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Analysis System Social Interaction of Otaku in the movie "Densha Otoko" Directed Shousuke Murakami Raharja, Endra
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Densa Otoko is a film directed by Shousuke Murakami. The film described about Otako who only spend their time for working and they always walked around Akihara for viewing and collecting figures anime favorite. The writer interested in the movie about social interaction of Otaku. The one approach that can be done for focusing on the characterization and social interaction system, better known as the sociology of literature. The theory that the writer used for analyzing this film is the theory of sociology, communication, otaku and mise-en-scene. The results of this study are perceived convenience Densha Otoko to socialization proses with internet that makes life to be alone and more likely to choose a virtual life. Meeting with Hermes made ​​Densha Otoko’s life changing and have a desire to live the life of a human being. Densha Otoko desire to live in the real world due to various factors, including the factors identified, factor of sympathy, and the factor of suggestion, while interacting with other human beings  Densha Otoko doing some form of cooperation, accommodation and assimilation. Densha Otoko effort in interacting with other human beings doing a process of cybernetic communication, cognitive dissonance, and a process of rhetoric. Changing process made Densha Otoko certainly will not effective if there are many factors such as the factors that can facilitate the assimilation among others, contact with other cultures, respect for one's work and the desire to progress, tolerance, open system of society, the public dissatisfaction to certain areas of life, future orientation, as well as a strong desire to improve his life. In the next analyze of study the writer suggest for choosing this movie with other approaches with the goal of enriching the appreciation of the literary work.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This study is aimed to analyze the short story The Lottery to reveal the human irony. To analyze the data, the writer applied Peircean semiotics. The results of data analysis indicate that there is a human irony reflected by the sign in the short story that is The Lottery itself. The discovery of human irony in this short story is done through three levels of understanding the theory of Peircean semiotics. For better study, the writer suggests that English Literature students dig The Lottery because there are many aspects that can be analyzed more deeply for example, using the theory of psychology to examine each character and theory of Cultural Studies to examine the terms and traditions contained in this short story.   Keywords: short story “The Lottery”, human irony, Peircean semiotics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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There are two problems of the study: (1) what are the locutions and illocutions found in the dialogues containing speech acts between two main characters of Spongebob Squarepants cartoon film in the episode of “Pre-hibernation Week”? and (2) What are the types of speech acts found in the dialogues between the two main characters according to their structural forms and communicative functions? Qualitative approach and document analysis are applied in this study. While, the data source is dialogues between SpongeBob and Sandy of Spongebob Squarepants cartoon film entitled “Pre-hibernation week” and the data are the speech acts expressions uttered by the characters.. The results of this study shows that there are 59 declaratives, 51 imperatives and 22 interrogatives type of locution in 132 utterances. The researcher also found 80 direct speech acts and 52 indirect speech acts by using speech act theories proposed by Searle (1976) and Grundy (2000). The researcher suggests the next researcher learn more other linguistic subjects and analyze other objects to enrich the information related to linguistic phenomena.     Keyword: pragmatics, speech act, direct and indirect speech act.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This article analyzes the portrayal of commodification in human’s behavior as depicted a novel entitled Lolita. Such phenomenon could be found in the novel, in which the main character named Humbert Humbert is tend to behave in such way. Vladimir Nabokov as the author shows that human’s treatment towards each other can be affected by material point of view. The writer used Marxism approach in analyzing the depiction and applying theory of commodification and adding few social-economical references in order to reveal the depiction clearly. It will focus on Humbert Humbert characteristic as the basis of his commodification behavior then moved to his relationship with the characters in the novel that is related with commodification value. The result shows that Humbert’s relationship with some characters in the novel is proven to involves both sign and exchange value.   Keywords: Marxism, Commodification, Exchange Value, Sign-exchange Value
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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In communication, people often use more than one code. In this case people may switch from one code to another code for certain purpose. This kind of phenomenon is called as Code Switching. Code switching is a linguistics term that basically means switching back and forth between two or more languages in the course of a conversation. A study on code switching from one variety of language to another variety of the same language is interesting to be discussed since it can reflect social, cultural, and individual preference. This study examines code switching used in Indonesian idol TV program which is focused on the code switching used by Agnes Monica as one of the commentators in that program. The purposes of this study are to figure out: (1 ) Types of code switching utterances used by commentator in spectacular concerts of Indonesian Idol 2012 on RCTI. (2) Factors that influence the use of code switching by commentator in spectacular concerts of Indonesian Idol 2012 on RCTI. The research design applied in this study is descriptive-qualitative. The data in this study are the utterances of Agnes Monica, one of the commentators in Indonesia Idol 2012. These utterances were recorded when she was giving the comment and evaluating the performance on the stage after singing. In this way, the researcher analyzed Indonesian Idol spectacular show episode 1. The results of this research show that Agnes switches the code when giving the comment to the contestants after singing. Agnes switches the code from Bahasa Indonesia to English, English to Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia to local language (Betawi), and local language (Betawi) to English. There are two kinds of code switching used by Agnes. They are internal code switching, and external code switching. The mostly used type of code switching by Agnes is external code switching. There are dominant factors namely participant and setting that influence the use of code switching. The researcher suggests that  this reserach hopefully can be used for teaching material. Also the researcher suggests to the next researchers who are going to do an analysis about code switching uses different theory and different data. . Key Words: Code Switching, Agnes Monica.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Interaction will not occur properly if someone does not speak with the right style.  