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Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir (Journal of Nuclear Equepments), terbit dua kali setiap tahun bulan Mei dan November sejak 2007. Partisipasi aktif berupa saran dan pendapat maupun kritik yang bersifat membangun sangat diharapkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas jurnal. Alamat: Gedung 71, Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang 15310, Indonesia, Telepon: (021) 7560896, Penerbit: Pusat Rekayasa Perangkat Nuklir - BATAN
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Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

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MOTOR POWER CALCULA TlON FOR DRIVING CONVEYOR CHAIN IN GAMMA IRRADIATOR BATAN 2X250 KCURIE. Recently, an IRRADIATOR BATAN 2X250 kCurie for agricultural product is under design. The installation is provided by the gamma source about 2x250 kCurie. Agricultural products are carried into carriers and these carriers are hanged on the conveyor chain. The chain moves into a radiation chamber following the trajectoire. The chain is drived by motor. For this reason, the calculation is performed to determine the motor power. After resolving the force equilibrium equation, the force and power of the motor needed to drive the chain are obtained. Numerical method by using VBasic language is used to resolve the equation. The calculation result shows the correlation between friction coefficient and motor power. From the evaluation, it is decided that the friction coefficient should be less than 0,015. By this friction, the motor power is about 3. 13 kWatt. From the evaluation, it is also obtained that the radius of the curve trajectoire shall not be too small. Combination between high friction and small curve radius could lead to the locked condition in which high power motor are not be able to move the conveyor chain  PERHITUNGAN DAYA MOTOR PENGGERAK RANTAI KONVEYOR PADA IRADIATOR GAMMA BATAN 2X250 KCURIE. Saat ini, sebuah irradiator gamma BATAN 2x250 kCurie untuk pengawetan produk pertanian sedang dalam proses desain. Insta/asi ini di/engkapi dengan sumber gamma berkekuatan 2x250 kCurie. Produk-produk pertanian dimasukkan da/am carrier dan carrier lni digantungkan pada rantai konveyor yang berjalan mengikuti lintasannya memasuki ruang iradiasi. Rantai konveyor digerakkan o/eh motor. Da/am rangka menentukan daya motor ini/ah, perhitungan dilakukan. Sete/ah persamaan kesetimbangan gaya dikembangkan, akhirnya berhasil diperoleh gaya dan daya motor yang dibutuhkan untuk menarik rantai konveyor. Pemecahan persamaan kesetimbangan gaya dilakukan dengan metode numerik menggunakan bahasa VBasic. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan hubungan antara koefisien gesekan dengan daya motor. Dari hasil evaluasi diputuskan bahwa koefisien gesekan pada rantai konveyor tidak boleh melebihi 0,015. Dengan gesekan seperti ini maka daya motor yang dibutuhkan adalah 3, 13 kWatt. Dari evaluasi juga diperoleh bahwa lintasan tikungan tidak boleh terlalu kecil. Kombinasi gesekan yang besar dan radius tikungan yang ter/alu kecil dapat mengakibatkan kondisi locked di mana seberapapun besar daya motor tidak akan dapat menggerakan rantai konveyor.
Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

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EFFECT OF NOZZLE FLEXIBILITY ON PIPING SYSTEMNOZZLE. Piping systems should be designed flexibly to avoid the burden more on the buffer tube and nozzle equipment. In conditions where space is limited then to create a routing that is flexible enough not impossible to achieve. As a result, the force generated would be enormous. One way to reduce the load more on the support and on the equipment nozzles with the method of nozzle fleksibility. In this method, the nozzle was not considered to be rigid but has a certain flexibility in accordance with the dimensions of the eaulpmen: Based on calculations using Caesar /I produced Fx=11926 kg, Fy =2510 kg, FZ=800 kg, Mx = -17712 kg-m, My =44514 kg-m and Mz =7813 kg-m. From these data there are still components that moment, that is My still quite large. To reduce the load on the nozzle so on nozzle factors included flexibility in order to get results Fx = 1989 kg, Fy =- 1938, FZ =1672, Mx = -1798 kg-m, My = 8106 kg-m and Mz = 3846 kg-m . Seeing the results of calculations with the nozzle flexibility and style of the moment turns out that there is less than the allowable limits so that this condition Is declared safe to Install.   PENGARUH FLEKS/BILITAS NOZZLE TERHADAP S/STEM PERPIPAAN. Sistem perpipaan harus dirancang f1eksibel untuk menghindari beban lebih pada penyangga pipa maupun nozzle equipment. Pada kondisi dimana ruang sangat terbatas maka untuk membuat routing yang cukup fleksibel tidak mungkin dapat dicapai. Akibatnya gaya yang ditimbulkan akan sangat besar. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi beban lebih pada penyangga maupun pada nozzle equipment yaitu dengan metode nozzle f1eksibilas. Dalam metoda inl nozzle tldak dianggap kaku tetapi memiliki fleksibllitas tetteniu sesual dengan dimensi darl equIpment. Berdasarkan perhitungan dengan menggunakan Caesar" dihasilkan Fx=-11926 kg, Fy=2510 kg, Fz=800 kg, Mx=-17712 kg-m, My=44514 kg-m dan Mz=7813 kg-m. Dari data tersebut maslh ada komponen moment yaitu My yang masih cukup besar. Untuk menurunkan beban nozzle maka pada nozzle dimasukkan faktor fleksibilltas sehlngga didapat has" Fx=1989 kg, Fy=-1938, Fz=1672, Mx=- 1798 kg-m, My=8106 kg-m dan Mz=3846 kg-m. Mel/hat hasil perhltungan dengan nozzle fleksibilitas ternyata gaya dan moment yang terjadi lebih kecil darl batasyang diijinkan sehingga kondisi ini dinyatakan aman untuk diinstal.
Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (702.131 KB)


