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Asthadarma: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
ISSN : 27210758     EISSN : 27210758     DOI : -
Asthadarma:Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Surabaya LPPM adalah peer-reviewed journal yang memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah dari berbagai disiplin ilmu yang diadopsi dalam berbagai aktivitas pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan penelitian terapan lainnya. Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di Asthadarma meliputi hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah asli, artikel ulasan ilmiah yang bersifat baru, atau komentar atau kritik terhadap tulisan yang ada dimuat di Asthadarma LPPM maupun dalam terbitan berkala ilmiah lainnya. Asthadarma menerima manuskrip atau naskah artikel dalam bidang riset terapan dan hilirisasi hasil penelitian ilmiah kuantitatif maupun kualitatif berbasis komunitas kedalam format pengabdian masyarakat yang mencakup bidang keilmuan yang relevan mencakup: Pertanian Teknik Hukum Kesehatan Ekonomi Sosial Kependidikan Sains Keolahragaan Bahasa Ilmu yang lainnya
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 2 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): September" : 2 Documents clear
Pendampingan Pada Masyarakat Tentang Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Di Rt 003 Rw 001 Dusun Banjarsari Desa Tegalbang Kecamatan Palang Kabupaten Tuban Sulistyani Eka Lestari; Marwan; Minan; Muhari
Asthadarma : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Surabaya

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Assistance to the community about preventing the transmission of Covid-19. The activity was carried out at RT 003 RW 001, Banjarsari Hamlet, Tegalbang Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency. Mentoring activities run smoothly according to what is planned in the mentoring program matrix and provide assistance. As for the implementation of community service, it went well thanks to the support and cooperation of Karang Taruna, the village administration and all village communities, and village community leaders, for assistance and provision of assistance in the form of hand sanitizers, masks and virus prevention brochures. To provide understanding and awareness to people who do not understand about the Covid 19 pandemic and government policies regarding the social restriction system Physical/Social Distancing (maintaining distance) for prevention which must be carried out, but has an impact on decreasing the community's economy.
Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer dari Limbah Sampah Organik Dalam Peningkatan Pendapatan Di Era Pandemi covid-19 Di Desa Kaliwungu, Kecamatan Jombang Shinta Wurdiana Rhomadona; Herisa Dinarsih
Asthadarma : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Surabaya

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The public view of waste generated from household or industrial activities is something that is no longer desirable or has no economic value. In fact, fruit and vegetable waste from households can be used to make eco-enzyme products. Eco-enzymes are complex organic substance solutions produced from the fermentation process of organic residues, sugar and water. Eco-enzymes can be used as a disinfectant and handsanitizer, while for health it can be used to relieve infections and allergies in children and heal wounds. In the Sanggar Hijau Indonesia waste bank, Kaliwungu Village, Jombang District, Jombang Regency, East Java, they have produced processed eco-enzyme waste but do not yet have high selling power and their use is only used by members of the group. So that the people around them only think that eco-enzym products do not have superior economic value or if they are sold the price is too cheap, even if the harvest is a lot they are often wasted because they have not been used optimally and no one wants to buy. Even though with just a simple touch of technology from the method of manufacture, packaging that is more attractive than just being packaged through ordinary used mineral bottles and proper marketing can be processed products that are of high value and multipurpose. Therefore, with this Community Partnership Program, partners, namely Sanggar Hijau Indonesia, can increase their capacity in optimizing the processing of eco-enzyme waste into handsanitaizer products and multipurpose products in training and mentoring activities on manufacturing, packaging and marketing so that it is expected to increase income from these activities and eco-enzyme waste is not sold at low prices or only becomes the personal consumption of members and can have an impact on a better community life and can be an example for villages around Sanggar Hijau Indonesia in increasing income while being able to support government programs, especially environmental and health sustainability in the Covid-19 pandemic.

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