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Jl. Pelita IV Sumur Gedang Kec. Pesisir Bukit Sungai Liuk Kota Sungai Penuh, 37112, Jambi
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Contemporary Society and Politics Journal
ISSN : 29878993     EISSN : 29863120     DOI : -
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ) is an academic journal published by State Islamic Institute of Kerinci. This journal is interested in researches about urban studies, international strategic issues, sociology and political science, Islamic politics. Specifically, we focus on the political discourse in digital society. Contemporary Society and Politics Journal is an open-access journal, published twice a year (June and December). This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public. We warmly welcome contributions from scholars and researchers of many disciplines.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)" : 8 Documents clear
Tale Haji: The Uncovering Tradition In Kerinci District Atika Putri*; Riko Andrian
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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Talking about the Kerinci district this article will discuss one of the traditions in the Kerinci district, namely Tale Haji. It is a song sung by pilgrims who want to go to Haji using their local languages. In its implementation, all family members and the community gather in one house to release the pilgrims by singing or listening to them. The article uses qualitative methods to produce data and information about the history of Tale Haji in the tradition of the Pungut Hilir community of the Kerinci district. In this article, the researcher looks at various aspects, namely the history of the Tale Haji, the implementation of the Tale Haji in community life, and the meaning of the Tale Haji. This article research also aims to give more information and better understand the traditions in Kerinci Regency, one of which is the Tale Haji tradition. This research can also be a guide and reference for further research about the Tale Haji tradition.  
How Non-Muslim Communities Interact With Muslim Domination In Sungai Penuh City? Utari Maysa Juwita*; Febri Wulandari
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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Social interaction between Muslims and non-Muslims and vice versa does not always go smoothly and harmoniously. Religious conflicts continue to occur that are contrary to the values and principles of religious teachings. This article studies the harmony of non-Muslim life alongside Islamic rules in Sungai Penuh City, Jambi Province. This article aims to understand the social interaction pattern between Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Sungai Penuh City, Jambi Province. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach, and data was collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and analysis from several other supporting journals. The study results show that social interaction between Muslims and non-Muslims is manifested in an attitude of mutual respect and respect for each other's beliefs and culture so that they can live together amid the struggle of multi-religious life. Social interaction of the community in religious harmony is a form of socialization that creates tolerance, namely mutual understanding, respect, and respect without discrimination, especially in religious matters.
Islam And Christian: Religious Harmony Dinda Alfa Regina*; Yolanda Nur Wijayanti
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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This research aims to understand and know the factors and patterns of daily life adopted by the people of  Patok Empat village so that they can live in harmony with each other even in the circumstances with different beliefs. Furthermore, this research wants to understand and find out how the people of Patok Empat Village view the concept of inter-religious harmony. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are the creation of harmony in Patok Empat Village because every community with different religious backgrounds is open to each other and accepts the existence of other religions. The existence of religious diversity in Patok Empat Village does not necessarily make their interaction or social relations rigid. Instead, it makes them respect each other, regardless of the existence of majority and minority religions. They always instilled a sense of brotherhood and cooperation. In addition, some factors affect harmony: family ties, mutual respect, and respect between religious communities.
The Ratib saman: Tradition In Kerinci And Its Existence In The Modern Era Olan Fransiska*; Taufiq Hidayat; Ulumuddin
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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The purpose of this study is to introduce to the general public ratib saman, its origins, and pronunciations in the series of implementation of ratib saman. Because many of the kerinci people, exceedingly ordinary people, do not know ratib saman or even don't know what ratib is. Until now, many Kerinci people still do not know ratib saman. So some time ago, a video of the community doing this ratib saman tradition developed on social media, and many comments from ordinary people who did not know ratib saman thought this ratib saman was a cult. However, several areas in Kerinci are famous for their scholars who bring and practice this ratib saman and then introduce ratib saman to the people so that it becomes a tradition or local wisdom in their area. This ratib saman is a series of dhikr or praises to Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala. Ratib saman is a teaching from the Order of Samaniyah, which was brought from Medina, Saudi Arabia, by previous scholars who performed the pilgrimage and at the same time studied there. Then it was developed in the regions of Indonesia up to the Kerinci district. Saudi Arabia by previous scholars who performed the pilgrimage and at the same time studied there. Then it was developed in the regions of Indonesia up to the Kerinci district. Saudi Arabia by previous scholars who performed the pilgrimage and at the same time studied there. Then it was developed in the regions of Indonesia up to the Kerinci district.
