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Menara Tebuireng : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
ISSN : 1829801X     EISSN : 25795643     DOI :
Menara Tebuireng (Jurnal Studi Islam) adalah publikasi ilmiah yang berusaha memfasilitasi artikel akademis dan tulisan ilmiah dari sejumlah studi penelitian empiris dalam bidang Studi Islam. Menara Tebuireng terbuka bagi akademisi, mahasiswa, peneliti, dan praktisi yang berminat untuk berkontribusi dengan pemikiran mereka, terutama dalam bidang Studi Islam. Fokus utama jurnal Menara Tebuireng adalah pada eksplorasi hukum Islam, dinamika penyebaran dakwah dalam penyebaran Islam, studi ilmu sosial, Pendidikan Islam, dan pengembangan pengetahuan Islam kontemporer dalam ranah teoretis maupun praktis, khususnya dalam lingkup lokal, nasional, dan global. Subtema dan cakupan dalam publikasi ilmiah Menara Tebuireng meliputi: Dakwah dan penyebaran Islam: a. Studi dalam ilmu dakwah, seperti sejarah dakwah, filsafat dakwah, dan metodologi dakwah, termasuk dalam aspek budaya, ekonomi, dan politik. b. Manajemen dakwah yang terkait dengan perencanaan dan strategi penyebaran Islam, pariwisata global Islam, dan manajemen Islam serta pariwisata keagamaan. c. Dakwah, khususnya dalam analisis sosial dan psikologis, konseling Islam, dan hubungan antara dakwah dan studi sosial-budaya. Ilmu sosial: a. Studi dalam ilmu sosial secara umum, teori sosial, dan pendekatan-pendekatan. b. Media sosial. c. Pengembangan masyarakat.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 7 Documents
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Sistem Rekrutmen Tenaga Pendidik dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru di MTs Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Tebuireng Jombang Miftahul Ulum; Mahmud Fauzi
Menara Tebuireng Vol 14 No 02 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/menaratebuireng.v14i02.971


By procuring or recruiting educators at an educational institution, it is expected that an educational institution will get employees both in number and quality according to needs, so that the HR functions within an educational institution can be carried out effectively and efficiently and are able to bring up professional educators. This study aims to find out about the Education Personnel Recruitment System that is managed and handled by the Quality Assurance Agency in the Field of School/Madrasah Development in Improving Teacher Professionalism in MTs. Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Tebuireng Jombang. In this study, there are three problems to be examined, namely: (1) How is the recruitment system for teaching staff in MTs. Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Tebuireng Jombang?. (2) How to improve teacher professionalism in MTs. Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Tebuireng Jombang?. (3) What are the factors that constrain teacher recruitment in MTs. Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Tebuireng Jombang?. This type of research is a qualitative field study by collecting data about the Recruitment System of Education Personnel in Improving Teacher Professionalism in MTs. Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Tebuireng Jombang, which is managed and handled by the Tebuireng Boarding School Quality Assurance Institute. The data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on data collected repeatedly with domain data analysis techniques, the researcher checks the validity of the data with triangulation of sources and techniques and uses reference materials such as cameras and voice recording devices. The results showed: (1) Recruitment should not be a trivial matter for an educational institution, but the recruitment of educators should be full of effective and efficient planning. (2) The institution always strives to develop teacher competencies so that teachers become professional educators, such as by providing local training at least every two years, and including general training and Teacher Competency Test or teacher character assessment. (3) Evaluating the implementation of recruitment in order to find out the existing constraints, so that the right solution can be found
Model Pembentukan Karakter Keagamaan Melalui Program Unggulan Al-Ihya' Li 'Ulumi Ad-Din di MTs Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Tebuireng Jombang Nadlifah Rizki Utami; Abdullah Aminuddin Aziz
Menara Tebuireng Vol 14 No 02 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/menaratebuireng.v14i02.972


