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International Journal of Business and Quality Research
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29859468     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy, Science,
International Journal of Business,and Quality research (IJBQR) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal. providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies. This journal focuses on every research discipline related to social behavior science, entrepreneurship and business management such as human resource management, marketing management, financial management, production/operational management, strategic management, sharia business management, halal industry management, tourism management, banking management, industrial management, agribusiness management, business administration, entrepreneurial activities, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and several areas of business behavior, also includes community social research
Articles 17 Documents
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The Role of Perceived Value in Advertising Message on Purchase Intention: A Case of Malaysian Millennial Consumers Arman Hj. Ahmad; Izian Idris; Gan Hao Rong; Rizal Ula Ananta Fauzi; Nursyuhadah Abdul Rahman; Ridzuan Masri
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This research investigates the perceived value of advertising messages towards Millennials with regards to the extent of perceived informativeness, perceived credibility and perceived entertainment of advertising messages in indicating their behavioural intention. 300 Millennials in Malaysia were conveniently recruited to be involved in the data collection of this research. They were recruited because they are the largest age group that is largely exposed to advertising in Malaysia and they are also potential customers in the future. All collected data were scientifically analysed using SPSS, particularly using the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis to test the relationship between variables and to find out the strengths of each connection of variables. On top of that, the objective of this research is to identify the most significant factor that influences consumers’ purchase intention. Interestingly, the results show evidence of the positive relationship between the perceived value of advertising messages and consumers’ purchase intention which is predicted and supported by various studies. In summary, all of the findings in this research can be summarised as, all of the three variables including perceived informativeness, perceived credibility and perceived entertainment of advertisement messages are positively associated with millennials’ purchase intention in Malaysia. Among the three factors, the perceived entertainment of advertising messages is the most significant driver that influenced Millennials behavioural intention. On top of that, all research objectives and research questions were achieved and answered throughout this study.
Design And Implementation Of Woori.Id Fashion Business In Yogyakarta Merthya Kadya Kejora; Murwanto Sigit
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This research aims to identify and resolve the challenges faced by the textile company, The focus of this research is to review further aspects of the marketing strategy implemented to improve brand image and trust which can influence purchasing decisions. Through the analysis carried out, there are a number of steps that need to be evaluated and improved by the company. The company identified steps to strengthen branding, including ease of transactions for consumers, employee training, promotion via social media, and attractive product packaging. is also exploring marketing strategies through influencers and social media to reach the millennial generation. High quality products are sold at affordable prices to build a strong brand image. Apart from that, exclusives its products with limited designs and focuses on quality, unique designs, customer experience and strategic business locations in Yogyakarta.
Implementing Creative Strategies In Instagram Ads To Increase Tourezia Brand Awareness Through Social Media Platforms (Instagram) Lintang Choiru Shifa; Murwanto Sigit
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This research analyzes the application of creative strategies in Instagram Ads to increase Tourezia brand awareness on the Instagram social media platform. In conducting this research, the author conducted interviews and observations during his internship at Tourezia. The results show that currently Tourezia's brand awareness on Instagram is considered normal, with the company's main focus not being on the platform, but Instagram is considered as a form of existence. The problem of inorganic followers on Tourezia's Instagram is also a challenge in itself. However, Tourezia's products, especially in the Event Management and Tour Organizer categories, have succeeded in providing a clear picture of the services offered, influencing the level of awareness, and making people recognize the types of service products offered. Even though Tourezia is not focused on advertising on Instagram because its target market is B2B, not B2C, they still occasionally advertise on Instagram with the strategy of providing promotions or portfolio overviews to reach more people and increase awareness of Tourezia's existence.
Implementation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Mottoes in Social and State Life Sandy Gunawan; Diki Zakaria; Ranny Caroline; Tria Harjanti; Jason Tandani
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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The motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," which affirms the values of pluralism and unity in the context of cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity in Indonesia, has become an undeniable moral foundation in building the nation's identity. Although officially recognized as the spirit of nationhood, the implementation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika still faces a number of complex challenges in Indonesia's diverse society. In this context, this article aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of these problems, explore the root causes that hinder the implementation of this motto, and formulate concrete solutions to strengthen awareness of diversity and promote social harmony in Indonesia. Taking into account the negative impacts of suboptimal implementation of this motto, strategic measures can be designed to foster inclusiveness, respect for differences, and build inter-ethnic solidarity across the country. Through this approach, it is hoped that there will be positive changes in building a more united, just, and harmonious society, which makes Bhinneka Tunggal Ika not only an empty motto, but as the main pillar in maintaining the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation.
