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Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
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Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian merupakan media untuk publikasi tulisan asli berkaitan dengan teknologi pangan dan keteknikan pertanian secara luas, yang diterbitkan atas kerjasama antara Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan dan Program Studi Keteknikan Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian USU.
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PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN SARI BELIMBING MANIS DENGAN SARI JAMBU BIJI MERAH DAN JUMLAH CMC (CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE) TERHADAP MUTU MARGARIN BUAH (The Effect of Ratio of Starfruitand Red Guava Juices and Ammount of CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) on The Fruit Ahmad Wadud; Rona J. Nainggolan; Herla Rusmarilin
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the effect of starfruit and red guava juices on concentration of CMC (Carboxy Mhethyl Cellulose) on the fruit margarine quality. This study used completed randomized factorial design with two factors, is the ratio of starfruit with red guava juice (S) : (70%:30%; 60%:40%; 50%:50%; 40%: 60%; 30%:70%) and the concentration of CMC(C) (1%, 2%, 3%). The parameters of analysis were water content, fat content, vitamin C content, total acid, free fatty acid, total soluble solid, color index, score test of topical power, score test of texture, and hedonic test of color, flavor, and taste. The results showed that the ratio of starfruits and red guava juices had a highly significant effect (P<0,01) on water content, vitamin C content, total acid, free fatty acid, color (oHue Index), score test of texture,score test of topical power, hedonic test of color, flavor, and taste and had no significant effect (P>0,05).The concentration of CMC showed a highly significant effect (P<0,01) on vitamin C content , and showed a significant difference (P<0,05) on water content and score test of topical power. Interaction between the ratio of starfruit and red guava juice on the concentration of  CMC showed a significant effect on water and vitamin C content. The ratio of 30% of starfruit  juice and 70% of  red guava juice with 3% of CMC concentration had the best quality of fruit margarine. Keywords : Margarine Fruit, Starfruit, Red Guava, CMC ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan sari belimbing manis dengan sari jambu biji merah dan konsentrasi CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) terhadap mutu margarin buah. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial 2 faktor yaitu perbandingan sari belimbing manis dengan sari jambu biji merah (S) : (70%:30%; 60%:40%; 50%:50%; 40%:60%; 30%:70%) dan konsentrasi CMC (C) : (1%, 2%, 3%). Parameter yang dianalisa adalah kadar air, kadar lemak, kadar vitamin C, total asam, asam lemak bebas, total padatan terlarut, penentuan indeks warna, uji skor daya oles, uji skor tekstur, nilai hedonik warna, aroma, dan rasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan sari belimbing manis dengan jambu biji merah memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kadar air, kadar  vitamin C, total asam, asam lemak bebas, nilai indeks warna, nilai skor tekstur, nilai skor daya oles, nilai hedonik warna, nilai hedonik aroma, dan nilai hedonik rasa dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap kadar lemak. Konsentrasi CMC memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kadar vitamin C, dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kadar air dan nilai skor daya oles. Interaksi perbandingan sari belimbing manis dengan jambu biji merah dan konsentrasi CMC memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air dan kadar vitamin C. Perbandingan sari belimbing manis dengan sari jambu biji merah 30% : 70% dan konsentrasi CMC (3%) memberikan pengaruh yang terbaik untuk mutu margarin buah.   Kata kunci : margarin buah, belimbing manis, jambu biji merah, cmc,
PENDUGAAN UMUR SIMPAN KERUPUK BAWANG KENTANG DENGAN METODE AKSELERASI BERDASARKAN PENDEKATAN KADAR AIR KRITIS (The Estimation of Shelf Life Onion Potato Chips Using Accelerated Method Based Approach To The Critical Moisture Content Asri Murni; Herla Rusmarilin; Ridwansyah Ridwansyah
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to find the effect of several types of packaging and storage time of the onion potato chips, and to estimate the shelf life of onion potato chips which were packed in polypropylene, polyethylene, and metalized plastic using accelerated method based on the critical moisture content approach. The effect of the types of packaging and storage time of the onion potato chips was determined using a completely randomized design with two factors,i.e.packaging type (K) (polypropylene; polyethylene; and metalized plastic) and storage time (M) (7 days; 14 days; 21 days ; and 28 days). The parameters analyzed were water content, fat content, free fatty acids, peroxide value, organoleptic values ​​of color, aroma, flavor, and texture. The estimation of shelf life of onion potato chips was using accelerated method based on the critical moisture content approach. The results showed that the type of packaging had highly significant effect on water content, fat content, free fatty acids, peroxide, organoleptic value (aroma, flavor, and texture) and had significantl effect on organoleptic value of color. Storage time had highly significant effect on water content, fat content, free fatty acids, peroxide, organoleptic value (aroma, flavor, and texture) and had significant effect on organoleptic value of color. The interaction between the type of packaging and storage time had highly significant effect on organoleptic value of texture. The shelf life of onion potato chips which were packed with polyethylene, polypropylene, and metalized plastic were (at 75% RH : 15 days, 86 days and 498 days respectinaly); (at 80% RH : 11 days, 63 days, and 361 days respectinaly); and (at RH 85% : 7 days, 44 days and 254 days respectinaly). Keywords: Onion Potato Chips, Packaging Type, Storage Time, Shelf Life ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai jenis kemasan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap kerupuk bawang kentang, dan untuk menduga umur simpan kerupuk bawang kentang yang dikemas dalam kemasan polypropylene, polyethylene, dan metalized plastic dengan metode akselerasi berdasarkan pendekatan kadar air kritis. Pengaruh berbagai jenis kemasan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap kerupuk bawang kentang menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap dengan 2 faktor yaitu penggunaan jenis kemasan (K) (polypropylene; polyethylene; dan metalized plastic) dan lama penyimpanan (M) (7 hari; 14 hari; 21 hari; dan 28 hari). Parameter yang dianalisa adalah kadar air, kadar lemak, asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida, nilai organoleptik warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Pendugaan umur simpan kerupuk bawang kentang menggunakan metode akselerasi berdasarkan pendekatan kadar air kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis kemasan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar lemak, asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida, nilai organoleptik (aroma, rasa, dan tekstur) dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap nilai organoleptik warna. Lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar lemak, asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida, nilai organoleptik (aroma, rasa, dan tekstur) dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap nilai organoleptik warna. Interaksi antara jenis kemasan dan lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap nilai organoleptik tekstur. Umur simpan kerupuk bawang kentang yang dikemas dengan kemasan polyethylene, polypropylene, dan metalized plastic pada masing-masing penyimpanan yaitu :  (RH 75% : 15 hari, 86 hari, dan 498 hari); (RH 80% : 11 hari, 63 hari, dan 361 hari); dan (RH 85% : 7 hari, 44 hari, dan 254 hari).  
STABILITAS MUTU NIRA AREN KEMASAN DENGAN PERLAKUAN FISIK DAN PENGAWET ALAMI AKAR KAWAO SELAMA PENYIMPANAN DINGIN (Quality Stability of Pack Palm Juice With Physical Treatment and Natural Preservatives Kawao Root During Cold Storage) Boy Aditiano; Sentosa Ginting; Linda Masniary Lubis
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT   Palm juice that has been tapped can not be stored for more than a day due to then physiochemical properties. This study are one way to maintain the quality of palm juice by providing physical and natural preservative treatment with the addition of Kawao root 6% extract and heating 90 °C 10 minutes, as well as combinations of heating at 90 °C 10 minutes and Kawao 6% root extract, and control for period 0, 5, 10, and 15 days. The study was conducted in  using a completely randomized factorial design. The parameters analysed were pH, total acid, total dissolved solids, total microbes, and organoleptic value aroma, colour and flavour. The results showed that the physical treatment and natural preservative during storage had highly significant effect on all parameters. The interaction of these two factors gives highly significant effect on organoleptic colours and significant effect on pH except  total dissolved solids, total microbial, organoleptic aromas and flavourss. Palm juice with 10 minutes heating at 90 °C and 6% Kawao root extract has the best physiochemical quality during shelf life 5 days. Key Words : Palm juice, preservation, sugar palm ABSTRAK Nira aren yang telah disadap tidak bisa disimpan lebih dari sehari disebabkan sifat fisikokimianya mudah rusak dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu langkah untuk mempertahankan mutu nira aren dengan memberikan perlakuan fisik dan pengawet alami (akar Kawao) yaitu dengan penambahan ekstrak akar Kawao 6%, pemanasan 90 °C 10 menit, serta kombinasi pemanasan 90 °C 10 menit dan ekstrak akar Kawao 6%, dan kontrol dengan masa simpan selama 0, 5, 10, dan 15 hari. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah pH, total asam, total padatan terlarut, total mikroba, dan nilai organoleptik aroma, warna, dan rasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan fisik dan pengawet alami selama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap semua parameter. Interaksi kedua faktor itu memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap organoleptik warna dan berbeda nyata terhadap pH kecuali  total padatan terlarut, total mikroba, organoleptik aroma dan rasa. Nira aren yang diberikan pemasanasan 90 °C 10 menit dan ekstrak akar Kawao 6 % memiliki ketahanan mutu fisikokimia terbaik selama masa simpan 5 hari.   Kata kunci : Aren, nira aren, pengawetan.
