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Journal of Language Education Development (JLed) Published by Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo Jl. Rang Kayo Hitam, Cadika, Rimbo Tengah, Kabupaten Bungo, Jambi 37211
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Journal of Language Education and Development (JLed)
ISSN : 26213796     EISSN : -     DOI :
Journal of Language Education Development (JLed) is an open access journal. This journal managed by the English Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. Its global audience includes linguists, journalists, broadcasters, writers, teachers, students and others with a professional or personal interest in education and language in general and English. In addition, this journal also allows participants to raise issues regarding literature and other sub-language studies.
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Journal Of Language Education and Development (JLed) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal of Language Education and Development (JLed)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/jled.v6i1.1486


This research was about the development of english toddler book based moral value. The purpose of this research is to see the development of English and moral value toddler through the application of English book based moral value. The method would used in this research is research and development. According to (Thiagarajan, 1974) states that development 4D model is a system approach model where compiled and based on previous models and based on actual field experience in designing, developing, evaluating, and disseminating teacher training materials in education special. Data collecting technique in this research is used questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of this research indicate that the English book based moral value in this development research are valid for use with good quality media. the result of content validation by content expert is 75.5% in valid category, the result of media validation by media expert is 92.5% in very valid category, the result of teacher perspective is 97% and the final result of observation is 94.4%.
Journal Of Language Education and Development (JLed) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal of Language Education and Development (JLed)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/jled.v6i1.1488


This research was about current topics with the implementation of the new curriculum implemented in Indonesia, especially in Muara Bungo. Namely Merdeka belajar curriculum that was implemented. The purpose of this study is to know the teacher’s perception toward Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. The Merdeka belajar curriculum is a new curriculum that was implemented at SMPN 4 Muara Bungo especially in grade 7. This type of research is a research design that applies Descriptive qualitative with Qualitative Methods. The participants in this study were English teachers in SMPN 4 Muara Bungo. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The instrument used in this study was open-ended-questions and semi structured for interviews. The result show of the study reveals that teachers have positive and negative perception on the implementation of Merdeka belajar curriculum. There are several factors that influence the teacher's positive perception of the implementation of Merdeka belajar Curriculum, namely teacher teaching experience, educational background, and teacher training. But the negative perceptions that teachers have was in the form of a lack of teaching media, lack of support from schools in fulfilling teaching media that can help the learning process, and also teachers' difficulties in grouping students based on their hobbies and characteristics.
Journal Of Language Education and Development (JLed) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal of Language Education and Development (JLed)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/jled.v6i1.1495


This research discusses the problems of students at State Vocational High School 4 Bungo. This research aims to help students and teachers in English lessons, especially in enriching vocabulary, because from the observations that have been made by researchers, the vocabulary known by students is very low, which greatly affects students when they want to continue the lesson. Researchers chose Tik Tok as a learning medium at Vocational High School 4 Bungo because the TikTok application can be processed into an interesting and interactive learning medium for students.The research method used is classroom action research to improve the quality of learning and help empower teachers to solve learning problems at school. This research took place in two cycles of action. The first cycle occurred on Monday, July 17, 2023, and July 24, 2023; the second cycle occurred on Monday, July 31, 2023, and August 7, 2023. The subjects of this study were 11 students, consisting of 3 female students and 8 male students in class XI MM Vocational High School 4 Bungo.Based on the results of the pre-test conducted before treatment, only 2 students scored above the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). After the researcher conducted cycle 1 and applied the treatment, then conducted a post-test, the results obtained were 6 students who scored above the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). And in cycle 2, there were 9 people who scored above the KKM. So, the increase in student learning activities from pre-test, cycle I, to cycle II is 80%. From the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that classroom action research using the Tik Tok application can enrich students' vocabulary.
Pengaruh Lagu Bahasa Inggris Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Terhadap Siswa Beby Florencia Putri
Journal Of Language Education and Development (JLed) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal of Language Education and Development (JLed)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/jled.v6i1.1541


Currently, English language skills are the most important thing that students should have. In this world there are many ways that can be used to develop English language skills. One way is by using songs. The aim of the research in this article is to find out how successful the use of songs is in developing English language talent in students. This research uses a qualitative study method. The author obtained some data regarding how songs are used to develop students' level of English by assessing previous research and analyzing several guides such as books, articles, journals and documents that are still related to the discussion being tested. From this, the author can draw the conclusion that using songs as a tool to develop improved English language skills, this is the fastest way to develop students' abilities. therefore many songs can be found easily in student life. So songs can easily help students' listening and pronunciation levels. and this song can also help students in using songs. The use of songs can help students to develop listening and pronunciation skills them which can also add to the vocabulary they have.
Penggunaan Film Bahasa Inggris Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mendengarkan Siswa Ratu Nafla Anissa Roshalina .HK
Journal Of Language Education and Development (JLed) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal of Language Education and Development (JLed)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/jled.v6i1.1559


In recent years, learning media has developed very well in various types one of which is media in improving students' listening skills. Examples of possible media used is an English movie. By using this English movie there are many benefits obtained by students, namely, students can learn good English pronunciation directly from movies that is broadcast, students can add new vocabulary, students can learn good grammar and correct and also students can practice their listening skills. Apart from that, this movie can be used as a medium that can make students more active in taking classes, not boring and interesting so learning can go well. The aim of this research is to find out how much effective use of movie in improving students' listening skills in the field of language studies students' English, and also to find out students' perspectives on the use of movie as a medium learning. In the research conducted, the researcher used the literature study method with collect some data from various related journals for review in collecting data. The conclusion of this research is that the use of English movie improves abilities Listening to students is very effective. According to the student's perspective, the use of this film is very helpful them in learning.

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