PRE DESIGN PROCESSING OF WASTE of EX-RESIN WITHOUT MATERIALS MATRIX FROM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT TYPE PWR 1000 MW Have been done pre design processing of waste ex-resin without capacities matrix materials from nuclear power plant type PWR 1000 MW During the time radioactive waste of ex-resin processed to use process of immobilization use matrix materials like mixture cement and epoxy resin and then conditioning. This process is not effective and efficient because end result volume of end product bigger than volume early operation system and maintenance of its installation more difficult. To overcome this created a design of technology processing of waste of ex- resin without matrix materials through process of strainer, drying and conditioning represent technological innovation newly processing of radioactive waste of ex-resin. Besides this process more effective and efficient, volume of end product waste much more small from volume early and operation system and maintenance of its easier installation. Pre design is expected to be used as a basis to make conceptual of pre design installation of strainer, drying and conditioning for the processing of waste of ex- resin from nuclear power plant type PWR 1000 MW   PRARANCANGAN PENGOLAHAN LlMBAH RESIN BEKAS TANPA BAHAN MA TRIKS DARI PL TN TlPE PWR 1000 MW Telah dilakukan prarancangan pengolahan limbah resin bekas tanpa bahan matriks dari PL TN tipe 1000 MW Selama ini limbah radioaktif resin bekas diolah menggunakan proses immobilisasi menggunakan bahan matriks seperti campuran semen dan resin epoksi kemudian dikondisioning. Proses ini kurang efektif dan efisien karena volume hasil akhir olahan lebih besar dari volume awal limbah dan sistem pengoperasian dan perawatan instalasinya lebih sulit. Untuk mengatasi hal ini dibuat suatu prarancangan teknologi pengolahan limbah resin tanpa bahan matriks melalui proses penirisan, pengeringan dan kondisioning merupakan inovasi teknologi baru pengolahan limbah radioaktif resin bekas. Selain proses ini lebih efektif dan efisien volume hasil akhir olahan jauh lebih kecil dari volume awal limbah dan sistem pengoperasian dan perawatan instalasinya lebih mudah. Prarancangan ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk membuat konsepsual prarancangan instalasi penirisan, pengeringan dan kondisioning untuk pengolahan limbah resin bekas dari PL TN PWR 1000MW
Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1102.285 KB)