PENGARUH KONSENTRASI LARUTAN GARAM DAN SUHU FERMENTASI TERHADAP MUTU KIMCHI LOBAK (The Effect of Concentration of Salt Solution and Fermentation Temperature on The Quality of Radish Kimchi) Cheria Lestari; Ismed Suhaidi; Ridwansyah Ridwansyah
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT   Radish kimchi is one of Korean side dish prepared by salted radish, blending with spices and various ingredients and fermenting in a period of time at ambient temperature. There are factors that affect in kimchi fermentation process, in this study, concentration of salt solution and fermentation temperature are used as variables. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of concentration of salt solution and fermentation temperature on the quality of radish kimchi. This study used a a completely randomized design with two factors namely concentration of salt solution (G: 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%), and fermentation temperature (T: 10°C, 15°C, and 20°C). The parameters analyzed were moisture content, total soluble solids, total lactic acid, pH, vitamin C, fiber content, organoleptic values of color, aroma, taste, texture, and consumer acceptance, and total lactic acid bacteria. The results showed that the concentration of salt solution had highly significant effect on moisture content, total soluble solids, total lactic acid, vitamin C, fiber content, organoleptic of color, taste and texture. Fermentation temperature had highly significant effect on total lactic acid, pH, fiber content, organoleptic value of taste and consumer acceptance. Interaction of the two factors had highly significant effect on total lactic acid, pH, organoleptic values of aroma, and total lactic acid bacteria. The G1T1 treatment combination gave the best quality characteristics of the radish kimchi. Keywords: concentration of salt solution, fermentation temperature, radish, radish kimchi. ABSTRAK Kimchi lobak merupakan salah satu hidangan Korea yang terdiri dari lobak yang diberi garam, dicampur dengan berbagai bumbu lain dan difermentasi selama waktu dan suhu tertentu. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi proses fermentasi kimchi, dimana dalam studi ini menggunakan variabel konsentrasi larutan garam dan suhu fermentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi larutan garam dan suhu fermentasi terhadap mutu kimchi lobak. Penelitian ini menggunakan model rancangan acak lengkap 2 faktor, yaitu penggunaan konsentrasi larutan garam (2%, 3%, 4%, dan 5%) dan suhu fermentasi (10°C, 15°C, dan 20°C). Parameter yang dianalisa adalah kadar air, total padatan terlarut, pH, total asam laktat, kadar vitamin C, kadar serat, uji organoleptik terhadap aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan penerimaan konsumen, serta total bakteri asam laktat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi larutan garam memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, total padatan terlarut, total asam laktat, kadar vitamin C, kadar serat, uji organoleptik aroma, rasa dan tekstur. Suhu fermentasi memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda sangat nyata terhadap pH, total asam laktat, kadar serat, uji organoleptik rasa, dan penerimaan konsumen. Interaksi kedua faktor memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap pH, total asam laktat, uji organoleptik aroma, dan total bakteri asam laktat. Kombinasi perlakuan G1T1 memberikan karakteristik mutu yang paling baik terhadap kimchi lobak.   Kata kunci: kimchi lobak, konsentrasi larutan garam, lobak, dan suhu fermentasi.  
