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Aggiornamento Jurnal Filsafat - Teologi Kontekstual
ISSN : 27464695     EISSN : 29635063     DOI : -
AGGIORNAMENTO adalah sebuah jurnal ilmiah terbuka yang berfokus pada isu-isu kontekstual yang terkait dengan usaha pengembangan ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi Kontekstual. AGGIORNAMENTO menerima hasil kajian filosofis dan teologis dari studi interdisipliner.
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Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The Covid-19 situation makes it difficult for the Church to move freely. This encourages the Church to struggle with social media to demonstrate the existence of its ministry amid the Covid-19 situation. Social media advances that the Church has responded well to have made the proclamation of faith not limited by space and time. In proclaiming the faith in this day and age, the Church needs the active participation of young Catholics (OMK). The focus of this research is to study the involvement of OMK St. Agustinus Ketapang in proclaiming the faith in social media. Participation in OMK St. Augustine Ketapang is a very helpful thing for the growth of the Catholic faith. The method used in this research is literature study and quantitative data collection through questionnaires. OMK St. Agustinus Ketapang already has a good understanding of social media and its use in improving the quality of faith. Small steps have been taken by OMK St. Agustinus Ketapang in using social media as a medium for proclaiming faith as a good initial stage to realize his mission as a member of the Church in the Covid-19 situation.
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The purpose of this study is to discuss the role of the church in youth ministry which fosters spirituality. Youth ministry is an integrated ministry in the ministry of the church as a whole. Young people are part of the community of the body of Christ who should grow and contribute to the community. The church's service orientation towards young people should also bring young people to the growth of spirituality because spirituality is fundamental in one's spiritual life. For that the church must start thinking about how to produce young people for the future. The church must start by preparing young people who can be relied upon in the future. The church must also provide examples and values ​​of life for young people so they can understand about church life. Youth who are influenced by postmodern culture express their spirituality with unique expressions. This uniqueness is a challenge for the church to find strategic ways so that youth ministry is able to produce services that are oriented towards growing spirituality. In addition, the church must also place young people as part of a community that can fully contribute to the process of growing their spirituality. Therefore, a community-based form of spiritual growth is needed that involves all members of the community so that this spiritual growth can occur in the lives of young people, as well as having an impact on the community because young people are the church.
RITUS KOMUNI DAN RITUS PENUTUP: ANALISIS TEOLOGIS DAN REFLEKSI SEJARAH TATA PERAYAAN EKARISTI Ian Jovi Sianturi; Kevin Hendrarto Tandautama; Freddy Fransiskus Situmorang; Hendrikus Rinaldi Amsikan; Rafael Makul
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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This study is a theological analysis and historical reflection on Tata Perayaan Ekaristi (TPE) 2020. Although welcomed by the Indonesian Church, new changes always raise new problems. This is the background of the search for the historical and theological rites in it. This study examines the following: (1) the existence of the Communion Rite and Closing Rite in historical and theological contexts, (2) reflections on the translation of the Communion Rite to the Closing Rite in TPE 2005 and TPE 2020. The method used is literary studies from various sources. liturgy and history with a liturgical science approach. This study pays attention to the text Editio Typica, Ordo Missae 2008 and its translations in TPE 2005 and TPE 2020. This description does not intend to cause new controversy, but presents matters relating to the historical context, rites, theology and translations. From this description, it is found that there are translations that seem rigid and literal, but there are also those that enrich or clarify their theological meanings.
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The focus of this paper is the elaboration of In Vitro Fertilization and how to respond to it in the light of Catholic moral theology, particularly within the territory of the Asian Catholic Church. The author wants to see how and what basis the Catholic Church uses in response to this phenomenon. This elaboration is then continued by responding in the form of what the Church, especially the Asian Church, should do to respond to this. The method used in this writing is a critical reading of several sources in the form of Church documents, articles on In Vitro Fertilization and several supporting sources. The findings of this paper are that the practice of In Vitro Fertilization in addition to being medically risky for women who do so is also contrary to Catholic moral teachings that put human dignity at the center of its study. The second finding is that the Asian Church is a dialogical Church, so what the Asian Church can strive to respond to is moral dialogue within the framework of moral formation as a concrete form of the Prophetic voice of the Church.
PENTINGNYA PEMBINAAN CALON IMAM UNTUK MEMBENTUK IMAM YANG BERHIKMAT: Studi Komparatif Inji Yohanes 3:1-13 dan Amsal 2:1-22 Fransiskus Anang Adi Prasetyo
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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Dalam studi ini, peneliti memfokuskan penelitian pada analisis teks Yohanes 3:1-13 dan Amsal 2:1-22 untuk mencari makna pentingya pembinaan calon imam Diosesan. Teks Yohanes 3:1-13 berisikan tentang Nikodemus yang mencari hikmat dengan bertemu dengan Yesus. Sedangkan dalam Amsal 2:1-22 berisikan tentang buah-buah hikmat. Kiranya, kedua teks ini memiliki kesamaan tema, yakni tentang hikmat. Calon imam dibina di seminari bertujuan untuk menemukan hikmat. Agar ia menjadi seorang imam yang takut akan Allah dan menjalani hidup panggilan dengan sukacita. Seorang imam tidak hanya tampil dalam hidup sederhana yang tampil dengan kesucian, melainkan seorang imam harus mampu untuk menginternalisasi semangat Injil. Seminari sebagai tempat pembinaan calon imam berusaha melatih calon imam, agar mampu menjadikan Injil sebagai sumber semangat dalam berkarya di keuskupan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan teks dengan membaca literatur yang berkaitan dan buku-buku tafsir.
LARANGAN MEMBUNUH DAN SOAL KEPUTUSAN HUKUMAN MATI HAKIM (Analisis Kasus Vonis Mati Ferdy Sambo Berdasarkan Teori Fontes Moralitatis, Kitab Suci dan Ajaran Gereja): Indonesia Andreas Mariano
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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This article discusses the prohibition of killing with an analysis of Ferdy Sambo's death sentence. Lately there has been a lot of public discussion about this death sentence. This reveals as if society strongly supports the death penalty. In this analysis, moral theology seeks to find out the good and the bad if the sentence is carried out. This is also a dilemma because in fact, the Catholic Church does not support the death penalty. Such a model of punishment is very contrary to the main Christian teachings, namely, love. Apart from that, it is hoped that each individual will understand the meaning of life. This cannot be denied because basically, humans are God's creation so only He has the right to take back human life. In this paper, the method used is literature study which focuses on understanding the meaning of death penalty and murder in the light of the Bible and moral theology. These two things cannot be separated by remembering that in them there are many lessons about life. Therefore, avoiding killing is salvation for all human beings. Keywords: Human Rights, Death, Theology

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