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Rustam Abd Rauf
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AGROLAND: The Agricultural Sciences Journal
Published by Universitas Tadulako
ISSN : 24077585     EISSN : 24077593     DOI :
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Agroland: The Agricultural Sciences Journal (Agroland: The Agr. Sci. J.) is an Open Journal System published by Tadulako University and Indonesian Society for Major in Agriculture (PISPI), is published twice a year in June and December. This journal provides a multi-disciplinary and international platform in which young and senior researchers can present their work on all aspects of tropical agriculture to other researchers, policymakers, and professionals. The journal welcomes primary research papers, reviews, and short communications on tropical Agriculture research. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields: Agronomy & Crop Science, Agribusiness, Agriculture economics, Agriculture Engineering, Agriculture genomics, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Hydrology, Bioclimatology, Plant protection, Plant biochemistry and biotechnology, Seed technology and research, Soil science research, Soil restoration, Weed biology, Water management.
Articles 8 Documents
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Financial Feasibility Analysis of Processed Chocolate Businessat Twins Chocolate Home Industry in Palu City Abrar Abrar; Yulianti Kalaba
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.295


Cocoa Agribusiness in Central Sulawesi still confronts many complex problems, such as low productivity due to PKB pests, low production quality. This becomes a challenge as well as investment opportunities in developing the business of chocolate product and achieve greater added value than cocoa agribusiness. This research aimed to know the income and financial feasibility obtained by Twins Chocolate Industry chocolate product production in Palu. The research was conducted at the Twins Chocolate Industry Jalan Rusa No. 13 Talise subdistrict Mantikulore Palu city Central Sulawesi on October to September 2016. The respondents consisted of one leader and two employees in the field of production and marketing. The results showed that the revenue obtained in the first year was Rp 25.7017 million, the second year was Rp 26.8927 million and in the third year was Rp 38,309,875. Feasibility levelsobtained by the PP for 2 Years and 2 Months were NPV Rp 11,927,788, an IRR of 22.75% and PI of 1.19. It means that Twins Chocolate industry was laboured because it met the eligibility criteria set.
Financial Feasibility Analysis of Organic Vegetable Farming at CV. Rahayu in Village of Sidera Sub-District of Sigi Biromaru Regency of Sigi Ferdison S. Mantende; Marhawati Mapatoba; Abdul Muis
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.296


This research aimed to analyze the financial feasibility of organic vegetable farming at CV. Rahayu. This research conducted in Sidera, Subdistrict of Sigi Biromaru, Regency of Sigi on December 2016 to January 2017. The respondents were purposively determined. Data was analyzed using financial worthiness analysis employing with 4 indicators: Net present value (NPV), net benefit cost ratio (Net B/C), internal rate of return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP). The results of this research indicated that the NPV during the period 2014 to 2018 was IDR 543.674.792; the net B/Cwas 1,65, the IRR was 35,09 %, and the PP was 2 years and 3 months. The results of the calculationusing sensitivity analysis in the organic vegetable farming company at CV. Rahayu by assuming the organic vegetables attacked by the pests and diseases were a decreased 33 percent from total production with the acquisition of NPV decreased to IDR 8.587.415, Net B/C decreased to 1.01, IRR decreased to 12.42 percent, Payback period became 3.6 years. In the other hand, NPV decreased to IDR 7,276,181, Net B/C decreased to 1.01, IRR decreased to 12.36 percent, payback period became 3.6 years if the assume was an increased production cost until 74 percent. These values financially show the farming at CV. Rahayu is well worth to effort. These results indicate that financially, CV. Rahayu is very feasible to operate.
Time And Direction Effect of Boron (B) and Silicon (Si) Application on Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Through Leaves Ageng Kaloko
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.297


