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El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30312930     DOI : 10.22373/el-sunan
El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies is a binnual and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publish the scholarly study of Hadith and Religious Studies from many different perspectives. Particular attention is paid to the works dealing with: Hadith Studies with various perspectives of law, philosophy, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science and others, Hadith sciences, Living Hadith, Hadith Stuides accros different areas in the world (The Middle East, The West, Archipelago and other areas), Methodology of Hadith studies, syarah hadith (interpretation of hadith)
Articles 6 Documents
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Standar Keshahihan Hadis Menurut Syuhudi Ismail Irham Habib
El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April-September
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/el-sunan.v1i1.3454


This Article aims to discuss Syuhudi Ismail’s view of the standard of authentic hadith. The author uses the library research method. This method uses data collection with the technique of documenting books that discuss Syuhudi Ismail and his method of studying hadith. Furthermore, the results of the study are: Syuhudi Ismail presents two principles in criticizing the authenticity of hadith, namely the major rule and the minor rule. The major rules are the varios conditions of criteria for the validity of a hadith that are general in nature, while the minor rules are the elements of the rules which are derivatives and detailed explanations of the rules major. ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas pandangan Syuhudi Ismail terhadap standar keshahihan hadis. Penulis menggunakan metode kajian pustaka (library research). Metode ini menggunakan pengumpulan data dengan teknik mendokumentasikan buku-buku yang membahas tentang Syuhudi Ismail dan metodenya dalam menelaah hadis. Selanjutnya hasil dari kajian tersebut adalah: Syuhudi Ismail menyajikan dua kaidah dalam mengkiritik keshahihan hadis yaitu kaedah mayor dan kaedah minor. Kaedah mayor adalah berbagai syarat atau kreteria kesahihan suatu hadis yang bersifat umum, sedangkan kaedah minor yaitu unsur-unsur kaedah yang merupakan turunan dan penjelasan terperinci dari kaidah mayor.
Studi terhadap Polemik antara Larangan dan Pembolehan Penulisan Hadis Rizki Imam Wahyudi
El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April-September
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/el-sunan.v1i1.3455


Hadith, which is the second source of Islamic law, apart from functioning to explain the Qur'an, also serves to reinforce the laws of the Koran and serves to establish laws that are not found in the Koran. There are two contradictory hadiths related to the writing of hadith: the hadith which prohibits and the hadith which encourages the writing of hadith. The orders to pray, pay zakat, and perform Hajj are only mentioned in general. The Qur'an does not explain the number of cycles and the ways of performing the prayers, does not specify the nisabs of zakat, and also does not explain the ways of performing the pilgrimage. But all of that has been explained in detail and interpreted as broadly as possible by hadith. This research is a study that uses the literature review method which aims to discuss the polemic between the prohibition and permissibility of the use of hadith. Seeing the importance of the position of the hadith, this paper wants to discuss the condition of the hadith at the time of the Prophet and his companions, which is the most important phase of the history of hadith. This discussion includes the understanding of hadith and sunnah, how friends receive hadith from the Prophet, discussions about the prohibitions and recommendations for writing hadith, and the attitude of friends towards the transmission of hadith. The books used are the opinions of previous scholars and authors, and the journals used are sourced from updated journals.
Memahami Hadis-Hadis Misoginis dengan Pendekatan Spirit Ayat-Ayat Al-Qur’an Mira Fauziah
El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April-September
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/el-sunan.v1i1.3456


