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Journal Of Health Innovation And Community Services
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28307828     DOI :
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services (JHICS) is a publication media for various academic activities in the field of public health that carry out intervention activities to the community or institutions in the community related to the field of public health. Public health is a discipline consisting of promotive, preventive, rehabilitation and advocacy activities to improve the welfare of the community at large. Interventions that can be in the form of community participation and collaboration towards efforts to improve community health and welfare. Interventions are carried out through various innovative approaches with the embodiment of public health academic and technological approaches that can be adopted by the people involved. It is hoped that these interventions will continue to work to achieve independence in improving the health and welfare of the community.
Articles 7 Documents
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Sosialisasi dan Demonstrasi Ramuan Tradisional Untuk Menjaga Imunitas Tubuh Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Maulida Nurfazriah Oktaviana; Firdawsyi Nuzula
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services
Publisher : PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/jhics.v1i2.35


Background: In the community's efforts to maintain health in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, there are several choices that can be made, namely by eating lots of nutritious food, diligently exercising and consuming traditional plants or herbs. Traditional herbs are one of the local wisdoms passed down from generation to generation from our ancestors, easy to get and have significant opportunities to be used as preventive efforts in maintaining immunity. It seems that almost every resident's house has medicinal plants in their yards and yards, but very few of them know their use to prevent Covid-19. The purpose of PkM is to increase public knowledge about herbal plants around, and improve community skills in making traditional ingredients. The target audience of PKM is a group of women who have herbal plants and are willing to be given information on the benefits of herbal plants and mix or make traditional ingredients. Method: The PkM method is to see the problems faced by partners, the steps taken to achieve the goals and objectives of this activity are health education to increase knowledge, providing examples of how to make traditional ingredients, which will be guided by the implementing team, namely the lecturer from the Rustida Banyuwangi Health Academy. alone. Results: The results of community service that have been carried out for mothers so that they can make traditional ingredients at their respective homes to increase immunity. On average, mothers have herbal plants in their yards as much as 64%, mother's knowledge increases to 68%. Conclution: for the community, especially mothers, can be more creative in utilizing traditional plants in their yard
Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Melatih Stimulasi Sensori Menyanyi dan Menari Bersama Warga Disabilitas Mental Di Dusun Ru Wolong Desa Lela Kabupaten Sikka Antonia Rensiana Reong; Maria Kornelia Ringgi Kuwa; Gabriel Mane; Mediatrix Santi Gaharpung; Yustina Thomasine Carvallo; Agnes Yuliana Asri Dewi; Philipus Lipi
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services
Publisher : PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/jhics.v1i2.49


Background: Efforts to improve services to improve the soul have been carried out by personnel, by conducting Group Activity Therapy (TAK) activities. The problems of 1000 souls that can be overcome through TAK are clients with social isolation, hallucinations, withdrawal and low selfesteem. The implementation of this activity aims to increase internal and external stimulation. As well as increasing a sense of caring, solidarity, and togetherness with people with mental disabilities. Method: Community Service Activities using mentoring intervention methods for students together with Nanga Community Health Center nurse partners provide Group Activity Therapy; sensory stimulation of singing and dancing with people with mental disabilities. Result: From the results of the evaluation of the implementation of TAK after being given Activity Therapy, it is known that from 7 participants who are able to socialize and follow the Directional leader as many as 6 people (85.7%) and who are not able to cooperate in participating in activities according to the Referral leader as many as 1 person (14.3%). Conclution: There are differences in social behavior responses before and after being given Group Activity Therapy.
Kegiatan Pelayanan Posyandu pada bayi dan balita di Desa Kolisia, Kecamatan Magepanda-Kabupaten Sikka Maria Kornelia Ringgi Kuwa; Laurentina Nona Eda; Yustina Wela; Petronela Lito; Karlina S. S Manue; Yustinus Pela; Faleria A S. Ruing Wa’a
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services
Publisher : PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/jhics.v1i2.51


Abstract: Background: The use of weighing toddlers in Posyandu is influenced by the knowledge of cadres, motivation of cadres, and work factors of mothers of children under five. Facilitating the community to build a community alert system in an effort to overcome emergency situations from non-clinical aspects related to pregnancy and work is one of community empowerment in the MCH sector through regular Posyandu activities. Maternal and child health assessments are carried out through Posyandu activities. Method: This activity uses a mentoring intervention method for students together with posyandu cadres, and nursing partners at the Magepanda Health Center together to carry out activities at the Posyandu. The mentoring method is divided into the preparation stage, the work stage, the termination stage, and the documentation evaluation stage. Result: This activity was carried out in the working area of ​​the Posyandu, Kolisia Village, Magepanda Village Health Center, Sikka Regency. Posyandu activities carried out in 5 posyandu in Kolisi village with a target number of 178 infants and toddlers, but in Posyandu activities 166 people (93.25%) came, while 12 people did not come to Posyandu (7.22%). In SDIDTK activities, there are several activities, including KPSP which was carried out on 111 toddlers. KMPE as many as 30 toddlers, M-chat as many as 35 people, GPPH as many as 28 toddlers. Conclution: Suggestions for health workers, especially Posyandu cadres and managers, are expected to remain active, communicative and disciplined in assisting and providing health services for the community.
Edukasi Hidup Sehat Dimasa Pandemi Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar Annisa Nur Nazmi; Ninis Indriani
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services
Publisher : PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/jhics.v1i2.53


