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Bulletin of Geology
ISSN : 25800752     EISSN : 25800752     DOI : 10.5614/bull.geol.
Bulletin of Geology is a research-based periodical scientific open access journal published by Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The published article in Bulletin of Geology covers all geoscience and technology fields including Geology, Geophysics, Geodesy, Meteorology, Oceanography, Petroleum, Mining, and Geography. The submitted abstract must be written in English and Bahasa Indonesia, but the article content is English or Bahasa Indonesia.
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Bulletin of Geology Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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This research was conducted to determine mineral paragenesis and the characteristics of hydrothermal fluids which form high sulfidation epithermal deposits. The research was conducted in the Main Ridge and Osela areas, Bakan Distict, Motandoi Village, East Pinolosian District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province. Research methods include megascopic petrology, petrographic, mineragraphic, geochemical and fluid inclusion analysis. The association of minerals, intensive silicification process and vuggy textures indicate the presence of high sulfidation epithermal mineralization. In the Main Ridge area the range content of Au 0.4-1 g/t, Ag 1-3 g/t, Cu 5-63 g/t, Pb 5-55 g/t, Zn 4-5 g/t, whereas in the Osela area the range content of Au 1-89.4 g/t, Ag 4-33 g/t, Cu 306-403 g/t, Pb 30-120 g/t, Zn 14-41 g/t, the pattern corresponds to the presence of euhedral pyrite, chalcopyrite and enargite-luzonite in the Osela area and not present in the Main Ridge area. Main Ridge area has homogeneity temperature (Th) 212 oC, salinity 2.5 wt. % NaCl eq., and mineralization depth 210 m, in the Osela area it has Th 267 oC, salinity 2.9 wt. % NaCl eq., and mineralization depth 620 m. Fluid inclusion data indicate the mixing of hydrothermal fluids that develop in the Main Ridge area, while the Osela area shows the dilution of hydrothermal fluids during the process of fluid evolution.
STRUCTURAL CONTROL RELATED WITH MEDIUM-TO-VERY HIGH Au GRADE AT PIT B EAST AND B WEST, TUJUH BUKIT MINE, EAST JAVA Ilham Aji Dermawan; Andri Slamet Subandrio; Alfend Rudyawan; Arya Dwi Sanjaya; Rama Maharief; Krisma Anditya; Rizfan Hasnur; Muchamad Satya Muttaqien; Cicih Larasati Widya Fitri; Andi Pahlevi; Dedy Daulay; Agus Purwanto; Adi Adriansyah Sjoekri
Bulletin of Geology Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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Tujuh Bukit generally consists of Late Oligocene – Middle Miocene volcanic and volcaniclastic Batuampar Formation. After tectonomagmatism took place at Pliocene, this stratigraphic unit altered and became a host rock for Pliocene economic mineralization. The research area located in open pit mining at Pit B East and B West. Both pits have an extensive area of ± 700 x 500 m2, projected on ± 9045100 – 9045600 mN and ± 174400 – 175100 mE UTM WGS 1984 zone 50S coordinate system. This research discusses structural control as the main role of alteration characteristics and Au high sulfidation epithermal mineralization system forming in open pit mining at Pit B East and B West, Tujuh Bukit mine. Main developed structural are Pliocene strike-slip system, relatively NW-SE and N-S orientation, with NNW-SSE principal stress following pure shear model. There is also relatively NW-SE normal fault and ENE-WSW thrust fault. All of these faults in the regional scale are NNW-SSE compressive tectonic compensation within one tectonic period. The strike-slip system resulting in normal fault and ridge zones within releasing stepover, releasing bend, and restraining bend structural geometry. Strike-slip faults in Pit B East and B West are the smallest strike-slip system within Tujuh Bukit regional scale. Developed structural geology representing recent tectonic of Java. Based on the field observation, core drilling, ASD instrument scanning, and petrographic analysis, the alteration unit divided into five, there are quartz, quartz-alunite, quartz-kaolinite, kaolinite-montmorillonite-chlorite, and kaolinite-montmorillonite alteration unit. Based on field and mineragraphic observation, there found ore minerals such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, covellite, bornite, tetrahedrite, azurite, malachite, hematite, and goethite. All these minerals generally found associated with silicification alteration, such as quartz, quartz-alunite, and quartz-kaolinite alteration unit. Development of medium to very high-grade mineralization within silicification alteration unit generally took place in normal fault zones caused by the strike-slip system on the releasing bend (can be found on the bending line of BE 2 and BE 3 Fault) and releasing stepover geometry (on the area between BE 1-BE 2 Fault, the area between BW 2-BW 3 Fault, and the area between BW 5-BW 6-BW 7 Fault), and BW 4 normal fault which parallel to the principal stress on a regional scale.
