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Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Published by Scidac Plus
ISSN : -     EISSN : 3030914X     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
The SSCIJ (E-ISSN: 3030-914X) aims to provide a platform for the examination and discussion of issues in Social science. It invites submissions from diverse perspectives and approaches, including those from developing countries. By publishing articles that explore various aspects of the field, including empirical research, innovative techniques, and professional issues, the journal aims to promote ongoing dialogue and discourse on important topics and provide insight into the counseling needs of individuals, groups, and society. This includes research from developing countries, which may offer unique perspectives and approaches to social science and help to further advance the field globally.
Articles 25 Documents
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Strategi Redaksi Program Tanah Air Beta Trans TV untuk Menarik Minat Penonton Habiburrahman Habib; Suryati Suryati; Hartika Utami Fitri
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: Television is a very popular mass media in society. Almost in every public place, office, home, even in the bedroom. Therefore, any news conveyed through television media will very easily reach the middle class of society. The existence of mass media such as television, film, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet as communication in the modern era can have a wider influence when compared to face-to-face communication. The first television in Indonesia was named TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia) which broadcast for the first time on August 24 1962, with a live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Asian Games IV from the main Gelora Bung Karno stadium. Observation in general is the activity of observing an object directly and in detail to obtain correct information regarding that object. The observation activities carried out have distinctive characteristics, namely factual and systematic objectives. Observations are closely related to objects and phenomena, both causal factors and broad impacts. The definition of interview according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is a question and answer session with someone who needs to be asked for information or an opinion about something. Meanwhile, according to Lexy J Moleong, an interview is a conversation with certain purposes. In this method, researchers and respondents face directly (face to face) to obtain information verbally with the aim of obtaining data that can explain the research problem. Basically, documentation is taken from English, namely Documentation, which has two meanings. First, namely presenting official information or evidence that is useful for records. Second, as an effort to record and categorize information in the form of writing, photos, videos, etc. Program monitoring and evaluation is a stage to see whether the program being broadcast is as expected or not. This monitoring and evaluation process is to determine the extent to which a plan and goal has been achieved or realized by a broadcasting station. At this stage, we will evaluate what the strengths and weaknesses were during the implementation of the program. Based on the explanation of the research results in the previous chapter, the researcher can conclude regarding the Editorial Strategy for the Tanah Air Beta Trans TV Program, namely in simple terms, mass communication can be defined as the process of communicating through mass media. . The study of mass communication is heavily influenced by the dynamics of mass media and its use by audiences. The development of mass media itself is associated with a number of factors surrounding it, for example the increasing number of literates, the rapid development of information in the economic sector, advances in technology and communication, the phenomenon of urbanization, and advertising factors
Peran Industri Kerajinan Karpet Dari Serat Pisang Abaka Dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Fatimah Azahrah; Suryati Suryati; Muslimin Muslimin
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This research discusses "The Role of the Carpet Craft Industry from Abaka Banana Fiber CV. Natural in Improving Community Welfare”. This research uses a qualitative approach by collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation methods. The objectives of this research are: 1) To determine the role of the carpet craft industry from CV banana abaca fiber. Natural in Improving Welfare, 2) To find out the results of the role of the carpet craft industry from CV banana abaca fiber. Natural. The subjects of this research were the head of personnel as a representative of the owner and employees who worked in the CV abaca banana fiber carpet craft industry. Natural City of Palembang. The data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show: 1) Carpet craft industry from abaca banana fiber CV. Natural in improving community welfare carries out a facilitative role to facilitate the community, an educational role to educate and provide education to the community, a representative role to negotiate and collaborate with outside parties and a technical skills role for workers so that they have skills that really require techniques in carrying out their duties. and his work. 2) Results of the role of the carpet craft industry from abaca banana fiber CV. The natural way to improve people's welfare is to overcome unemployment by opening up employment opportunities, increasing economic income, meeting living needs, and improving human resource skills
Strategi Lembaga Kursus Dan Pelatihan (LKP) Komputer Algerian Dalam Mengembangkan Life Skill Masyarakat Husna Umaira; Suryati Suryati; Irpinsyah Irpinsyah
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This research investigates the strategies implemented by LKP Komputer Algerian in efforts to develop life skillss within the community. Life skillss play a crucial role in equipping individuals with the necessary abilities to face various challenges in their daily lives. LKP Komputer Algerian, as a non-formal education institution, holds a strategic role in providing life skillss training to the community. The research employs a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and analysis of relevant documents. The main respondents involved administrators, instructors, and participants in the training programs at LKP Komputer Algerian. The results of the research indicate that LKP Komputer Algerian implements several effective strategies in developing life skillss within the community. These strategies involve interactive learning methods, the utilization of information technology, the development of relevant curricula, and active participation of participants in practical activities. Additionally, LKP Komputer Algerian collaborates with relevant stakeholders to expand the reach and impact of their life skillss training programs. This research is expected to provide a better understanding of successful practices carried out by LKP Komputer Algerian in the context of life skillss development. The implications of these findings can serve as a guide for similar institutions and other stakeholders in efforts to enhance the life skillss of the community through non-formal education approaches.
