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Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29634296     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
ReALL (Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature) is a journal that is published by LPPM UNSAP & the department of English literature of Fakultas Ilmu Budaya biannually in June and December. It publishes original papers researching and documenting issues in, but not limited to, applied linguistics and literature. ReALL accepts original research which study any language. However, it is essential to bear in mind that the official language of the journal is English. FOCUS AND SCOPE - The aim of this journal is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging enquiry into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in Pragmatics, Semantics, Semiotics, Discourse analysis, Translation, Literature, Forensic linguistics, Literature in classroom
Articles 8 Documents
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ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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This research focuses on the characteristics and process of language production and comprehension in Broca aphasia sufferer. In this study, the researcher uses qualitative method. In addition, research data was collected from interview, observation, personal documents, and other notes with the researcher who became the research instrument. This research focuses on the characteristics and process of language production and comprehension in broca aphasia sufferer. From observation and interview, the researcher found five data included in the characteristics of broca aphasia sufferer, namely the existence of repeated gestures, frequent pauses when speaking, repetition, disfluency, and irregular speech rhythms. From this research, it can be concluded that people with broca aphasia have difficulty with expressing something even though they know what they want to convey to others. All problems experienced by broca aphasia sufferer lead to the characteristics of broca aphasia.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Stand-up comedy and other forms of humor rely significantly on language and the use of words to amuse their audiences. To make humor more subtly funny, comedians frequently use a range of linguistic techniques, such as conversational implicature.  This study investigates the phenomenon of the flouting maxims that raised the particularized conversational implicature in the Netflix stand-up comedy special "Fire in The Maternity Ward" by Anthony Jeselnik. By applying Paul Grice's (1975) theory utilizing the descriptive qualitative method. This study focuses on the strategies to flout the maxims, and the research findings show a total of 86 occurrences of particularized conversational implicatures that are categorized into comprising 39 examples of quality maxims being flouted, including 9 exaggerations, 14 ironies, 2 metaphors, 2 banter, and 12 sarcasms. The flouting of manner maxims is the second most common type, accounting for 28 instances, of which 19 involve vagueness, 7 involve ambiguity, and 2 involve incomplete utterances. The third group, which includes 9 cases of giving hints and 9 instances of presuming, totals 18 instances of flouting relevance maxims. Last but not least, overstating only occasionally results in the quantity maxim being violated. Anthony Jeselnik does not use the following flouting techniques in his stand-up comedy routine: meiosis, understatement, tautology, association clue, over-generalize, and hearer displacement. Ironies and vagueness are the two most used techniques.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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The purpose of this research and analysis is to find out the phases of the quarter-life crisis faced by the main character, Mari Andrew, and how she conquered them in her novel Am I There Yet? To get the answers related to the quarter-life crisis experienced by Mari Andrew, the writer tries to formulate these problems into two questions, which are: (1). Which phase of quarter-life crisis experienced by the character Mari in the novel? (2). How does Mari conquer the quarter-life crisis in the novel Am I There Yet? In analysing and conducting the research on the quarter-life crisis of the main character in the novel Am I There Yet? the writer uses sociological and psychological approaches. The sociological approach is used to analyze the social phenomenon of the quarter-life crisis experienced by the main character Mari in the novel and the psychological approach is used to analyze the psychology of Mari as she conquers the quarter-life crisis period. The writer also conducts library research in completing this study. Several theories regarding the phases of the quarter-life crisis and the ways to conquer the quarter-life crisis are used by the writer as references and supporting material to support the research and analysis that is conducted by the writer. The writer applies the theory of phases of the quarter-life crisis that is developed by Robinson, Wright, and Smith to analyze Mari Andrew’s phases of the quarter-life crisis. The benefit of this research is to understand how people in their twenty’s express developmental crises. And the writer also applies the theory of conquering the quarter-life crisis that is developed by Mary Traina to analyze Mari Andrew’s ways to conquer the quarter-life crisis. By analyzing this, the writer expects the results of the research will not only applicable for literature character but also a real human. At the end, the writer discovers that Mari Andrew had a crisis when she was in her 20s. From that crisis, she was able to go through in several phases and came to a phase where she could better understand herself and what she wanted. And she began to make peace with herself. Because she experienced a quarter-life crisis, she was also able to find ways to conquer the crisis in several ways and lead her to a life that was more focused and more self-aware
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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The purpose of this research is to explain the types of violations of the principle of cooperation committed by the characters in the Blonde 2022 movie script and to describe the intention behind the violation of the principle of cooperation committed by the characters in the Blonde 2022 movie script. This research is included in the qualitative descriptive research. Furthermore, the technique used is a note-taking technique. The researcher recorded every conversation in the Blonde 2022 movie script that experienced a violation of the cooperative principle along with the implicatures that were generated based on the context of the conversation. Based on the results of research on violations of the cooperative maxim in the Blonde 2022 film script, it can be concluded that in the script there are four types of violations of the cooperative maxim committed by the characters, namely 1) violation of the maxim of quantity (1); 2) violation of the maxim of quality (1); 3) violation of relation maxim (2); and 4) violation of the maxim of manner (1). The violation that is often done is the violation of the maxim of relation by expressing utterances that are outside the context of the ongoing conversation. In the Blonde 2022 film script, there are various kinds of implicatures contained in every violation of the principle of cooperation. The implicatures contained include 1) requesting information; 2) providing information; 3) stating something (eg angry, sad, disappointed, etc.); and 4) giving orders. The most commonly found implicature is the implicature to provide information.
