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Islamic Business and Management Journal (IBMJ)
ISSN : 26226316     EISSN : 26226324     DOI : 10.21111
Islamic Business and Management Journal (IBMJ) (P-ISSN: 2622-6316 | E-ISSN: 2622-6324) is a semiannual journal published by University of Darussalam Gontor. IBMJ have collaborated with Forum Pengelola Jurnal Manajemen. In line with the objective of the University, the journal is committed to promoting and developing contemporary issues in Business and Islamic management. In the broadest sense, in order to keep scholars on research in the area of management. The editorial board welcomes original submissions in several fields: 1. Islamic Finance 2. Islamic Human Resource Management 3. Islamic Marketing IBMJ is currently indexed by ISSN BRIN, Google Scholar, and other indexes in the future.
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Islamic Business and Management Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): IBMJ | June
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ibmj.v1i1.2218


موضوع هذا البحث لمعرفة تأثير صورة العلامة التجارية كونتور وسمات المنتج نحو قرار شراء المياهالمعدنية لا تنس كونتور. نوع هذا البحث هو بحث العلاقة السببية النقابي. يحتوي هذا البحث على متغيرين ،الأول متغير المستقل (Y) يشمل بصورة العلامة التجارية كونتور وسمات المنتج، والثاني متغير التابع (X)يشمل على قرار شراء المياه المعدنية لا تنس كونتور. ومجتمع الدراسة في هذا البحث هو مستهلكين العامة )غيركونتور( الذين مرّة بعملية شراء مياه المعدنية لا تنس كونتور. يستخدم هذا البحث طرقة أخذ العينات العرضية(Accidental sampling) ويتم تحديد المبلغ إلى ستين ) 08 ( من المجيبين. طريقة التحليل المستخدمة هيطريقة تحليل الانحدار الخطي المتعدد. البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها من خلال المستجيبين باستخدام أداة جمعالبيانات في شكل استبيان/استبيان مغلق ومقابلة وقياس باستخدام مقياس ليكرت (Likert Scale). تظهرنتيجة في هذا البحث أن المتغير صورة العلامة التجارية كونتور وسمة المنتج لهما تأثير إيجابي و هام نحو قرار الشراء.فرع المتغير الذي لديه أكثر التأثير هو صورة المنتج وتتبعها تسمية المياه المعدنية لا تنس كونتور. الاقتراحات التييمكن تقديمها فيما يتعلق بنتائج هذه الدراسة هي كما يلي.) 1( ينبغي على شركة المياه المعدنية لا تنس كونتورزيادة أو المحافظة على العوامل التي لها تأثير إيجابي نحو القرار شراء المياه المعدنية لاتنس كونتور، مثل صورة الشركة،صورة، صورة المنتج، السعر والتسمية.) 2( ينبغي إصلاح وإعطاء الابتكار العوامل التي ليست لها تأثير الإيجابي نحوالقرار شراء المستهللك مثل صورة المستخدم، التغليف والجودة المياه المعدنية لاتنس كونتور
Islamic Business and Management Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): IBMJ | June
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ibmj.v1i1.2229


ملخص البحث :تشهد أعمال الطهي في إندونيسيا حاليًا نموًا سريعًا جدًا ،تجعل المنافسة أكثر قدرة المنافسة. الوعي الحلال للمجتمع الاندونيسي يتزايد ،تميزت من قبل عدد من الشركات الطهي التي تتحول إلى قطاع الحلال. المزيج التسويقي هو واحد من الاستراتيجيات التسويقية التي يستخدمها رجال الأعمال لتحقيق هدفهم المتمثل في تعظيم الأرباح. تم إجراء هذا البحث ليعرف المزيج التسويقي الإسلامي القائم في مطعم ساتي ليغو في زيادة  المبيعات. طريقة البحث المستخدمة في هذا البحث هي وصفية نوعية. يتم جمع البيانات عن طريق المقابلة والملاحظة. في حين أن جمع الوثائق من وثائق الأنشطة وبيانات البيانات الداعمة الأخرى. نتيجة هذا البحث هو مطعم "ساتي ليغو" الذي يستخدم استراتيجية مزيج التسويق الإسلامي في زيادة المبيعات والتي تشمل (1) المنتج يكون من الامتثال لأحكام الشريعة ، جودة المنتج ، التغليف و التنوع (2) بأسعار تنافسية مع الآخرين، تحديد السعر وفقا لجودة المنتج والخدمة ، و توضيح السعر ، (3) يتألف الترويج من الامتثال لأحكام الشريعة ، وسائل الإعلام الترويجية ، وعدم تقديم استئناف جنسي ، (4) يكون المكان من قنوات التوزيع باستخدام الرحلات المحلية موقع المتجر / المتجر ، الوصول و الخصائص .
ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER LOYALTY IN SERVICE QUALITY (Study on Customers of Food Court La-Tansa Gontor Ponorogo) Dizky Novandi Somantri Putra; Mohammad Zaenal Abidin
Islamic Business and Management Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): IBMJ | June
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ibmj.v1i1.2251


