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Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia atau yang disingkat JUPSI merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan 3 kali dalam setahun, Fabruari, Juni, dan Oktober. Kami menerima kontribusi berupa makalah hasil penelitian orisinal, artikel konseptual, ulasan artikel, dan studi kasus di bidang rumpun Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial. Jurnal ini memiliki fokus dan cakupan yang mencakup berbagai aspek dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, termasuk Pendidikan Sejarah, Pendidikan Ekonomi, Pendidikan Sosiologi, dan Pendidikan PPKN. Beberapa topik yang dicakup dalam jurnal ini antara lain: 1. Sistem Pendidikan. 2. Kurikulum. 3. Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan. 4. Media dan Sumber Pembelajaran. 5. Evaluasi Pembelajaran. 6. Topik Terkait Lainnya. Setelah mengirimkan artikel, kami mengharapkan penulis untuk menghubungi kontak pendukung (Supporting Contact) yang tercantum pada menu Kontak untuk tahap selanjutnya dalam proses publikasi.
Articles 5 Documents
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Transformasi Kebudayaan: Dampak Perkembangan Teknologi dan Media Sosial Ria Anista
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JUPSI: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia
Publisher : Yayasan Azzuhri Lengkok Lombok Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62238/jupsijurnalpendidikansosialindonesia.v1i1.6


In the era of globalization and digitalization, cultural transformation has become a significant phenomenon triggered by technological advancements and social media development. This research analyzes the impact of these changes on traditional values, social norms, individual identities, and communication patterns. A mixed-methods approach is employed, combining qualitative and quantitative analyses. Through in-depth interviews with diverse societal groups and online surveys, this study reveals that technology and social media have reshaped social interaction and communication. Traditional cultural values, such as face-to-face communication and deep interpersonal connections, have experienced a decline in priority. In contrast, digital communication and social networking have become more dominant. Social norms have also undergone changes. The exposure of personal information through social media has blurred the boundaries between private and public life. Personal identity has undergone a complex transformation; individuals can craft self-images on the virtual stage of social media, yet they also risk experiencing identity dissonance due to digital normative pressures. Communication patterns have undergone a drastic shift. Emojis, abbreviations, and images have become integral to digital language, influencing how individuals interact and communicate. While technology and social media offer benefits in global connectivity, they also pose new challenges in understanding communication nuances within evolving contexts. In conclusion, this research highlights the changes in cultural values, social norms, individual identities, and communication due to technological and social media advancements. These findings provide crucial insights into how society adapts to cultural transformations in the digital era. Understanding these changes is essential for mitigating negative impacts and maximizing the benefits offered by technological progress in daily life.
Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Desa Raya Kab Simalungun Adinda Kartika Sari
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JUPSI: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia
Publisher : Yayasan Azzuhri Lengkok Lombok Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62238/jupsijurnalpendidikansosialindonesia.v1i1.7


Changes in society can be about social values, social norms, patterns of organizational behavior, the composition of social institutions, layers in society, power and authority, social interactions and so on. Nearly 80% or more of Indonesia's population live in rural areas. Thus, rural areas are not only a source of economic strength. Based on the paper above, a paper was created entitled "Social Change in the Community of Raya Village, Simalungun Regency. The research method that the author used in this study can be reviewed from sources, namely library research (Library Research). The development of social change in the community in Raya Village, Simalungun Regency in the economic field is growing rapidly. This Raya village is passed by the Sumatran causeway which encourages many people to open stalls on the side of the road. However, over time, Raya became the capital of Simalungun Regency, which had a very good impact on the community. The community does not only open stalls but has started to open cafes or restaurants.
Studi Masyarakat Sosial Dalam Persfektif Kelompok Sosial Dan Stratifikasi Sosial Sahlan Sahlan
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JUPSI: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia
Publisher : Yayasan Azzuhri Lengkok Lombok Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62238/jupsijurnalpendidikansosialindonesia.v1i1.8