PENINGKATAN MUTU TERASI KAYA ANTIOKSIDAN DAN PROTEIN BERBAHAN KEDELAI, JAGUNG, DAN IKAN SARDEN (Sardinella lemuru) TERFERMENTASI (Quality Improvement of Condiment Rich in Antioxidants and Protein Made from Soybeans, Corn, and Fish Sardine (Sardinella le Cherlin Cherlin; Herla Rusmarilin; Sentosa Ginting
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT This research had 5 steps starting from making the sauerkraut liquid to fermented the fish, making fish flour, tempeh flour, corn flour, mixing the flours, making the fermented shrimp by adding 10%, 20%, and 30% of the concentration of salt solution, and determined the best treatment to compare it with the market fermented shrimp. The best composition of shrimp products based on protein, fat, and a taste of the highest hedonic value was the ratio of fermented sardine fish flour, soybean flour, and corn flour of 75%: 25%: 0% with 30% concentration of salt solution. The best VRS was 55,3 mgrek/g and the antioxidant activity with IC50 as much as 88,63 µg/ml meanwhile the market fermented shrimp had the VRS of 54,5 mgrek/g and 52,32 mgrek/g, and the antioxidant activity with IC50 as much as 110,13 μg/ml and 112,56 ug/ml. Keywords: antioxidant, sauerkraut liquid, fermented sardine fish, corn, tempeh, shrimp condiment ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 5 tahap yaitu pembuatan cairan sauerkraut untuk fermentasi ikan sarden, pembuatan tepung ikan, pembuatan tepung tempe, pembuatan tepung jagung, pencampuran tepung tempe dan tepung jagung dengan tepung ikan, pembuatan terasi dengan penambahan larutan garam 10%, 20%, dan 30%, dan penentuan perlakuan terbaik untuk dibandingkan dengan terasi pasaran. Komposisi produk terasi terbaik berdasarkan protein, lemak, dan nilai hedonik rasa yang tertinggi diperoleh adalah pada perbandingan tepung ikan sarden terfermentasi, tepung tempe, dan tepung jagung, 75%:25%:0% dengan konsentrasi larutan garam 30%. Nilai VRS perlakuan terbaik adalah 55,3 mgrek/g dan aktivitas antioksidan dengan IC50 sebesar 88,63 µg/ml sedangkan terasi pasaran yang terbuat dari udang memiliki VRS sebesar 54,5 mgrek/g dan 52,32 mgrek/g dan aktivitas antioksidan dengan IC50 sebesar 110,13 µg/ml dan 112,56 µg/ml.   Kata Kunci : antioksidan, cairan sauerkraut, ikan sarden terfermentasi, jagung, tempe, terasi
PENDUGAAN UMUR SIMPAN COOKIES NENAS DENGAN METODE AKSELERASI BERDASARKAN PENDEKATAN KADAR AIR KRITIS (The Estimation Of Shelf Life Of Pineapple Cookies Using Accelerated Method Based On Critical Moisture Content Approach) Citra Pertiwi; Sentosa Ginting; Ridwansyah Ridwansyah
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the effect of  type of packaging and storage time on the quality of pineapple cookies and to estimate the shelf life of pineapple cookies that were packaged in Oriented Polypropylene, Polyethylene, and Metalized Plastic. The effect of type of packaging and storage time of the pineapple cookies was using factorial Completely Randomized Design with two factors, i. e: the  types of packaging (K) (Oriented Polypropylene (OPP), Polyethylene (PE), Metalized Plastic (MP)) and storage time (L)(7 days, 14 days, 21 days). Each treatment was keeped in the room temperature and 15 oC. The analyzed parameter were moisture content, fat content, free fatty acids, and organoleptic value of colour, aromatic, taste and texture. Estimation of shelf liife  pineapple cookies was  using accelerated method based on critical moisture content approach. The results showed that the type of packaging had highly significant effect on water content, fat content, free fatty acids, organoleptic value (aromatic and texture) in the room temperature and 15 oC . Storage time had highly significant effect on water content, fat content, free fatty acids, organoleptic value (aromatic and texture) in the room temperature and 15 oC. The Interaction between the type of packaging and storage time had significant effect on water content in the room temperature and 15 oC. The shelf life estimation of pineapple cookies in the room temperature was 97 days for OPP, 9 days for PE and 400 days for metalized plastic. The shelf life estimation of pineapple cookies in the 15 oC was 509 days for OPP, 47 days for PE and 2091 days for metalized plastic. Keywords: pineapple