ABSTRACTThe rapid changes in the current environment are competing to steal and affect the hearts of customers this certainly not separated from the entrepreneur in his business that has its own characteristics in each strategy. Food Court La-Tansa Gontor Ponorogo is one of the culinary business unit owned by Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor with its unique of service characteristic.The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the extent to which the services quality implemented in this business unit affect the increase in customer loyalty. The measurement of the quality dimension uses five dimensions of service quality consisting of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy dimensions. The research instrument used is questionnaire distributed to 90 customer of Food Court La-Tansa Gontor Ponorogo taken using Non-Probability Sampling technique with Incidental Sampling approach. Data was analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis to see the service quality dimension that is the most dominant influence on customer loyalty. Based on the results of research that has been done, it showed the five variables of service quality simultaneously affect the customer loyalty and partially tangible and empathy variables that significantly affect customer loyalty. While reliability, responsiveness and assurance no significant influence on customer loyalty.
Islamic Business and Management Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): IBMJ | June
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ibmj.v1i1.2259


Currently waqf is not just immobile objects that are musholla, mosque, school, orphanage, and grave. However, there are also waqf managed productively such as money waqf. the institution that manages the cash waqf is called nazhir. Institutions that wish to manage the cash waqf must obtain permission from the Indonesian Waqf Board (BHI). Therefore, BMT Wakaf Yayasan Investa Cendekia Amanah is trusted by BWI to manage cash waqf. So in its management, BMT must manage risk well. Risk has become a common thing caused by the existence of uncertainty and has been regarded as sunnatullah life. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the risks of what is contained in Islamic micro finance institutions such as BMT. In addition, to find out how to manage the risk of cash waqf during which it is used to invest the principal of the waqf funds. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using three different techniques of interview, documentation, and participatory observation. sources of information taken in this study include the Chairman of Board and treasurer in the form of interviews, documentation data, and observation results in the field. Findings in the field indicate that BMT Wakaf Yayasan Investa Cendekia Amanah has not fully manage the risk of cash waqf funds well so that the financing has stalled. especially in murabahah and ijarah financing, which is followed by the use of large funds of cash waqf, causing loss and loss of the cash waqf substance. Therefore, BMT Wakaf Yayasan Investa Cendekia Amanah must improve the ideal management capacity in managing risk including prudential principles in providing financing to customers, and need cooperation with insurance institutions to cover cash waqf loss.Keywords: Cash waqf, nazhir, Risk management.
IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS MODEL BASED ON ISLAMIC BUSINESS (Case Study in TRAC Sharia PT. Serasi Autoraya) Wisnu Wijaya; Fajar Surya Ari Anggara
Islamic Business and Management Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): IBMJ | June
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ibmj.v1i1.2408


During this growth, human needs against product of goods and services has increased. It is demanding the company to be more active in developing his business. According to Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS), shows that transportation and warehousing sector has increased in the year 2017 is 5.41 %, this number is larger than the years 2016 to reach 5.20 %. The emergence of an increasing services company needed innovation in improving his business. TRAC Sharia as one of service business have the advantage that apply Sharia concept in its business. The purpose of this research is to know the business model TRAC Sharia and the application of business models TRAC based on Islamic business. This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods approach grounded. As for location of this research in the company of TRAC Sharia. In data retrieval, researcher using the technique observation, interview and documentation. In determining the sample of interviewees, the researcher uses a technique of probability sampling. The results of this research is the description of the business model TRAC Sharia is: customer segment, first through the concept of B to B, the second is a business that related with halal business; value propositions, the first transaction free from usury, the second cash back opportunity concept; channels, first doing socialization, second follow a variety halal event; customer relationship, visiting to the customer; revenue stream, the magnitude of rent is determined by the cost structure TRAC Sharia of the transport, maintenance & mudharabah; key resources include customer transport; key activities include offering the product to customer and take care of customer needs; key partnership includes Wardah, BMT Sidogiri & syariah financing; cost structure includes mudharabah, maintenance & operational. The application of business models TRAC Sharia based on Islamic business are: principle include a believe in way that God gave to who's defending his religion; motivation includes the concept transparency and free from haram elements; orientation includes the concept of cash back opportunity; work ethic include provide solutions to the customer in terms of transport with the concept of free usury; mental attitude includes free penalty but CSR funds; amanah includes conducting routine maintenance timely; human resources include standard salaries employee of TRAC Sharia; operations management include certification by MUI; financial management includes the transaction free from riba; marketing management covers the concept of socialization to the customer; human resource management includes standard grooming which includes women using hijab & employees understand sharia basic. From those results, researcher hope that TRAC Sharia improving business strategy based on the description of grouping strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in its business. Next the researchers hope TRAC Shariah complement the Islamic value elements has not yet appeared in his business.

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