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Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes Medistra Indonesia adalah sebuah media publikasi yang memuat karya tulis ilmiah dari bidang Keperawatan, Kebidanan, Farmasi Industri, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Bidang Ilmu Kesehatan Lainnya.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra" : 6 Documents clear
The Influence of 6 Variables on Early Marriage Decision Making in Young Women in Puskesmas Meninting Baik Dinda Kusumarini
Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
Publisher : STIKes Medistra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v3i2.38


Early marriage is a marriage that is carried out in adolescence, the factors that influence early marriage are socio-economic and demographic conditions. This study aims to determine the direct and indirect influence and magnitude of the role of information media, the role of health workers, the social environment and self-concept of early marriage decision making in ​​West Lombok pushing health centers in 2019. This type of research uses quantitative methods with analytical descriptive techniques, with cross sectional research designs (cross section). The population in this study were young women at Meninting Community Health Center, which numbered 150 people. The direct influence of media information (19.64%), the role of health workers (21.90%), social environment (15.37%), family role (9.67%), self-concept (15.43%). The direct influence of adolescent decision making in early marriage 82.00%. While the indirect effect is 1.91%, direct and indirect influence is 83.91%. The factors that most influence adolescent decision making in early marriage are the role of health workers, the better the role of health workers , the better the teenagers in making decisions. Researchers suggest health workers as motivators and health care providers are expected to be able to further improve health promotion to adolescents.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan, Trust, Brand Equity, Hospital Image dan Komitmen terhadap Loyalitas Pasien Umum Yolanda Anastasia Sihombing
Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
Publisher : STIKes Medistra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v3i2.42


The competition of bussines in hospital nowdays has been entering an era of high competition. Where all the hospital are trying to compete in maintaining the costumer they had. These experiment is intend to analyze the impression of good service, satisfactory, trust, commitment, brand equity, hospital image toward the outpatient. The method of research that used is quantitative with the design of cross-sectional. The analyze method(SEM) with smart PLS 2.0 an SPSS 18. The result of hipotesis resting using Structural Equation Model SEM is the loyality of outpatient in RS kesdam Cijantung is affected by the quality of services (23.19%) satisfactory(18.27%) trust(11.08%) commitment (6.28%) brand equaty (15.58%) and hospital image (9.35%) this is a direct influences (83.86%) while the indirect influence is (0.87%). The result of this analyze model explained (71.95%) of vary data and able to review fenomena that used in research, in contrary (28.05%) is explained as difficult component in this experiment. In conclusion toward this research that the services quality is the most influence variable that effect patient loyality.
Kajian Literatur : Terapi Nonfarmakologis Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pada Lansia Lisna Agustina
Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
Publisher : STIKes Medistra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v3i2.43


Elderly is a term for individuals who have entered the period of late adulthood or old age. This period is the closing period for a person's life span, where there has been a gradual physical and psychological setback. One of the main aspects of improving health for the elderly is the maintenance of sleep to ensure the restoration of bodily functions to an optimal functional level and to complete tasks and enjoy a high quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of non-pharmacological therapies to improve sleep quality in the elderly who have sleep disorders both with and without illness. The methodology used is to search literature or study literature using electronic databased via the internet, namely google scholar and other electronic journals with the keywords elderly, sleep quality and nonpharmacological therapy. Literature review examines 10 related articles, found that nonpharmacological therapy significantly improves sleep quality in the elderly who have sleep disorders. Nonpharmacologic therapy is a complementary treatment option for the elderly with sleep disorders
Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
Publisher : STIKes Medistra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v3i2.44


Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) is the clinical pharma cy practice of measuring plasma level of drugs. This service is required to optimize the drug therapy in individual patient and should be considered an adjunct to physician’s clinical judgment in assessing the course and the effectiveness of treatment, especially in critically ill patients. Indonesia has not been developed this service. Therefore, this article discus the roles and function of a best practice TDM service and how can this service be implemented in Indonesia.
Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
Publisher : STIKes Medistra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v3i2.45


The prolonged first stage is labor in which the latent phase lasts more than 8 hours and in the active phase the rate of dilatation is inadequate or variable, less than 1 cm every hour for at least 2 hours after the progress of labor. Pregnancy exercise is a fitness program intended for pregnant women. Exercises in pregnancy exercise are specifically designed to make pregnant women healthy and fit, reduce complaints that arise during pregnancy, and prepare physically and psychologically for mothers to face childbirth. This study aims to determine the relationship between pregnancy exercise and the incidence of prolonged labor in the first stage of childbirth at the Ratna Komala Primary Clinic Bekasi in 2019. This study is a quantitative type of research using a cross sectional research design. The results showed that most of the respondents whose labor was not long were 22 (66.7%) respondents compared to 11 (33.3%) respondents whose labor was long. There is a relationship between pregnancy exercise and the incidence of prolonged labor in the 1st stage of maternity at the Pratama Ratna Komala Clinic, Bekasi in 2019. Researchers suggest that pregnancy exercise should be performed on pregnant women with the third trimester of gestation around 28-30 weeks of gestation with a regular frequency of 3 times per week. a week, and perform the movements correctly according to the instructions that have been given.
Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
Publisher : STIKes Medistra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v3i2.46


The incidence of perineal lacerations needs to be prevented, one of which is perineal massage. The perineum is the area of ​​skin between the vaginal canal and the anus (anus) which can be torn during childbirth (Herdiana, 2014). Perineal massage is one of the oldest and surest ways to promote healthy blood flow, elasticity, and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles (Hadiningsih 2014:155). This study aims to determine "the relationship between the application of perineal massage to reduce perineal rupture during labor at the Ratna Komala Primary Clinic in 2020". The population used in this study were all mothers who took part in the perineal massage class 50 people in the period in May 2020. The sample in this study were mothers who took part in the application of self-perineal massage when the study began in May and maternity mothers who had complete data with sampling method using total sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between the application of perineal massage to reduce perineal rupture during delivery, this can be seen from the results of the study, the value of p = 0.002 (p <0.05). It is expected that pregnant women who are nearing delivery will take an antenatal class on the application of perineal massage so that the delivery process can run according to the condition or is still in good condition, and reduce the occurrence of perineal rupture or episiotomy.

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