenuhi standart dari Telkomsel yaitu Troughput 80 % untuk rute CGM.   Kata Kunci : Phisycal Tuning, Performansi jaringan, Idle Mode, Data Mobile, Drive Test
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.14960


Inclination is the angle formed by tilt angle to vertical line. This research determine the effect of tilt angle to the performance of the device, changes the quality, affordability and stability of connections. In addition, this research also presented the comparative performance of the device after tilt angle changed  and  find  the optimal angle. This research, explained  the change in  angle of inclination generally affected the main lobe and back lobe in the antenna’s beam of NanoStation2 Loco. Inclination angle also causes the signal strength and connection stability affected, especially on devices at distance over 100 m from the antenna. This research made changes three times to the antenna’s tilt. There are 10 °, 20 ° and 30 °. From the angle change, the result indicates that the most effective use of research sites of the Faculty of Engineering, University Tanjungpura Pontianak is tilted at angle of 20°. This is proved by results of measuring Received Signal Strength Indicator and Packet Loss that be the main indicator to determine the quality of the antenna. From the data showed the measurement of signal strength under -90 dBm at distance over 100 m will lead the connection and stability to be poor connection. This situation is shown by the high number percentage of packet loss that occurs during pingtest. At the point of measurement locations under 100 m and minimum obstacle, change angles do not have a big impact and quality of the antenna is in excellent. In addition to the distance from the antenna, the obstacle factors (barriers of the building) is also a big influence on the quality of the antenna.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.13236


Television Station PT. Media Khatulistiwa Televisi or more known KompasTV Pontianak is one of the television transmitter located on Pontianak city. Television Station Pontianak KompasTV located at coordinates -0°01'766” southern latitude 109°20'145” east longitude which is located at the 3rd floor of the Kompas Gramedia Building at Hos Cokroaminoto Number 56 Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Kompas television station transmitting antenna Pontianak located at the rear of the building whose height reach 62 meters above the ground, operate on channel 39 using frequency 615.25 MHz. Antenna transmit power belongs Pontianak television companies is 1000 watt with 8 panels transmitting that located upper tower which each direction consists of two panels where direction to North 0o, West 90o, South 180o and East 270o. The number of panels 8 units be expected can make clear the broadcasts in terms of both image and sound. The calculations that the maximum range of the transmitting antenna KompasTV Pontianak Station is 15 km, as for the analysis of reception quality video and audio authors conducted a study testing the use directly to the people who use the television which use yagi antenna  as an antenna that use a broadcast signal receiver and see firsthand the quality of the video and audio are received. After conducting research and trials, limit the maximum range of very good quality and a good KompasTV television station covers an area of northern region: Budi Utomo (5,1 km), Batu Layang (5,6 km), and Wajok Hulu (11,1 km). Eastern region: Tanjung Hulu (4,6 km), Parit Aim(8,6 km) and Jawa Tengah Ambawang (13,1 km), southern region: Parit Haji Husein 2 (5,3 km), A.Yani 2 (9,4km) and Desa Limbung (14,8 km). And western region: Pal 9 (6,1 km) and Jl. Raya Sungai Kakap (10,2 km).   Keyword- Television, transmitter, KompasTV Pontianak, Antenna, Quality of Vision and Sound.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.13300


ABSTRACT- Handover is the switching frequency when the mobile station (MS) moves into regions or cells that have channels with different frequencies with previous cell so that the on going talks will not be interrupted. In the system handovers are not all of the handover process goes well, but of course many factors that can affect keberasilan handover is, in other words every handover failures are not only determined by Rx Level is not good, but on the quality of Rx Level very both can also be a failure of handover, because the quality is not very good RxQual. RxQual does very well also could affect the successful handover system. RxQual is not very good quality can be caused by azimutch, M-tilt and frequency interference at the BTS. Failure handover on site id 140 367 villages lime sector 2 to the site id 140 365 Bappeda sector 1 using TEMS version 11 were taken before and after optimization stages. The percentage HOSR obtained prior to optimization of 99.615% with enough categories, After optimization stages HORS percentage increased up to 100%. Failure handover on site towards the site Bapeda limestone villages because interference co-channal. Stages of optimization is to change the direction of azimutch, M-tilt and retune the frequency using the map info 11 version. Keywords: Handover, M-tilt. Rx Level, Rx Qual.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.15390