cookies, shelf life, storage time, type of packaging ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis kemasan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap mutu cookies nenas, dan untuk menduga umur simpan dari cookies nenas yang dikemas dalam kemasan Oriented Polypropylene, Polietilen, dan Metalized Plastic. Pengaruh jenis kemasan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap cookies nenas menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor yaitu jenis kemasan (K) (Oriented Polypropylene (OPP), Polietilen (PE), Metalized Plastic (MP)) dan lama penyimpanan (L) (7 hari, 14 hari, dan 21 hari). Masing-masing perlakuan disimpan pada suhu ruang dan suhu 15 oC. Parameter yang dianalisa adalah kadar air, kadar lemak, kadar asam lemak bebas, nilai organoleptik warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur. Pendugaan umur simpan cookies nenas menggunakan metode akselerasi berdasarkan pendekatan kadar air kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis kemasan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, asam lemak bebas, nilai organoleptik (aroma dan tekstur) pada suhu ruang dan suhu 15 oC. Lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, asam lemak bebas, nilai organoleptik (aroma dan tekstur) pada suhu ruang dan suhu 15 oC. Interaksi antara jenis kemasan dan lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air pada suhu ruang dan suhu 15 oC. Umur simpan cookies nenas yang disimpan pada suhu ruang pada berbagai jenis kemasan yaitu 97 hari untuk kemasan OPP, 9 hari untuk kemasan PE, dan 400 hari untuk kemasan Metalized Plastic. Sedangan umur simpan cookies nenas yang disimpan pada suhu showcase (15 oC) pada berbagai jenis kemasan yaitu 509  hari untuk kemasan OPP, 47  hari untuk kemasan PE, dan 2091  hari untuk kemasan Metalized Plastic.   Kata kunci : cookies nenas, jenis kemasan, lama penyimpanan, umur simpan
PENGARUH PERSENTASE CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE DAN PERSENTASE GULA TERHADAP MUTU SELAI JAGUNG (The Effect of Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Percentage and Sugar Percentage on the Quality of Corn Jam) Daniel Daniel; Zulkifli Lubis; Era Yusraini
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT This research was conducted to determine the effect of CMC percentage and sugar percentage on quality of corn jam. This research was using a completely factorial ramdomized design with two factors: CMC percentage (C): 0,25%, 0,5%, 0,75%, 1,0% and sugar percentage (G): 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%. Parameters observed were the water content, ash content, fiber content, total microbe, total soluble solid, pH, organoleptic of color, aroma, taste, texture and toughness. The results showed that CMC percentage had highly significant effect on water content, ash content, fiber content, total soluble solid, pH, organoleptic texture, and toughness and had no different effect on total microbe, organoleptic color, aroma, and taste. Sugar percentage had highly significant effect on water content, ash content, total soluble solid, organoleptic color, taste, texture, and toughness and had no different effect on fiber content, pH, and organoleptic aroma. Interaction between CMC percentage and sugar percentage had highly significant effect on water content and ash content. The 0,75% CMC percentage and 50% sugar percentage produced the best corn jam. Keywords : corn, CMC, jam, sugar ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan persentase CMC dan persentase gula terhadap mutu selai jagung. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor yaitu persentase CMC (C): 0,25%, 0,5%, 0,75%, 1,0% dan persentase gula (G): 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar serat kasar, total mikroba, total padatan terlarut, pH, uji organoleptik warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur dan daya oles.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase CMC memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, kadar serat kasar, total padatan terlarut, pH, uji organoleptik tekstur, dan daya oles dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap total mikroba, uji organoleptik warna, aroma, dan rasa. Persentase gula memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, total padatan terlarut, uji organoleptik warna, rasa, tekstur, dan daya oles dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap kadar serat kasar, pH, dan uji organoleptik aroma. Interaksi antara persentase CMC dan persentase gula memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air dan kadar abu. Persentase CMC 0,75% dan persentase gula 50% menghasilkan selai jagung terbaik.   Kata kunci : CMC, gula, jagung, selai
