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Bulletin of Geology
ISSN : 25800752     EISSN : 25800752     DOI : 10.5614/bull.geol.
Bulletin of Geology is a research-based periodical scientific open access journal published by Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The published article in Bulletin of Geology covers all geoscience and technology fields including Geology, Geophysics, Geodesy, Meteorology, Oceanography, Petroleum, Mining, and Geography. The submitted abstract must be written in English and Bahasa Indonesia, but the article content is English or Bahasa Indonesia.
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Bulletin of Geology Vol 5 No 4 (2021): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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Sari – Telah dilakukan identifikasi potensi sebaran mineral Mangan (Mn) di daerah Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur berdasarkan anomali medan magnetik lembar Kupang dengan melakukan pemodelan 3D pada grid anomali medan magnet residual yang berkorelasi dengan Formasi Bobonaro. Formasi Bobonaro diduga sebagai formasi pembawa mineral Mn. Penentuan lokasi yang diduga memiliki potensi mineral Mn didasarkan pada keberadaan dugaan nilai suseptibilitas Mn yaitu 0,0005-0,001 SI pada penampang 3D suseptibilitas tiap-tiap lokasi pemodelan. Dari lima lokasi pemodelan, diketahui keberadaan dugaan nilai suseptibilitas Mn berada pada batas kontras antara anomali medan magnet tinggi dan rendah. Dalam penelitian ini daerah yang diduga berpotensi memiliki sebaran Mn adalah lokasi pada pemodelan 3 yang ditunjukan dengan nilai suseptibilitas Mn yang tersebar hingga dekat permukaan, dan berada pada Formasi Bobonaro. Abstract - The potential distribution of Manganese minerals in the Kupang region, East Nusa Tenggara was defined based on the Kupang sheet's magnetic field anomaly by 3D modeling on the residual magnetic field anomaly grid which correlates with the Bobonaro Formation. Those are assumed that the Bobonaro Formation is a transporter of Manganese minerals. Determination of locations that are assumed to have Manganese mineral potential is based on the presence of the estimated Manganese susceptibility value, ranging from 0.0005-0.001 SI in each design location's 3D susceptibility portion. The existence of the estimated value of manganese susceptibility is known from the five simulation locations to be at the contrast boundary between high and low anomalies of the magnetic fields. In this study, the areas which are assumed to have the potential maintain Manganese (Mn) distribution are the locations in Model 3 which are indicated by the value of Manganese susceptibility scattered near the surface, in Bobonaro Formation.
The Analysis of Characteristic and Distribution of Natural Fracture on Basement Outcrop at Kedabang Cape, Batam Island, Kepulauan Riau Province Yehezkiel Festian Prakoso
Bulletin of Geology Vol 5 No 4 (2021): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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Geological exploration in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFR) require in-depth understanding of natural fracture characteristics such as fracture orientation, fractal properties of fracture attributes, fracture intensity and density distribution in the Fault Damage Zone (FDZ), and the factors that control their distribution. The research area is administratively included in the Nongsa District, Batam City, Kepulauan Riau Province. The research area geographically stretches between 1˚8’21” - 1˚8’41” N and 104˚8’47” - 104˚9’8” E. Measurement of natural fracture data using the linear scanline and window scanline methods in the Kedabang Cape research area. Measurement of natural fracture data was carried out on granite and rhyolite basement outcrops. The total fracture is 769 fractures, in the form of 587 joints, 177 shear fractures, and 5 veins. The joint orientation is NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW. The shear fracture orientation is NE-SW and ENE-WSW and the vein orientation is ENE-WSW. The fracture intensity in Kedabang Cape is 6-32 fractures/m, while the fracture density is 0,09-0,42 cm/cm². The width of the Fault Damage Zone (FDZ) in the Kedabang Cape Fault is between 23-90 m, while for the YFP-A4 outcrop-scale fault is 3,8 m. The width of the fault damage zone shows a linear relationship with the length and displacement of the fault plane. The intensity and density of fractures inside the damage zone are greater than background zone. Natural fractures in the research area are fractally distributed, following the power law distribution. The fracture porosity of basement outcrop in Kedabang Cape varied in the range 0,01-0,09%. The fracture permeability based on the Cubes Method varied in the range 0.53-83.82 darcy, while based on the Matchstick Method ranges from 0.40-62.86 darcy.
The Evaluation of Trial Grouting on the Foundation Ladongi Maindam, East Kolaka Kukuh Vivian Tri Adhitama
Bulletin of Geology Vol 5 No 4 (2021): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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Grouting (pressurized cement mixture injection) is a frequently used method of repairing the foundation of the main dam. The quality of rock mass is influenced by rock anisotropy conditions, the presence of discontinuities is the main factor that causes permeability, strength, and dynamic rock properties at each location point vertically or laterally. Ladongi Dam is a dam with an embankment type, on the foundation of the main dam is the part that holds the greatest load and also anticipates subsurface flow/seepage, so it is necessary to repair the rock mass on the foundation to increase the strength of the rock mass, and reduce permeability value. 112 lugeon tests were carried out in multiple down stages with a total drilling depth of 560 meters. The spacing and the use of maximum pressure at the time of injection cement are evaluated in this experiment regarding effectiveness and response of rocks to hydraulic fracture and permeability. The test results show that the pattern and pressure applied have been effective for the left abutment and river-bed of the main dam based on all depths in CH-01 and CH-02 that do not require grouting, in contrast to right abutment which still requires grouting in the third and fourth stage CH-03 holes. The left and right abutment show poor conditions at a depth between 10 and 30 meters with a large cement injection volume up to 2000 kg in one stage. The use of many variations of the mixture in the cement mixture injection process indicates a turbulent flow pattern as in the fourth stage of P.RMD 17A. Implementation of grouting can change the natural/initial flow pattern, as in right abutment on the CH-03 almost all flow pattern all stages change to the dilatation pattern based on the relationship of pilot hole and check hole.
