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Nadia Aulia Nadhirah
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The purpose of Psikoeduko is to publish works oriented towards new trends and innovations in practice and understanding of comprehensive guidance and counseling. Psikoeduko : Jurnal Psikologi Edukasi dan Konseling is published by Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Educational Sciece, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in collaboration with the Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN). Journal Psikoeduko is expected to be able to communicate, enrich theories, research, policies, and practices in the field of guidance and counseling. As a national journal, Psikoeduko provides a quality platform for writers throughout the Indonesian archipelago from a variety of cultural backgrounds who are still in one umbrella of guidance and counseling. Readers are expected from among students, educators, and others interdisciplinary in the national sphere. The published articles include comprehensive guidance and counseling studies, individual development in educational settings, measurement, and assessment in guidance and counseling, as well as technological innovations in guidance and counseling. This journal is expected to explain the implications of guidance and counseling in educational settings for practitioners, educators, researchers, and students.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 2 (2023)" : 6 Documents clear
Psikoeduko: Jurnal Psikologi Edukasi dan Konseling Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Univesitas Pendidik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/psikoeduko.v3i2.55521


Abstract : This research is motivated by the phenomenon of many industrial companies and organizations that recruit prospective employees by providing a minimum GPA score requirement. Students with low grit are less able to survive in doing a large number of course assignments and also feel unable to concentrate following long hours of lectures. High grit makes individuals work hard, have high standards, focus on fulfilling responsibilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of grit in students at Muhammadiyah University of Tasikmalaya, based on gender and to plan a program to increase grit in students. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The instrument used is a grit questionnaire from Angela Duckworth's grit grand theory. The data collection technique used a questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale with a total of 24 item statements distributed to 141 respondents. Sampling using random sampling. The results of this study show that in general the grit of students at the Muhammadyah Tasikmalaya University class of 2018 is in the medium category of 25.5% and in the high category of 74.5%. The description of grit based on gender shows the result (Sig.) 0.164 0.05, which means that there is no significant difference between male and female grit (persistence) at the Muhammadiyah University of Tasikmalaya. Keywords: persistence (grit), student, quantitative descriptive
Psikoeduko: Jurnal Psikologi Edukasi dan Konseling Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Univesitas Pendidik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/psikoeduko.v3i2.55523


Abstract: Efikasi diri is a person's inner belief in his own ability to organize and take action in order to achieve the results he wants. This research is motivated by the low efikasi diri of students, as well as the appearance of behavior that shows a tendency towards academic anxiety. This study aims to determine the relationship between efikasi diri and the level of academic anxiety in class VIII students of SMPN 1 Singaparna in the 2022/2023 academic year. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and correlational methods. The population is 93 students, all members of the population are used as research samples so that generalizations with very small errors. The research data was obtained from the results of the distribution of instruments consisting of two variables, namely efikasi diri and academic anxiety which were distributed through the Google form. The results showed that (1) students' academic efikasi diri was in the medium category, namely 118 students (2) academic anxiety was in the moderate category, namely 111 students (3) the correlation category in this study was -0.524 with a significance level of 0.000 ( p0.05) indicates a fairly strong correlation in a negative direction, which means that the higher the level of efikasi diri, the higher the academic anxiety. Conversely, the lower the efikasi diri, the higher academic anxiety tends to be. Keywords: Seld Efficacy, Academic Anxiety, Correlational Study
Psikoeduko: Jurnal Psikologi Edukasi dan Konseling Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Univesitas Pendidik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/psikoeduko.v3i2.64821


This research is motivated by the lack of provision of guidance and counseling services at the early childhood level. The lack of enthusiasm for learning in children is also easily felt, so various methods or techniques are needed to help develop children's enthusiasm for learning at an early age level by carrying out guidance service activities. and appropriate counseling for early childhood. Reviewing this, the results obtained are that the implementation of early childhood guidance and counseling services in developing enthusiasm for learning can use the collaboration of various techniques or methods such as games and storytelling and is also supported by the provision of attractive service media so that children do not quickly feel bored or bored when delivering service takes place. This research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques, interviews and observations
Psikoeduko: Jurnal Psikologi Edukasi dan Konseling Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Univesitas Pendidik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/psikoeduko.v3i2.64403


Social constructivism in learning is a form of educational theory that prioritizes increasing the logical and conceptual development of learners. What makes the problem is that students who construct their knowledge, not infrequently that the results of student construction do not match the results of the construction of scientists, causing misconceptions. This article is an analysis of the situation using qualitative methods. Qualitative methods are research whose preparation uses data collection techniques by conducting interviews and observations for collection. In addition, supporters are reading, recording, and reviewing data from journals and articles from electronic media and books related to "The Role of Guidance and Counseling Teachers to Optimize Social Constructivity in Learning in Schools". Based on the results of the study, efforts were obtained to optimize educators for social constructivist methods in learning students with the role of Guidance and Counseling teachers, must know in advance the disadvantages and advantages to avoid misconceptions, constructivism can be an approach to the implementation of guidance and counseling that occurs in schools. Counseling with constructivism is not like traditional things that see something from the individual but focus more on the strengths of students, leading to positive traits such as paying attention to resources, dreams of counselors, hopes, goals, and potentials possessed by counselors. In this constructivist counseling approach, getting meaning is not always from the individual himself, it can also be from his social relationships.
Literature Review: Confidentiality Issues Between Guidance and Counceling Teachers and Colleagues Fauziyah Putri Salsabilla
Psikoeduko: Jurnal Psikologi Edukasi dan Konseling Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Univesitas Pendidik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/psikoeduko.v3i2.64387


Confidentiality in guidance and counseling plays an important role in professional ethics. However, collaboration between counseling teachers and colleagues often raises confidentiality issues. This literature review aims to collect data on confidentiality issues between guidance and counseling teachers and colleagues. The research was conducted through secondary data analysis from relevant literature sources, rather than direct observation. Based on the research conducted, there are at least four issues related to confidentiality between counseling teachers and their colleagues, such as student confidentiality, limits to collaboration, professional collaboration, and ethics in communication. With these issues, it is expected that counseling teachers and peers can focus on the applicable code of ethics, receive ethics training, have frequent meetings, and maintain open communication to overcome confidentiality issues.
The Role of Family Counseling in Developing Children's Mental Health Azka Dhianti Putri; Ineu Silviany; Nadia Aulia Nadhirah; Nani M. Sugandhi
Psikoeduko: Jurnal Psikologi Edukasi dan Konseling Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Univesitas Pendidik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/psikoeduko.v3i2.64812


The role of the family is very important in building children's mental health and preventing children's mental disorders. The family is the smallest unit in society which plays an important role in children's education, where interaction and communication occur by sharing love, happiness, and sadness so that it is closely related to the child's development process. Therefore, family counseling is very important in helping to improve the system within the family, where this system will greatly influence the child's mental health. Family counseling is a process of assistance provided by counselors to help clients as family members through the family system to solve problems by improving communication or the family system so that the family can return to being functional and harmonious. So the role of family counseling is very important in developing children's mental health, one of which is its role in restructuring the family unit which is very important in building children's mental health. This scientific paper uses the literature review method by exploring several journals, books, and documents, both printed and electronic, as well as other sources of data or information relevant to the study.

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