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JUTEQ: JURNAL TEOLOGI & TAFSIR adalah jurnal yang menerbitkan artikel penelitian yang mencangkup interdisipliner terkait teologi, kajian agama, sejarah peradaban Islam dan tafsir. Kajian yang terkait pada bidang teologi sepeti Teologi -- teologi sistematika, etika, teologi sejarah, liturgi, teologi praktis, spiritualitas, teologi politik, teologi pasca/dekolonial, agama Kristen dunia, dan lain-lain. Kajian Alkitab; Kitab Suci Ibrani/Perjanjian Lama, Perjanjian Baru, hermeneutika kontekstual, hermeneutika lintas budaya, hermeneutika antaragama, hermeneutika alkitabiah pasca/dekolonial, dan lain-lain. Kajian agama; perbandingan agama, antropologi agama, sosiologi agama, agama dan politik, dan lain-lain. Sementara pada bidang sejarah peradaban Islam berkaitan dengan perkembangan politik, sosial, ekonomi, militer, dan budaya peradaban Islam. Adapun pada bidang kajian tafsir adalah artikel penelitian yang berkaitan juga dengan interdisipliner yang dikaji secara alquran dan juga hadis.
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JUTEQ: JURNAL TEOLOGI & TAFSIR Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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The development of Islamic studies in the Middle Eastern Muslim world has had a significant role in the intellectual and religious history of Muslims. Bait al-Hikmah, as a scientific center during the golden age of Islamic civilization, became an important milestone in the development of religious studies and science during the time of Caliph al-Makmun. This study describes the role of Bait al-Hikmah as an intellectual institution that studied and enriched the Islamic scientific tradition. Its main focus included religious studies, philosophy, science and literature. Caliph al-Makmun, with his religious policy, supported the development of educational and intellectual institutions such as Bait al-Hikmah. This inclusive approach enabled intercultural dialog and knowledge exchange between the Muslim world and the rest of the world. This study explores the impact of Caliph al-Makmun's religious policies on the development of Islamic studies in the Middle Eastern Muslim world. A thorough analysis of primary and secondary sources reveals how Bait al-Hikmah became a center of intellectual excellence that created a new understanding of Islam and the world around it. The results of this study provide a deep insight into the course of Islamic studies in the Middle Eastern Muslim world at the time of Caliph al-Makmun and its significance in Islamic intellectual history. In conclusion, the religious policy of Caliph al-Makmun and the establishment of the Temple of Wisdom became important milestones in the thought and development of science in the Islamic context.
PERKEMBANGAN STUDI ISLAM DI DUNIA BARAT Rubila Rubila; Heriyanto Heriyanto; Prabias Supardi
JUTEQ: JURNAL TEOLOGI & TAFSIR Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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Islam is a religion that has many points of view, some consider it a blessing, some consider it terror. In Islam, there are those who use it as a guide for behavior. Then there are those who force them to carry out God's commands, there are those who invite them to carry out His commands. Sometimes people think of it as synonymous with the harsh conditions in the Middle East, sometimes people think of it as synonymous with the soft conditions in the archipelago. Until now, Muslims are still experiencing development, in almost all parts of the world, including in Europe which is not close to the place where Islam first emerged and developed, there are groups of Muslims who live and settle in that area. Islam began to enter Europe centuries ago. It all started with the conquest of the country of Andalusia in 756 AD - 1492 AD on the Iberian Peninsula. Then it continued through Sicily and the conquest of the Balkan region carried out by the Ottoman Caliphate. The presence and development of Islam in Europe then continued from the massive immigration of Muslims in Islamic countries to Europe after the end of the second world war.
JUTEQ: JURNAL TEOLOGI & TAFSIR Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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This paper discusses the development of Islamic studies in Indonesia. At the end of the 19th century, the development of Islamic education in Indonesia began with the birth of Dutch-style schools: European schools, Vernahuler schools. The European school was specialized for Dutch nobles and the Vernahuler school was specialized for Dutch citizens. In addition, there were indigenous schools that had the same system as these Dutch schools, such as Taman Siswa schools. Then in the second decade of the 20th century, madrassas and Dutch-style schools were established by Islamic organizations such as Muhammadiyah, NU, Jama'at al-Khair, and others. The method used in this research is a literature study using a qualitative approach. The analysis used to analyze the data is theoretical analysis. The results showed that the development of Islamic studies is growing marked by the establishment of Islamic universities cannot be separated from the desire of Indonesian Muslims to have Islamic higher education institutions since colonial times. In April 1945, a meeting was held between various leaders of Islamic organizations, ulama, and scholars. After sufficient preparation, on July 8, 1945 or on 27 Rajab 1364 H coinciding with Isra Mi'raj, the official opening of the Islamic Higher School (STI) was held in Jakarta. From here we now recognize UII, IAIN, UIN, STAIN and so on.
STUDI KAJIAN DALAM AL-QUR’AN Hayati Nupus; Wafiz Ajiza
JUTEQ: JURNAL TEOLOGI & TAFSIR Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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The Koran is a book that was revealed by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Through the angel Gabriel to be conveyed to humans. The Koran is also a source of Islamic teachings and a guide to life for mankind. The Al-Quran itself consists of 30 chapters, 114 letters and 6666 verses which were revealed mutawatir. The Al-Quran begins with the Al-Fatihah surah and ends with the An-Naas surah, which is a Makkiyah surah. The Qur'an is the word of Allah SWT which is a guide as well as a legal basis for humans in achieving happiness in this world and in the afterlife. Starting from the time of Prophet Adam AS to Prophet Muhammad SAW, messengers of Allah SWT came to convey God's teachings to his people. Because the Qur'an is a guide for humans in organizing their lives, in order to obtain physical and spiritual happiness, in this world and the hereafter. The function of the revelation of the Qur'an is as a guide for humans and as explanations regarding that guidance. Apart from that, it is also a distinction between what is right and what is false. There is no doubt in the Qur'an for devout believers who always want to receive guidance from Allah in their lives. The Qur'an is the sentence of Allah which is perfectly true and just in its content. Nothing can change Allah's sentences. The Al-Quran is the word of Allah revealed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who is the Prophet of the end times, through the angel Gabriel as a miracle. The Al-Quran is a source of knowledge for Muslims which is the legal basis that covers everything, both regarding religious law and social aspects in everyday life.
STUDI DALAM KAJIAN AL-SUNNAH Gusmawati Gusmawati; Sri Suci
JUTEQ: JURNAL TEOLOGI & TAFSIR Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur`an Sambas

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Al-Sunnah is the spirit of life and life of Muslims, and this has been recognized and confirmed by the Koran. In fact, not only that, the sunnah is used as the second source of law, so it is impossible for someone to only adhere to the Qur'an without adhering to the sunnah or what is often called inkar al-sunnah, because the sunnah has a very strong relationship, connection and bond. and solid with the Qur'an, it is proven that the sunnah is used as an explanation for the interpretation of the Qur'an, revealing a multitude of secrets of the essence of the meaning of the Qur'an and explaining what Allah desires in His word (Muhammad al-'Alawiy, 2008: 10 – 13). This journal tries to discuss the Al-Sunnah Study Area, Position and Function of Al-Sunnah, Methods of Understanding Al-Sunnah. The approach method used in this discussion is a literature review which is taken according to the subject of discussion and analyzed in depth so that it can be taken into account in the future.

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