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Journal of Geosciences and Applied Geology
ISSN : 25793136     EISSN : 25793136     DOI :
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology (GSAG) is a National multidisiplinary Journal focus on Geological Sciences, Applied Geology, and Geological Engineering and Earth Science. Our Mission is to publish research related to (but not limited) Geology Petrology Paleontology Stratigraphy Sedimentology Remote Sensing Geomorphology GIS Engineering Geology Geotechnics Geochemistry Geophysics Geological Hazard and Disaster Geopark Hazard Mitigation Geography Earth Sciences
Articles 7 Documents
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Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 5 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i5.20244


Sumatera island is located between 3 NH to 6 SH and 96 EL to 106 EL, along 1,700 km northernto the South, parallel to the subduction zone between the Sunda plate and Indian Oceanic plate onthe western part of Sumatera Island. The western part of Sumatera Island is a fore deep basin.Parallel to it is the Bukit Barisan chain. Towards the eastern part, there is the foreland basin ofNeogen. At the central zone of Bukit Barisan chain, there is the in-between basin. The SouthSumatera Basin starts from the eastern part of Bukit Barisan stretching to the south-east of theocean and adjoining to the basin at the boundary of Bukit Barisan in the south-west and tertiarySunda Basin in the south-east. Coal at the basin or on this formation with low rank is generallylignite. It is only at the young andesite intrusion (at Bukit Asam) where this lignite is altered to behigh rank coal. On this formation coal is divided into three groups, namely, upper part (6 – 7 seams),central part, and lower part (8 – 10 seam). The coal development is mainly autochthon, in the forestenvironment where there is no indication of the existence of swamp vegetation element. Based onthe data, it can be concluded that coal resource at the survey location has quite good quality, withmoderate calorific value and low sulphuric content. Thus, it can be classified into the ‘brown coal’.
POTENCY OF SOIL WATER IN MASINAM ISLAND BASED ON THE ROCK RESISTIVITY VALUE Yusi Firmansyah; Abigail Restu; Bombom Rachmat Suganda; Mohammad Sapari Dwi Hadian; Reza Mohammad Ganjar Gani
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 5 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i5.20241


Groundwater is water that is contained in soil layers or rocks that are located below the soilsurface. The resistivity or geoelectric method is used to obtain an anomaly of material under thesurface using electrical properties. 2 Dimensional Geoelectric Measurements are carried out asmany as 5 Tracks. From the results of the analysis based on surface data, the resistivitydistribution value in the study area can be interpreted to obtain 3 rock packages with low, mediumand high types of resistance. If it has low resistance (smaller than 45 Ωm), the lithology in thispackage is claystone, this layer is interpreted as not being able to store water and tends to easilyescape the water. While the value of the medium type of resistance (45 μm to 200 Ωm) has goodporosity. The lithology of this package is interpreted as sandstone. Lithology at high resistivityvalues (greater than 200 Ωm), is interpreted as limestone. This limestone layer is presumed tohave undergone a karstification process and presumably, this layer has the potential to be a goodaquifer that can accommodate enough water and drain at a certain time.
PETROGENESIS OF PASIR CUPU DIORITE, PLERED DISTRICT, PURWAKARTA, WEST JAVA Kurnia Arfiansyah Fachrudin; Hana Nur Aini; Ildrem Syafri; Ahmad Luthfi; Emilia Bunga Amitama
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 5 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i5.20316


Pasir Cupu located in the area of Plered and Sukatani, Purwakarta, West Java. It is geographically on 107o 26 '25.2' - 107o 27 '16.8' Easternmost and 6o 37 '22.8' - 6o 37 '03 "Southtermost. The Pasir Cupu is a formally formed intrusion, and classified into diorite (Streckeisen, 1978 in Gillespic and Styles, 1999). The method used is petroloogy, petrographic, and geochemical analysis using the XRF and CIPW methods. The megascopic appearance shows gray-colored rocks - in fresh, black-brown gray - in weathered ones; masive; very hard; fanheritic porphyritic textures; contains dark and bright minerals, dark minerals estimated to be amphibol, and pyroxene, and minerals that are bright feldspar; and masasaras are gray. Microscopic observations of 3 thin section of rock samples (CP 1, CP2 and CP3), showed porphyritic-afanitic texture, hypocrystalline, hypidiomorphic; composed of phenocryst plagioclase, amphibol, pyroxene, biotite, with mineral sizes between 0.1 mm - 4 mm; there are also small amounts of opaque, K-feldspar, quartz and carbonate minerals; with medium-coarse-grained bottom, consisting of plagioclase microlite, amphibole microlite, pyroxene and biotite microlite, carbonate minerals, chlorite and clay minerals. Based on geochemical analysis, Pasir Cupu is composed by diorite according to the Total Alkali Silica diagram. The magmatic series is included in the Calc-Alkaline and Thoeliitic series, the types of magma include the High-K and Medium-K (Calc-Alkaline Series) groups, as long as magma interacts with continental crust (continent), as long as the magma is based on the Island Arc Calc -Alkaline Basalt, the origin of magma origin ranged ± 140 Km - ± 185 Km in the Benioff zone and formed at temperatures of 1016 ̊ – 1062 ̊ C with rock specific gravity of 2.82 - 2.89 gram / cm3.
Stratified Soil Characterization using 1D Resistivity Inversion along the Pasuruan Coastline, East Java Syaiful Alam; Nur Khoirullah; Yanwar Yusup Rukmana
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 5 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i5.20248


