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Kampus STAI Tebingtinggi Deli Jalan T. Imam Bonjol No. 16 Kota Tebing Tinggi
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Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Agama Islam
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30264162     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal At-Tarbiyah diterbitkan satu kali setahun pada bulan Oktober. Isinya berupa tulisan ilmiah tentang penelitian Dosen dan Mahasiswa, Pendidikan Agama Islam, Ilmu Keislaman yang berupa pemahaman konseptual, tinjauan pustaka, tulisan praktik, atau hasil penelitian dari berbagai sudut pandang.
Articles 14 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education" : 14 Documents clear
The Role Of Parental Communication In Monitoring Smartphone Users At Age Teenagers In Penggalan Village, Tebing Syahbandar District Handayani Kamalia; Muhammad Idris; Maryadi
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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The role of communication between parents and adolescents can be seen as the efforts made by parents in monitoring and directing the development of adolescents. By creating communication that can affect the relationship between the two, both physically and psychologically. One technology, namely a smartphone, is a sophisticated tool that can penetrate information anywhere and anytime, to find out information from any angle without considering the influence that will be received by its users. Therefore, this research aims to find out how effective and efficient the role of parental communication is in monitoring smartphone users in their teens. In this study, the type of research that the authors use is qualitative research. While the approach used is descriptive analysis, which is a research method that looks at objects or conditions, systematically, factually and accurately describes the facts that have been investigated and the results can be used for the future. The dominant factor that causes the role of communication between parents and adolescents is not good, resulting in many teenagers losing direction and their growth and development being hampered due to the influence of communication technology in the form of smartphones that are continuously used without any restrictions and good directions
The Influence Of The School Environment On Students' Learning Motivation In Private Madrasah Aliyah Hidayah Of The Khalipah Bookie Endang Sri Hariani; Herry Syahbannuddin Nasution
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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This research approach is a quantitative approach, namely research where the data obtained is related to numbers which causes the use of statistical analysis techniques. The results of the research in this thesis, the school environment at Madrasah Aliyah Hidayah Private Bandar Khalipah is in the "enough" category. This can be seen from the average school environment at Madrasah Aliyah Hidayah Private Bandar Khalipah, which is 62.36 which is in the interval 56.80 - 68.01. The learning motivation of students at Madrasah Aliyah Private Hidayah Bandar Khalipah is in the "enough" category. This can be seen from the average student learning motivation at Madrasah Aliyah Hidayah Private Bandar Khalipah, which is 54.57 which is at intervals of 48.62 - 60.49. Based on the results of the t test, it can be seen that the first alternative hypothesis (Ha) test is accepted. Hypothesis testing is done by comparing the results of tcount with ttable. From the table of t test results, the tcount value is -2.349. Meanwhile, for ttable with a significance level of 0.05, a ttable value of 1.6759 was obtained. The comparison between the two results: tcount > ttable (¬2.349 > 1.6759). The significance value of t for the school environment variable is 0.03 and this value is smaller than the probability of 0.05 (0.03 <0.05). So that in this test it shows that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that there is an influence between the school environment on student learning motivation at Madrasah Aliyah Private Hidayah Bandar Khalipah.
The Influence of Learning Moral Creeds on Student Behavior at the Bustanul Ulum Guppi Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Tebing Tinggi City Tengku Rajali; Abdul Rosip Siregar
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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This research approach is a quantitative approach, namely research where the data obtained is related to numbers which causes the use of statistical analysis techniques. The results of the research in this thesis, based on the results of the analysis it is known that the rcount or rxy value is 0.868 much greater than rtable (which is 0.235 and 0.306). Because rxy is greater than rtable, thus the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, because there is a significant positive relationship between the effect of learning aqidah morals on student behavior at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Private Bustanul Ulum Guppi Tebing Tinggi City. Aqidah Akhlak Learning on student behavior at the Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bustanul Ulum Guppi Tebing Tinggi City. The analysis of this study has a high positive correlation, namely 0.868. This is in accordance with the results of observations in the field that teaching aqeedah akhlaq is taught by educators very well because in addition to containing all the material it also provides understanding to students, so they can understand and practice about aqeedah akhlaq learning. From these calculations it is obtained that the Coefficient of Determination is 75.3%. Thus it can be seen that the contribution of the influence of learning aqidah morals on student behavior in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Private Bustanul Ulum Guppi City of Tebing Tinggi is 75.3%.
Master Of Ceremony Manten Communication Strategy Java At Traditional Javanese Wedding Ceremonies In Tanjung Marulak Hilir District Rambutan District High Cliffs City Nahda Dhiya Irbah; Maryadi; Muhammad Idris
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative descriptive is focused on answering research questions related to the questions of who, what, where and how an event or experience occurs until finally it is examined in depth to find patterns that emerge in these events.The result of this study is the lack of communication between the Master of Ceremony Manten Javanese and the Javanese community in Tanjung Marulak Hilir Village, which can be seen from the low level of public understanding of Javanese traditional marriages which is characterized by the lack of human resources who can carry out the task of guiding wedding processions, especially as Pranata Adicara.

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