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HARENA: Jurnal Gizi
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Core Subject : Health, Science,
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi provides a platform for the discussion of Health and Nutritions and or related to it with a range of themes such as: clinical nutrition, nutritionist, public health nutritionists, registered dietitians, functional food, nutrition and food
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Articles 7 Documents
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Pembuatan Minuman Jeli Sari Okra Hijau dan Jambu Biji Merah sebagai Alternatif Selingan Sumber Serat Emilia Ayu Dimas Widya; Nita Maria Rosiana
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): HARENA : Jurnal Gizi (Desember 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/harena.v1i1.2405


Green okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L) and red guava (Psidium guajava L) as the raw materials in jelly drinks is considered as an innovative processing method to increase the fiber content in jelly drinks. This study aims to determine the characteristics and nutritional content of green okra juice jelly drinks (Abelmoschus esculentus L) and red guava (Psidium guajava L) as a distraction source of fiber drinks. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD)., The formulation for jelly drinks consist of the proportion of which are: P1 (100: 0), P2 (90: 10), P3 (80: 20), P4 (70: 30), P5 (60: 40), P6 (50: 50). Furthermore, the analysis for jelly drinks are fiber content, gel strength and syneresis, organoleptic (hedonic and hedonic quality) and proximate for the best formulation. The results showed that there was a significant increase in fiber levels in each jelly drinks treatment. The more addition of ekstract green okra in the manufacture of jelly drinks, the content of the fiber in jelly drinks was also increasing. The result of the test of fiber on the jelly drinks P1 to P6 respectivelly were 3,45, 3,30, 3,23, 3,12, 3,06, dan 2,95. The result showed were significantly different (P <0.05) on fiber content, gel strength, hedonic quality test on color, aroma, texture and hedonic test on taste, color, and texture. However, there was not significantly different (P> 0.05) on the syneresis test, the hedonic quality test on taste, and the hedonic test on color. The best treatment is jelly drink using 50% green okra ekstract and 50% red guava ekstract. The consume recommendations are 2 portions of jellies per day or 80 grams per day
Pengaruh Pemberian Unripe Banana Flour (Pisang Berlin) terhadap Aktivitas Fisik pada Tikus Putih Wistar Jantan Model Dislipidemia Hendra Hermawan; Ayu Febriyatna; Ratih Putri Damayati; Firda Agustin
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): HARENA : Jurnal Gizi (Desember 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/harena.v1i1.2406


Dyslipidemia is a risk factors for non communicable diseases. The emergence of disease means that a person does not have prime physical fitness which can have a negative impact, namely experiencing limitations on physical activity One way to increase the physical activity of people with dyslipidemia is by giving belin banana flour. Bananas are believed to be able to increase physical activity due to the high energy content of 90 ccal/100 grams of banana berlin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving unripe banana flour (Banana Berlin) on physical activity in white rats (Rattus Norvergicus L) wistar dyslipidemia strain. This type of research is true-experimental with pretest-posttestt with control group. This study used 18 male wistar rats with a body weight of 150-200 grams aged 2-3 month. Rats were divided into 2 control group and 1 treatment group given unrip banana flour (UBF) at a dose of 0,144 g/head/day for 30 days. Physical activity is measured by swimming. Date were analyzed using the One Way Anova test, the Post Hoc or Mann Whitney test, and the paired T-test was carried out with the result that there was a significant difference in the physical activity of the rats before the intervention (p=0,003), there was a significant difference in the physical activity of the rats after the intervention (p=0,000), and there was a significant difference in the physical activity of the rats before and after the intervention (p= 0,003). Giving unripe banana flour (UBF) can not be said to ble able to increased physcal activity because the control group can not be used to be standard group
Peran Dongeng Terhadap Sisa Makanan pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Al - Irsyad Al – Islamiyyah Jember Irfaul Hasanah; Muhammad Iqbal; Adhiningsih Yulianti Yulianti
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): HARENA : Jurnal Gizi (Desember 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/harena.v1i1.2407


The needs of school-age children, if noted more carefully, children spend a lot of energy while studying and doing activities. Fairy tales are fictitious forms of story that are told or written to entertain and contain values. Previous research has shown that listening to fairy tales has benefits that can increase children's creativity and imaginative power. The general objective of this research is to be able to find out the role of fairy tales on leftovers in Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Jember elementary school students. This type of research is an experimental Quasi research with a one group pre-test and post-test approach. The subjects in this study were grade II students of Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Jember Elementary School with a total of 42 respondents. The rest of the data collection is done by estimation using Comstock form while the media used is a fairy books. Data results were analyzed using Wilcoxon test due to undistribution of normal data. The average of the rest of the food occurs despite the decline not all significant. The remaining staple food before the intervention was 33.81% while after an intervention of 23.33% with a difference of 10.48 (P = 0.14), the rest of the animal side dishes before the intervention 22.14% after the intervention of 16.55% with the difference of 5.59 (P = 0.43), the rest of the vegetable side dishes 49.40 Before the intervention and after the intervention was 30.36% with the difference of 19.04 (P = 0.09). The remaining vegetable before the intervention was 58.81% and after an intervention of 24.40% (P = 0.01) with a difference of 34.41. There are no significant differences in fairy tales against the rest of staple food, animal side dishes and vegetable side dishes. There are significant differences in fairy tales against leftover vegetable food
Pembuatan Media Poster Sebagai Pencegahan Anemia pada Pekerja Wanita di Pabrik X Restu Alfi Bihusna; Agatha Widiyawati
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): HARENA : Jurnal Gizi (Desember 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/harena.v1i1.2408


