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Jornal Of Tourism Sciences (Toursci)
Published by Ann Publisher
ISSN : 30327639     EISSN : 30467713     DOI :
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Journal of Tourism Sciences (Toursci) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of Tourism. Articles published in the TourSci Journal include the results of original scientific research (top priority), new scientific review articles (not priority), and the results of studies in the field of Tourism.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023" : 5 Documents clear
Community Participation Analysis in Community Based Tourism Development (PBM) in Pentingsari Tourism Village An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.151


This study aims to identify the geographical area of Pentingsari Village as a village that offers experiential tourism activities in the form of learning and interaction about nature, the environment, agriculture, plantations, entrepreneurship, socio-cultural life, various traditional arts, and local wisdom still profoundly rooted in the community with a typical rural atmosphere on the slopes of Mount Merapi. The study used qualitative data with two data sources, namely primary and secondary. Primary data comes from interviews and observations, while secondary data comes from various sources such as the web, journals, electronic media, social media, and other mass media. Data analysis techniques in this study use qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results and conclusions show that the economic principles in Pentingsari Village have been fulfilled because the community already has local products that are proven to increase community income, have been managed by the residents themselves, and have been independent. The political principle has been fulfilled because the community has actively managed the tourism village, is responsive to the community's needs, and works together to overcome it. The level of power of the residents has fully managed the tourism village democratically.
Gentrification of Trusmi Batik Cirebon An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.152


This study aims to photograph the immigration of middle-class residents to urban areas that are in poor condition or have recently been refurbished or modernized. This study uses a qualitative approach to see the phenomenon of Trusmi Village as the heart of batik production in Cirebon. They involve thousands of batik artisans working daily from residents of Trusmi village and its surroundings, such as Gamel, Kaliwulu, Wotgali, and KaliTengah. Shops and showrooms showcase artisans' finest products along 1.5 kilometers of Trusmi Street. Batik showrooms in the form of shops line the village streets in various sizes and shapes. UNESCO recognizes Indonesian Batik as one of the intangible world cultural heritage. Ironically, the wages of batik artisans are meager. Due to labor shortages, about 60 percent of the 360 batik SME industries in Cirebon Regency have gone out of business in the last five years. Old artisan mothers dominate the batik-making centers in Trusmi Village over the age of 4
The Charm of Kanigoro Beach: Student Tourism Trends and Social Media Effects Delfyan Intan Nurmala Fadin; Putrisari Oktaviani Gustiarti; An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.153


This study aims to describe the charm of Kanigoro Beach, a tourist trend for students, and theeffect of social media. Kanigoro is located on the coast of Gunungkidul and has beautiful beach potential,namely Ngrenehan, Ngobaran, and Nguyahan (3N). However, there is no public transportation availabledirectly to access the location of this Kanigoro beach area. The TikTok social media application is used inthis analysis because the growth rate of TikTok users in Indonesia is increasing rapidly. Recognizing thetremendous potential but also the challenges faced, strategic steps need to be taken to improveinfrastructure, environmental hygiene, accessibility, and tourism management holistically. Increasingcooperation between related parties, involving local communities in sustainable management, andimproving transportation facilities and accessibility can be critical first steps to optimize the tourismpotential of 3N Beach in the Kanigoro Area.
Stakeholder Interaction: A Qualitative Approach to Beach Tourism Management Davina Ristana Iswari Santosa; Siti Nur Cahyani; An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.154


This study aims to describe the natural tourism potential of three beaches in the Kanigoro Area.Each beach is managed individually by its respective beach pokdarwis, and its management has nointegration system. The Kanigoro community already has a relatively high level of tourism awareness, and there is a community of photographers who support tourism activities. However, this physical and non-physical potential must be managed effectively and efficiently to improve the welfare of the local Kanigoro community. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to describe the situation orproblems in the Kanigoro Beach Area. This study allows researchers to understand the context in detail,analyze the variables involved, and explore the perceptions and views of relevant stakeholders.Diversification of tourism products plays a vital role in extending the level of tourist visits by encouragingthem to visit more than one beach to increase the tourism sector's economic benefits by increasing theduration of stay and tourist spending. Jargon "Discover the Beauty of Kanigoro". The Kanigoro CoastalArea is divided into three regional development themes, namely Nguyahan Beach (The Wonders ofKanigoro), Ngobaran Beach (Authentic Kanigoro), and Ngrenehan Beach (Nautical Live of Kanigoro).
Las Vegas Sphere: Technological Innovations that Bring Unforgettable Travel Experiences in the City of Neon Lights An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Jurnal Toursci Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Vol 1 No 3 : 17 Desember 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/toursci.v1i3.155


This study aims to show that the uniqueness of Sphere lies not only in its size but also in theadvanced technology that pushes it to new heights. Sphere promises sensations that overwhelm the sensesfor the audience. The integration of cutting-edge technology is not just a feature but an integral part ofSphere's identity, making it more than just a convention entertainment venue. Technology is advancing inthis digital era. Technology also continues to develop, and new things or innovations always appear.Today's generation is very dependent on technology. Almost all aspects of this world, such as work,economy, politics, and entertainment, use various technologies. This study uses a literature approach toexplore specific aspects of technological innovation in the tourism industry. The descriptive method is aconventional approach that involves searching and filtering literature relevant to the chosen topic. Overall,the Las Vegas Sphere provides a comprehensive and immersive tourist experience, combining high-qualityentertainment with innovative technology and architectural design, making it a must-visit attraction in LasVegas. The Las Vegas Sphere, as the latest innovation in the entertainment industry, has had a significantimpact on the tourist experience in Las Vegas and changed the city's image associated with gambling,casinos, and betting.

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