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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Salah satu karya sastra yang mengungkapkan tentang sebuah fenomena sosial di Jepang adalah filmOoku yang merupakan pengapresiasian dari sebuah komik berseri karya seorang produser bernama Fuminori Kaneko. Film yang berlatar pada zaman Tokugawa tersebut menunjukkan adanya perilaku homoseksual pada sebagian besar samurai yang menghuni ruangan bagian dalam istana keshogunan dan perilaku tersebut berlaku pada dua orang samurai yang memiliki perbedaan strata sosial untuk dapat memerankan peran mereka sebagai pihak laki-laki maupun perempuan. Saat itu adalah saat kaum samurai dianggap kesatria yang merupakan pencerminan lambang maskulinitas pria Jepang.Karena ketimpangan antara maskulinitas dengan perilaku homoseksual yang terjadi pada kalangan samurai, maka rumusan masalah dalam penelitian kali ini yaitu perilaku homoseksual di kalangan samurai pada keshogunan Tokugawa dalam film Ooku. Oleh karena itu pula penulis menggunakan pendekatan konsep dan definisi homoseksual serta pendekatan sosiologi, dan sinematografi untuk dapat membuktikan asumsi pengarang tentang perilaku homoseksual yang terjadi terhadap kaum samurai pada keshogunan Tokugawa.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada zaman Tokugawa, Jepang mengalami dua jenis perilaku homoseksual pada kalangan samurai yang pertama perilaku homoseksual yang dilegalkan dalam praktik shudou yang dilakukan oleh atasan dan bawahan. Praktik tersebut bertujuan untuk membantu dalam peningkatan kemampuan bawahan pada kaum samurai. Kedua adalah perilaku homoseksual yang dilakukan oleh sesama bawahan dikarenakan kondisi yang pada saat itu kaum samurai dikumpulkan pada sebuah bangunan yang tidak ada satupun perempuan didalamnya, sehingga mereka memenuhi kebutuhan biologisnya dengan sesama laki-lakiPenulis menyarankan agar peneliti selanjutnya menggunakan pendekatan lain untuk meneliti filmooku, misalnya menggunakan pendekatan alih wahana karena film ooku merupakan komik yang difilemkan, ataupun menggunakan pendekatan lain.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Burty, Annisa Dhania. 2013., A Semiotic Analysis on Movie Posters of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Study Program of English, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Iis Nur Rodliyah; Co-supervisor: Emy Sudarwati  Movie poster has a commercial purpose as medium to advertise a movie. It delivers what the movie is all about. In this study, the writer chooses the movie poster of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsas the object to be analyzed using semiotic study. This sequel is divided into two parts. There are two posters that were analyzed in this study. Each element used in a movie poster carries its own meaning. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out the interpretation of the semiotic signs used on the movie posters of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.This study uses qualitative approach in term of document or content analysis because it focuses on identifying the signs found in movie poster of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This study applied the theory of connotative meaning proposed by Chandler (2002).This study reveals that the function of the sign in each movie poster is to illustrate and guide the audience about the story of the film. The connotation is made based on the relation of the movie poster and the story along the movies. The date of the release of the film stands out, it is very important for advertisement purposes that the audience can know when they will be able to see the film.The writer suggests the next researchers can cover the limitations of this study by taking further research.  The next researcher can also apply semiotic study in other visual communication media, for example art photography, banner, and printed commercial.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstract-Translation becomes the basic requirement in exchanging process of information in the world. Fairy tale is a kind of learning media in the form of books for children which is written in Indonesia and is translated into English. In this case, the translators sometimes make deviations in translated work such as a fairy tale. Fairy tales are rarely considered as the data research to be analyzed. Some researchers pay more attention to analyze novels, poems, and films as the sample of data than fairy tale, perhaps, because the style of fairy tale is more imaginative, literal, and more simple than another literary text.The researcher is intended to find out the types of lexical errors in this study by using Peter Newmark theory and Nida theory. The study applies the descriptive qualitative research method in textual or document analysis. The data of the research are the sentences and utterances that contain errors in lexical type.This research concludes that errors or deviations can cause or create different meaning from the original text which is read by the reader. The greatest errors occur when the structure in the sentence of target text is not complete. It can be said that English language must notice grammar, and it must be natural.