The inversion has been widely used in subsurface modeling of numerousdata. The number of stratified soil layer and thicknesswere driven by damped least-squares inversion method.This studyintegrated five borehole logs and six vertical electrical sounding measurements. The inversion result is able to predict an unsampled of borehole data. The resulting maximum rms error is 0.22 and minimum rms error is 0.011 from 1D inversion.The borehole datas indicatedgravelly soil layer, sandy soil layer,and clayey soil layer withthe resistivity values respectively range from 33.6-7.45 (Ohm.m), 7.45-3.98 (Ohm.m), and 3.98-0.016 (Ohm.m).Based on the studyresult there were possibilities of seawater intrusion indication according to the soil stratigraphic profile based on resistivity properties and borehole data. Keyword: Pasuruan coastline, stratified soil, 1D resistivity inversion.
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 5 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i5.20243


The East Java Basin is a large hydrocarbon producing basin in Java. From the drilling wells in thisregion it is known that the reservoir comes from carbonate rocks. The Prupuh Formation acts as areservoir because of its high porosity value, not only primary porosity but also secondary porosity.The study of limestone characteristics of Prupuh Formation in Sendang Agung Village, PaciranDistrict, Lamongan Regency, East Java Province is a combination of field and laboratory activities.Field activities include collecting data through detailed measurements, making measuredstratigraphic cross sections with systematic rocks sampling. Laboratory activities are petrographicanalysis through thin sections. The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge aboutPrupuh limestone which acts as a reservoir in the East Java Basin oil and gas system. Based on theresults of the field activity, a measured stratigraphic section with a thickness of 32.5 meters wasmade, the lower and middle sections were composed of dolomite, then at the top there werebioclastic limestones as reported by Pringgoprawiro, 1983. A total of 6 (six) rock samples werechosen for petrographic analysis of thin sections. Results of the analysis obtained 32 meters is acrystalline dolomite with a very bad porosity system. Dolomite which is found is the result ofdolomitization of the wackestone bioclastics limestone. So it was concluded that the carbonaterocks the Prupuh Formation in research area had very bad potential to become reservoir rocks. 
Mapping the Level of Earthquake Risk of Holtekamp Bridge at Jayapura Based on Earthquake Data and Microtremor Measurement Doodle Dandy Waromi; Nur Khoirullah; Dicky Muslim; Agung Mulyo
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 5 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i5.20321


Holtekamp bridge which is located in Jayapura region between Hamadi and Holtekamp Village inthe Northern part of Papua island. The region constitutes an active earthquake zone with therecurrence frequency and magnitude of the earthquake are relatively high. The region is locatedon an active fault zone. The seismotectonics setting in this region is directly implied to thecalculations of the seismic design for engineering and design purposes on building and non-buildingstructures including Holtekamp bridge in Jayapura city. To recognize a characteristic of theearthquake at the site of interest, the historical earthquakes (background) data surrounding thestudy area. Local microtremor measurements data are analyzed by means of a probabilisticseismic hazard analysis (PSHA). Deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) using someground-motion models in attenuation relationship equations. In resulting of seismic hazardparameter as represented by peak ground acceleration (PGA), values in earthquake scenario atoperating basis earthquake (OBE), maximum design earthquake (MDE), and maximum credibleearthquake (MCE) conditions. These values are used as a reference to evaluate the complianceof the current technical aspects with the new required design facing the updated seismicityparameters.Keyword : Jayapura, Holtekamp, seismic Hazard Analysis, Peak Ground Acceleration.
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 5 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i5.20230


The Leles-Garut Basin, with an elevation ranges between 650 and 725 above mean sea level, is a Quaternary topographic basin area situated in the east-trending volcanic arc of West Java. In contrast to the adjacent Bandung Basin, the nature of the basin bounding area of the Leles-Garut Basin is not clearly defined. The presence of volcanic chain and structural lineament exhibits the difference in morphological features. A quantification of morphological indices was chosen to redefine an active tectonic involvement in surrounding basin border. Mountain-front sinuosity indices range from 1.1 to 3.9 and basin asymmetrical factor suggests a wide range of the effects of active tectonic even a little tilting. The study unveil that the basin bounding is not only volcano-bounded but also fault-bounded.

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