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Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science
Published by Dohara Publisher
ISSN : 28073096     EISSN : 2807310X     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science is a scientific journal that focuses on nursing and midwifery science aspect. It publishes articles based on empirical studies using quantitative or qualitative approaches or a combination of the two. Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midfwifery calls for scientific articles focused on nursing and midwifery, both in clinical and positive aspects. It encompasses topics at different levels of analysis, including individual, group, and societal research, as well as diverse methodologies such as nursing and midwifery assessment and interventions. Moreover, it encourages the submission of articles based on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, with special consideration or dedicated sections in nursing and midwifery.
Articles 5 Documents
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Pengaruh Konseling KB Terhadap Pemilihan Alat Kontrasepsi Pada Ibu Nifas Di BLUD UPT Puskesmas Kaduhejo Tahun 2022: The Effect of Family Planning Counseling on the Selection of Contraceptive Devices for Postpartum Mothers at the UPT Health Center Kaduhejo BLUD in 2022 Ayi Dayu Wulan
Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (ISJNMS) Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nurs
Publisher : Dohara POAJ

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Introduction: As technology and science development, the world's population also grows seven times. Indonesia is ranked 4th with the largest population in the world. One of the government's efforts to suppress the rate of population growth in Indonesia is the Family Planning Program (KB). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of counseling on the selection of contraceptives for postpartum mothers at the BLUD UPT Health Center Kaduhejo in 2022. Methods: The current method is a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The population of postpartum mothers in BLUD UPT Health Center Kaduhejo period May-June with a total of 124 people, and with a sample of postpartum mothers in June 55 people. Data were taken using a family planning counseling questionnaire. Data were analyzed by T-Test (paired sample T-test). Results: The results of the study show that counseling is very useful in determining the choice of family planning. This happens because through counseling clients can see the problem more clearly so they can choose their own way out according to the information that has been received, previously. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a difference between the group that was given counseling and the group that was not given counseling with p < 0,05. Discussion: Based on the results of the analysis and conclusions, the authors propose the following suggestions: it is hoped that midwives will improve the quality of the counseling provided so that it affects the stability of acceptors in choosing family planning, it is hoped that this thesis can be used as a reading source or reference to improve the quality of midwifery education, for further researchers, it can be used as a reference. references or readings for further research and can develop this research.
Hubungan Paritas, Pengetahuan, Dan Jarak Ke Fasilitas Kesehatan Terhadap Rendahnya Kunjungan Pemeriksaan Kehamilan (ANC) K4 Di PMB Siti Mulyanti Tahun 2022: The Correlation between Parity, Knowledge, and Distance to Health Facilities to Low K4 Pregnancy Examination Visits (ANC) at PMB Siti Mulyanti in 2022 Fitri Khoerunnisa
Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (ISJNMS) Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nurs
Publisher : Dohara POAJ

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Introduction: WHO 2019 MMR 830 per 100,000 live births. The maternal mortality rate in developing countries is 20 times higher than the maternal mortality rate in developed countries, namely 239 per 100,000 live births, while in developed countries it is only 12 per 100,000 live births. One of the efforts to suppress AKI is to carry out regular ANC visits. Lack of irregular ANC visits can be dangerous for pregnant women and their fetuses. Writing this thesis aims to produce publications of scientific output in indexed journals (ISSN) with a research scope of national boundaries. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity, knowledge, and distance to health facilities with low K4 pregnancy check-up visits (ANC) at PMB Siti Mulyanti in 2022. Methods: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity, knowledge, and distance to health facilities on the low level of antenatal care visits (ANC) K4 at PMB Siti Mulyanti in 2022. This type of research used quantitative research, using a cross-sectional approach with analytical descriptive methods. The study population was all pregnant women from January-June 2022 totaling 75 and the research sample was as many as 75 respondents with the Total Sampling technique, namely all members of the population were used as research samples. Results: Data collection using questionnaires and data analysis using the chi-square test. From the results of the chi-square test analysis, it shows that if there is a parity relationship with ANC examination visits, p-value = 0,020 with an OR value of 3,455 (1,313-9,088), knowledge with ANC examination visits p-value = 0,001 with an OR value of 6,571 (2,302-18,756) and the distance to health facilities with ANC examination visits p-value = 0.030 with an OR value of 3,435 (1,228-9,606). Discussion: From the results of the chi-square test analysis, it shows that there is a parity relationship with ANC inspection visits p-value = 0,020 with an OR value of 3,455 (1,313-9,088), knowledge with ANC inspection visits p-value = 0,001 with an OR value of 6,571 (2,302-18,756) and distance to health facilities with ANC examination visits p value = 0,030 with an OR value of 3,435 (1,228-9,606). The conclusion from this study is that there is a relationship between parity, knowledge, distance to health facilities, and the low number of K4 pregnancy check-up visits (ANC) at PMB Siti Mulyanti in 2022.
Hubungan Respon Time Petugas Ambulans Gawat Darurat dengan Keberhasilan Penanganan Pasien Cardiac Arrest: Correlation between Response Time of Emergency Ambulance Officers and Successful Management of Cardiac Arrest Patients Handoyo Mitcel
Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (ISJNMS) Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nurs
Publisher : Dohara POAJ