A group or group is a collection of individuals who interact with each other, generally only to do work, to improve relationships between individuals, or it could be both. A group at one time distinguished collectively, a group of people who have togetherness in common activities but with the smallest direction of interaction. A social group is a collection of people who have a shared awareness of membership and interact with each other. Group is created by society. Groups can also influence the behavior of their members. Social groups are things that are commonly known in society, both ancient and present. As a result, things like this cause conflicts in society due to differences in the meaning of social groups themselves, even though in Islamic teachings there are differences in gender, differences in skin color, race, ethnicity, nation and customs which are unique in themselves so that in God's eyes a noble human being is humans who have a pious and pious personality and behave well with others. Sociologically, the definition of a social group is a collection of people who have relationships and interact with each other and can result in the growth of shared feelings.
Perkembangan Sosial Masyarakat Pada Masa Penjajahan Toni Nasution
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JUPSI: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia
Publisher : Yayasan Azzuhri Lengkok Lombok Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62238/jupsijurnalpendidikansosialindonesia.v1i1.9


The social development of society during the colonial period in various countries can bevary depending on the historical, political and social context of each country.But in general, colonization can have a negative impact on social developmentthe people below. In Indonesia, for example, the Dutch colonization lasted for almost three yearscentury has resulted in various social changes in Indonesian society.During the colonial period, the Dutch had introduced a segregating caste systemIndonesian society into several groups based on race, religion, and statussocial. This caste system has created huge social gaps between people Indonesian natives and people of Dutch or Dutch descent. Before the Dutch controlled Indonesia, there had been exploration the oceans in the context of ancient imperialism and colonialism to the archipelago. Portugal and Spain are two pioneering and enthusiastic countriesin exploring the ocean. So as to prevent that from happeningunfair competition between the two countries, on the initiative of Pope Alexander VI,ruler of the Catholic Religion in the Vatican, felt the need to arrange an expeditionoceans in two countries where the majority of the population is Catholic
Peran Kebudayaan Dalam Pembentukan Kesadaran Sosial Dan Lingkungan Yosita Amelia
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JUPSI: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Indonesia
Publisher : Yayasan Azzuhri Lengkok Lombok Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62238/jupsijurnalpendidikansosialindonesia.v1i1.10


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali peran penting kebudayaan dalam pembentukan kesadaran sosial dan lingkungan di masyarakat. Dalam konteks yang semakin kompleks dan terhubung global saat ini, pemahaman akan hubungan antara kebudayaan, kesadaran sosial, dan lingkungan menjadi sangat relevan. Dengan mempelajari literatur yang relevan serta melibatkan analisis konsep-konsep kunci seperti budaya, kesadaran sosial, dan lingkungan, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa kebudayaan memiliki dampak signifikan pada bagaimana individu memandang diri mereka sendiri sebagai anggota masyarakat serta bagaimana mereka berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Melalui proses sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh keluarga, sekolah, media massa, komunitas agama atau etnisitas tertentu, individu diperkenalkan kepada nilai-nilai budaya yang membentuk pola pikir dan perilaku mereka. Nilai-nilai tersebut dapat mencakup sikap peduli terhadap orang lain maupun alam sekitar. Selain itu, artikel ini menyoroti pengaruh media massa modern dalam membentuk persepsi publik tentang isu-isu sosial dan lingkungan. Media memiliki kemampuan untuk mendistribusikan pesan-pesan positif ataupun negatif tentang perlunya menjaga harmoni antara manusia dengan sesama manusia maupun alam sekitar. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kesadaran sosial dan lingkungan melalui kebudayaan, artikel ini merekomendasikan perlunya pendekatan yang holistik dan terintegrasi. Pendidikan formal dan informal harus memainkan peran penting dalam mengajarkan nilai-nilai sosial serta etika lingkungan kepada generasi muda. Selain itu, kolaborasi antara pemerintah, sektor swasta, organisasi non-pemerintah (LSM), dan masyarakat umum juga diperlukan untuk menciptakan program-program yang mendukung kesadaran sosial dan lingkungan melalui kegiatan budaya seperti seni rupa, musik, tarian tradisional, atau festival budaya lokal. Dengan demikian, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa kebudayaan memiliki peran krusial dalam membentuk kesadaran sosial dan lingkungan di masyarakat. Melalui pengenalan nilai-nilai budaya yang positif serta melibatkan berbagai pihak dalam upaya pembentukan kesadaran tersebut dapat meningkatkan pemeliharaan harmoni antara manusia dengan sesama manusia maupun alam sekitar.

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