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International Journal of Technology and Education Research
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Core Subject : Science, Education,
International Journal of Technology and Education Research( IJETER) is  a peer-reviewed journal which welcomes submissions involving a critical discussion of policy and practice, as well as contributions to conceptual and theoretical developments in the field. It includes articles based on empirical research and analysis (quantitative, qualitative and mixed method) and welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplinary and inter-disciplinary perspectives. The journal embraces the broad range of settings and ways in which vocational and professional learning takes place and, hence, is not restricted by institutional boundaries or structures in relation to systems of education and training. This journal covers the topics of the educational profession, curriculum, educational philosophy, educational technology, learning strategies, educational management, educational psychology, student development, general issues in primary, secondary and higher education, educational foundations, teacher professional development, out-of-school education, and excellent education, the study of curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment, as well as economic, cultural and political aspects related to the role of vocational and professional education and training in society.
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Articles 15 Documents
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Palm Art to therapeutic Properties: Henna-A Potential Medicinal Plant Shafqat Zaidi; Abbas Zaidi; Syaifuddin Amir; Rana Mohsin Ali; Amira Alifia Syabani
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Henna (Lawsonia inermis, Litheracae) has been used cosmetically and medicinally from ancient times. Henna is a medicinal plant that has been widely used as an antioxidant, and antimicrobial. Sometimes it is applied directly to the affected area for itching, eczema, scabies, wounds, and burning of the skin. Currently, several scientific investigations are aimed at the isolation and identification of active constituents of Henna. This article indicates the most salient pharmacological actions of Henna. The main pharmacological actions of henna and compounds isolated therefrom include anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, anti-hyperglycemic, and anti-lipidemic. Henna is considered a safe herbal medicine with only a few insignificant adverse/ side effects. So this article aims at reviewing the most salient recent reports on these investigations. The main pharmacological actions of henna and compounds isolated therefrom include lawsone, coumarine, anti-microbial, anti-tumorigenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, anti-hyperglycemic, and anti-lipidemic.
Improving Students' Reading Skills Using Image Media At Class I Of SDN 007 Simandolak Riau Province Fanni Hariyanti Usfa; Muhammad Ali Akbar
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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This study aims to (1) improve students' initial reading skills, (2) find appropriate learning steps based on the application of media images as learning media, and (3) find out students' responses to the application of media images as learning media. This research was made in the form of classroom action research using two cycles. The subjects of this study were 17 class I students at SDN 007 Simandolak, Benai District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. Data collection was carried out using observation methods and action tests using reading ability test instruments with predetermined indicators. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results showed: the average reading ability of students in the first cycle was 65.85 and the level of mastery percentage reached 55% with a moderate level of ability. In cycle II, the average reading ability of students increased to 76 and the level of proficiency was already relatively high with a completeness level of 85% according to the target set by the researcher, namely 80%. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the application of media images in learning can improve students' reading skills in class I SDN 007 Simandolak.
Analysis Study Of The Sam'iyah Wa Syafawiyah Method Concept In Learning Arabic Language At The Madrasah Tsnawiyah Level Fathur Rusydi Amar
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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The selection of the right method is expected to grow various student activities in connection with the teacher's teaching activities, so that they can achieve what is expected in the teaching and learning process. It can also encourage students to achieve optimal performance. Once again, among the methods of teaching Arabic that have been applied, each has advantages and disadvantages. Initially, the translation method was considered the most suitable for the ability to read effectively and understand the content. then came the Aural Oral Approach Method (Sam'iyah Wa Syafawiyah) which was once considered the most effective because it is based on linguistic principles which are expected to be able to answer and overcome various problems in the process of teaching and learning Arabic whose main goal is for students to have language skills or Arabic language skills properly and correctly. Thus, the purpose of teaching Arabic should refer to efforts to foster and develop the four aspects of language skills in question, namely the ability to listen, speak, read, and write with the hope that students are able to understand the language well through hearing or writing.
Fiscal Federalism In The 21st Century Nigeria And Its Challenges On Sustainable Development Of The Federation Amos Ojo Adedeji, Ph.D
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Fiscal federalism is a political arrangement for federating units to interact fiscally in the realization of government goals and objectives. The constitution clearly stipulate and demarcate the powers and functions of each units of the federation of Nigeria. However, the sharing formula is always competitive. The study qualitatively x-ray fiscal federalism in the 21st century Nigeria and its challenges on sustainable development. Many challenges, including the overly centralized federal government, poor financial management, and overdependence on oil, among others, have hampered Nigeria's fiscal relations. The study concluded by recommending decentralization of powers, eradication of corruption and diversify of economy. Consistent and workable revenue allocation formula is also apt in addressing the menace hinder fiscal relation in the federation.