This study was aimed to obtain the time and the effective way of giving B and Si for reducing the effects of drought. It had been implemented in Bendosari village, Madurejo village, Prambanan sub-district, Sleman regency. The study used 3x3 +1 factorial complete randomized block design (RAKL) with with 3 blocks as replicates. The first factor was the time of fertilization, the second factor was way of fertilization and added one control (control) without fertilization treatment. The data obtained were analyzed using the Varian Analysis (ANOVA) at the 5% level and continued by the smallest real difference test (LSD) and orthogonal contrast if the variance analysis showed a significant difference between treatments. The results showed that there was no interaction effect between time and direction of B and Si fertilization through leaves on all observed variables of oil palm seedlings exposed to drought stress.
The Effect of Soilaggregate Size and P Dosage On Amf Spores Number In Shorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Samsu Samsu; Henry N Barus; Uswah Hasanah
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.298


Mycorrhiza is a biological agent to help fertility of soil and plants. Application of mycorrhiza on the land in the form of inoculum is often used in agricultural land in the name of quality of inoculum that also influenced by the content of existing spores. One of them is growing medium. This study aimed to study the effect of soil aggregate size and P dosage on the number of mycorrhizal spores in sorghum plants. The research design used was Randomized Block Design consisting of 2 factors. First factor was soil aggregate size(μm) which consisted of 4 treatments: U1 = < 2000, U2 = 500 - 1000, U3 = 200 - 500, U4 = < 200, and second factor was P dosage: 100 mg/kg and 300mg/kg. Each treatment combination was repeated 3 times so that there were 24 units of experimental unit. Observation parameters included the percentage of the infected root, number of spores, plant height and dry weight of the plant. The research was conducted in Greenhouse and Agronomy Laboratory of Agricultural Faculty of Tadulako University Palu. The various sizes of soil aggregates do not affect the amount of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores in sorghum plants. P 100 mg/kg or f P 300 mg/kg dosage used do not address the effect of the mycorrhizal spores. There is no interaction between soil aggregate size and P dosage to the amount of mycorrhizal spores in sorghum plants.
Growth And Yield of Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) Against Various Concentrations of Liquid Organic Fertilizer Sri Lestari Galagi; Aiyen Aiyen; Muhammad Anshar Pasiga
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.299


Onion (Allium ascolanicum L.) is not only popular as cooking spices in Indonesia but also throughout the world. Onion that has high economic value, has its own attraction to be cultivated by farmers. However, farmers often face some problems in onion farming. Problems were faced by farmers related to social economic conditions both internal, external and natural conditions. Fertilizer application for onion can use inorganic and organic fertilizer materials. The use of inorganic fertilizers without the addition of organic fertilizers over a long period of time, suspected to cause a decrease in soil physical and chemical capabilities, with the application of solid and liquid organic fertilizer is predicted to be more effective because the elements are more than one element. The use of fertilizers and organic matter through soil is often inefficient because of the fixation by soil particles. Liquid fertilizers administered overcome gapnutrients during growth. Herbafarm liquid organic fertilizer is a type of liquid fertilizer released by PT. Sidomuncul herbafarm which contains bio protectant, processed from by products of medicinal products made from raw medicinal plants and spices. Herbafarm contains macro and micro nutrients and also organic compounds that are essential for the growth and development of plants. This research was conducted in Sidera village, Biromaru sub-district, Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi Province. This study used a Randomized Block Design consisting of 5 treatment levels: P0 = control, P1 = 1 ml/liter of water, P2 = 2 ml/Liter of water, P3 = 3 ml/liter of water, and P4 = 4 ml/liter of water. All treatments were repeated 4 (four) times, so that there were 5 treatments each time 4 replicates = 20 experimental units. The results of this research were the best herbafarm POC on the treatment of 4 ml/liter of water that was on the parameters of plant height of 33,56 cm, leaves number as much as 30. 63 blades, total dry weight of crop 9.99 g, number of tubers per family of 8.13 fruit, tuber diameter of 20.26 mm, tuber length of 34.55 mm, fresh tuber weight per family of 32.57 g, tuber water content of 114.54 g and Weight of tuber per hectare 8.68 ton.ha-1.
Callus Induction Of Cacao Clone Sulawesi 1 On Various Concentrations of 2,4 -D and Coconut Water Via in Vitro Culture Asmila Asmila; Zainuddin Basri; Ramal Yusuf; Hawalina Hawalina
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.300