The qualification assesment on design, manufacture, and constructions for equipments and system of nuclear power plants (NPP) has an objective to provide zone divisions in order that domestic industries are able to participate in nuclear plant construction. In all construction steps of NPP, all activities have to follow the codes, standards and regulations related to safety. The NPP is divided into four zones of equipments and nuclear system standars. The zone 1 consists of reactor systems, control system, and main heat transport. Zone 2 consists of reactor moderator coolant system, containment system, and devices in the containment. Zone 3 consists of main steam, turbine, turbine building, in exception of piping and pumps coolants system. the zone 4 covers all non nuclear equipments and systems. The assessment shows that the NPP technology has progressed into generation 3 and 4. The deSigners, manufacturers, and constructors have to consider the qualification process, and they have to prepare in the future the competitiveness following industry development. By understanding the zones division, the domestic industries are hoped to be able to provide the NPP equipments with the quality and reliability as required. The availability of the construction and maintenance services of NPP is continually assured all time.  Kajian kualifikasi pada desain, manufaktur dan konstruksi perangkat dan sistem suatu pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir (PL TN) bertujuan untuk memberikan pembagian zona da/am suatu instalasi agar industri domestik dapat terlibat langsung dalam pembangunan. Dalam persiapan pembangunan suatu PL TN semua kegiatan harus mengikuti Code dan Standard serta Regulasi yang erat kaitannya dengan keselamatan. Instalasi PLTN terbagi atas 4-zona standard perangkat dan sistem nuklir. Zona 1 terdiri dari teras reaktor dan sistem kendali serta hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan sistem transportasi panas utama. Zona 2 terdiri dari sistem pendingin moderator teras reaktor, sistem kontainmen dan peralatan dalam kontainmen. Zona 3 terdiri atas sistem uap turbin, gedung turbin dan semua sistem da/am gedung turbin terkecuali pemipaan dan pompa sistem pendingin teras reaktor. Sedangkan zona 4 meliputi pera/atan dan sistem non nuklir. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa perkembangan teknologi PL TN telah memasuki tahapan generasi 3 dan 4, sehingga para desainer, pemanufaktur atau kontraktor domestik harus menyesuaikan proses kualifikasi tiap generasi PL TN dan menempatkan perusahaannya kedepan untuk mampu berkompetisi sesuai perkembangan da/am industri. Dengan memahami pembagian zona-zona tersebut, industri domestik diharapkan mampu menyediakan perangkat PL TN dengan tingkat kualitas dan kehandalan yang dipersyaratkan. Dengan demikian ketersediaan pelayanan jasa konstruksi maupun perawatan suatu PL TN terjamin setiap saat secara berkelanjutan
Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (989.718 KB)


Field Test of BATAN's RIA Counter for Cow Progeteron Measurement in Determination of Artificial Insemination Time. The field test of RIA BA TAN counter for cow progesteron measurement in determination of artificial insemination time has been done. The test was conducted by comparing sampels meeasuring result between using BATAN's RIA counter and using imported RIA counter. Cow milk samples was taken from 40 cows which were owned by farmer under KUD Bayongbong, Garut, management. The samples were taken at 0-, 11-, and 21-days after artificial insemination process was conducted. In this study, the test was cemea out for two types of BATAN's IA counter (IP3 and IP8 types). Average deviation for BATAN's RIA counter type IP3 is 0.11. While average deviation for BATAN's RIA counter type IP3 is 0.15. From the above result could be concluded that counting results of BA TAN's RIA counters are equal to the imported one.   Field Test of BATAN's RIA Counter for Cow Progeteron Measurement in Determination of Artificial Insemination Time. The field test of RIA BA TAN counter for cow progesteron measurement in determination of artificial insemination time has been done. The test was conducted by comparing sampels meeasuring result between using BATAN's RIA counter and using imported RIA counter. Cow milk samples was taken from 40 cows which were owned by farmer under KUD Bayongbong, Garut, management. The samples were taken at 0-, 11-, and 21-days after artificial insemination process was conducted. In this study, the test was cemea out for two types of BATAN's RIA counter (IP3 and IP8 types). Average deviation for BATAN's RIA counter type IP3 is 0.11. While average deviation for BATAN's RIA counter type IP3 is 0.15. From the above result could be concluded that counting results of BA TAN's RIA counters are equal to the imported one.
Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1063.169 KB)


Much has been charged particle detector radiation detector made by the industry, especially those engaged in the development of detection equipment and components; The d~veloi>iiient and further research will be made solid state detector with silicon mat~iifll. : To be able to detect charged particles (radiation), required the processing of silicon material into the detector material. The method used to make silicon detector material is a lithium evaporations. Having formed an intrinsic region contactor installation process, and with testing Telah banyak detektor pendeteksi radiasi partikel bermuatan dibuat oleh industri, khususnya yang berkecimpung da/am pengembangan peralatan dan komponen deteksi,. Perkembangan dan penelitian lebih Ian jut akan dibuat detektor solid state dengan bahan silikon. Untuk dapat mendeteksi partikel bermuatan (radiasi), diperlukan pengolahan bahan silikon menjadi bahan de,tektor. Metode yang dipakai untuk menjadikan silikon menjadi bahan detektor adalah evaporasi lithium. Setelah terbentuk daerah intrinsik dilakukan proses pemasangan kontaktor, dilanjutkan dengan pengujian.
Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (974.296 KB)