Enhancing The Teaching And Learning Of English For Specific Purposes (Esp) With Chatgpt Sarah Mohammed Alsanousi Alssayah Ahmed; Ayman Riheel Alnaas Taha; Sajjad Hussain; Ali Hayat
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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As a result of the implementation of ChatGPT into interactive learning tools for technical English, students can participate in conversational engagements that are analogous to actual engineering challenges encountered in the real world. Through this conversational interface, individual students can ask engineering-related questions, obtain accurate and useful responses via ChatGPT, and even receive comments and explanations. For example, students may question the differences between a transistor and a diode. ChatGPT can provide a response that is both precise and condensed, such as the following: "A transistor is an electronic device that has three terminals and is used for amplification and switching, whereas a diode is a device that has two terminals and is used for rectification and voltage regulation." In addition, ChatGPT helps simplify the learning process by giving examples of conversations that have already taken place between customers and engineers. Students can enhance their grammar and pronunciation skills by working through these dialogues. Because of this integration, ChatGPT now serves as an engaging and personalized conversation companion, assisting students in developing their technical English language abilities. This functionality allows ChatGPT to behave more like a traditional discussion forum.
Artificial Intelligence As An Innovation Mobile In Future Education Armizi Armizi; Fahrina Yustiasari Liriwati; Zulhimma Zulhimma; Zulhammi Zulhammi
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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This abstract discusses the role of AI as a driver of innovation in future education. AI is capable of analyzing big data and providing deep insights into student learning patterns, preferences, and individual needs. By leveraging advanced data analysis technologies, AI can construct a unique learning profile for each student, creating a personalized learning experience. In addition, AI also contributes to the development of innovative curriculum and learning materials. With its ability to identify students' weaknesses and strengths in real time, AI can develop relevant curricula and learning materials that match students' levels of understanding and interest. This can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning in the classroom, thereby optimizing the potential of each student. AI-based virtual assistants are also a valuable support in the learning process. They can provide real-time help and feedback to students, guide them through learning challenges, and provide solutions to problems they face. Thus, virtual assistants play an important role in increasing student participation and engagement in learning. All in all, artificial intelligence has opened up new opportunities in the education of the future. With judicious application, AI can be a powerful partner for educators in enhancing learning and helping students reach their full potential. AI innovation in education will play a critical role in creating a more inclusive, adaptive and student-oriented future of education.
The Impact Of Restrictions On Community Activities During The Covid-19 Pandemic On The Revenue Of Culiner Small And Medium Enterprises (Ukm) In The Kendari Beach Area, Punggaloba Sub-District, Kendari Barat District, Kendari City Anjar Milliniman; Marsuki Iswandi; Lukman Yunus
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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This research aims toanalyze the impact of restrictions on community activities during the Covid-19 pandemic on the income of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) around Kendari Beach, Punggaloba Village, West Kendari District, Kendari City. determination of the sample using purposive sampling techniques used data using primary data and secondary data. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, documentation. And the analysis used is income analysis to analyze and answer problems from the impact of limiting community activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. 39,600,000/month and receipts during Covid-19 amounted to Rp. 289,000. 000/month while the income before Covid-19 in the Kendari beach area, Kendari City, was Rp. 21,230,000/month and income during Covid-19 is Rp. 10,830,000/month
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Systematic mapping on different Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys practices and benefits and outcome performance by Weka application: Systematic mapping on different Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys practices and benefits and outcome performance by Weka application ali mohamed; Adel Khalleefah Hamad Darmeesh
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Abstract Aluminum is one of the most adaptable, cost-effective, and visually appealing metallic materials available for a variety of applications, from soft, highly ductile wrapping foil to the most rigorous engineering ones. Furthermore, this is due to the special combinations of properties that aluminum as well as its alloys offer. Moreover, the only other metal used as a structural material after steel is aluminum alloys. Just 2.7 g/cm3 is what aluminum is made of about a third as much as steel (7.83 g/cm3). Aluminum weighs just around 170 lb per cubic foot, compared to approximately 490 lb for one cubic foot of steel. In a similar manner, coupled with the high strength of some aluminum alloys (exceeding that of structural steel), permits design as well as construction of strong, lightweight structures that are especially advantageous for anything that moves space vehicles also, aircraft as well as all types of land- as well as water-borne vehicles. Aluminum is resistant to the type of gradual oxidation that makes steel rust. An inert aluminum oxide coating, barely a few ten-millionths of an inch thick, is created when oxygen reacts with the exposed aluminum surface to prevent further oxidation. Moreover, unlike iron rust, the aluminum oxide coating does not flake off to reveal a new surface to oxidation. Immediately after being scratched, the aluminum's protective covering will close back up. The metal is strongly adhered to a thin layer of colorless, transparent oxide that is undetectable to the naked eye as well as adheres to the metal tightly. Aluminum does not rust, which results in the discoloration also, flaking that happens to iron as well as steel. Aluminum can withstand corrosion from a variety of chemical and physical agents as well as from water, salt, and other environmental variables when alloyed as well as handled properly. The section "Effects of Alloying on Corrosion" examines the corrosion properties of aluminum