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TARBIYATUL ILMU: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30316960     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
ARBIYATUL ILMU: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan adalah jurnal yang memfokuskan kepada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan bidang pendidikan baik dalam ruang lingkup keluarga maupun pendidikan dalam ruang lingkup formal seperti pendidikan dasar, menengah, pendidikan luar sekolah, pendidikan tinggi, assessment pembelajaran, kurikulum pendidikan, filosofi pendidikan, psikologi umum, psikologi pendidikan, filsafat pendidikan dan topik lainnya yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan.
Articles 5 Documents
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TARBIYATUL ILMU: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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The research that we have made is about the role of a teacher when dealing with dating cases in junior high schools. We explain how the program has been implemented and has had maximum results. This research uses qualitative research methods, with the process of collecting data and information through interviews. Researchers concluded that the role of teachers in dealing with dating problems is very important. One of them is the Class Counseling System program which facilitates all junior high school students to receive counseling guidance services, and a teacher's approach to dealing with students who are dating. Then at the end of the discussion we explain the impact that will occur when students date. This research explains an effective program so that the number of students who have problems dating at Insan Kamil Middle School is a minority. So the role of the counseling teacher in this dating problem greatly influences students' behavior and attitudes.
PENTINGNYA PENDIDIKAN SEKSUAL DI REMAJA SMP Muhammad Naufal Fajar; Benggol Sang Ghany; Muhammad Iqmal Abdullah
TARBIYATUL ILMU: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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Sexual education is an integral aspect of individual development that cannot be ignored, especially at the adolescent stage at junior high school (SMP) level. During this period, teenagers experience significant physical, emotional and social changes, so it is important to provide a comprehensive understanding of aspects of sexuality. Sexual education at the junior high school level has a crucial role in forming a healthy, positive and ethical understanding of sexual identity, interpersonal relationships and responsibility as an individual. This learning is not only limited to biological aspects, but also involves moral values, social norms and interpersonal skills which are essential for the holistic development of students. The research methods used in the process of collecting data and information are literature studies and surveys. This method is used. Most sexual education research at the junior high school level begins with a literature study to understand trends, theories and previous findings. Searching for data was carried out using the survey method. This method may include structured questions to measure their understanding of certain topics, perceptions of sexual education, and its impact on attitudes and behavior. systematically to be able to describe, explain and understand activities or events that occurred some time ago. Adolescence is synonymous with a period of preservation that is closely related to the tendency to show oneself, feeling autonomous over oneself, searching for one's identity, and other risky behavior. Adolescents' exploration of themselves and various things outside themselves is of course normal as long as it is within certain limits. Therefore, sexuality education to teenagers is mandatory. However, sexuality education is often considered taboo.
TEKNOLOGI DAN HIDUP KUDUS: Bagaimana Generasi Z Mengintegrasikan Nilai-Nilai Kristen Dalam Era Digital Risdayana Rudding; Melda Melda; Femi Yanti Ramme; Delly Itania Ruben; Sriweni Antika Masarrang
TARBIYATUL ILMU: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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This research investigates the complexity of the relationship between digital technology and the understanding and application of Christian values in the lives of Generation Z. As a generation growing up in the digital era, Generation Z faces unique challenges in integrating religious values with the increasingly pervasive use of technology in their daily lives. The study explores the impact of technology on how Generation Z interacts with Christian values, as well as the efforts and strategies they employ to live a holy life in the digital realm. The research methodology includes surveys and online content analysis to comprehend the behavioral patterns, attitudes, and experiences of Generation Z in integrating Christian values in the digital era. The findings indicate that despite facing temptations from online content conflicting with Christian teachings, Generation Z also utilizes technology to deepen their spiritual beliefs. Churches and religious communities play a central role in providing support, ethical guidance in the digital realm, and community spaces to help Generation Z navigate moral dilemmas in the digital world. The implications of the research underscore the need for a holistic approach from churches and religious communities to support Generation Z in living a holy life amidst the rapid development of technology.
MODEL KEPEMIMPINAN KRISTEN YANG RELEVAN UNTUK PEMUDA DALAM KONTEKS KONTEMPORER Imeldayanti Mangape; Meldawati Pakila'; Andrianus Pappang; Elsya Limbolele; Abijaner Abijaner
TARBIYATUL ILMU: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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This research aims to examine and develop a relevant Christian leadership model for youth in the contemporary context. By integrating traditional Christian elements with a profound understanding of the characteristics and aspirations of the younger generation, this study explores ways in which leadership models can be adapted to respond to the challenges and needs of today's youth. The research methodology involves literature analysis and a survey among Christian youth. The findings highlight the importance of principles such as servant leadership, social justice, and empowerment in shaping a leadership model that can motivate, guide, and empower young people. The research conclusion offers an in-depth perspective on how Christian leadership models can be relevant and effective in developing impactful leadership amidst contemporary changes. The practical implications of this research contribute to the development of leadership models that meet the demands of the times and motivate Christian youth to actively engage in service and leadership in the evolving societal context.
TARBIYATUL ILMU: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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Education is a basic need for every human being. The aim of education is to shape humans so they are able to adapt in their lives, by developing the various potentials that exist within them. In the educational process, various views are faced, including understanding related to secular thinking in the world of education. In this paper the author will discuss and criticize secular education. Education in the current era is experiencing various challenges ranging from secularism to implementing the noble values of religious teachings in social life. Muslims are very pragmatic, and even tend to be opportunistic. Secular Ideas in today's life are presented and packaged in a beautiful way through globalization and modernization, which is in line with the development of Western civilization. Secularism is an ideology that seeks to eliminate religious values that originate from revelation in world life, or separate religious life from the world which is actually different from the aim of education, namely forming a pious human spirit.

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