PENGARUH KONSENTRASI GULA DAN LAMA PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP MUTU MANISAN BASAH BATANG DAUN PEPAYA (The Effect of Concentration of Sugar and Storage Time on The Quality of Petiole of Papaya Wet Candy) Dina Septya; Ismed Suhaidi; Ridwansyah Ridwansyah
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the effect of concentration of sugar and storage time on the quality of petiole of papaya wet candy. This research was using factorial Completely Randomized Design with two factors, i. e: concentration of sugar (G) (40%, 50%,60% and 70%) and storage time (L) (2 days, 4 days, and 6 days). The analyzed parameters were moisture content (%), vitamin C content (mg/100 g sample), total soluble solid (oBrix), solid gain (%), water loss (%), crude fiber content (%), total microbe (LOG CFU/g), total sugar (%), and hedonik value of colour, texture, taste, and score value of taste.The results showed that concentration of sugar had highly significant effect on moisture content (%), vitamin C content (mg/100 g sample), total soluble solid (oBrix), water loss (%), solid gain(%), total microbe (LOG CFU/g), total sugar (%) and score value of taste and had no effect on crude fiber content (%), hedonik value of colour, and texture. Storage time had highly significant effect on vitamin C content (mg/100 g sample), total soluble solid (oBrix), and total sugar (%) and had no effect on moisture content (%), water loss (%), solid gain (%), crude fiber content (%), total microbe (LOG CFU/g), hedonic value of colour, texture, taste, and score value of taste. The interaction of the two factors had highly significant effect on vitamin C content (mg/100 g sample), and had significant effect on total soluble solid (oBrix), and total sugar (%). Concentration sugar of 70% and storage time in 4 days was the best treatment and acceptable. Keywords : concentration of sugar, petiole of papaya, storage time, wet candy. ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi gula dan lama penyimpanan terhadap mutu manisan basah batang daun pepaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor yaitu konsentrasi gula (G) (40%, 50%, 60%, dan 70%) dan lama penyimpanan (L) (2 hari, 4 hari, dan 6 hari). Parameter yang dianalisa adalah kadar air (%), kadar vitamin C (mg/100 g bahan), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), larutan yang masuk dalam bahan (%), air yang keluar dari bahan (%), kadar serat kasar (%), total mikroba (LOG CFU/g), total gula (%), nilai organoleptik hedonik warna, tekstur rasa, serta nilai skor rasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi gula memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air (%), kadar vitamin C (mg/100 g bahan), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), jumlah air yang keluar dari bahan (%), larutan yang masuk dalam bahan (%), total mikroba (LOG CFU/g), total gula (%), dan nilai skor rasa dan berbeda tidak nyata terhadap kadar serat kasar (%), nilai organoleptik hedonik warna, dan tekstur. Lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar vitamin C (mg/100 g bahan), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), dan total   gula (%), dan berbeda tidak nyata terhadap kadar air (%), jumlah air yang keluar dari bahan (%), larutan yang masuk dalam bahan (%), kadar serat kasar (%), total mikroba (LOG CFU/g), nilai organoleptik hedonik warna, tekstur, rasa, dan nilai skor rasa. Interaksi antara kedua faktor memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar vitamin C (mg/100 g bahan) dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap total padatan terlaut (oBrix) dan total gula (%). Konsentrasi gula 70% dan lama penyimpanan 4 hari menghasilkan kualitas manisan basah yang terbaik dan dapat diterima.   Kata kunci : batang daun pepaya,  konsentrasi gula, lama penyimpanan, manisan basah.
PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN SARI SIRSAK DANGAN SARI BIT DAN KONSENTRASI GULA TERHADAP SIRUP SABIT (The Effect Ratio of Sour Sop and Beet Juice and Concentration of Sugar on Quality of Sabit syrup) Dona Bastanta; Terip Karo-Karo; Herla Rusmarilin
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the effect of ratio of sour sop and beet juice and concentration of sugar on the quality of syrup. This research was conducted in September 2015 in Food Technology Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, North Sumatera, Medan. This research was using factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factor, i.e : ratio of sour sop and beet juice (S) (70:30%, 60:40%, 50:50%, 40:60%, 30:70%) and concentration of sugar (G) (65%, 70%, 75%,). The analyzed parameters were total acid (%), pH, total soluble solid (oBrix) viscosity (cP), colour of indeks (oHue), vitamin C content (mg/100 g sample), and organoleptic values (aroma and taste). The results showed that ratio sour sop and beet juice had highly significant effect on total acid (%), pH, total soluble solid (oBrix) viscosity (cP), colour of indeks (oHue), vitamin C content (mg/100 g sample), and organoleptic values (aroma and taste). The concentration of sugar had highly significant effect on total soluble solid (oBrix), viscosity (cP), vitamin C content (mg/100 g sample), and organoleptic value of taste. The interaction of the two factors had haighly significant effect on organoleptic value of taste. The treatment which gave the best effect on juice was 70:30 % of sour sop and beet juice and 70 % sugar. Keywords : ratio of sour sop and beet juice, concentration of sugar, juice ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan sari sirsak dengan sari bit dan konsentrasi gula terhadap mutu dan uji organoleptik sirup sabit. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada September 2015 di Laboratorium teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor yaitu perbandingan sari sirsak dengan sari bit (S) (70:30 %, 60:40 %, 50:50 %, 40:60 %, dan 30:70 %) dan konsentrasi gula (65%, 70%, 75%). Parameter yang dianalisa adalah kadar vitamin C (mg/100 g bahan), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), total asam (%), viskositas (cP), nilai pH, indeks warna (oHue), dan organoleptik aroma dan rasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan sari sirsak dengan sari bit memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata dengan kadar vitamin C (mg/100 g bahan), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), total asam (%), viskositas (cP), nilai pH, indeks warna (oHue), uji organoleptik aroma dan rasa. Konsentrasi gula memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat terhadap kadar vitamin C (mg/100 g bahan), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), viskositas (cP), uji organoleptik rasa. Perbandingan sari sirsak dengan sari bit 70:30% dan konsentrasi gula 70% menghasikan kualitas sirup Sabit terbaik dan dapat diterima.   Kata kunci : Perbandingan sari sirsak dengan sari bit, konsentrasi gula, sirup Sabit
PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN GUM ARAB DENGAN PEKTIN SEBAGAI PENSTABIL TERHADAP MUTU SELAI WORTEL NENAS (The Effect of Ratio Gum Arabic and Pectin As A Stabilizer on The Quality of Carrot Pineapple Jam) Eka Putri Ketaren; Sentosa Ginting; Elisa Julianti
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine the effect of ratio of arabic gum  and pectin as a stabilizer on the quality of carrot pineapple jam. This research was conducted by using a randomized non factorial block design with ratio of arabic gum and pectin as a stabilizer i.e. 0.0%: 1%, 0.25%: 1%, 0.5% : 1%, 0.75%: 1%, 1%: 1%. Parameters measured were water content, vitamin C content, pH levels, crude fiber content, total dissolved solids, organoleptic hedonic of color, aroma, flavor and taste and organoleptic scores of topical power. The results showed that the ratio of arabic gum and pectin as a stabilizer had a highly significant effect (P<0,01) on crude fiber content and hedonic value of color, had significantly effect (P<0,05) on the water content and total dissolved solids and had no effects on vitamin C, pH contents, test hedonic of aroma, flavor and taste  scores and topical power. Ratio of arabic gum and pectin as a stabilizer of (1%: 1%) produced the best jam quality and acceptable. Keywords : carrot, pineapple, Arabic gum, jam ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh perbandingan gum arab dengan pektin sebagai penstabil terhadap mutu selai wortel nenas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Non Faktorial dengan faktor berupa perbandingan gum arab dan pektin sebagai penstabil dalam pembuatan selai nenas dan wortel  yaitu 0.0%: 1%, 0.25%: 1%, 0.5% : 1%, 0.75%: 1%, 1%: 1%. Parameter mutu selai wortel-nenas  yang diamati meliputi kadar air, vitamin C, pH, kadar serat kasar, total padatan terlarut, nilai hedonik warna, aroma, dan rasa serta skor daya oles.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbandingan gum arab dan pektin sebagai penstabil memiliki pengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kadar serat kasar serta nilai hedonik warna, memiliki pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kadar air dan total padatan terlarut, tetapi memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata(P>0,05) terhadap vitamin C, pH, serta nilai hedonik aroma, flavor, dan skor daya oles.  Perbandingan gum arab dan pektin sebesar 1%:1% menghasilkan selai wortel-nenas dengan mutu terbaik.   Kata kunci : wortel, nenas, gum arab, selai

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