Peran PKK Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Nilai-Nilai Islam Ibu-ibu di Desa Gelebak Dalam Kabupaten Banyuasin Renasya Miftahul Jannah; Hidayatullah
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This research is entitled "The Role of PKK in Improving the Understanding of Islamic Values of Mothers in Gelebak Dalam Village, Banyuasin Regency". The purpose of this research is to find out the role of PKK in improving the understanding of Islamic values, especially mothers in Gelebak Dalam Village, Banyuasin Regency, and to find out the supporting factors and inhibiting factors. This research used a type of field research with qualitative methods. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interview, and documentation. The location of this research is Gelebak Dalam Village, Rambutan District, Banyuasin Regency. The theory used is the Jim Ife-Frank Tesoriero theory which explains the role of facilitative roles, educational roles, representational roles, technical roles. As well as using Nurchilish Madjid's opinion about Islamic values which are the core of religion. The results of this study are the role of PKK in helping to improve understanding of Islamic values, especially mothers in Gelebak Dalam village, through facilitating roles, educational roles, representational roles, technical roles. The programs are specifically made to increase understanding of Islamic values, especially, the values of Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Taqwa, Ikhlas, Tawakkal, and Gratitude. Mothers who take part in existing programs can strengthen the relationship between each other, get inner peace, increase knowledge that previously did not know to know, then increase devotion to Allah SWT. PKK's supporting factors in increasing the understanding of Islamic values of mothers are: human resources, facilities and infrastructure while the inhibiting factors are: time, lack of funds and different levels of understanding
Peran Tokoh Agama Dalam Menanggulangi Tradisi Minuman Keras Di Desa Lubuk Pandan Kecamatan Muara Lakitan Kabupaten Musi Rawas Adi Arianto Junaidi; Hidayatullah
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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Peran Tokoh Agama Dalam Menanggulangi Tradisi Minuman Keras Di Desa Lubuk Pandan Kecamatan Muara Lakitan Kabupaten Musi Rawas”. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran tokoh agama dalam menanggulangi tradisi minuman keras di Desa Lubuk Pandan Kecamatan Muara Lakitan Kabupaten Musi Rawas. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Ada dua sumber data yang digunakan yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Miles dan Huberman tentang analisis data kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan proses Reduksi Data, Penyajian Data, serta Penarikan Kesimpulan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori peran tokoh agama Badaruddin Hsubky. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran tokoh agama yang digunakan dalam menanggulangi tradisi minuman keras di desa Lubuk Pandan Kecamatan Muara Lakitan Kabupaten Musi Rawas melakukan tiga peran yaitu peran tokoh agama sebagai motivator, peran tokoh agama sebagai Pembina akhlak, dan peran tokoh agama sebagai mediator. Pada peran sebagai motivator tokoh agama senantiasa memberikan contoh dan perilaku yang baik dikalangan masyarakat, dan selalu berkumpul atau mendekatkan diri pada masyarakat dengan cara mensuport atas hobi yang masyarakat lakukan selagi hal tersebut positif. Selanjutnya Pada peran sebagai Pembina akhlak tokoh agama senantiasa melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan seperti mengadakan majelis taklim, ceramah, dan pengajian. Dan pada peran sebagai mediator tokoh agama mampu memberikan informasi dan dukungan yang positif kepada masyarakat, dan menjadi pengantar atau penengah dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi pada masyarakat sehingga dapat terjalin hubungan yang harmonis dikalangan masyarakat.

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