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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In studying any kind of language including Japanese, new beginners will observe all the basic and general thing, but when they to learn more they will find that the basic or general vocabularies they have learnt before are different in writing or  pronounciation and it is caused by word formation. The goals of this study are to knowing (1) the kind of word classes changed in comic Hanazakari no Kimitachi he Ikemen Paradise Vol. 1, (2) the changings of words found in comic Hanazakari no Kimitachi he Ikemen Paradise Vol. 1, and (3) the changing characteristic of the words found in comicHanazakari no Kimitachi he Ikemen Paradise Vol. 1.This study uses descriptive approach. Descriptive study in textual analysis is applied in this study to analyze conversation of one of the main characters called Sano Izumi through the script of Hanazakari no Kimitachi he Ikemen Paradise Vol. 1 comic.This study reveals that (1) the word classes changed in the comic are adverb, adjective, nomina, pronomina, shuushikei, and verb, (2) the words changed in the comic undergo one and two changing processes, and (3) there are two characteristics of the changed words, which are the same ending and the frequency of the processes and the paterns that appear often.The writer suggest Japanese Department students study more about word formation by focusing on one or some changing processes and using many resources. Also the writer considers that there is a need to introduce word formation to the Japanese new learners.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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According to Alexander’s notion about human’s mind, the process of creating imagination is developed day by day, and it makes people have something that they want to achieve. Sometimes it is realistic, but sometimes unrealistic, and it is called as wishes. Moreover, human’s wishes are depicted in a novel as the result of human’s imagination that reflects human’s behaviour through its character. John Steinbeck’s The Pearl portrays Kino’s behaviour change after finding a giant pearl. Then, based on this background, the theory of behaviour change uses to find out Kino’s behaviour change as depicted in the novel.The analysis reveals that Kino’s behaviour change because of his vanity of human wishes. First, he wants Coyotito to go to school; second, he wants to give a proper marriage for Juana in a church, and third, he wishes to have a rifle in order to have the same level with the Americans. The result of the study shows that Kino’s behaviour change because of his vanity of human wishes after he finds the giant pearl. He becomes cold hearted, ignorant, even kills people in order to protect his wishes.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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EXTRAIT Courtessy, Conny. 2013. Analyse Pragmatique dans l’Histoire d’Enfant Journée poubelle pour Gaëllepar Jo Hoestlant dan Frédéric Joos. Programme d’Étude de la Langue et la Littérature Française. L’Université Brawijaya.Seperviseur: (I) Eni Sugiharyanti (II) Agoes SoeswantoMots clés: pragmatique, contexte du discours, acte de langage, Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle.Le discours est une forme de la communication directe dans lequel le locuteur peut transmettre son message à l’interlocuteur. D’habitude, ce message est difficile à comprendre par son interlocuteur parce qu’il ne sait pas s’adapter au contexte du discours. De ce fait, le terme “contexte” est très important dans le processus du discours. La discipline qui décompose le contexte nommé pragmatique. D’après cette explication, j’avais l’intérêt pour analyser les énoncés dans l’histoire d’enfant “Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle” selon les éléments pragmatiques pour trouver l’intention réelle dans ces énoncés. Celles-ci sont utilisés dans le contexte du discours de Hymes, les actes de langage par Austin et Searle et aussi le principe de politesse par Grice et Leech. Dans cette recherche, j’ai également répondu à la question de recherche; “comment décrire des éléments pragmatiques dans l’histoire d’enfant Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle qui se présentent en discours des personnages sous forme de la phrase directe.”Pout traîter les données obtenues, j’ai activé la méthode qualitative parce que ces données sont des données celles descriptives. Dans un autre côté, pour mettre en détaille les donnés, j’ai activé l’approche déscriptives pour décrire les phenomènes naturels et artificiels.Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les éléments pragmatiques telles que le contexte du discours, les actes de langage, et aussi le principe de politesse sont trouvés dans les discours de la phrase directe dans ce bouquin. Ces éléments pragmatiques sont nés parce que cette histoire d’enfant a été présenté d’un style “dialogue” entre les personnages qui deviennent les acteurs du discours. Ces éléments pragmatiques pourraient créer une chose intéressante pour les lecteurs.Enfin, je conseille à d’autres chercheurs pour analyser non seulement des discours des phrases directes mais aussi des phrases indirectes dans d’autres type d’ œuvres comme romans ou les autres oueuvres littéraires. Je conseille également à d’autres recherches pour pratiquer les éléments pragmatiques hors les éléments de cette recherche par exemple implicature, présupposition, et aussi deixis pour que leurs futures recherches soient plus complètes et variées. ABSTRAKCourtessy, Conny. 2013. Kajian Pragmatik dalam Cerita Anak Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle karya Jo Hoestlant dan Frédéric Joos. Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Prancis, Universitas Brawijaya.Pembimbing: (I) Eni Sugiharyanti (II) Agoes SoeswantoKata Kunci: pragmatik, konteks situasi pertuturan, tindak tutur, Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle .Pertuturan adalah bentuk komunikasi langsung dimana terdapat pesan yang ingin disampaikan penutur kepada lawan tutur. Namun terkadang pesan tersebut sulit untuk ditangkap oleh lawan tutur. Hal tersebut bisa terjadi karena lawan tutur tidak menyesuaikan diri dengan konteks saat pertuturan itu berlangsung. Oleh karena itu peran konteks amatlah penting dalam suatu pertuturan. Ilmu bahasa yang mempelajari tuturan yang dipengaruhi konteks disebut ilmu pragmatik. Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis tuturan-tuturan dalam cerita anak Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle berdasarkan unsur-unsur pragmatik untuk menemukan maksud yang sebenarnya terkandung dalam tuturan-tuturan tersebut. Unsur-unsur pragmatik tersebut antara lain; konteks situasi pertuturan oleh Hymes, tindak tutur oleh Austin dan Searle, dan prinsip kesantunan oleh Grice dan Leech. Oleh karena itulah dalam studi ini penulis akan menjawab rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana deskripsi unsur-unsur pragmatik dalam cerita anak Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle yang terdapat dalam tuturan tokoh-tokoh yang berbentuk kalimat langsung.Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif karena data-data yang diperoleh berupa data deskriptif serta menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena-fenomena baik itu alamiah maupun buatan manusia. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa unsur-unsur pragmatik antara lain konteks situasi pertuturan, tindak tutur, serta prinsip kesantunan ditemukan dalam tuturan-tuturan yang berbentuk kalimat langsung yang terdapat dalam cerita anak Journée poubelle pour Gaëlle. Unsur-unsur pragmatik tersebut muncul karena cerita anak tersebut dituangkan dengan gaya dialog antar tokoh yang menjadi peserta tuturnya. Unsur-unsur pragmatik tersebut dapat menciptakan sesuatu yang menarik bagi para pembaca cerita anak tersebut.Peneliti menyarankan pada penelitian selanjutnya untuk meneliti tidak hanya tuturan-tuturan yang berbentuk kalimat langsung saja tetapi juga berbentuk kalimat tidak langsung dalam jenis karya lain seperti novel atau karya sastra lainnya. Peneliti juga menyarankan penelitian selanjutnya menggunakan unsur pragmatik lain yang tidak digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain unsur pragmatik implikatur, praanggapan maupun deiksis agar penelitian yang mengambil topik ini dapat lebih lengkap dan bervariasi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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The writer analyzes conversation styles and language functions that are used by the main characters in Donald Duck Walt Disney comic who are Donald Duck and his nephews (Kwik, Kwek, and Kwak). Qualitative research method is used in this because the data analyzed are in the forms of words rather than numbers. The data source of this study is the English comic of Donald Duck published in 26thedition. The data for this study are taken from the utterances of the main characters in Donald Duck comic.  The study applies Yule’s theory about conversation styles and Cook’s about language functions. Based on the finding the conversation style often used are high involvement style and high considerateness style. Then, the main characters are used seven kinds of language functions. Those are emotive function, directive function, phatic function, poetic function, metalinguistic function, referential function, and contextual function.