Background: Implementing a healthy lifestyle is also very important, especially during a pandemic like this, maintaining health and body immunity is the main and most important thing to avoid the covid-19 virus, including school children. From an early age, children must be introduced to a sense of responsibility and a sense of caring for the environment and themselves, especially during a pandemic emergency where children are an age group that is vulnerable to infection. Purpose: from this community service is to improve the health status of elementary school residents, especially students. Method of community service uses education about covid-19, prevention of transmission of covid 19 and healthy living during a pandemic and how to wash hands properly as an effort to prevent transmission of Covid-19. Results: The community service activities were attended by 121 students, mostly 67% of the students were male. This community service activity increases the knowledge of students/partners related to the transmission and prevention of the covid 19 virus and improves a clean and healthy lifestyle for elementary school students. Conclusion: This community service activity is carried out by providing education related to the transmission and prevention of covid 19 which has a positive impact on partners, there is an increase in knowledge about covid 19 and an increase in correct hand washing skills as an effort to prevent the transmission of covid 19.
Edukasi Bantuan Hidup Dasar pada Santriwati Pondok Pesantren Imam As-Syafi’I Genteng Hirdes Harlan Yuanto; Fajri Andi Rahmawan; Erik Toga; Masroni masroni; Ida Srisurani Wijiastutie
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services
Publisher : PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/jhics.v1i2.54


Background: Daily emergency health services are a human right of everyone and an obligation that everyone should have. The government and the entire community are responsible for maintaining and improving the quality of health services. In everyday circumstances, the handling of emergency patients will involve pre-hospital services, services in hospitals and services between hospitals, so an integrated daily emergency management system is needed. Based on the results of the study at the Imam As-Syafi'I Genteng Islamic Boarding School, from interviews with disaster management volunteers, data was obtained that the volunteers at the Imam As-Syafi'I Genteng Islamic Boarding School were classified as volunteers who lacked knowledge deficits related to first aid in accidents because they had never received first aid education and training for emergency patients. Based on data obtained from one of the administrators and participants at the Imam As-Syafi'I Genteng Islamic Boarding School, they have never been given counseling related to material on basic life support (BHD), shelter and how to transport emergency patients as a provision for first aid in an accident. The purpose: of this community service is for students to know and understand about basic life support. Method: this community service uses BHD material counseling and then practice using mannequins. Result: This program activity has increased the knowledge of female students about basic life support. Conclusion: Community service carried out through the presentation of material and direct practice to mannequins not only provides new insights to students but can also provide their own experiences for students in carrying out basic life support.
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kader Kesehatan mengenai Program Persiapan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi (P4K) di Kecamatan Gumukmas Sultanah Zahariah
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services
Publisher : PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/jhics.v1i2.55


Background: Maternal mortality rate in the region of East Java has increased in 2020 namely 98,39/100.000 KH. Jember has the highest of maternal mortality rate in the East Java, which is 173,53/100.000 KH. Maternal mortality can occur either during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium period. Gumukmas is one of district in Jember which has a percentage of birth assisted by health workers as much as 98,2%, which means that there are still 1,8% of mother who gave birth not assisted by health provider. Kader as part of the community that close to pregnan women are expected to be able yo take a role in the implementation of the Childbirth Planning and Camplications Prevention Program (P4K). The aim of this study is to improve the kader’s ability to provide information to pregnant women about preparation for childbirth in Gumukmas. Method: the method that used is counseling by evaluating the increase of kader’s knowledge through pre and posttest questionnaire.Result: the result was found that 88% of kader have increase of knowledge in childbirtg preparation program and prevention of complication, 12 % have the same knowledge, and there were no participants with decrease of knowledge. This shows that the counseling carried out is quite efficient. Suggestion This result is expected to increase the ability of kader in providing education to pregnant women and families in preparing safety deliveries
PKM Pemberdayaan Siswa MA ZAHA Pakuniran Probolinggo Sebagai First Responder dalam Memberikan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) Pada Kasus Cardiac Arrest Baitus Sholehah; Nur Kholimah Ningsih
Journal of Health Innovation and Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health Innovation and Community Services
Publisher : PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/jhics.v1i2.65


Background: Cardiac arrest is an emergency condition that can threaten human life, therefore cardiac arrest must get first aid as soon as possible to avoid death. First aid that can be done by giving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Purpose The purpose of this service is to empower MA ZAHA 04 Pakuniran Students as First Responders in Providing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in Cardiac Arrest Cases and the BLS rapid reaction team. Method: The method used in this service consists of a preparation stage by coordinating with partners and a service permit, followed by the implementation stage, namely by providing training to students on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the final stage, namely closing, by evaluating participants training on knowledge and skills in providing basic life support. Result: This service activity went according to expectations, as well as the participants who were very enthusiastic and attended the training wisely. Conclution: The community service carried out increases students' knowledge and skills by being able to demonstrate CPR (hand only CPR) and being able to identify signs of cardiac arrest.

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