A refreshment of the understanding of misogynistic hadiths is absolutely necessary. The reason is not primarily to align with the demands of modern intellectual development, but rather to free the understanding from gender prejudices. As modern Islamic thinkers have demonstrated, the hadiths in question do not actually emphasize superiority or inferiority based on gender, which in classical interpretations have been embellished with explanations and additions that marginalize women. Consequently, the understanding of these hadiths merely accommodates the socio-historical facts that have sidelined women's rights. This interpretation of hadiths becomes a powerful religious tool for disempowering women. This phenomenon is clearly a contradiction. On one hand, the Qur'an strongly emphasizes the values of justice, equality, and freedom. But on the other, the understanding of hadiths has obstructed these fundamental values. ABSTRAK Penyegaran pemahaman terhadap hadis-hadis misoginis mutlak dilakukan. Alasannya bukan terutama untuk menyesuaikan dengan tuntutan perkembangan dunia pemikiran modern, melainkan untuk membebaskan pemahaman dari prasangka jender. Seperti telah ditunjukkan oleh para pemikir Islam modern, hadis-hadis yang sebenarnya tidak menekankan superioritas inferioritas atas dasar jenis kelamin yang dalam tafsir klasik telah dibumbui penjelasan dan tambahan yang memarjinalisasikan perempuan. Sehingga, pemahaman hadis bersifat semata-mata mengakomodasi fakta sosiologis-historis yang telah menyingkirkan hak-hak perempuan. Pemahaman hadis menjadi alat religius sangat ampuh untuk tidak memberdayakan perempuan. Fenomena ini jelas merupakan sebuah kontradiksi. Di satu sisi al-Qur`an sangat menekankan nilai-nilai keadilan, persamaan dan kebebasan. Tetapi di sisi lain, pemahaman terhadap hadis telah menghalangi nilai-nilai utama itu.
Beragam Metode Memahami Hadis Nabi Saw Muhammad Zaini
El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April-September
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/el-sunan.v1i1.3457


The existence of hadiths has not only colored society in various aspects of life, particularly in the academic world, but has also become a continual and fascinating subject of study and research, including approaches and methodologies for understanding and applying hadiths. Nevertheless, comprehending the meaning of a hadith properly can sometimes be relatively challenging. Therefore, the understanding of hadiths has undergone a very long journey, from the time they were spoken and established by the Prophet Muhammad until the present day. The methods used to understand these hadiths have varied from one period to another. This can be understood as a dynamic in the development of human intellectual insight that never ceases over time. The evolution in the understanding of hadiths is also marked by the emergence of various approaches and methods in line with the changing conditions and situations. ABSTRAK Keberadaan hadis tidak hanya telah mewarnai masyarakat dalam berbagai kehidupan, terutama dalam dunia akademisi, akan tetapi juga telah menjadi bahasan dalam kajian dan penelitian yang menarik dan tiada hentinya, termasuk pendekatan dan metodologi pemahaman hadis beserta aplikasinya. Meskipun demikian, untuk memahami maksud suatu hadis secara baik terkadang relative tidak mudah. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman terhadap hadis telah mengalami perjalanan yang sangat panjang, sejak hadis itu diucapkan dan ditetapkan oleh Nabi saw sampai saat sekarang inki. Metode yang digunakan dalam memahami hadis tersebut saling berbeda antara satu periode dengan periode yang lain. Hal ini dapat dimaklumi sebagai suatu dinamika perkembangan wawasan intelektual manusia yang tidak pernah berhenti sepanjang masa. Perkembangan pemahaman terhadap hadis juga ditandai oleh munculnya berbagai pendekatan dan metode sesuai dengan kondisi dan situasi.
Urgensitas Pembelajaran Ilmu Hadis Di Era Digital Abdul Wahid; Junida Junida
El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April-September
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/el-sunan.v1i1.3464


