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Jurnal Ilmu Hayat (J. Ilmu Hayat) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research from all area of biosciences fields such as ecology, conservation, biodiversity, biosystematics, structure and development, physiology, genetics and biotechnology. All life forms (microbes, fungi, plants, animals, and human, including virus) are covered by J. Ilmu Hayat.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 2 (2021)" : 5 Documents clear
Absorption of Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg) in Long Bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) with Variation of Planting Period and Planting Medium Anggy ulul Ningtyas; Suhadi Suhadi; Agus Dharmawan
Jurnal Ilmu Hayat Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um061v5i22021p80-89


The amalgamation technique of Sekotong gold mining produces heavy metal pollution in agricultural areas. The purpose in this study to find the effect of mine soil variations on growing media on growth and absorption of mercury in long bean (V. unguiculata L. Walp). This experimental study uses RCBD with a mixture of katel soil and mine soil media A (100% katel soil), B (80%: 20%), C (60%: 40%), D (40%: 60%) and E (20%: 80%) and 5 replications. Data collection on growth of stem height and number of leaves every week while the absorption of mercury every 1, 2, 3 and 4 months of planting. Data analyzed with One Way Anova test, Mann Whitney test and T-test. Results of analysis showed effect of variation in planting media on stems height and number of leaves from highest to lowest is media A, B, C were significantly different, followed D and E not significantly different. Mercury absorption of media A and C roots, stems, leaves, fruits 1 and 4 months of planting significantly different, not significantly different from root 2 months of planting and roots, stems and fruits 3 months of planting. Total absorption of mercury media A and C was significantly different.
Effect of Mango Leaf Shoot Extract (Mangifera indica L.) on Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Cell Regeneration Induced by Hyperglicemia Adisty Virakawugi Darniwa; Tri Cahyanto; Siti Nurul Hidayah
Jurnal Ilmu Hayat Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um061v5i22021p43-57


Abstract. In many cases, diabetics often have difficulty in wound healing and lead to amputation. Hyperglycemia is an early symptom of diabetic which is characterized by high blood glucose levels. Cell regeneration is one of part by wound healing process. Mango plants have benefits as medicinal plants because they have secondary metabolites that can help heal wounds. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mango leaf shoot extract on blood glucose levels of zebrafish (Danio rerio) hyperglycemia due to alloxan and glucose induction and role of mango leaf shoot extract on zebrafish caudal fin regeneration. This study used an experimental method with 5 group treatments: control group, hyperglycemia, metformin 0,75 w/v, extract 10 µg/ml and extract 20  µg/ml. Parameters observed include blood glucose level, fin length and survival rate. Hyperglycemia was measured by blood glucose level, caudal fin regeneration was analayzed using fin length, also environmental factors and survival rate were measured. Result showed that mango leaf shoot extract 20 µg/ml was efective in reducing blood glucose levels, reaching 68,31% and aproaching metformin 0,75 w/v  treatment with a decrease in blood glucose levels reaching 70,1%. Mango leaf shoot extract with concentration 20 µg/ml significantly different (p < 0,05) from hyperglycemia group and extract 10  µg/ml. Extract 20 µg/ml was effective in assisting the regeneration process with an increase caudal fin length reaching 0.94 cm during the treatment period. 
Pemanfaatan Kapang Pelapuk Kayu (KPK) Indigenous Mycelioptora thermophilia KLUM1 Untuk Pengolahan Limbah Rumput Taman Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ike Astiyandani; Evi Susanti
Jurnal Ilmu Hayat Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um061v5i22021p58-70