alloys. This research article will compile publications that have dealt with aluminum and aluminum alloys in the previous ten years (2017–2023) from the electronic database. Moreover, this systematic mapping study will move forward on collecting related articles (papers, research papers, thesis, conference papers etc.). Furthermore, this research also, will collect important information about Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys practices and usage and put the collected information in a CSV file then visualized the results by using three different algorithms which are the K-Means algorithm, Canpoy algorithm, and the Hierarchical algorithm and visualize the results by using WEKA application. This research is also, beneficial for mechanical engineering experimental area, students who are interested on such kind of areas and researchers, also this systematic mapping study is beneficial for manufacturing companies who pay attention about the experimental usage of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys in their line of production to make time to market. This systematic mapping aims to explore the various practices, benefits, and outcome performance of different aluminum and aluminum alloys through the use of the Weka application. Aluminum and its alloys are widely used in various industries due to their lightweight, corrosion resistance, and high strength-to-weight ratio. The Weka application, a popular machine learning tool, can provide insights into the relationships between different aluminum alloys, their properties, and performance outcomes. By mapping the existing literature, this study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current practices and benefits of utilizing aluminum and its alloys in different applications, as well as the performance outcomes achieved by using the Weka application. Keywords: Aluminum, Aluminum Alloys, systematic mapping study (SMS), K-Means algorithm, Canpoy algorithm, Hierarchical algorithm, and WEKA application.
Factors Affecting The Income Of Pennyakap Red Onion Farmers In Tampo Village, Anggeraja Sub-District, Enrekang District. Reni Reni; Idrus Salam; Wa Ode Yusria
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Shallots are a horticultural plant of the spice vegetable group with high economic value. The cultivation of shallot commodities is thought to increase income and improve welfare. However, on the other hand, there are several problems that occur in farmers where the income of farmers does not always increase, this is because there are several factors that affect the size of income.This study aims to determine how much income is obtained by orangutan farmers from onion farming in Tampo Village, Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency and how the effect of production costs, production amount, selling price and labor on the income of shallot trapping farmers in Tampo Village , Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling from 44 farmers. This research uses qualitative analysis methods, quantitative description and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study showed that based on income analysis, the average yield of receipts (TR) of one planting season per farmer was obtained, which was IDR 252,698,634. Based on the results of regression, which has a significant effect, namely production costs, production quantities, and selling prices. meanwhile
Factors Affecting Commodity Transfer Coffee Plants Become Vegetable Plants (Case Study of Masalle Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency) Riska Handayani; Idrus Salam; La Ode Kasno Arif
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Technology and Education Research(IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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This study aims to 1) determine the types of plants cultivated by farmers after switching from coffee plants in Masalle Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency, and 2) determine the factors that influence the conversion of coffee plant commodities to vegetable crops in Masalle Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency. This research was conducted from January to February 2022. The population in this study were all farmers who converted commodities from coffee to vegetable crops, namely 30 farmers. The determination of the sample was carried out by census where the entire population was used as the research sample so that the number of samples in this study totaled 30 farmers who had transferred commodities from coffee plants to vegetable crops. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Qualitative descriptive methods regarding situations and events, and used multiple linear regression analysis to describe the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The results showed that 1) there were four types of vegetable commodities cultivated by farmers in Masalle Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency after switching from coffee farming, namely tomato plants (33.33%), cabbage plants (26.67%), chili plants (23 .33%), and shallots (16.67%), and 2) the factors that influence the transfer of commodities from coffee plants to vegetable crops indicate that the price variable has no significant effect on the commodity transfer with a significance value of the price variable (X1) of 0.080 or > and used multiple linear regression analysis to describe the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The results showed that 1) there were four types of vegetable commodities cultivated by farmers in Masalle Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency after switching from coffee farming, namely tomato plants (33.33%), cabbage plants (26.67%), chili plants (23 .33%), and shallots (16.67%), and 2) the factors that influence the transfer of commodities from coffee plants to vegetable crops indicate that the price variable has no significant effect on the commodity transfer with a significance value of the price variable (X1) of 0.080 or > and used multiple linear regression analysis to describe the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The results showed that 1) there were four types of vegetable commodities cultivated by farmers in Masalle Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency after switching from coffee farming, namely tomato plants (33.33%), cabbage plants (26.67%), chili plants (23 .33%), and shallots (16.67%), and 2) the factors that influence the transfer of commodities from coffee plants to vegetable crops indicate that the price variable has no significant effect on the commodity transfer with a significance value of the price variable (X1) of 0.080 or >α(0.05). Swhile the income and production variables have a significant effect on commodity transfer with a significance value of the income variable (X2) of 0.019 <α (0.05), while the production variable (X3) has a significance value of 0.039 <α (0.05).

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