MTs Salafiah Tebuireng Jombang is an Islamic-based school that is expected not only to be able to play a role in equipping and developing general knowledge and religious knowledge, but also being able to carry out its role to change that knowledge into meaningful and valuable ways through various schools. Internalize the values ​​of Islamic religious education so that they can control students in acting and behaving religiously in their daily lives. In the age of globalization that is full of these challenges, education seems to be getting heavier with the demands of increasingly complex modern society. The impact of educators must be to keep pace with the times that are increasingly creative and dynamic, but still maintain Islamic values. Planting Islamic values ​​through education is very necessary for students. The many deviant behaviors of students and adolescents in general that are not in accordance with religious norms lately encourage various parties to question the effectiveness of the implementation of religious education in schools. Islamic Education must be an agent of change in changing the behavior of students in a better direction. Based on the description above, several problems can be formulated, namely: 1) How is the religious character education of students at Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Tebuireng Jombang MTs, 2) How is the formation of religious character of students through the flagship program Al-Ihya’ Li ‘Ulumi ad-Din, and 3) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for the formation of the religious character of students through the Al-Ihya' 'Li-Ulumi Ad-Din program. The type of research used by the author is a case study, the approach uses a descriptive qualitative approach, while the method used is the method of observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of this study it was concluded that the process of internalizing the values ​​of Islamic religious education in shaping the Muslim personality of students at the MTs Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Tebuireng Jombang was: in the first hour students read the Qur'an, Asma'ul Husna and prayers, rest first prayer in dhuha, resting of the two dzuhur prayers in congregation and culture, carrying out PHBI activities, holding religious competitions in the month of Ramadan, teachers deepening learning material, being familiar with students, giving taladan, monitoring students, material delivered in accordance with the Qur'an and the hadith, students are required to memorize the verses in the Qur'an and hadith according to the material being taught, students are given the task to read the Qur'an every day for at least 10 verses, students take part in religious extracurricular activities
Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Menumbuhkan Kepedulian Lingkungan di Sekolah (Studi Kasus di SMP Negeri 5 Jombang) Supriyadi; Suwandi
Menara Tebuireng Vol 14 No 02 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/menaratebuireng.v14i02.973


Caring for the environment can create good conditions for schools to become a comfortable place of learning and awareness of the school community, so that in the future these school members can take responsibility for efforts to save the environment for Indonesia. The focus of this research and development includes: 1) The role of school principals in fostering awareness in SMPN 5 Jombang, 2) Knowing the characteristics of environmental care in SMPN 5 Jombang, 3) Knowing the constraints and solutions for environmental care in SMPN 5 Jombang. The research uses descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. For data analysis techniques using: data reduction, data display, data verification. To check the validity of the data by: (1) credibility: a. extension of participation, b. perseverance of observation, c. triangulation, d. Negative Case Analysis, e. Using reference material, f. using member check, (2) transferability, (3) dependability, (4) confirmability. The results showed that: (1) Principal leadership is very important because it is a driving force for school resources, especially teachers and school employees, (2) characteristics in the form of environmental care activities that can make the character of students who care about the environment, (3) obstacles and solutions in growing environmental care, namely: In schools there are students who have not complied with adiwiyata school regulations, new students who are not familiar with environmental culture due to differences in family background, narrow land, and the solution is that school residents must work together same to remind teachers especially to students, policing through environmental regulations in the form of prohibitions and penalties
Penerapan Reward dan Punishment di SMA Negeri Bareng Kab. Jombang sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Guru dalam Kehadiran Mengajar di Kelas Ahmad
Menara Tebuireng Vol 14 No 02 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/menaratebuireng.v14i02.974


Improving the quality of learning in schools depends on several factors. A very important factor is the application of school culture towards quality improvement. School culture that must be maintained is one of disciplinary problems, including the discipline of teachers in attendance in class in the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to improve teacher discipline in the presence of teaching in the classroom through the application of Reward and Punishment measures in SMA Negeri Bareng, Jombang. This research was conducted in two cycles. The results of the study in the first cycle of discipline in the presence of teachers in teaching in late classes less than 10 minutes was 24.3%, which means that the results have not met the predetermined indicator of success of 75%. In the second cycle the discipline of the presence of teachers in teaching in late class less than 10 minutes was 78.4%, it shows that in the second cycle, the discipline of teacher attendance in the classroom in the learning process increased and fulfilled the set indicators of 75%. Based on the results of the research obtained it can be concluded that to improve the discipline of teacher attendance in the classroom in learning activities can be done by applying Reward and Punishment to the teacher
Penjaminan Mutu pada Learning Outcomes Pondok Pesantren Khoirun Nisa'
Menara Tebuireng Vol 14 No 02 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/menaratebuireng.v14i02.975