SOFTWARE DESIGN AND MODELLING OF A MUL T/PURPOSE IRRADIA TOR SYSTEM. Software design and simulation model for a multi-purpose irradiator has been done. The studied irradiator consits of 19 carriers which move along a defined irradiation path where 9 stoppers are also located. These stoppers are used to control the movement of the carriers. Commands are sent from the stoppers in order to move a carrier along the irradiation path or to stop its movement. Mathematical model based on state machine method is applied for simulating the carriers' movement along the irradiation path. Based on this mathematical model, an algorithm is made and its corresponding interactive computer program will be developed using the standard graphical interface  DESAIN PERANGKAT LUNAK DAN PEMODELAN SISTEM IRADIATOR SERBAGUNA Dilakukan desain perangkat lunak dan model simulasi sistem iradiator serbaguna. Sistem iradiator yang diteliti memiliki 19 carrier yang berjalan pada lintasan medan iradiasi di mana terdapat 9 stopper. Stopper ini berfungsi untuk mengendalikan gerakan seluruh carrier. Pada stopper terdapat mekamisme untuk memerintahkan carrier bergerak sepanjang segmen lintasan atau tetap diam. Metode state machine dipergunakan dalam pembuatan model matematis untuk menirukan mekanisme gerakan carrier pada lintasannya. Berdasarkan model ini maka akan dibangun algoritma dan kemudian perangkat lunak interaktif yang menggunakan antarmuka grafis
Jurnal Perangkat Nuklir Vol 4, No 8 (2010): Nopember 2010
Publisher : BATAN

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MODELING OF FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER ON GAMMA SCANNING DEVICE. Modeling and simuletion of controller to set the high position and direction of the source of gamma radiation isotope Co-60 and Nal(TL) detector of gamma scanning device by using fuzzy logic controller, FLC has been done. The high positions and in the right direction of gamma radiation and Nal (TI) detector obtained the optimal enumeration. The counting data obtained from gamma scanning device counting system is affected by the instability of high position and direction of the gamma radiation source and Nal(T1)detector or the height and direction are not equal between the gamma radiation source and Nal(TI)detector. Assumed a high position and direction of radiation sources can be fixed while the high position detector h (2, 1,0, -1, -2) can be adjusted up and down and the detector can be changed direction to the left or right angle w (2, 1 , 0, -1, -2) when the position and direction are no longer aligned with the direction of the source of gamma radiation, the counting results obtained will not be optimal. Movement detector direction towards the left or right and the high detector arranged by the DC motor using fuzzy logic control in order to obtain the amount of output fuzzy logic control which forms the optimal output quantity count. The variation of height difference h between the source position of the gamma radiation detector and change direction with the detector angle w becomes the input variable membership function (member function) whereas the fuzzy logic for the output variable membership function of fuzzy logic control output is selected scale fuzzy logic is directly proportional to the amount of optimal counting. From the simulation results obtained by the relationship between the amount of data output variable of fuzzy logic controller with the amount of data input variable height h and direction detector w is depicted in graphical form surface.  PEMODELAN KENDALl LOGIKA FUZZY (FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER) PADA PERANGKA T PEMINDAI GAMMA. Telah dilakukan pemodelan dan simulasi kendali untuk mengatur posisi tinggi dan arah sumber radiasi gamma isotop Co-60 dan detektor Nal(TL) perangkat pemindai gamma dengan menggunakan metode kendali logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic controller, FLC). Dengan posisi tin'ggi dan arah yang benar dari radiasi gamma dan detector Nal(TI) diperoleh hasil pencacahan yang optimal. Data pencacahan yang diperoleh dari sistem pencacahan perangkat pemindai gamma dipengaruhi oleh ketidakstabilan posisi tinggi dan arah antara sumber radiasi gamma dan detektor Nal(TI) atau ketinggian dan arah yang tidak sama antara sumber radiasi gamma dan detektor Nal(TI). Diasumsikan posisi tinggi dan arah sumber radiasi bisa diatur tetap sedangkan posisi tinggi detektor h (+2,+1,0,-1,-2) dapat diatur naik-turun dan arah detektor dapat diubah arah ke kiri atau kanan membentuk sudut w (+2, +1,0,-1,-2) bila posisi dan arah tersebut tidak segaris lagi dengan arah sumber radiasi gamma maka hasil pencacahan yang diperoleh tidak akan optimal. Gerakan arah detektor kearah kiri atau kanan dan tinggi detektor diatur sedemikian rupa oleh motor DC dengan menggunakan kendali logika fuzzy sehingga diperoleh keluaran besaran kendali logika fuzzy yan

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