Hadith as the words of the Prophet SAW. from time to time is very interesting to study and study. Along with the rapid development of technology, it also influences the development of hadith studies. In this digital era, there are many hadith books that fill the media space. Technological developments have given birth to hadiths that can exist on social media. Various applications have been presented with attractive packaging so that the hadith problem which was previously done manually by having to open volumes of hadith books, now has a hadith application that makes it easier for users to find the hadith they need, even in the application there is also content -content such as sanad and matan. Among the hadith applications that have contributed to coloring in the digital era are: Maktabah Syamilah, Lidwa Pusaka, Gawamil Kaleem, Mausyu'ah and so on. Seeing the development of hadith itself which is now in the digital era, we should know how to take advantage of it. moreover, these academics are so enthusiastic about developing hadith studies in this digital era. Our role as regeneration is only to maximize it and develop it in order to develop the hirroh of hadith studies towards a golden era again. ABSTRAK Hadis sebagai sabda Nabi SAW. dari masa ke masa sangat menarik untuk dikaji dan dipelajari. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang melaju pesat juga mempengaruhi tehadap perkembangan kajian hadis. Di era digital ini, banyak ditemui kitabkitab hadis memenuhi ruang media. Perkembangan teknologi telah melahirkan hadis bisa eksis di media sosial. Berbagai aplikasi telah disajikan dengan kemasan menarik sehingga problem hadis yang tadinya dilakukan secara manual dengan harus membuka kitab-kitab hadis yang berjilid-jilid, kini telah hadir aplikasi hadis sehingga memudahkan bagi pengguna dalam mencari hadis yang dibutuhkan, bahkan di dalam aplikasi tersebut juga terdapat konten-konten seperti sanad dan matan. Di antara aplikasi hadis yang turut mewarnai di era digital adalah: Maktabah Syamilah, Lidwa Pusaka, Gawamil Kaleem, Mausyu’ah dan sebagainnya.Melihat perkembangan hadits sendiri yang sekarang sudah ber-Era digital maka sudah semestinya kita harus mengetahui bagaimana cara memanfaatkan hal itu, terlebih para akademi-akademisi tersebut sudah begitu bersemangat mengembangkan kajian hadits di era digital ini. Peran kita sebagai regenerasi hanyalah memaksimal mungkin dan mengembangkannya guna mengembangkan hirroh kajian hadits menuju era ke-emasan kembali.
Ikhtilaf Al-Hadits: Penyebab dan Pendekatan Penyelesaiannya Nurjannah Ismail; Dhiya Rahmah Yus
El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April-September
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/el-sunan.v1i1.4095


Hadiths play a pivotal role in shaping norms and laws for the Muslim community in Islam, but they often give rise to controversies and differences in interpretation and application. This article aims to explore the phenomenon of Ikhtilaf Al-Hadith, which refers to the divergence in the understanding of Hadiths among Islamic scholars and its methods of resolution. Employing a literature analysis method, the author references pertinent sources for this study. The findings reveal that Ikhtilaf Al-Hadith can emerge due to various factors, including the content of the Hadith, the context of its delivery, methodology, and ideology. Resolution approaches include compromise, tarjih (selecting the stronger Hadith), or nasakh (abrogation of one Hadith in favor of another). Hence, a meticulous understanding and methodological approach are essential to maintain consistency in comprehending and applying Hadiths in Islam. Compromise, tarjih, and nasakh serve as methods for resolving discrepancies between Hadiths, and contextual and historical understanding is crucial in interpreting apparently contradictory Hadiths. ABSTRAK Hadits dalam Islam memiliki peran sentral dalam membentuk norma dan hukum bagi umat Islam, tetapi seringkali menimbulkan kontroversi dan perbedaan dalam pemahaman serta penerapannya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi fenomena Ikhtilaf Al-Hadits, yang merujuk pada perbedaan pemahaman hadits di kalangan ulama Islam, serta metode penyelesaiannya. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode analisis literatur dengan merujuk pada sumber-sumber yang relevan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa Ikhtilaf Al-Hadits dapat timbul akibat berbagai faktor, termasuk konten hadits, konteks penyampaian, metodologi, dan ideologi. Penyelesaiannya dapat dilakukan melalui kompromi, tarjih (menentukan hadits yang lebih kuat), atau nasakh (membatalkan salah satu hadits dan menerima yang lainnya). Oleh karena itu, pemahaman yang teliti dan pendekatan metodologis diperlukan untuk menjaga konsistensi dalam memahami dan menerapkan hadits dalam Islam. Kompromi, tarjih, dan nasakh adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan perbedaan antar hadits, dan pemahaman kontekstual serta historis juga penting dalam menafsirkan hadits yang mungkin tampak bertentangan.

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