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Yusmine Yulianto Pradita
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Study Program of Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science University of Muhammadiyah Malang
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JTCST (Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology)
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JTCST (Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology) publishes scientific papers on the results of the study/research and review of the literature in the sphere of tropical crop production and technology in agriculture. Additionally, this journal also covers the issues of plant biology, crop production and environmental science. Editors welcome scholars, researchers, and practitioners of education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.
Articles 5 Documents
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Growth Response of Potato Cuttings (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Granola Lembang Varieties Results Of Tissue Culture To Giving Radix Up With Different Segments Faisal Haryanto Putra; Erny Ishartati; Syarief Husain
Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): VOLUME 1, NO. 2, OCTOBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jtcst.v1i2.9991


Potato plants are propagated vegetatively with tubers. The difficulty of getting potato seeds with tubers is an obstacle in the supply of potato seeds, to overcome these obstacles vegetative propagation with cuttings can be a solution for the supply of potato seeds. This research used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD). The first factor is the type of Radix Up consisting of 4 levels, namely Z0 (control), Z1 (Radix Up 1), Z2 (Radix Up 2), and Z3 (Radix Up 3), the second factor is the number of segments consisting of 3 levels namely D1 (number of segment 1), D2 (number of segment 2), and D3 (number of segment 3). Observation variables included: when the roots appeared, plant height, number of leaves, and stem diameter. The results showed that there was an interaction between Radix Up types and the number of segments on the growth of potato shoot cuttings when the roots appeared, but there were no interactions on other observational variables. The Z1D3 treatment (Radix Up 1 and segment number 3) gives the fastest average value, which is the average when the root appears 4.33 days.
Application Of Leaf Fertilizer And Plant Hormones To Accelerate Shoot Cuttings Growth On The Potato Varieties Of Granola Lembang (Solanum tuberosum L.) Erny Ishartati; Rehan Prasetya Rehan
Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): VOLUME 1, NO. 2, OCTOBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jtcst.v1i2.10277


An important factor in the productivity of potatoes is the procurement of quality potato seeds. Procurement of potato seeds can be done several ways, one of which is by cuttings. Giving plant hormones in cuttings can encourage and accelerate the formation of roots, stimulate the formation of new shoots, and increase the number and quality of shoots and roots. This study uses a split plot design factorial with the first factor is the influence of various kinds of leaf fertilizer consisting of 3 levels, namely PAB (AB Mix), PGD (Gandasil D) and PG (Growmore), and the second factor is some natural plant hormones which consists of Z0 (Rootone F / control), Z1 (bamboo shoots), Z2 (coconut water), Z3 (aloe vera) and Z4 (shallots). All treatments were repeated 3 times. The data obtained were analyzed using orthogonal contrast for treatment vs. control testing. F test to determine diversity, if there is diversity of treatment followed by BNJ test level of 5%. Observation variables included: when the roots appeared, plant height, number of leaves, and stem diameter.The results showed that there was no interaction between the administration of leaf fertilizer with extracts of some plant hormones, only that the treatment of the leaves of the gandasil D fertilizer had a very significant effect on plant height parameters, with an average of 6.57 cm. whereas in orthogonal analysis the contrast between control and treatment, control tends to be higher in value.
The Added Effects of Rice Husk Ash Against to Growth and Yield on Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Dimas Panji Oktaviant; Endang Dwi Purbajanti; Susilo Budiyanto
Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): VOLUME 1, NO. 2, OCTOBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jtcst.v1i2.10383


Basil is a spice plant that is widely used as a culinary additive, fragrance, atractan, and anti-bacterial because it produces essential oils, basil oil. This research aimed to identifying the affect of adding rice husk ash on different basil’s cultivars on growth and yield of basil (Ocimum basilicum). This research use 4 x 2 factorial experiment pattern with Completely Randomized Design consisting of 5 replication. The first treatment was various type of basil’s cultivars such as Genovese cultivars (K1) and Dark Opal cultivars (K2). The second treatment was doses of rice husk ash such as control or without giving rice husk ash (M0), 30 g/pot (M1), 35 g/pot (M2), dan 40 g/pot (M3).  The observed parameters were soil bulk density and porosity, plant height, leaves total, roots length, and leaves simplisia. The results showed that the application of husk ash can affect the increase in physical properties of the soil, but has not directly affected the growth parameters and yield of leaf simplisia. Dark Opal cultivars on all growth parameters showed higher yields, but Genovese cultivars showed higher yields or simplisia.
Lilium longiflorum Plant Growth with a combination of Naphthylacetic Acid (NAA) and 6Benzylaminopurine (BAP) In Vitro Rosita Husnun Fauziah; Florentina Kusmiyati; Syaiful Anwar
Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): VOLUME 1, NO. 2, OCTOBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jtcst.v1i2.10387


This research was aim to identify the effect of Naphthylacetic Acid (NAA) and 6-Benzylaminopurin (BAP) on growth of Lilium longiflorum planlet. The research method was Completely Randomized Design Factorial 4 x 4 with 4 replication. First factor was concentration of NAA, consist of A0: 0 mg/l, A1: 0,75 mg/l, A2: 1,5 mg/l, and A3: 2,25 mg/l. Second factor was concentration of BAP, consist of : B0: 0 mg/l, B1: 0,3 mg/l, B2: 0,6 mg/l, and B3: 0,9 mg/l. The observed parameters were number of shoots, plant height, number of leaves, number of roots, and percentage of contamination. Data were process by Analysis of Variance and continued by Least Significance Different (LSD). The result showed that combination of NAA and BAP did not significantly affect the growth parameter of Lilium longiflorum. BAP treatment significantly affected the number of shoots and number of leaves. The number of roots only observed in NAA treatment; 0,3 mg/l BAP + 0,75 mg/l NAA; 0,3 mg/l BAP + 1,5 mg/l  NAA; and 0,6 mg/l BAP + 0,75 mg/l NAA. Percentage of fungal contamination was 7,5%. The conclusion of the result were the treatment 0f 0,3 mg/l BAP + 0,75 mg/l NAA was the best treatment for growth of Lilium longiflorum planlets with no contamination.
The Effect of BAP and Kinetin Concentrations for shoot induction on Teak (Tectona grandis L.) with In Vitro method Mayang Arnindika Prameswari; Karno Karno; Syaiful Anwar
Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): VOLUME 1, NO. 2, OCTOBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jtcst.v1i2.10417


The purpose of this research was to examine interaction effect between the different concentration of BAP hormone (Benzylaminopurine) and Kinetin hormone on the shoot induction of Jati (Tectona grandis L.) with in vitro method. This research used a completely randomized factorial design with 4x3 factorial pattern. The first factor was the concentration of BAP (B0 = 0 ppm; B1 = 1 ppm; B2 = 2 ppm dan B3 = 3 ppm). The second factor was concentration of Kinetin (K0 = 0 ppm; K2 = 0,75 ppm; dan K3 = 1,5 ppm). The parameters observed were time of callus appearance, callus length, time of shoot emergance, number of shoots, length of shoots, time of leaf development, number of leaves, percentage of growth, and percentage of contamination. The parameters obtained were analysed descriptively because the percentage of total growth was under 50%. The result showed that the concentration 1 ppm BAP and 0,75 ppm kinetin was better for stimulating the appearance of callus, shoots, leaves, and number of shoots. Callus diameter was better at concentration of BAP 3 ppm. The callus texture that was formed was included in the compact texture. The percentage of explants life was 33,30 – 66,60%. No contamination occurred in all explant samples.

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