Kajian paleontologi Bovidae dari Formasi Bapang Daerah Sangiran berdasarkan morfologi, biometri, dan morfometri gigi molar M, Rais Fathoni
Bulletin of Geology Vol 5 No 4 (2021): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis paleontologi Bovidae dari Formasi Bapang di Kubah Sangiran berdasarkan pengamatan morfologi, biometri, dan morfometri gigi molar (geraham) bawah. Analisinya menggunakan 24 spesimen fosil gigi molar. Berdasarkan pengamatan biometri molar bawah, Bibos palaesondaicus memiliki nilai LB, AW, dan PW paling panjang, kemudian secara berurutan diikuti molar Bubalus palaeokerabau dan Duboisia santeng. Pengamatan morfometri menunjukkan transformasi titik landmark (anatomi) yang berpengaruh terhadap pemisahan spesimen berdasarkan kemiripan anatominya. Pada molar bawah, grid transformasi dan wireframe menunjukkan metastylid dan entostylid milik B. palaeokerabau lebih panjang atau melebar daripada B. palaesondaicus. Sebaliknya, metaconid rib, entoconid rib, protoconid, dan hypoconid pada B. palaesondaicus justru lebih panjang daripada B. palaeokerabau. Melalui wireframe, terlihat bagian antomi hypoconulid pada M3 B. palaeokerabau lebih ramping daripada milik B. palaesondaicus. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan morfologi, biometri, dan morfometri molar, Bovidae dalam Formasi Bapang dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 taksa berdasarkan kemiripan anatominya, yaitu B. palaeokerabau, B. palaesondaicus, dan D. santeng. Bapang Bawah didominasi konglomerat, terdapat fauna B. palaeokerabau dan B. palaesondaicus. Bapang Tengah dan Bapang Atas didominasi batupasir. Dalam Bapang Tengah terdapat fauna B. palaeokerabau, B. palaesondaicus, dan D. santeng, sedangkan Bapang Atas hanya dijumpai fauna B. palaeokerabau dan B. palaesondaicus saja. Berdasarkan karakter litologinya, Bapang Bawah diendapkan di lingkungan sungai bermeander, sedangkan Bapang Tengah dan Bapang Atas diendapkan di lingkungan sungai teranyam. Secara umum, kumpulan fauna di semua posisi stratigrafi menunjukkan kondisi lingkungan padang rumput. Artinya, selama pengendapan Fm. Bapang (bawah, tengah, dan atas) seluruhnya dalam lingkungan padang rumput. Dengan demikian maka selama pengendapan Fm. Bapang yang berumur Pleistosen Bawah-Pleistosen Tengah kondisi lingkungan dan klimatologisnya adalah sama. Kata kunci: morfologi biometri morfometri, molar Bovidae, Fm. Bapang, lingkungan purba
Bulletin of Geology Vol 5 No 4 (2021): Bulletin of Geology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

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Abstract – Indonesia has the potential for geothermal energy which is quite unique because of the location of geothermal sources in mountainous areas with fairly steep slopes and quite complex geological structures. In general, high temperature geothermal fields are located in volcanic areas with high relief, steep morphology, thermal alteration rocks that produce thick soil, and high rainfall. This is a threat in geothermal development that causes landslides. This study aims to map the landslides susceptibility in the Karaha Bodas geothermal area using the Frequency Ratio (FR) method and evaluate the parameters that have a strong influence on landslides in the study area. Based on the inventory of landslides, there were 538 landslides in the study area. The landslide event data is then divided randomly into two groups, namely 70% training data (377 landslides) and 30% test data (161 landslides). There are 16 parameters used to determine their effect on landslides, including elevation, slope, aspect slope, curvature, lithology, flow direction, distance from the road, lineament density, distance to lineament, drainage density, distance to drainage, stream power index (SPI), topographic wetted index (TWI), rainfall, normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) and Land Use and Land Cover. The value of the area under curve (AUC) of the parameters causing landslides that affect landslides is ≥ 0.6. Based on the AUC value, the parameters that affect the occurrence of landslides in the study area using the FR method are the slope, LULC, drainage density, elevation, distance to road, lithology, distance to drainage, rainfall, TWI, NDVI, and curvature. The results of the evaluation of the AUC success rate value show the FR method (0.786) and the evaluation results of the AUC prediction rate value show the FR method (0.793). Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the FR method has an accurate AUC value which affects the landslide susceptibility zoning in the Karaha Bodas geothermal area and its surroundings. Key words: Karaha Bodas, landslide, frequency ratio

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