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Published by CV. Gio Architect
ISSN : 29874033     EISSN : 29871131     DOI : 10.59810/archimane
ARCHIMANE Journal of Architecture and Human Experience publishes articles on architecture from various perspectives, encompassing both literary and fieldwork studies. The journal focuses on several aspects, including: 1. Architectural Design matters 2. Housing and Urban Design 3. Vernacular and Architecture Heritage 4. Architectural Science and Technology 5. Interdisciplinary Architecture 6. Other discussions concerning Local Architecture 7. Architectural conceptual ideas Serving as a platform for the examination of Architecture in developing nations, the journal supports in-depth studies of specific themes and interdisciplinary research related to the subject. It serves as a means of exchanging ideas and research discoveries from diverse educational traditions, promoting scholarly interactions, and facilitating the dissemination of local architectural research to the international community.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April" : 6 Documents clear
Modernity vs Traditionality: The Approach the Vernacular Architecture in Maintaining Traditional Architecture through Structuralism Riandy Tarigan
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i1.1


The development of current functions in traditional homes is similar to the development of homes in general. The function of the house is not only as a place of residence for residents, but as another function. Residents develop additional functions, such as business functions or cultural functions. The addition of this function has an impact on the reduction or loss of the meaning of traditional architecture due to changes in activities and ways of view of the inhabitants of their traditional spaces. The purpose of the discussion was to find out the dynamics of the meaning of modernity and traditionality in space and the traditional forms of traditional houses. The approach is carried out through Semiotics and Structuralism which is reading the dynamics of the relationship between the meaning of traditionality and modernity through architectural signs in traditional houses. The method of discussion is descriptive-interpretive method that is to look at cultural phenomena that are behind the dynamics of traditional functions, spaces and forms by showing the developmental relations of functions to the dynamics of the meaning of space and form. The results of this paper are expected to provide a theoretical contribution to the development of traditional house and space and contribute to the right method in the process of changing space and form without leaving its traditional values, so that traditional houses can keep abreast of the times.
Karsten’s Work as a City Branding Strengthener for The Semarang City, Indonesia Albertus Sidharta Muljadinata; Bayu Widiantoro
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i1.2


Currently the City of Semarang, Indonesia, is trying to have a BRAND which is expected to be able to show the potential of Semarang city. Semarang city is one of the cities in Indonesia which in planning the development of the form of town planning, was planned by a city planner who is also an architect named Ir. Herman Thomas Karsten. Karsten has a lot of architectural works in Semarang city, ranging from buildings that function as houses, offices, to other public buildings such as schools, markets, theater, office building, housings, and hospitals. Karsten's architectural works are known to be comfortable to view or use for their activities. This is shown by the many works of Karsten which are still being used well by building users. This study aims to reveal the potential of the city of Semarang related to the urban cultural heritage of Karsten's work. This research will provide benefits for the stakeholders of the Semarang City in determining the city branding of Semarang city. In addition, this research is also beneficial for the development of architectural scholarship, and will provide new insights to the academic community about the importance of cultural heritage in a city. This research will provide clarity, that the Urban Cultural Heritage will affect the city identity and city character. As for the community, this research will contribute to helping the creation of a new built environment for cultural heritage artifacts through the city's brand image.
Pendekatan Mimesis untuk Keberlanjutan Arsitektur Vernakular Anna Lucy Rahmawati; Lilianny Sigit Arifin; Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i1.3


This paper presents an outline of the literature review and is part of a dissertation research proposal that puts forward a mimetic approach in relation to the preservation efforts for the sustainability of vernacular architecture. The topic put forward is motivated by the discourse of extinction of vernacular architecture and preservation efforts undertaken to maintain and/or maintain its sustainability. The phenomenon of imitation is then presented to show the relationship between the act of imitating with the trace of the sustainability of vernacular architecture. From this phenomenon, it is assumed that the act of imitating as part of a broad concept of mimesis, might be able to offer a new method that is effective and can be used to fill research gaps related to the issue of sustainability of vernacular architecture. This assumption is a motivation to conduct a literature review using an integrative approach to build a theoretical foundation that can produce novelty from planned research. The result of this literature review is a mimetic trilogy diagram, as an approach tool for the sustainability of vernacular architecture.
Kesinambungan dan Perbedaan Rumah Sumba di Dalam dan di Luar Praingu Yohanes Djarot Purbadi; B. Sumardiyanto; Vincentia Reni Vitasurya
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i1.4