LATERITISASI PADA KOMPLEKS MELANGE AREA WAILUKUM, KABUPATEN HALMAHERA TIMUR Aditya Rizki Ramadhan; Nurcahyo Indro Basuki; Bambang Priadi; Bronto Sutopo; Abdul Bari
Bulletin of Geology Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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This research is prompted by the presence of laterite deposit from different lithology in Wailukum Area, Buli Districts, Eastern Halmahera Region The research area is part of PT. Antam UBPN North Maluku IUP. The coordinates of research area are 412.369-413.763 mT and 89.304-88.384 mU zone 52N, and with research area of 1,4 km2. This research’s objective is to determine the characteristics of laterites and bedrock in Wailukum area.. Data used in this research are DEM, LIDAR, field data and borehole data DEM and field data analysis are used to determine the topographic unit Field data analysis are used to make geological map and cross section. Geostatistical analysis on borehole data, consist of assay and drill log data (470 sample) are used to determine laterite deposit and bedrock characteristic. Based on petrography analysis, bedrock in Wailukum are serpentinite, moderately serpentinized orthopyroxenite and weakly serpentinized olivine gabbronorite. Melange complex in Wailukum consist of serpentinite, orthopiroxenite and olivine gabbronorite as a boudinage and surrounded by foliatd serpentinite as a matrix. This melange complex predicted as as result of a collisional event. Terniary SiO2-MgO-Fe2O3 diagram analysis shows that type of lateritization is dry laterites with silica deposition. Laterite deposit divided into limonite and saprolite. Topographic unit divided into hill slope and lowland basin. Landslide process in hillslope area causes thin laterite deposit. Lithology in hillslope area are divided into lithology with gabbro domination and lithology with serpentine domination. Lateritization in lithology with gabbro domination are poor lateritization and ore zone are not formed. Latertization in lithology with serpentine domination are good lateritization and ore zone are formed in saprolite and lower part of limonite. Ni is in nickeliferous serpentine which cause Ni has strong positive corellation with Co, Fe, MnO and Cr2O3. There is landslide accumulation in lowland basin.which cause thin laterite deposit and ore zone in limonite.
Bulletin of Geology Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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Foraminifera is one of the best proxies used to determine the condition of paleoecology such as to determine sea surface temperature. Sea surface temperature is one of the important ecology parameters to distinguish the oceanography characteristic in a waters/basin. In this study, reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) in the North Papua Waters was conducted based on planktonic foraminifera abundance. For this study, we analyzed gravity core with code OS-07 taken during the Nusa Manggala Expedition 2018. This area was chosen because it is one of the ITF entrances, as branch of the global circulation. Therefore, the North Papua Waters are considered recording global climate events. Modern Analogue Technique (MAT) and foraminiferal grouping following the work of Parker (1960) in Boltovskoy and Wright (1976) were applied to this study. The results of temperature analysis using the two methods show the same trend changes. At intervals of 246-88 cm trophic zone foraminifera is not dominant while the subtropic, transitional, and subantartic foraminifera groups are increasing which interpreted to be relatively lower temperature conditions. Foraminifera at 88-0 cm depth intervals, trophic foraminifera group is increasing and dominant, interpreted by relatively higher temperature conditions. These results are in line with the SST results based on MAT from the foraminifera data collection that shows that there were two SST trends, depths of 246-86 cm and 86-0 cm. The transition of two trend, at a depth of 86 cm, is interpreted as the boundary of Pleistocene to Holocene. The average temperature difference in February is 1.33oC cooler on Pleistocene compare to Holocene and in August is 0.82oC cooler on Pleistocene compare to Holocene.

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