Kebutuhan telemonitor atau simulasi pemantauan jarak jauh sistem telah menjadi simbol dari perkembangan teknologi di sektor telekomunikasi. perangkat pemantauan terus menerus telah menjadi anoperating standar prosedur dalam industri khusus dalam teknologi, terutama di sektor telekomunikasi. perangkat telekomunikasi harus dipantau secara berkala tidak hanya untuk physicbut nya juga lingkungan perangkat. Jadi kita perlu mengembangkan instrumentasi kinerja BTS monitoring sistem simulasi yang komponen penting untuk dipantau. Pelaporan sistem simulasi untuk teknisi sampai communication.Thus pengguna sekarang hanya digunakan, penelitian ini berusaha untuk membangun BTS sistem simulasi telemonitor jarak jauh berbasis SMS. Untuk pelaksanaannya, sistem ini digunakan untuk memantau kinerja BTS. Aplikasi tersedia untuk melihat hasil pemantauan menggunakan baskom AVR yang membantu kinerja Singkat Message Service atau SMS untuk memberikan informasi dari BTS ketika listrik dan mematikan juga informasi yang terjadi pada BTS langsung totechnician'smobile telepon yang bertanggung jawab untuk berurusan dengan gangguan sistem BTS Shelter.The mengirim beberapa teks untuk memberikan informasi bahwa kekuatan adalah mematikan penampungan berupa BTS ketika mematikan dan juga mengirim data untuk memberikan informasi bahwa daya menyala. Relay pembacaan sensor, menyampaikan laporan hasil pemantauan ke teknisi membutuhkan waktu 3 detik. Jadi melaporkan hasil monitoring lebih efektif daripada sistem yang ada. Kata kunci: AVR basin, monitoring, SMS, BTS Penampungan, Sensor estafet
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.13301


ABSTRAK     Penelitian ini merancang alat penampil informasi yang dikendalikan melalui jarak jauh menggunakan frekuensi radio berbasis  mikrokontroler  Atmega8  dengan  keyboard  sebagai  input  perintah.  Tujuan  dari  penelitian  ini  adalah  merancang Penampil LED Dot Matriks yang dapat diakses jarak jauh hanya dengan menggunakan sebuah keyboard, tanpa menggunakan komputer. Mikrokontroler Atmega8 digunakan sebagai pengendali utama dari sistem dan LCD 2x20 yang berfungsi untuk melihat  hasil  dari  data  karakter  yang  telah  diketikkan  sebelum  dikirim  dengan  telemetry  915Mhz  dan  ditampilkan  pada Penampil LED Dot Matriks. Untuk meng-update informasi yang ingin ditampilkan, cukup dengan mengetikkan data karakter pada keyboard PS/2 yang telah terpasang. Hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan adalah maksimal karakter yang dapat ditransmisikan sejumlah 35 karakter, dengan jarak maksimal pada kondisi adanya penghalang dinding semen adalah 232 meter, dan pada kondisi tidak adanya penghalang adalah 407 meter.       Kata kunci: Telemetry 915Mhz, Mikrokontroler Atmega8
Rancang Bangun Pengendalian Robot Lengan 4 DOF dengan GUI (Graphical User Interface) Berbasis Arduino Uno Martinus Didi .
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.14580


Teknologi robot mengalami suatu kemajuan yang sangat pesat pada saat ini. Robot yang canggih telah menggantikan peralatan-peralatan manual yang membutuhkan banyak tenaga manusia, salah satunya yaitu penggunaan robot lengan. Robot lengan yang dibuat ini merupakan bagian dari robot dengan skala prototype untuk kegiatan praktikum yang dapat menggantikan maupun meringankan kerja manusia secara langsung. Dalam kenyataannya sering didapatkan kendala bagaimana cara mengontrol atau mengendalikan suatu alat dengan mudah untuk diopersikan. Dalam tugas akhir ini dirancang sebuah robot lengan 4 DOF (Degree Of Freedom) yang memiliki sistem yang mudah dikendalikan berupa sistem robot lengan yang secara keseluruhan dikendalikan melalui aplikasi interface dengan GUI (Graphical User Interface) yang dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman Java pada PC (Personal Computer). Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno sebagai pengendali utama yang terkoneksi via USB (Universal Serial Bus) dengan PC. Pada komunikasi interface antara aplikasi program pengendali dengan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno terjadi proses pengiriman (Tx) dan penerima (Rx) data serial yang berupa data byte. Data byte yang dikirim oleh slider pengendali akan menentukan lebar pulsa sinyal PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pada setiap motor servo sehingga pergerakan robot sesuai dengan pergeseran slider. Program aplikasi slider pengendali ini memiliki dua mode, yaitu mode kendali per-slider dan mode kendali sekaligus kirim. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian sinkronisasi gerak antara robot lengan dan slider pengendali didapatkan hasil bahwa semakin besar nilai derajat pergeseran slider maka lebar pulsa sinyal PWM semakin melebar dan tegangan keluaran dari pin mikrokontroler Arduino Uno semakin besar dengan nilai rata-rata tegangan yang dihasilkan sebesar 115,03 mV. Robot dalam keadaan standby hanya membutuhkan daya sebesar 0,9 Watt dan saat beroperasi membutuhkan daya sebesar 3,94 Watt. Nilai rata-rata sudut dan selisih sudut ideal dengan yang dihasilkan base yaitu 97,17° dengan selisih 7,17°, link 1 yaitu 73,64° dengan selisih 3,64°, link 2 yaitu 90,24° dengan selisih 0,24°, link 3 yaitu 96,8° dengan selisih 6,8° dan end-effector sesuai perancangan dengan selisih 0. Sudut yang terbentuk dari manipulator robot hanya hampir mendekati sudut yang sebenarnya dikehendaki (sudut ideal) dikarenakan permasalahan dalam perancangan serta pembuatan mekaniknya. Penulis memberikan pembatasan rentang slider pengendali agar mekanik robot tidak patah dan menghindari kerusakan pada motor servo. Hasil pengujian menyimpulkan bahwa robot bisa bersinkronisasi dengan aplikasi pengendali serta dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan praktikum.   Kata kunci: robot lengan 4 DOF, mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, Arduino dengan Java
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.13539