Language Diversity and Potential Conflict in Kerinci Community Sinza Fernanda*; Mulya Fitriani
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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The purpose of writing this work is to find out and describe what multicultural or linguistic diversity is in Kerinci and to find out what are the good and bad impacts of language diversity in Kerinci. This research is research using a descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique, in this case, is using library research or other news related to the research title. The data analysis technique used by the author means content analysis. The author can obtain that the existence of the diversity of languages ​​in Kerinci is not to divide one another but to teach them how to respect each other, respect each other between one language if there is a division caused by language if they are differences. The solution is, of course, to start from themselves how to respect each other, appreciate every diversity of languages and also other diversity regardless of the diversity, instill Bhineka Tunggal Ika, which is the motto of the country, not discriminating between friends who are around us, and also by using the nation's unifying language, namely Indonesian, especially in educational institutions must apply Indonesian in the educational environment and also continue to instill in students mutual respect among the diversity that exists. After starting with themselves then, they begin to socialize with others.
Internalization of Spiritual Values in the Kanduhai Sko (Sudaih Nuwa): Traditional Ceremony in Sungai Deras Village Sakini Putri Sindayani*; Arif Iman Mauliddin; Icha Nurbahira Patrisia
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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In the Kerinci community, especially Sungai Deras Village, Kanduhai Sko is a tradition that is considered sacred. Display various kinds and styles of worship during the Kanduhai Sko ceremony. This topic is exciting to raise because traditional ceremonies have different religious aspects. Because no community is involved in organizing this sacred ceremony, starting with children, young people, and parents who live and live in Sungai Deras Village beside this community is essential. The findings in this study dedicate religious values to the Kanduhai Sko ceremony in the Sungai Deras community. The conclusions of this study indicate spiritual values in the Kanduhai Sko ceremony for the Sungai Deras community. " Kanduhai Sko (Sudaih Nuwa)" is a form of designation by the people of Sungai Deras Village for the ceremony, which means Kanduhai Sko (finished rice harvest). One day and the preparation of this ceremony takes three days. The method used in this research is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach. As for the results of this study, the researcher can see that the form of the process of carrying out the traditional Kanduhai Sko (Sudaih Nuwa) ceremony includes a series of events, namely: animal slaughter, cooking events, release events, martial arts events, eating together and praying together. As for the spiritual values in the Kanduhai Sko formal event, the researchers found several spiritual values, namely, the importance of honesty, the value of worship, the value of hospitality, and the value of faith.
Traditions And Religious Relations: Perceptions Of Religious Group In Kerinci, Jambi Tela Wahyuni*; Valezza Juliani Arafik
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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Indonesia has many kinds of traditions. Each region in Indonesia has different habits, characteristics, and uniqueness, as well as the practices belonging to Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province, namely "Kenduri Sko," a hereditary tradition. From ancestral heritage. Various series of trades are carried out in the Kenduri Sko tradition, namely in the form of inauguration or inauguration of traditionary positions on depati, ninik mamak, hulubalang, and traditional stakeholders, lowering and purifying sko (heritage objects) using lime juice, balimau bath for all people and guests who are present are allowed to participate, then ends with a large keduri in the area. The community in Kerinci is a society whose majority adheres to Islam and has several religious groups spread across the Kerinci area. Of course, each of these religious groups has its perception of adat, which the Kerinci people always uphold. This research intends to determine the perceptions of each religious group in Kerinci regarding this Kenduri Sko tradition, how the forms of religious values ​​contained in the Kenduri Sko tradition according to religious groups, and how harmony, harmony, and inequality exist in culture and religion in Kerinci. The research method was carried out by directly interviewing each known religious group and conducting a literature study. The research results are that every religious group in Kerinci has the same opinion, and there are also differences. Of course, each religious group has its perception of Tradition, which is always upheld by the Kerinci community. This research intends to determine the perceptions of each religious group in Kerinci regarding this Kenduri Sko tradition, how the forms of religious values ​​contained in the Kenduri Sko tradition according to religious groups, and how harmony, harmony, and inequality exist in culture and religion in Kerinci.
Perennialism and Universal Reality irwan irwandra
Contemporary Society and Politics Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Contemporary Society and Politics Journal (CSPJ)
Publisher : Contemporary Society and Politics Journal

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The universal reality actually presents two intertwined realities, mutually reinforcing and explaining, namely the esoteric and exoteric aspects. Esotericism is the essence or substance, while exotericism is the form or format of reality itself. The perspective of perennialism does not only focus on existing diversity, but also reacts to the perspectives and attitudes of human life that have begun to be enslaved and "re-created" by advances in science and modern technology. Humans become helpless when faced with the current conditions, even though these conditions he himself has engineered. Humans in their lives are always preoccupied and trapped by the laws of relativity and measuring everything by quantities, regardless of how these conditions have led to the edge of their existence. Perennialism actually seeks to build a system of thinking that sees everything in this history as different expressions of a single Divine tradition. Faith in God, believing in the day of resurrection, and being faithful to always do good deeds is the core of all religious and theosophical teachings. A perennial and universal virtue, even though its understanding, approach and manifestation are always local and particular.

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