The Value Of Pancasila As A Moral And Ethical Foundation In The Politics Of The Nation And State Amelia Puspita Sari; Dhea Ajeng Saputri; Dian Ayu Septiandi; Gilang Septiyawan
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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Pancasila is the basis of the state and also the view of life of the Indonesian nation which contains noble values that reflect the life of Indonesian society, because basically these values are extracted from the soul and personality of the Indonesian people since ancient times. The purpose of the research is to understand the concept of political ethics in Indonesia, as well as to understand the values of Pancasila which is used as a moral and ethical foundation in the politics of nation and state. In this study, the subject of research is literature related to Pancasila, political ethics, and what aspects are used as Pancasila values as a moral and ethical foundation in the politics of the nation and state. This research is a library research, namely library materials as the main source by collecting data and reviewing works from books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, and papers. The result of this research is that Pancasila is not only a moral foundation and political ethics, but also a solid foundation in building a democratic, just and civilised nation and state politics. By internalising and applying the values of Pancasila in daily political practice, it is hoped that Indonesia can continue to develop towards a better direction, in accordance with the ideals of the nation as expressed in Pancasila
The Influence Of Taxation Knowledge, Taxpayer's Income, And Quality Of Motor Vehicle Service Access On Taxpayer Compliance (Study At The North Lombok Joint Samsat Office) Denda Gesva Meisi Noni; Adhitya Bayu Suryantara
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This research was conducted to determine the influence of taxation, taxpayer income, and quality of service access on taxpayer compliance at the North Lombok Joint Samsat Office. This research uses a quantitative type of research. The data used is primary data and secondary data. The sample obtained in this research was 100 respondents. The sampling technique uses random sampling with the sample size calculated using the Slovin formula. Data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS 26. The findings of this research are that knowledge of taxation and quality of service access have a positive and significant influence on motor vehicle taxpayer compliance, while taxpayer income has no significant influence on vehicle taxpayer compliance. motorized
The Effect of Cash Flow and Profitability on Accounting Conservatism in Technology and Health Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Susi Susanti; Susi Retna Cahyaningtyas
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This study aims to analyze the effect of cash flow and profitability on accounting conservatism listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018-2022. The type of data in this study uses quantitative data with the population being technology and health companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The sample selection method used is purposive sampling so the total selected sample is 34 companies with observer data for the last five years, namely in the 2018-2022 period so that the total sample is 170 data. Data analysis in this study is panel data modeling with the EVIEWS 12 program. The results of this study found that Cash Flow and Profitability have a positive effect on Accounting Conservatism in technology and health companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Business Design And Business Implementation In Mo.Dessert Businesses Wiranda Nur Aisyah; Anas Hidayat
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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The aim of writing this final assignment is to test the implementation of a business design for dessert box desserts with a focus on marketing through the Word of Mouth approach and marketing via social media. The aim of writing this final assignment is to develop an effective approach to increase brand awareness, consumer engagement and sales by maximizing effective production and marketing processes, as well as providing added value to products. The research results show that integrating Word of Mouth strategies, such as customer testimonials and personal recommendations, with social media marketing, such as creative campaigns and content sharing, can increase brand visibility and appeal. In addition, marketing strategies with loyalty card programs can stimulate repeat purchases, extend customer lifetime value, and strengthen the relationship between customers and brands.
Implementation Of The Market Activity Transition Strategy From The Transit Market To The Sidoluhur Relocation Market Carried By The Sleman Regency Disperindag To Increase Traditional Market Customers Iqbal Hidayat; Albari Albari
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This study aims to analyze the implementation of the strategy to shift market activities from the transit market to the Sidoluhur relocation market by the Sleman Regency Industry and Trade Agency (Disperindag), and its impact on increasing the number of traditional market customers. Traditional markets in Sleman Regency experience challenges in maintaining their attractiveness to customers, especially with the presence of transit markets that often attract customers from more established traditional markets in terms of infrastructure. Therefore, the Sleman Regency Industry and Trade Agency (Disperindag) implemented a strategy to shift market activities from the transit market to the Sidoluhur relocation market to increase traditional market customers. This research uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interview techniques with various related parties. The interviews were conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of the implementation of the market activity transition strategy. The results showed that the implementation of the market activity transition strategy from the transit market to the Sidoluhur relocation market by the Sleman Regency Industry and Trade Agency has had a positive impact on increasing the number of traditional market customers. Factors contributing to this increase include better accessibility, improved service quality, and promotional support from the government. Nonetheless, there are still some challenges that need to be overcome, such as traders' adjustment to the new location and maintaining the sustainability of this strategy in the long term.
Improving Innovation And Differentiation At PT. Ayo Menebar Kebaikan In Developing New Quality Products Nashrul hafidz; Anas Hidayat
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research (IJBQR)
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This research aims to determine strategies for increasing innovation and product differentiation at PT. Ayo Menebar Kebaikan. A company operating in the chemical sector as well as raw materials for soap and perfume, in an effort to increase competitiveness in the market, and in facing challenges to create products that are innovative and different from competitors. This research uses a qualitative approach with information collection methods obtained through in-depth interviews with management and employees as well as analysis of company documents. The research results show that the combination of a strong innovation culture, collaboration between departments, and a consumer needs-oriented approach plays a key role in the success of new product development. This study provides insight into the importance of innovation and differentiation strategies in strengthening a company's position in the market and suggests practical steps that can be implemented by other companies wishing to achieve similar goals.

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