Abstract The increasing number of customers and traffic, the network capacity is not enough to meet the needs of customers. For carriers issues must always evaluate capacity of the BTS itself, according to customers growth to determine service capability in the future, then operator should apply the theory of traffic forecasting that would happen even on the next month. Cell phone network infrastructure planning requests minimal cultivated hardware issue yet able to meet as much as possible capacity existing traffic. The vendor in the city of Pontianak until 2015 some 413 vendor consisting of Telkomsel, XL, Indosat and Tri, the number of every base station owned by vendor of Telkomsel with 127 BTS, as many as 67 BTS of XL, Indosat about 103 bts and Tri about 116 BTS. A method of time series based on the assumption that, data has internal structure, as autocorelation, a trend or seasonal variations. The data which is used to research is taken from secondary data and it is covering the number of providers in the city of Pontianak and data population of the 2010 until 2015. And also secondary data of telecommunications providers in the city of pontianak in the form of customer and number of BTS. Based on the calculation BTS  forecasting needs 4 gsm providers in the Pontianak city, note that providers Telkomsel to use its in 2010-2014 were 127 its with average construction of around 25 Bts annually increased to 128 BTS until 2025. The Provider requisite of XL on the use of its in 2010-2014 were 67 Bts with average construction of around 13 BTS annually and it is increasing to 70 BTS until 2025. The requisite of providers Indosat on the use of BTS in 2010-2014 were 103 BTS with average construction of around 21 BTS annually increased to 105 BTS until 2025. Meanwhile, the provider needs to use BTS Tri providers in 2010-2014 amounted to 116 base stations with an average of about 23 BTS development increased to 122 base stations per year until 2025. The need for the network as a whole amounted to 70 base stations BTS and the average requisite of BTS network in Pontianak among 2015-2025 amounted to 18 base stations per year. With a significant number of base stations that should be built every year, otherwise the need for the use of the tower shared indispensable. Keywords: BTS, Provider, Forecasting, Time Series
Rancang Bangun Alat Monitoring Jumlah Denyut Nadi / Jantung Berbasis Android Fachrul Rozie .
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT) Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j3eit.v4i1.13805


Abstrak— Denyut jantung/nadi merupakan    indikasi penting dalam bidang kesehatan yang berguna sebagai bahan evaluasi  efektif  dan cepat  serta  berfungsi  untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan pada tubuh seseorang. Metode pengukuran jumlah denyut nadi telah digunakan dokter untuk menentukan stres, relaksasi, tingkat kebugaran fisik, dan kondisi medis. Alat Monitoring Denyut Nadi (MDN) dirancang untuk menampilkan data denyut nadi secara realtime dan kontinyu di smartphone Android. Alat ini menggunakan sensor pulse yang diletakkan pada ujung jari tangan sebagai alat pendeteksi denyut nadinya yang diproses dengan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno dan menggunakan smartphone Android sebagai basis sistem yang diterapkan untuk mengoperasikan dan menampilkan data denyut nadi. Sistem koneksi antara alat dan smartphone Android menggunakan media Bluetooth. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian bisa disimpulkan bahwa alat ini bisa bekerja dengan baik dengan perbandingan selisih hasil uji dengan alat  Spot  Vital  Signs  (SVS)  sebesar  0,07  –  2,47  BPM dengan batas toleransi 5BPM. Alat ini juga dapat menyimpan data hasil pengukuran denyut nadi di aplikasi smartphone Android, sehingga dapat diolah untuk keperluan lebih lanjut.   Kata    kunci:    denyut    nadi/jantung,    mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, Android, sensor pulse

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