Metaphor Analysis in “Death By A Thousand Cuts” and “False God” Song Lyrics by Taylor Swift Olivia Apriliani Muslimah; Afni Apriliyanti Devita
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Taylor Swift is an American singer who released the album Lover in 2019. In the album, there are songs titled "Death by Thousand Cuts" and "False God" whose lyrics tell about her love story. In this study, the researcher tries to reveal the meaning of the lyrics of the two songs with metaphors. Metaphors are often used in songwriting to implicitly convey meaning. Taylor Swift, who has always been known for her incredible lyrics, is no exception. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with a metaphorical approach according to Ullman and Leech. The result obtained is that the two songs have the same number of metaphors. The song “Death by Thousand Cuts” has 6 metaphors out of 16 lines of lyrics, and the song “False God” has 6 metaphors out of 15 lines of lyrics. Then the metaphor with the highest number according to the data analysis is the type of metaphor from concrete to abstract with a total of 5. From the results of the analysis of the two songs, it proves that the role of metaphor in a song can help listeners understand meaning and feelings in depth. By using concrete to abstract metaphors, Taylor Swift tries to tell a clear story to listeners through her songs.
The Effect of Grammar Translation Method Towards Students’ Writing Ability Mita Nur Widiyanti Mita
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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English is becoming a subject that focuses on helping students grow their abilities in every aspect. Students are expected to be able to greatly improve their abilities, specifically in the area of writing. Therefore, the researcher uses the Grammar Translation Method to support students in improving their writing skills at school. This study aims to determine the effect of the Grammar Translation Method on students' writing skills, and to know students’ responses towards the Grammar Translation Method. Participants in this study were X gradestudents majoring in BR from SMKN 1 Subang that were selected in the initial population using the convenience sampling method. This is quasi-experimental research with two groups pre-test and post-test design. The instruments in this research were tests and questionnaires. The assumption test includes a normality test using SPSS version 26.0. Data analysis was performed by independent sample t-test and calculate the percentage of the questionnaire data. The results of an independent test got a sig. (2-tailed) of 0.027 < 0.05 means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. And the percentage of the questionnaire shows a good response from the students towards using the grammar translation method. It can be concluded that the grammar translation method has effect on students' writing ability. The findings of this study are expected to serve as a reference for teachers to continue using the Grammar Translation Method in writing lessons, as well as to increase students' desire to learn English further.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Language style is a variety of language caused by differences in language situations or differences in the relationship between the speaker (writer) and listener (reader) (Joos, 1976). The purposes of this research are: 1) to identify the types of language styles used in The Jakarta Post headlines about COVID-19 and 2) to analyze the function of language styles in The Jakarta Post headlines about COVID-19. This research was analyzed using Joos's theory as the basis of analysis. Joos (1976) said that there are five types of language styles; 1) frozen style, 2) formal style, 3) consultative style, 4) casual style, and, 5) intimate style. The object used in this research is from The Jakarta Post newspaper. The researcher uses a qualitative case study to analyze this study. The steps of analyzing data are determining the criteria of each category, matching each data which fits the types of language styles, and describing the function of language styles in The Jakarta Post headlines. Based on the result of the analysis, the researcher found 108 data on the types of language styles, there are 8 data of frozen style and 100 data of formal style. In addition, the researcher takes 20 pieces of data to describe the function of language style in The Jakarta Post headlines about COVID-19. This research concludes that The Jakarta Post headlines dominate with formal style and frozen style in conveying the topic. Because, the topic of Covid-19 is talking about serious things, therefore using the frozen and formal styles is more suitable than the other styles.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Semiotics and semantics are branches of linguistics. Semiotics is a science or method of analysis in studying signs and semantics is a science of meaning. The purposes of this study are to analyze Peirce's semiotic signs and understand the interpretation of the contextual meaning contained in the 9GAG memes containing the COVID-19 narrative. As a tool to analyze, the researcher uses Peirce's semiotic as main theory which consists of representamen, object, and interpretant, while in the semantic field, the researcher uses the supporting theory, namely the contextual meaning of Lyon to discuss each context in the words in the narrative in the meme. The objects used in this study were 30 memes containing the COVID-19 narrative originating from one of the largest online meme platforms, 9GAG. The meme object was chosen because many internet users use memes as a medium to express opinions about COVID-19. The form of the method used in this research is qualitative research. This form of research was chosen because it produces written descriptive data that explains the process of semiosis and the contextual meaning contained in 9GAG memes. For the result of this Semiotics analysis, researcher found on three semiotics signs, 30 data of qualisign, sinsign, index, and rheme. They become the most dominant element. Then, followed by 9 data of icon and 6 data of argument. Meanwhile, legisign, symbol, and dicent only found 1 data. In contextual meaning analysis, researcher found 19 data of context of person and becomes the most dominant types of contextual meaning on these memes above. Then, followed by 15 data of context of subject-matter, 7 data of context of mood, 3 data of context of time, 2 data of context of place, and 1 data of context of formality. The conclusion is each meme on this research has representamen, object, and interpretant then the narrative in it contains meaning about public opinion regarding life aspects affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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