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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English language and Literature Department, University of Brawijaya.Public information notice is one application of delivering messages using written language. In Malang there are a lot of public information notices found in public places especially in crowded area such as Pasar Besar area and campus area. In the application, some public information notices use figurative language to gain certain effect for the readers. Figurative language is the utterance or expression used to express things in unusual way. Using Reaske (1966) definition of figurative language and Yule (1996) theory of context, this study is aimed to identify (1) the types of figurative language found in public infomation notice in Malang (2) the meaning of figrative language used in public information notice.This study uses qualitative approach in relation of the document analysis. The document analysis is intended to provide clear description about the text in the public information notice.This study finds that (1) figurative languages used in the public information notices in Pasar Besar area and campus area in Malang are sarcasm, metaphor, irony, synecdoche, hyperbole, and personification. Satire is mostly used in Pasar Besar area while personification is dominant in the campus area, (2) The meaning of the utterance in public information notices depends on the situational context and background knowledge of the readers.The writer suggests the next researchers conduct similar research about figurative language by using different point of view or objects. Many phenomena are found in the application of language in daily life. Moreover, the next researhers are able to find other theories concerning the idea of figurative language.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Buddhism entered Japan with the process of assimilation of the teachings of Shinto and Taoism that can be called with Zen-Buddhism. The influence of Zen-Buddhism in Japan itself, is embedded in Japanese society such as taste, style, identity, social status, personality, and mentality. Therefore, Zen-Buddhism can inspire the author to create a work that can reflect and give an overview of the life of a particular era. Writing a novel with the themes of reflection of life and certain moral teachings can provide ideas to make the author of a work, which here is novel.One novel that raised the idea teaching of Zen-Buddhism is Saga No Gabai Bachan. Therefore, in this study the authors will answer the research question is the relationship between Zen-Buddhism with a moral message to be conveyed author. This study uses the approach of Zen-Buddhism. In this study Zen-Buddhism will be described through the descriptive text.The results of this study indicate that the Japanese people especially Osano  always tried to reflect on the teachings of Buddhism-Zen in daily life. Of 8 Zen-Buddhism (astangamarga), there are 5 things that reflect morality and performed by figures which right words / speech, right action, right, right living, right effort and right thinking. In this novel taught how we should always be optimistic and look to the future with a good mind, and the words were honest.The conclusion of this research is the novel Saga No Gabai Bachan illustrates the problems faced by everyone in everyday life, which in this era, more people will be easy to quickly despair in solving his problems, and it is known that the Japanese people are always trying reflect the teachings of Zen-Buddhism without having to go to a particular place of worship. Here the authors suggest that the novelSaga No Gabai Bachan can be studied in more detail by using a psychology approach so as to know the personality / character of the main character is Osano Grandma.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Novel can be analyzed with phsycology approach to knowing about the characters’s personality, especially main character. Personality is the behavior which conscious nor unconscious and have uniqe characteristics. One of the theory to knowing main character’s personality is analitic phsychology theory which  stated by C.G Jung. This theory suggest that there are four important aspects of human personality development, include : (1) Persona, (2) Shadow, (3) Anima dan Animus, and (4) Self. Novel “OUT” is selected in this research because full of the emotion which can describe the characters’s phsychology condition and enable to be studied with C.G Jung’s analytic phsychology theory.The conclusion from the analysis conducted are the main character, Masako Katori, (1) can portray the flexible persona. This is makes her can socializing with the neighborhood very well. She is the character with nice “mask.” (2) Masako has strong shadow. This is makes her can mutilites Kenji’s corpse, The old man’s corpse, her friend Kuniko, and kills Satake who yakuza want to kill her. (3) Based on Jung’s anima and animus, Masako is androgyny, who has strong feminine and maskuline characteristic. (4) Self in Masako is be explained that she stills processing to search her identity.

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