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Bidang Kajian dari jurnal Bulletin of Information System Research (BIOS), pada bidang ilmu komputer diantaranya, yaitu: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kecerdasan Buatan Data Mining Sistem Informasi Manajemen Informatika Sistem Pakar Big Data Text Mining
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Perancangan Aplikasi Metode Felics Untuk Kompresi Data Video Dengan Ekstensi AVI Zebua, Meiberiang
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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Technological developments at this time are inseparable from problems related to data storage which often limits the amount of capacity, especially in storing video data. In this case the author designed a video compression application to make video file dimensions with small dimensions which previously had a fairly large capacity are now smaller. The purpose of compression is to change data related to information whose capacity is large enough so that the data capacity becomes smaller and lighter in the transmission process. In addition to the problems above related to technological developments, it also often limits capacity when transmitting video files, therefore the authors designed an application for this FELICS method so that each limited capacity can produce capacity according to the specified needs. To overcome this problem, a compression application design was created so that video files can be reduced in capacity. By using the FELICS method, the process of designing Video data compression applications is easier to do. Based on the resulting compression ratio value, the compression value of the FELICS method is 60%. Meanwhile, the value of applying the FELICS method can be seen from the Space saving value of 0.4.
Perbandingan Algoritma Stout Code Dan Punctured Elias Code Dalam Mengkomprsi File Matroska Video Container Rasidi, Muhamad
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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Ukuran file video tergolong sangat besar sehingga megakibatkan perlunya penyimpanan yang cukup besar dan file video dengan durasi yang panjang sangat mempengaruhi ruang penyimpanan dan waktu pengiriman yang cukup lama sehingga perlu dilakukannya kompresi data. Kompresi file ini bertujuan untuk memperkecil ukuran file video agar menghemat ruang penyimpanan dan waktu pengiriman file menjadi lebih cepat. Didalam kompresi banyak algoritma untuk melakukan proses kompresi. Diantaranya stout code dan punctured elias code. Dengan terdapatnya beberapa algoritma tersebut pelu dilakukan pemilihan algoritma yang lebih tepat sehingga perlu dilakukan perbandingan algoritma kompresi. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dengan algoritma stout code dan punctured elias code maka hasil dari rasio kompresi dan space saving didapatkan. Hasil dari rasio kompresi algoritma stout code sebesar 56,25% dan hasil rasio dari algoritma punctured elias code sebesar 75%. Dari hasil rasio kedua algoritma dapat diketahui bahwa algoritma punctured elias code lebih akurat dalam melakukan kompresi file video MKV.
Menentukan Dosen Pembimbing Secara Otomatis Dengan Algoritma Text Mining Dan TF-RF Andika, Ryan
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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The system for determining the supervisor automatically is the system used to determine the right supervisor in accordance with the thesis title and the method used by students to complete the final assignment or thesis. The purpose of this research is to develop an Information System for determining supervisors automatically so that it can collect, analyze, and present the information needed in the preparation of appropriate, time-efficient, and accurate data for supervisors. Therefore, for the sake of work efficiency and effectiveness, it is necessary to make the right decision based on the existing criteria and the weight of each criterion. Determining the Algorithm Text mining is the process of mining data in the form of text where the data source is usually obtained from documents and the goal is to find words that can represent the contents of the document so that an analysis of the connectivity between documents can be carried out. Processes in text mining include tokenization, stemming and filtering processes. Methods of data collection using the library method, the stages of application development include process design, table design, system implementation and testing. The work in this final project uses a case study of the Text Mining algorithm and the TF-RF algorithm in determining the supervisor of the final assignment or thesis for students. This research was conducted at Budi Darma University, the source of the data came from the student portal and the lecturer portal. Information system development is carried out by following the procedures for collecting and analyzing supporting data through direct observation, interviews and recording. From the results of weight calculations using the TF-IDF algorithm, it shows that the title of the 3rd thesis has the largest weight value, namely 5,919, based on this, the title of the thesis "Designing a Duplicate Image Scanner Application Using the SHA1 Method" in the category is Image processing and cryptography.
Analisa Perbandingan Kinerja Algoritma Arithmetic Coding Dan Fibonacci Codes Dalam Kompresi File Audio Menggunakan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial Nababan, Arien Hotma Rotua
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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Compression is the process of changing an input data stream into a new data stream that has a smaller data size with the aim of representing digital data with as few bits as possible, but still maintaining the minimum need to reshape the original data. An audio file format is a file format for storing digital audio data on a computer system. Storing this data cannot only be done using the available file formats. Therefore, a file compression process is needed. Arithmetic coding has a compression level that is better or at least the same as Huffman coding, but the compression and decompression times are slow because of the large number of calculation processes that must be carried out. Arithmetic coding is a part of Entropy Encoding which converts data into another form of data by using fewer bits more often and rarely using more character bits. In previous research, this coding technique separated the input message into symbols and exchanged each symbol with a floating point. Fibonacci coding is a universal code that can encode positive integers into binary code in the form of code words. Where the compression process using the Fibonacci code is carried out by reading the file in bytes then changing the byte value into an integer followed by searching for the code word. The Exponential Comparison Method (MPE) is one of the methods of the Decision Support System (DSS) which is used to determine the priority order of alternatives with multiple criteria. MPE is very suitable for ordinal scale assessment. The exponential comparison method has the advantage of reducing bias that may occur in the analysis. The score value that describes the order of priorities becomes large (exponential function) resulting in a more real priority order of decision alternatives.
Image Edge Sharpening Pada Sketsa Gambar Menggunakan Metode Haar Wavelet Ardiwinata, Ardiwinata
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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A sketch is a simple drawing or rough draft that depicts the main parts without details. A sketch drawing is an initial idea drawing to express certain ideas into a design drawing summarizing aspects of the initial drawing design that require further processing. Sketch drawing is basically drawing lines with a free hand, without the help of a ruler. In drawing this sketch, sometimes the lines produced on the object edges are not very bright, and require sharpening on each edge of the object. For this reason, sharpening is also done on the edges of the object to make it look sharper on the edges of the object. This image sharpening is useful so that it can be interpreted by the human eye. In the process of working on this thesis, the software used is MATLAB. MATLAB is one of the software with a high level programming language. The final result of this thesis is an object with sharpened edges. In the thesis work using the Haar Wavelet method.

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