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At-Tawazun, Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
Ekonomi Syariah, Perbankan dan Keuangan Syariah, Akuntansi Syariah, Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Syariah, Filantropi Islam (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh dan Wakaf), Etika Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Syariah, Pemasaran Syariah, Topik lain yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi Islam.
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At-Tawazun, Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 8 No. 01 (2020): May
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55799/tawazun.v8i01.30


We often discuss this theme in everyday life. Polygamy is a life phenomenon that occurs around us. The term polygamy is often heard, but not many people can accept this situation. In terms of fair means equating something with another in terms of size, so that something is impartial and does not differ from one another. The arrival of Islam with its polygamous verses, although it does not erase this practice, Islam limits the permissibility of polygamy to only four wives with strict conditions such as the obligation to be fair among wives. Whereas in Islamic law the scholars agree based on the strong argument that being fair to all wives is the obligation of a husband, as well as permitting polygamy, as in Surah An-Nisaa 'verse 3 and verse 129, justice that is conceived is justice that is materialistic that can control husbands who become his abilities, such as good treatment, sharing of time in the night and providing a living.
At-Tawazun, Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 8 No. 01 (2020): May
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55799/tawazun.v8i01.31


Beauty comes from the word beautiful which means good, scenic, beautiful, cute, and so on. Things that contain beauty are all the results of art and the universe created by God. Very wide area of ​​beauty for humans. Therefore when, where, and anyone can enjoy beauty. Beauty is synonymous with truth. Both have the same value; timeless and has an ever-increasing appeal. What does not contain truth is not beautiful. Beauty is universal. Since the 18th century, this notion of beauty has been struggling with philosophers. Beauty can be distinguished as an abstract quality and as a certain thing that is beautiful. According to the breadth of beauty, there are three definitions, namely beauty in a broad sense, in a purely aesthetic sense, and in a limited sense in relation to vision. Beauty in a broad sense contains ideas of goodness, character, laws, thoughts, opinions, and so on. Beauty in an aesthetic sense is called "symetria", so the broadest understanding of beauty includes artistic, natural, moral, and intellectual beauty. Beauty in a purely aesthetic sense includes the aesthetic experience of a person in relation to everything he absorbs. Beauty in a limited sense is the beauty of form and color. The characteristics of beauty concern the essential qualities of all objects that contain unity, balance, harmony, symmetry, and contrast. From these characteristics it can be concluded that beauty is composed of the harmony and contradiction of lines, colors, shapes, tones, and words.
At-Tawazun, Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 8 No. 01 (2020): May
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55799/tawazun.v8i01.32


Islam, to be precise, Islam (with a small "i") has become a topic of study that continues to develop until now, in the Western world, many universities have even opened Islamic studies classes and are of interest to many circles. This fact is a sign that Islam actually comes in many faces, so that multiple perspectives in understanding Islam are a necessity today. One of them is understanding the Koran in the word dimension.
Me Time Dalam Ayunan TRADISI BAAYUN ANAK SUKU BANJAR Rusmiati Indrayani
At-Tawazun, Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 8 No. 01 (2020): May
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55799/tawazun.v8i01.33


The aim of this study was to describe the function of Baayun tradition on child psychology. The method used was descriptive qualitative with ethnographic approach to studying the Banjar ethnic with a natural setting. The focus of cultural research tends to be phenomenological. The roles and functions of individual and social culture are related to the mindset, behavior and traditions of surviving societies as well as cultural efforts in maintaining their lives. All existing realities are understood naturally as they are, so that phenomenological understanding of the symptoms of tradition focuses on the reciprocal relationship between the functions of the children's beyond tradition and the life (culture) of Banjar Tribe substantively.The results showed that there was three traditional functions of child psychology, including; (1) The function of the directive as a tool to instil disciplinary character values and to obey the rules of sleeping hours for their benefit; (2) The informative function, namely the educational space in the cognitive realm that contains religious knowledge, such as regarding the attributes of Allah and the knowledge of the Prophet's morals. Information on faith education and akhlakul karma is conveyed by parents by singing a lullaby called bakery;3) Affective function is the most important function for the child's psyche. In adulthood, the security and cherished feelings that reside in the memory provided.
KARAKTERISTIK MATA PELAJARAN FIQH IBADAH ( Menelisik Hasil Pembelajaran Fiqh Melalui Pengamalan Ibadah Siswa) Moh Tauhid
At-Tawazun, Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 8 No. 01 (2020): May
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55799/tawazun.v8i01.34


Each learning activity will end with a learning outcome or so-called learning achievement. Learning achievement is a valuable material for students, namely to improve the ways of further learning. Until now the learning achievement is still used as a benchmark to determine the quality of students. Learning achievement is the abilities possessed by the students after he received his learning experience. The study of jurisprudence is useful to determine the attitude and wisdom in drawing conclusions and apply the rules of fiqih to the facts that exist so as not to cause unnecessary excesses due to the priority scale of its application. Do not behave ifrath, which is more than the limit and not also bertkap tafrith, which is less than the limit. Studying the science of fiqih is useful as a benchmark to behave in living life and life. By studying the science of jurisprudence, also we will know the rules in detail about the duties and responsibilities of man against his Lord and his obligations in social life. By studying the science of jurisprudence also we will know the command of Allah and the prohibition of Allah, halal, haram, which is void and which is fasid. The practice of worship, such as exercising thaharah well and rightly as an absolute requirement to be able to perform other worship such as the five-time prayer is something very urgent in the life of a Muslim. With the learning achievement of jurisprudence, of course the practice of worship the result is very maximum, because in fiqih discussed about the provisions of how humans perform worship as a form of servantship to Allah swt.

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