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Search results for , issue " Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda April 2017" : 2 Documents clear
Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Pungutan Liar Pemasangan Listrik Di Kejaksaan Negeri Taluk Kuantan Setiawan, Eko Wira; Edorita, Widia
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda April 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum

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One of the most crime that is worst between the other crimes that happen is extortion.Just like the other crimes, extortion is crimes againts legal norms that should be interpreted asan acts that harms the victim. The problem is personal procurement personnel prosecutor asinvestigator of extortion crime limited due to knowing at an early stage about some criminalact. This matters cannot be left out without any legal settlement of such a crime. Thereforeany criminal efforts committed by anyone must be dealt firmly irrespective of status.The problem in this research is 1) How is the investigation of criminal extortionelectrical installation in The State Judiciary of Taluk Kuantan? 2) What is the problems ininvestigation of criminal extortion electrical installation in The State Judiciary of TalukKuantan? 3) How the effort made to overcoming the problems of the investigation of criminalextortion in The State Judiciary of Taluk Kuantan? The research method in this research issociological. The location of this research is done in the state Judiciary’s jurisdiction of TalukKuantan. The population in this study is the head of Intelligence of The State Judiciary ofTaluk Kuantan, The State Judiciary’s investigator of Taluk Kuantan, and victims of criminalextortion electrical installation. The data source nature of this study are primary andsecondary data sources with data collection techniques such as interviews, review of theliterature. The data obtained will be analyzed using qualitative methods.Overview common in this study is an overview of a crime, an overview of theinvestigation and an overview of extortion . An overview of the crime of discussing thenotion of crime, the elements of a criminal offense . An overview of the investigation todiscuss the duties and authority of the investigator, efforts in the investigation . An overviewof extortion discuss the notion of extortion, criminal extortion provisions , criminal andconviction of the crime of extortion.Investigation of criminal extortion electrical installation by The State Jusdiciary ofTaluk Kuantan there are obstacles that proved some cases handled by investigators halted dueto incomplete evidence. Obstacles in the criminal investigation of extortion by The StateJudiciary of Taluk Kuantan is the lack of quantity and quality of personnel in Riau Police SubDirectorate II Special Criminal Investigation Directorate, facilities are inadequate for TheState Judiciary of Taluk Kuantan, lack of participation and of the public in any jurisdiction inThe State Judiciary of Taluk Kuantan. Attempts by investigators in overcoming the problemsfaced by investigators of criminal extortion electrical installation by The State Judiciary ofTaluk Kuantan is preventive, repressive, and Increase participantion communities in TheState Judiciary of Taluk Kuantan jurisdiction.Keywords : Investigation - Crime – Extortion- Judiciary
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda April 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum

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Commensurate with the nature of nature, humans from birth to death to livetogether with another man, or man can not live alone, apart from other human groups.Marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman who has grown upunder the provisions of the applicable legislation and is eternal and immutable towarddomestic life happy and prosperous. The verdict is the dissolution of marriage that hasbeen fostered by the couple, which is due to several things, such as death, divorce, andthe courts decision. Different partner Al Zuhri and Indrawati, the reason for divorce isbased on the decision of divorce conducted in Pekanbaru religious courts with casenumber, No. 1182 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PA.Pbr with their chronology in the family is not inharmony again because of the people to 3 and environmental factors that lead to quarrelsand disputes continuously so that between husband and wife can not retain the integrityof the family as a reason for divorce Based on the above, the writer wanted to know Howare basic considerations judge in Pekanbaru Religious Court decision against thepayment of a living child of divorce Number: 1182 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PA.Pbr and IsReligion Court decision limiting factor Pekanbaru against payment of a living child ofdivorce and What efforts if Pekanbaru Religious Court decision against the payment of aliving child of divorce is not implementedThis type of research if viewed from the angle of its kind, this research can beclassified in social legal research. Social legal research is the author directly involveddoing research on the location or place of study, the data source used primary legalmaterials, legal materials secondary and tertiary legal materials, techniques of thisresearch with the study interviews and a literature review.From the results of this research and analysis of the author based on theprinciple of legal certainty in mind first, the reasons for the decision in case No. 1182 /Pdt.G / 2015 / PA.Pbr not in accordance with the basic laws and regulations are basedon Article 39 of the Marriage Act No. 1 of 1974, anyone can file a lawsuit on thegrounds: one party committed adultery or an alcoholic, junkie, gamblers, etc. are difficultdisembukhan, one party leaving the other party for two (2) consecutive years without theconsent of others and without a valid reason or because of other things beyond hisability, one party gets a prison sentence of 5 (five) years or severe punishment after themarriage took place.Keywords: Decision, Livelihoods Giving Children, Divorce

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