Axonopus compressus as garden waste has the potential to become forage for livestock if it is processed by reducing its lignin content. Lignin is an anti-nutritional substance in animal feed whose presence can reduce the digestibility of feed nutrients. Mycelioptora thermophilia KLUM1 produces ligninase which can degrade lignin. The purpose of this study were to determine the effect of fermentation time and the number of spores of the Mycelioptora thermophilia KLUM1 on the levels of lignin, crude fat, and crude protein of Axonopus compressus. This research is a laboratory experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method, the first factor is fermentation time (14, and 21 days) and the second factor is the number of spores (1,72 x 107 , 4,29 x 107 , and 8,59 x 107 cells). The results showed that the best conditions for the levels of lignin and crude fat in this study were 8.59 x 107 cells for 21 days with a lignin content of 9.98% ± 0.23 and crude fat content of 3.43% ± 0 .04, while the best condition for crude protein content was 1.72 x 107 cells for 14 days of 11.64% ± 0.18.
Variasi Sekuen dan Filogenetik Leptocorisa oratorius (Fabricius) di Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Gen COX2 Itsna Fauziyyah; Suhadi Suhadi
Jurnal Ilmu Hayat Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um061v5i22021p71-79


Leptocorisa oratorius menyerang tanaman padi hingga menyebabkan gagal panen di Jawa Timur. Strategi pengendalian hama harus disesuaikan dengan jarak genetik, agar tidak menyebabkan resistensi hama akibat penanganan yang tidak tepat pada populasi hama di tempat yang berbeda. Sehingga tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui variasi sekuen dan filogenetik hama Leptocorisa oratorius menggunakan gen COX2. Sampel diambil dari Trenggalek, Magetan, Malang, Bondowoso, Gresik dan Mojokerto. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu ekstraksi DNA menggunakan The Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit Promega. Amplifikasi gen COX2 dengan primer COX2 Leptocorisa oratorius (F) -5’ ACA AGA TGC AAT ATC CCC TT 3’ dan COX2 Leptocorisa oratorius (R) -5’ TGG TTT AAG AGA CCA ATG CT 3’. Analisis sekuens menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan enambelas pasang basa nukleotida pada urutan sekuens sampel dilokasi yang berbeda. Hasil rekontruksi pohon filogenetik yaitu sampel daerah (Malang, Mojokerto dan Bondowoso) merupakan sampel yang berada pada satu internal klaster, sedangkan sampel (Gresik dan Magetan) memisah dengan sampel lain begitu juga dengan sampel (Trenggalek). Nilai jarak genetik terkecil terbentuk pada populasi hama Mojokerto-Malang, Bondowoso-Malang, Bondowoso-Mojokerto, dan Magetan-Gresik dengan nilai 0.0000 dan jarak genetik terbesar antara populasi hama Gresik-Trenggalek dan Magetan-Trenggalek dengan nilai 0.0190.
Keanekaragaman Kupu-kupu Familia Nymphalidae di Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Coban Rondo Kota Batu Jawa Timur Sendy Devi Rachmawati; Sofia Ery Rahayu
Jurnal Ilmu Hayat Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um061v5i22021p90-97


Kupu-kupu selain berperanan sebagai pollinator juga digunakan sebagai indikator kondisi suatu lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman kupu-kupu familia Nymphalidae yang ada di Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Coban Rondo. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode jelajah atau walking transect yang dilakukan pada pukul 08.00-09.00 WIB dan pukul 10.00-11.00 WIB selama dua minggu pada bulan Maret – April 2020. Lokasi pengamatan kupu-kupu terbagi menjadi empat sektor pengamatan berdasarkan rona lingkungan Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Coban Rondo. Data kupu-kupu yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis keanekaragamannya menggunakan rumus Shanon Weiner. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan kupu-kupu familia Nymphalidae di Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Coban Rondo sebanyak 166 individu yang terbagi atas 13 spesies. Hasil dari analisis menunjukan bahwa tingkat keanekaragaman (H’) sebesar 1.68 yang tergolong dalam kategori rendah, indeks kemerataan (E) sebesar 0.65 yang menunjukan tingkat kemerataan tinggi dan indeks kekayaan (R) sebesar 2.34 yang tergolong memiliki nilai kekayaan sedang. Kemudian diperoleh kelimpahan relatif  tertinggi yaitu spesies Ypthima pandocus sebesar 51.80% dan kelimpahan relatif terendah adalah spesies Ypthima philomela sebesar 0.6%.

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