Anemia was vulnerable to be experienced by women in Indonesia, especially in female workers. therefore, the anemia experienced by them needs special concern. To minimize this case of was by doing the prevention of anemia. The purpose of this study was to make poster media as a prevention of anemia for female workers in factory X. This research was a type of R & D research namely Research and Development that used the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) model. The instruments used in this study were poll, PSP, informed consent and poster media. poll was used to determine the level of media poster feasibility. This study was conducted on January 21th, 2019. This development research used data analysis techniques, they were,  qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. Qualitative data in the form of input and comments from the validator was used for media repair material that was going to be produced. Quantitative data were assessment score data from media validators, materials and factory female workers. The conclusion was that the validation of material experts was 100% with a very feasible category, and from media experts was 100% with a very feasible category. The test of acceptance of female workers was 95.8% with a very feasible category. Media Posters about anemia prevention could be said to be very feasible and  be applied toward factory female workers because the images and colors on the media poster were interesting so information was easily delivered
Intervensi Minuman Cokelat Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Atlet Futsal Di Politeknik Negeri Jember Sarifah Novita Sari; Adhiningsih Yulianti
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): HARENA : Jurnal Gizi (Desember 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/harena.v1i1.2409


Nutritional intake to meet energy when training an athlete must be considered for the smooth running of the activities carried out. Cocoa is a type of fruit containing carbohydrates (4.10 kcal / gram), fat (9 kcal / gram), protein (4.1 kcal / gram), and antioxidants. The composition of nutrients in cocoa beans serves to provide energy in the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of providing chocolate drinks on the muscle strength futsal athletes at Politeknik Negeri Jember. The research method used was Quasi Experimental with the design of Pretest-Posttest with Control Group, the technique in taking the subject of this study used a total sampling technique, with a subject population of 30 athletes. Measurement of muscle strength tests using a leg and back dynamometer. Statistical analysis of this study used SPSS 16.0 for Windows with the Kruskal Wallisand the Wilcoxon test. The results showed the muscle strength values before the chocolate drink intervention did not have a difference between the control and treatment groups (p = 0.327), after the chocolate drink intervention there were differences in the muscle strength values between the control and treatment groups (p = 0.012) and the difference in muscle strength mean against the groups control and treatment have a value (p = 0.003). The conclusion of this study is that there is an influence of chocolate drink intervention and protein intake (p <0.05) on the muscle strength of futsal athletes
Studi Pembuatan Puding Kombinasi Belimbing Wuluh dan Jambu Biji Merah Sebagai Alternatif Makanan Selingan Sumber Antioksidan Siti Nuridni Fajriyah; Huda Oktafa
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): HARENA : Jurnal Gizi (Desember 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/harena.v1i1.2410


The results of Riskesdas 2018 show an increase in the prevalence of degenerative diseases in Indonesia such as cancer, heart disease, and hypertension. Degenerative diseases caused by an imbalance between the amount of free radicals and antioxidants in the body. This study aims to produce a pudding with combination of star fruit and red guava fruit as an alternative snack of antioxidant sources. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Design with six treatment which are the proportion guava fruit and star fruit are 80% : 20%, 70% : 30%, 60% : 40%, 50% : 50%, 40% : 60%, 30% : 70% and repeated four times. Analysis on the product are chemical (antioxidant) and organoleptic analysis. The results showed that the pudding has a significantly different (P<0,05) to antioxidant activity, hedonic quality on color, taste, aroma, and hedonic test of color, taste, aroma. The pudding with combination of star fruit and  red guava fruit in various formulations had no effect on the organoleptic test (hedonic and hedonic quality on texture). The best treatment is P1 with a 80% formulation of red guava fruit and 20% of star fruit which contained 38,67% antioxidant activity. The nutritional facts of 100 grams pudding has 50,81 kcal of energy, 0,37 grams of protein, 1,53 grams of fat, and 47,8 grams of carbohydrates
Pengaruh Media Booklet Terhadap Pengetahuan Remaja Putri Mengenai Stunting Di Kabupaten Probolinggo Ulfiatun Hasanah; M. Rizal Permadi
HARENA : Jurnal Gizi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): HARENA : Jurnal Gizi (Desember 2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/harena.v1i1.2411


The high prevalence of stunting in Probolinggo Regency is caused by the proliferation of early marriagesthat take place after graduating from Junior and Senior high school in Probolinggo Regency. This is caused by the level of knowledge of adolescents, especially young women is classified as low. The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of young women about stunting, and as a preventive proceedings so that it can prevent or even reduce the prevalence of stunting in Probolinggo Regency in the future. This research is a type of Preexperimental research with one group pretest-posttest design is conducted to Ninety nine high school students in Probolinggo Regency which are taken by using quota sampling method. The study is conducted in June 2020. The dependent variable is the level of student knowledge and the independent variable is the use of booklet. The data is analyzed by using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results of this research are there is a difference in knowledge before and after the booklet intervention was given to the high school students, this proved by increasing in the results of the female students' posttest (p = 0,000)

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