In this study, the ways of bloggers comment the blog perhaps can be investigated from the characteristics of language styles to show casualty, intimacy, consultatively, deliberatively and oratorical. In addition, the characteristic of their language style perhaps show some phenomenon according to their sexual identity. This research is intended to answer: What language styles are used by male and female bloggers to express their thoughts on The objective of the study is to get the deep description about the problem of the study which is defining male and female bloggers in using their language style on Moreover, the study will find the dominant style that occur in the blog . The writer finds that male and female bloggers in the blogosphere use three kinds of language styles, which are; consultative, casual and intimate.  According to the result, casual style that dominates among others is more influenced by informal situation in the blog. The researcher concludes that setting and sexes are such factors that influence the language style that been used by bloggers to express their opinion in In addition to their writing form, the researcher assumes that many bloggers use the typical of spoken language to write their comment.  They write by using the typical of spoken form language which has no formality and preplanning. Moreover, some of them use inappropriate words to be shown in written form. Therefore, the researcher concludes that the comments in the are not definitely as written form according to the language variety perspective. Key Words: Language Style, Male and Female and Blogosphere
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Communication is one of the most important things in our life because people can understand each other through communication. While communicating, they use a media called a language. Usually, people use a same language with different variation. Also, language as the communication media has avoidance which is known as taboo words (Wardhaugh, 2006). Those words are also the form of language variation, but not all the people use them in a conversation as often as the others. Some people only use it for a certain condition such as when they are angry, while some people undoubtedly use taboo words even in some works such as movies and songs. The example of taboo words in a movie can be seen in Reservoir Dogs movie. Therefore, this study is aimed to describe taboo words phenomena happen in a movie with several problems which are taboo words used by the characters in Reservoir Dogs movie, the types of taboo words used by them, and the context when the taboo words occurred. In conducting this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method as well as document or content analysis approach. The writer also used sampling which is maximum variation sampling as one of the purposive sampling types. As the sample, the writer only took 21 utterances containing taboo words produced by Mr. White, and 20 of them produced by Nice Guy Eddie to describe the analysis on types of taboo words used as well as the context. In analyzing the type of taboo words, the writer used Wardhaugh’s (2006) theory. While for analyzing the context in which taboo words are occurred, the writer used Holmes’ (1992) theory which covers social factors such as participants, setting, topic, and function of taboo words. In this research, the writer finds 141 utterances containing taboo words, in which 71 utterances are uttered by Mr. White and 70 utterances are uttered by Nice Guy Eddie. The writer also concludes that the most occurrence type used by both characters is sex which is about 53%, which functions to give an emphasis and to express anger. The writer suggests for the next researcher to use more than one theory in analyzing the type of taboo word. The writer also suggests the next researchers who use movie as the object, to find different genre of the movie.   Keywords       : taboo words, types, context, social factors, Reservoir Dogs Movie, Mr. White, Nice Guy Eddie
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Novel is one of literary fiction exciting and in demand by today's society. Novel One Liter of Tears can be analyzed through a variety of approaches one through the psychological approach, in this case the approach of humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow. This study answers the formulation of the problem, namely, how the needs of multilevel manifestation Aya character in the novel One Litre of Tears through the approach of humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow. Analyzed from the humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow's theory of needs through stratified, the authors found evidence that suggests a figure of Aya Kito kink in the middle of her illness by using multilevel needs Maslow, include basic physiological needs, safety needs, the need for love and has, the need for self-esteem, and self-actualization needs. First is the physiological needs are met, such as food. Second, the need for security are met such as the protection and care of people around him to Aya. Then the third, the need for love and has successfully met the form of affection and love and support from people around him that never stops. The four requirements are met for self-esteem and motivation for the provision of support to the Aya from many quarters, and the last is the fulfillment of the need for self-actualization in the form of various kinds of things that have been done Aya to actualize himself in the middle of the limitations he has. For subsequent studies suggested to extend the analysis for example by analyzing the figures Shioka Kito, mother of Aya Kito, moral values ​​approach. Keyword : Psychology, Story needs, Novel, One Liter of Tears
Gairaigo Dalam Majalah Nippon Ditinjau Dari Segi Pembentukan Kata Yulianto, Uky
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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One of the characteristics of language is dynamic. Therefore, the language is always changing to keep track of people as speakers. The development of culture, science, and technology are also the factors were affecting changes in language. That’s why, there are  new words called loan words. There are two problems to be solved in this study, namely : (1) What type of word formation is in the magazine  Nippon No. 3 (2) How does the frequency of the appearance of words formation’s types in the magazine Nippon No.3. This study uses qualitative descriptive type. The data source was used in this study is the loan words wich found in the magazine Nippon No.3 year 2009. The analysis is to do with the classification of the vocabulary, tabulation, and analysis of data. As the result there are 150 words of data included in gairaigo. The process of the formation that appears in the source data, is affixation (8 words), abbreviation (97 words), wasei gairaigo (7 words), and mixing (38 words).  Of all the types of word formation, the type of abbreviation is the most common form, which contained 97 words. From the abbreviations type, the type of word formation without the cutting is the most common, which is 81 words.   Key words : Loan words, Magazines, Morphology.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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When someone learn foreign language, sometimes learners do error. If its error did not corrected as soon as possible, it will repeat again continuesly. Therefore the writer interest to research language error analysis morphology and syntax in brawijaya university japanese literature students. There are six error sentence type that found in research result : omission error sentence type, addition error sentence type,  mistake formation error sentence type, confusion error sentence type, position error sentence type, the other error sentence type. Based on six error sentence type, include to morphology error are omission error sentence type, addition error sentence type,  mistake formation error sentence type, the other error sentence type. And then include to syntax error are addition error sentence type,  confusion error sentence type, position error sentence type, the other error sentence type. Keyword : language error, morphology error, syntax error, japanese language           proficiency test level 3, sentences making

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