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Introduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO) states that heart attack is still the number one killer of humans in developed and developing countries killing 60 percent of all deaths. Signs of cardiac arrest, namely there is no reaction from the patient, there is stopping breathing or shortness of breath, and no vibrations are felt within 5 seconds. One indicator of the success of a medical emergency response is the speed in providing adequate assistance for emergency patients. One of the efforts to deal with the increasing cases of medical emergencies and disasters is to provide Emergency Medical Services and prepare healthcare workers.  Methods: This research is a type of quantitative correlation analysis. The research design used is a cross-sectional or cross-sectional study. The population in this study were 68 cardiac arrest patients in the North Jakarta area using the AGD ambulance of the DKI Jakarta Health Office. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. So, the sample in this study was 30 patients. The research instrument used an observation sheet. Researchers used the Chi-Square Test. .Results: The relationship between the response time of emergency ambulance staff and the successful handling of cardiac arrest patients obtained a p-value = 0.009, meaning that the p-value <α (0,05). Discussion: There is a relationship between the response time of emergency ambulance staff and the successful handling of cardiac arrest patients. Cardiac arrest is one of the emergency cases that can be life-threatening and requires a fast response time to be given good treatment, without cardiac compression or defibrillation, death will occur within minutes.
Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif, Status Gizi Dan Personal Hygiene Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Usia 1-5 Tahun: Relationship Between Exclusive Breastfeeding, Nutritional Status and Personal Hygiene with The Incidence of Diarrhea in Children Aged 1-5 Years Santy Sity Maryam
Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (ISJNMS) Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nurs
Publisher : Dohara POAJ

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Introduction: Diarrhea is a condition in which individuals defecate with a liquid consistency for more than 3 days. Diarrhea disease is still a major problem in the world with high morbidity and mortality rates in many countries. The digestive system can become infected with different bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can cause diarrhea. Some complications caused by diarrhea include Mild to severe dehydration. Sepsis is a severe infection that can spread to other organs. Malnutrition, especially in children aged less than 5 years, can result in a decrease in the child's immune system. Methods: Quantitative analysis using a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were mothers who had children 1-5 years old who were treated at Dr. Hafiz Hospital Cianjur with a population of 259 people with a total sample of 72 respondents. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling. Results: The results of the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding were found p-value = 0,002 OR = 10,080. Nutritional status p-value = 0,011 OR = 5,897 and Personal Hygiene p-value = 0,002 OR= 7,150. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding, nutritional status, and personal hygiene with the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 1-5 years at Dr. Hafiz Hospital Cianjur in 2021. The advice is to give children exclusive breastfeeding always pay attention to the nutritional status and keep doing personal hygiene to avoid diarrhea. Discussion: Always try to give exclusive breastfeeding, especially for children aged 0-2 years to provide balanced nutrition and good immunity so that it can prevent children from contracting diseases, especially diseases of digestive problems, besides always paying attention to nutritional conditions to avoid undernutrition conditions and maintain personal hygiene such as always washing hands with water and soap as well as maintaining nail hygiene and always paying attention to the condition of the food or drink that will be consumed.
Hubungan Antara Frekuensi Minum Teh, Siklus Dan Lama ‎Menstruasi Dengan Kejadian Anemia Remaja Putri Kelas 7 Di Mtsn 2 Pandeglang Tahun 2022‎: Relationship Between Frequency of Drinking Tea, Menstrual Cycles, and Length with Anemia Incidence of Grade 7 Young Girls at Mtsn 2 Pandeglang in 2022 Yuliasih
Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (ISJNMS) Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 04 (2022): Indonesian Scholar Journal of Nurs
Publisher : Dohara POAJ

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Introduction: Observations made at MTSN 2 Pandeglang as many as 15-20 young women consume tea every day in the form of cold and hot drinks. All types of packaged teas and teabags contain tannins derived from tea extracts that can inhibit the absorption of iron nutrients. If drinking tea occurs continuously, it is certainly not good for the health of young women, especially since young women experience menstrual bleeding every month. Based on these problems, it is necessary to conduct research on the relationship between the frequency of drinking tea, cycles, and menstrual length with the incidence of anemia of grade 7 adolescent girls in MTSN 2 Pandeglang. Methods: This study uses a descriptive-analytical method with a Cross-Sectional study design. With a total sample of 59 people, the sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. Data analysis was carried out by means of univariate and bivariate analysis using the chi-square test. Results: There is a relationship between the frequency of drinking tea (p-value = 0,000 and OR = 0,030), menstrual cycle (p-value = 0,001 and OR = 0,101), with the incidence of tea drinking in young women and there is no relationship between menstrual length (P-value = 1,000 and OR = 1,367) with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls grade 7 in MTSN 2 Pandeglang in 2022. Discussion: There is a relationship between the frequency of drinking tea, and the menstrual cycle with the incidence of anemia in young women, and there is no relationship between the length of menstruation and the incidence of anemia in adolescents in grade 7 MTSN 2 Pandeglang 2022.

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