The seminary is the oldest Islamic institution in Indonesia. So in this case there needs to be development and renewal, in order that the boarding school was not outdated. In an effort to improve the quality and characteristics of comprehensive description is from the field or service that shows in the ability to satisfy the needs of the expected or implied. In the context of education, the notion of quality includes input, process, and output of education. The motion of national development or challenge nowadays has been on a "modern" era. The era was marked by advances in science and technology as well as in its utilization. This triggered the birth of the implementation of strategic management in quality improvement efforts on education in boarding schools are increasingly demanding for expertise and specificities in the handle it, and puts this era as the era of human resources. To that end, enhance the quality of the institution required human resources that have skills that are relevant to the needs of education planning. Agency boarding schools are bound by the values and norms of the institutional mission. These values are derived from the values that are in the education institutions boarding schools to increase professionalism in the improved quality of education
Analisa Kontribusi Al-Biruni dan Relevansinya dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Komtemporer Mohammad Hanief Sirajulhuda; Syamsuri
Menara Tebuireng Vol 14 No 02 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/menaratebuireng.v14i02.976


This study aims to analyze the economic thinking of Abu Al-Rayhan Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Biruni (later Al-Biruni) and its relevance in the world of contemporary economics. This research is a character study through library research (penelitian kepustakaan) using qualitative methods with inductive data analysis techniques. The analysis of Al-Biruni's economic thinking is based on written references either by the book Al-Biruni itself or writing that discusses economic thinking. This study found that Al-Biruni's economic thinking was in four (4) themes. First, Human Resources (HR). Second, the urgency of cooperation. Third, handicraft and industrial activities, and fourth, money. The results found in this study are that of the four themes of thought, it is quite relevant to the world of contemporary economics as a solution in solving the economic crisis that occurred
Nilai Pendidikan Sosial pada Kitab Al-Hikam Karya Ibnu Atha'illah Al-Sakandari Rizky Habibie; Moh. Syamsul Falah
Menara Tebuireng Vol 14 No 02 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/menaratebuireng.v14i02.977


Sufism and social education cannot be separated because Sufism itself is the knowledge of all forms of behavior of the human soul, both praiseworthy and despicable, then how to rid oneself of despicable deeds and decorate it with the praiseworthy, how to travel the way to Allah and run as fast as possible towards Allah SWT. Human interaction with other parties does not come out of three types of relationships. The focus of this research consists of: 1) What is the value of social education in Al-Hikam?, 2) How is the implementation of the value of social education in Al-Hikam?. To discuss the above research, the literary method is used, this research is a philosophical approach that plays a role in opening up thinking to realize the phenomena behind something that appears and also using another approach, namely the biographical approach that aims to describe the thoughts or views of figures, religious figures, politicians, or historian. The data source is taken from the work of Taj Al-Din Abu Al-Fadl Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abdul Karim bin Abdul Al-Rahman bin Abdulullah bin Isa bin Al-Husein bin Atha'illah with the title Al-Hikam. In this study, the following results were obtained: 1) Al-Hikam discussed a lot about Sufi Uluhiyah and Insaniyah. Tasawuf insaniyah discusses human nature related to human nature in the world and the hereafter. There is a maqamat that needs to be done to understand about relations with humans; tajrid maqam and asbab maqam. In this station, there needs to be an initial fortification in the form of a strong and straight mental self (riyadlah). And attitudes that can be learned in the book of Al-Hikam by Ibn Atha'illah are sincere, enterprising, tawadlu', friendship, respect for others, fair, and help each other. 2) The implementation of the value of social education in the book Al-Hikam is called suluk education which has two stages in its application, marhalah ta'sis (the phase of strengthening and planting) and marhalah nuwuww (the phase of distribution and development) which at each stage will be given suggestions and provision to make a good characteristic and nature of social education. Both phases will have an impact in critical thinking on the meaning of the relationship to Allah and the relationship to humans

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