The Sumba house is characterized by traditional architecture on the island of Sumba, some of which have changed from their original characteristics and some others have retained their original characteristics. If you compare the Sumba houses in praingu (traditional villages) with the houses of Sumbanese people in cities or along roads that are characterized by modern or contemporary houses, the differences in characteristics are easy to see. It is different if the houses with Sumba architectural characteristics outside Praingu are compared to those inside Praingu. There are interesting things to say. They look the same, but have significant differences. This paper aims to describe the continuity and different of Sumba houses with traditional Sumba architecture in Anakalang compared to the original Sumba houses located in Praingu Galubakul. The focus of this research is to look at the continuity and differences in the form-function-meaning aspects of traditional Sumba houses within praingu and outside praingu. This research was produced through a qualitative research process based on a phenomenological-husserlian approach, using field observation and in-depth interview methods. The case is the Sumba house in Anakalang which is outside Praingu (Galubakul) and the owner is bound by Sumba culture. There is continuity and different in the Sumba house in Anakalang. Form and meaning continue to be continuous, but there is a change in the function of the building. Continuity occurs due to aspects of adherence to tradition, while changes occur in the addition of new functions, changing functions and deleting functions due to the establishment of a modern lifestyle. The religious (spiritual) aspect of the homeowners related to the Marapu belief and fear of praingu integration is a determining factor for the continuity of the form and meaning of the architecture of the Sumba house. Modern lifestyle is a determining factor in changing the center room from the status of a sacred space to a profane space.
Perancangan Kawasan Pusat Seni Ukir Kayu Kota Jepara Shintia Ulwiyyah
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i1.5


Wood carviпg is aп art that is applied to wood media by carviпg or carviпg so as to produce embossed aпd coпcave or flat shapes accordiпg to the plaп drawiпg. The developmeпt of the art of wood carviпg is still rapid iп this moderп era, especially iп the city of Jepara which has пow beeп dubbed the world's carviпg city because of the fame of wood carviпg ceпters. The abseпce of a wood carviпg art ceпter iп the city of Jepara is the reasoп for the emergeпce of a пeed. The пeed to accommodate the wood carviпg artists iп Jepara to preseпt their work as well as the first aпd oпly ceпter for wood carviпg iп Jepara. The elemeпts of carviпg culture that are still iпhereпt iп the Jepara eпviroпmeпt trigger the emergeпce of the coпcept of пeo-verпacular architectural desigп which is a post-moderп coпcept that maiпtaiпs elemeпts of local culture developed with the latest moderп elemeпts or elemeпts. The desigп of this coпcept has a characteristic that still uses local materials such as bricks, ceramics, aпd others. This desigп coпcept elevates oпe of the Jepara wood carviпg motifs which is used as the arraпgemeпt of the buildiпg mass aпd the form of the joglo buildiпg to be developed. Carved orпameпts aпd bricks will decorate the area of the wood carviпg ceпter of this city of Jepara. The desigп of the ceпtral area of Jepara's wood carviпg art caппot be separated from the floor plaпs, looks aпd perspectives that are used as a refereпce for uпderstaпdiпg this area. The desigп of the floor plaп has aп importaпt iпflueпce iп the developmeпt of the ceпtral area of the wood carviпg art of the city of Jepara iп order to create a circulatioп of comfortable space patterпs aпd accordiпg to the пeeds of users accordiпg to architectural discipliпes. Elemeпts of saпitatioп aпd air circulatioп as well as lightiпg aпd veпtilatioп are also plaппed perfectly.
Fungsi dan Makna Perapian di Permukiman Desa Kalidesel, Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah Hermawan
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i1.8


Fireplaces for people in mountainous areas have several functions including those that function for cooking, heating and preserving agricultural products. One of the villages in the mountainous region is Kalidesel Village, Wonosobo, Central Java. The fireplace in the Kalidesel village consists of several elements including a furnace known as a pawon, a small wooden table known as dingklik, a seat known as jengkok, a cupboard for furniture known as an Anjab and a place to put agricultural products known as para. The fireplace is maintained by the community because it has meaning for people's lives. This research will reveal the meaning of a fireplace in the Kalidesel Village Settlement, Wonosobo, Central Java. The method used is descriptive method with observation and interview strategies. Observations were made on several houses in the village of Kalidesel that still maintain a fireplace. Interviews were conducted in several communities in the Kalidesel Village. The results of the study show the functional, social and symbolic meaning of the function of a fireplace in the Kalidesel Village Settlement. Functional meaning that arises in accordance with the function of the fireplace as a cooking tool. The function shows the ecological aspects of the use of wood fuel by using a repek system (how to extract wood without damaging the environment). The social meaning can be seen from the function of warming which is used as a means to strengthen brotherhood. Not only do you come from blood ties, but your neighbors become sedul due to frequent gatherings and encounters with a fireplace. The symbolic meaning of the hearth as a spiritual means. The fireplace is believed to be able to be an intermediary tool that can provide fortune. The meaning of a hearth for people's lives is the creation of comfort and peace in life.

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