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Journal of Society and Development
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Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Journal of Society and Development (ISSN 2798-2270) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of scientific research. Special attention is paid to works related to social and development using an interdisciplinary perspective, especially sociology, anthropology, linguistic, economics, political science, and humanity. This journal is published two times a year, in June and December to develop human civilization in a better direction.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)" : 5 Documents clear
Membumikan Khilafah di Indonesia: Strategi Mobilisasi Opini Publik oleh Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) di Media Sosial Paelani Setia
Journal of Society and Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Society and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57032/jsd.v1i2.40


Social media, with its openness, provides new cyberspace that religious organizations use in conveying their religious messages, including the religious message of the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) organization. This paper aims to discuss the strategy of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) in influencing public opinion on social media after it was dissolved by the government through Perppu Ormas Number 2 of 2017. This study uses a qualitative method with data collection through online observations, field observations, interviews, and document reviews. This paper finds that HTI's struggle to ground the Khilafah ideology on social media is quite successful because it can take advantage of the momentum of national political dynamics. While social media is used as an essential instrument for disseminating Khilafah's opinion, various cases of post-truth political practice were also found. Unfortunately, the assumption that social media is safe for HTI, but that assumption has not been proven true. The criminal penalties received by its members have become a new threat to HTI on social media.
Perempuan dan Ketahanan Keluarga di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Kasus Mantan Para Pekerja Perempuan di Kota Bandung Rika Dilawati; Eni Zulaiha; Yeni Huriani
Journal of Society and Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Society and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57032/jsd.v1i2.41


This paper will discuss the strategies of former female workers who were laid off due to the Covid-19 pandemic in strengthening family resilience. The case study taken is a female worker who is the backbone of a family who is domiciled in the city of Bandung, West Java. This paper uses a qualitative method with data collection through in-depth interviews (indept-interview). This study found that female workers faced a very big dilemma when they lost their jobs and had to take care of their children at home due to online school switching. Thus, women workers are trying to find alternatives to meet the financial needs of their families. Generally they work by selling with a small capital base, and some only expect help from the government while exchanging roles with their husbands. Termination of employment (PHK) experienced by female workers also still leaves gender discrimination, both from the company where she works, educational institutions to community constructs. Women's resilience in carrying out double burdens is proof that they have power over themselves and their families, but when facing a wider environment they are still trapped in a patriarchal culture.
Writing Sprints untuk Publikasi Ilmiah Mahasiswa pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Capaian: Sebuah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Cermi City Mulyanti; Wahyudin Darmalaksana
Journal of Society and Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Society and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57032/jsd.v1i2.70


The strategy for the success of scientific publications for students is very much needed in learning achievement-based subjects. This study aims to analyze the application of Writing Sprints in article writing among students for the effectiveness of publication in scientific journals. This study applies a qualitative approach using descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research and discussion show that Writing Sprints has produced two student scientific publications in two weeks supported by modules, reviews, and feedback factors. This is a finding that the student's lecture period can be taken in a short time in a course with achievement-based learning, depending on the strategy applied. The conclusion of this study is that the module, review, and feedback factors are very decisive in learning based on the achievement of scientific publications through the Writing Sprints approach.
Perilaku Sufistik: Suatu Strategi Dalam Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Terorisme Muhammad Saleh Cahyadi Mohan
Journal of Society and Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Society and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57032/jsd.v1i2.96


Tulisan ini membahas tentang perilaku sufistik sebagai sarana dalam mencegah terjadinya tindak pidana terorisme. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian kepustakaan liblary research dengan menganalisis dua data utama yaitu konsep tasawuf yang tertuang dalam kitab Al-Luma’ karangan Abu Nashr As-Sarraj At-Thusi dan UU No. 5 Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ajaran Islam menolak perilaku teror karena pada hakikatnya agama Islam ialah agama perdamaian. Begitu juga halnya pada hukum negara tentang aksi terorisme yang tertuang dalam UU No. 5 Tahun 2018 disebutkan bahwa tindak pidana terorisme merupakan kejahatan yang sangat membahayakan ideologi negara, keamanan negara, kedaulatan negara, nilai kemanusiaan, dan berbagai aspek kehidupan bermasyarakat. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa dalam kitab Al-Luma’ karangan Abu Nasr As-Sarraj At-Thusi terdapat tujuh perilaku sufistik yang dapat diterapkan oleh umat beragama dalam kehidupannya agar terhindar dari paham radikalisme dan terorisme. Adapun ketujuh perilaku sufistik tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: tobat, wara’, zuhud, faqr, sabar, tawakkal, dan ridha
Fungsi Zuhud Terhadap Kesehatan Mental (Studi Analisis Masa Pandemi Pada Ajaran Tarekat Idrisiyyah) Husnul Qodim
Journal of Society and Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Society and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57032/jsd.v1i2.140


Some of the uncertainties that arise during the pandemic such as changes in learning adaptation, layoffs, and financial problems due to the negative economic impact that causes mental health problems for the community, but these impacts will not necessarily have an impact on tarekat worshipers, because tarekat is a path that a Sufi must take. (doers of Sufism) with the aim of being as close as possible to God, no longer looking for the world. This study tries to reveal how the Idrisiyah congregation is to maintain the mental health of the congregation through zuhud. With descriptive quantitative methods, it was found that there are two concepts of zuhud in business that can maintain mental health, namely the behavior of Sufism consumers and Sufism producers.

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