Cacao is one of important plantation crops grouped in the Sterculiaceae family. Sulawesi is the main area of cacao production and has a number of superior clones, such as Sulawesi 1 and Sulawesi 2. Based on data in 2012/2014 cacao production to consumption reached 174,000 tons, while in 2013/2014 was projected a deficit of 115,000 tonnes. Nonetheless, cacao agribusiness in Indonesia is still facing complex problems, among others gardener productivity is still low due to borer attacks cacao, the quality of products and the number is still low and still not optimal development of cacao products and providing superior amount of cacao seedlings. The primary problem of cacao production recently is low productivity. The main cause of low cacao productivity in Central Sulawesi is the use of inferior clones. To enhance cacao productivity, it is crucial to use cacao clones having high genetic potential via tissue culture or micropropagation techniques. The aim of this experiment was to assess the effect of different concentrations of 2,4-D and coconut water on the growth of cacao callus via in vitro culture. This experiment used Completely Randomozed Block Design in factorial patteren with treatments tested namely 2,4-D and coconut water concentrations. The concentrations of 2,4-D tested including 1 ppm, 2 ppm and 3 ppm, whilst coconut water concentrations tested consisting of 10%, 15% and 20%, and therefore there were 3 x 3 = 9 treatment combinations. Each treatment utilized 4 replications; and each unit combination used 5 explants (staminodia). Results of this experiment indicated that the addition of 3 ppm 2,4-D and 10% coconut water had a highly significant effect on the callus color 4 weeks after culture. The addition of 3 ppm 2,4-D in culture media showed a significant effect on callus color 4 weeks after culture, but had an insignificant effect on the callus formation, callus color 8 weeks after culture an callus texture. Supplementation of 20% coconut water had a significant effect on callus texture 8 weeks after culture, whilst the addition of 10% coconut water showed a significant effect on callus color 4 weeks after culture.
The Effect of Various Rates of Cow Manure Application on Growth and Yield of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Nur Humairoh Arzad; Yohanis Tambing; Bahrudin Bahrudin
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.301


The research was conducted in the village of Sidera, Subdistrict of Sigi Biromaru, District of Sigi, in May to June 2016. The research aims to find out the effect of various rates of cow manure on growth and yield of mustard.this research was arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) which consist of 5 rates ofcow manure are: 10 t ha-1, 15 t ha-1, 20 t ha-1, 25 tha-1 and 30 t ha-1 , each treatment was repeated three times to obtain 15 units experiment. The results of this research showed that the application of cow manure significantly affected on growth and yield of mustard plants (plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight of plant) and best rate of manure to mustard (Brassica juncea L.) can be achieved at the dose of 25 t ha-1.
Impact of Agricultural Sector Investments on Income Distribution and Poverty in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Rustam Abd. Rauf; Arief Daryanto; D. S. Priyarsono
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i1.302


Central Sulawesi is a province in Indonesia with abundant natural resources particularly in agricultural sector. This condition suggests that the agricultural sector plays a very significant role in Central Sulawesi economy. One of the causal factors leading to the disparity of income distribution and poverty is investment allocation with its inconsistency occurs in sectoral development planningThe Gini Ratio of Central Sulawesi Province was 0.4844 in 2008 reflecting moderate level of income disparity for the income distribution among household groups. Simulation of increasing investment on agricultural and other sectors for 10% can generally decrease poverty at all groups of households both in rural and urban area. Simulation 2 (investment in plantation subsector) led to highest poverty decline as comparison to other simulation.

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